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r <br />9. Condemnation. The proceeJS of any award or claret for damages, dirca or conseyuzntiai, in connection with any <br />condemnation a- other taking of the Propeny, or part thereof, err for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the even[ of a panial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Dted of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amoum of the sums secured by rhs Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />takiag bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately pnor to the Jate of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />if the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender ro Borrower that the conJemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damage, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within JO Jays after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's upuon, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums ucurcd by this Decd of Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall non extend <br />or stpone the due Jatt o[ the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs f anJ 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />f0. Borrowv Nut Released. Extension of the time fur payment ur muJificatimt of amortization of the sums secureJ' <br />by then DeeJ of Trust granted by I-ender m any successor in interest u( Burrower shall not op:rate to release, in any manner, <br />the liability of Hic original Borrower and Borrowed succeswrs in interc>t. Lender shall nut be required to commence <br />proceedings against such successor ur refuse to extend time for paymtm «r utherwut modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this DeeJ of Trust by reason of any demand made by the ongulul Borrower anJ Borrower's successors in mterest. <br />i ]. Forirearrnc! by Leader Nut a Waiver. Any lorbearance by Lender m exercising any right ur remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise alfordeil Oy applicable law, shall nut hu a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy <br />The pr~urement u! i.^sural:cc or the paymem of taxes or other liens or charges by lxnder shall not 6e a waiver o! Lender's <br />right ro acceleram the maturity of the indebtedness szcurGrl by Chi] Uetd of Trust, <br />t2. Remedirs Cumulative All rzmedits proviJeJ•in ihls UCed of `Crust dre Jistmct anJ cumulative to any other right <br />or remedy unJer this UeeJ ul Trust ur afforded by lay or eyu,ty, and may t>c exerciseil concurrently, independently or <br />succsssively. 1 '' <br />13. Successors and Assigns Bourgl; Joint roil Several LiahilitY; Capliom. The covenants and agrceracnts he«m <br />contained shall broil, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the reslrtcuvt ]uccessurs and assigns of Lender and &rrtower. <br />sub;ect to the provis,ons of paragraph 17 hereof. All •uvenanrs :mJ agreements of Borrower shall be join[ and several <br />The captions and headings ut the paragraphs ut the DceJ u( Trent are tar cunvcnience Doty anJ arc not w Fat useJ w <br />interpret or define the provismps hereof. <br />14. Notice Except (or any notice reywrtd unJer applicable Iuw a+ he given m another manner. (al any ~nouce ro <br />Borrower procideJ fpr in this Deed u( Trust shall Ise given by mafling such nWict h}' cerufied mail aJdressed m Borrower at <br />the Property Address ur at such other address as Borrower may designate by nmice to Lender m prov,JtJ heruq anJ <br />(b) any notice to Lender shall tx grven by cerufied merit, return «ceipt reyuesteJ. to Lender's aJdrcss stated herein or m <br />such other address as Linder may Jtsignart bi «oilee to Borrower as prov,Jtd herein. Any nonce prov,ileJ for in this <br />Died of Trust shall be deemed to h:rac been given m Bortowtr or Lander when given m the manner Jcsrgnated herein <br />15. Uniform Ueed of Trrut; Governing haw; Srverabiltl). lhu form nt JeeJ of (rust wmhmes unform covenants for <br />national u]e and non-umlorm covenants with liauteil VarianUlq by IunsJicuon m Constitute a uniform security msuument <br />covering real property. This Deed of Trust shall ht govcrneJ Oy ihr taw a( the µrrisdicuun in which the Propery' is ItKHICJ <br />In the event that any provision or clause of Chu Uecd of Trust or tfle'Note conflicts wuh applicame law, such conflict shall <br />nut alfen other provaions of ihls DeeJ of Trust ur fhe'Nofe which cap tst given zftecl without the cunlhcUng provmun. <br />alyd to 1711] tnJ ehC provuroru ut the DCCJ uI Trns[ altil IhC Nnrt art per:la rCJ !ll frC ]t YtrablC. <br />Iw. Burrewu's Copy. Borrower shall !n lurnuhed a Cunfarmcd copy u( the Note and at this RceJ u( "7'ru>t al talc rime <br />ct cxecuuun ur after recordanun hereof. <br />!7. Transfer of the Property; Aaumptlon. 11 all ur any part of Ihr Pepper q' or an interest thereto rs sold or lransferrtJ <br />by Burrower wuhuut Ltnderb prior wrinen consent cxcluJing (a) ihr `crrauun in a hen or encumbrance wbordmatr to <br />:his C1peJ of Trust, ;b) the aeauan of a purchase money security mterest (or twu]tholJ apphancES, te) a transitr by Jcvi>t. <br />JtsCtnr o: by .;perauun of law upon the death of a tarot tenant ur - <br />- I,codcr may, ai 1 cnJcr's o(?Gnn. Jccla« :JI the um1, usural b} ilia OrtJ of Tani ro hr <br />unomilmtely due and payable. Lender shall have wwveJ such upuon to acctkraie d, prior io ihr sale or transfer, Lender <br />ar,d :s,b t~rsar, :- - nom .hr Property rs to be sulJ ur irartsferrzd r-aCh agreement , -rmug that the cr>'Jit .+ >uch ~rsu+a <br />>anstactury tualxader sxJ throe the ixrtrcst pu9ahle uu tlrc roam +eo:rcd ht Ihu ~L)crd of Ffu+l ,hall tx air each ra!t ax <br />LerWrr >flarl request. If Ltr.Jtr has warvtJ the upuon to acctler.uc pnxiJeJ w Chu paragraph I', .u+J rf Hurrower's xxCtsa+r <br />m ,rite«>t has uca-umJ a wnliCn assumpnun age eemrni accepted m wrung h} LenJer, Lender shall release Burrower Irom <br />ai! ahbgauom unJer this DrzJ ui Truu anJ ihr Nott. <br />If lxnder exern>es >uch upuon to acceltrale. LtnJer shall mad Ho, rower nuueC ui acceleru urn m aaorJmrce wuh <br />paragraph 11 herein Such ouUCC shall pnrvidr a IxnuJ ur not ies> then ill Jaa+ Irum the date the nnuCC n nti,ICd wuhus <br />whu'h Harrower may pay ihr wnu JeclareJ Jut. I! Bun uw er t.uh ro I+ay ,uch sums pnor to the zxpuauon ul such lrenuil. <br />Lender may', wuhout further nuuce ur Jemand un Burrower, smoke .un rcmrd«•s pennmeJ by paragraph I g hr«of. <br />Nara-U rvuox xf ('oveNxd rs Harrower anJ Lrn.ler lurihtr a.ovrnem ., n.l agree a+ follow,. <br />Ig. Accrirrotioq; Renmdies. Excep as pmsirkJ in paragrwph 77 hereof, upon Bwrtuwrr'a breath of anY cq«xarar u <br />rgrtemaN u! lturrowrr in Ibis UreJ of Trmf, including flit cur rnanls ra pay when Aur nny +ums secured 6Y Ibis Gerd <br />of Tnrsf, IxnJrr p€iur to acreir.'^yiux shalt exalt nutiar rn Burruwrr w pries ided in paragraph IJ hr«af sprrif}fag: Ifl Ihr <br />b«ath; t21 rhr action rryuirrri lu curt aua'h hrraa h; UI a JYfe rwi irn ibarl 30 Drys from Ihr dale ihr nrrricr is mrfled to <br />Jtaer'aer, fry wbtrh such brsaa-A rows: be tared: axd 74) that Saifure to rare such brr'w•h un cr I:efmr the Jatt sp<cifmt <br />in Ihr wurkr naay rrsuh in wcdrratfux u! the sums arcurcd by flJs Urrd u( Crml nod salr of the Pmprny. Thr rxxke <br />nAaB further {nform Nrrtruwrr of rhr right ru «inslrlr rifer rrcerlrralimr anJ IMe rlgbl lu brixg a court m•Ihm lu aaen <br />the rxlN•exlatr«aF xl a ak(antt of ax} uihrl defrwar x( Bur{rower rx aa'etkratiu« aIIJ Wit. f( IhC brew'h ib nn/ •a«d <br />ux ur ire(u« the fait +prcfhrri ter ihr nadca Lrnd<r err t.rrrdrr's option mr) JrrHrr all ul Ihr sums seturcd b} Chia Decd <br />of Trust w ht immedlaitft Jnr and pa}sMe wllhuur (weber Jemand aqJ mat ire+uke Ihr power of safe and err) oilier remedies <br />parmrttrd by appbsads raw, leader sbrH lee rmirkd ix culkcl ail rraarmabk tusk and rspenses inrurrcd in pursuing the <br />«msdfew prurided is this paragraph Itf, lira tudirra, but teat Umricd ro, rrawmable attorney's fees. <br />1( rhr power of sale is ix+uked. Trustee shall record w nut ire u( Jtiquif in rxnh county in which ihr Property ur wine <br />pan tfrerrxf is Ixcatrd aoJ shaft mail eup{es ut saab rwHCr is ihr manner p«+€rfbrd by appiicatrk law fu Bur€awrr and to fpr <br />rwbt€ pr€+rrg4 p€r•€€tfirf tr} appluafrk Raw. .ifire ilia Iatfst of sa€h Simi a+ relay he rryui«J by applfa'abtr law. T rnsirr rhaii <br />glee pahffc rwrriar of sale to the prrswrs arm hr the rwaasrer prr.arfbed by appit<`afdr law. Croaks, wifbrrur Jruland uu <br />Harrower, shill etif rhr Properly of lrut+ik awuux ro ihr hlghrsr balder err Ihr Ihne and place and corder ihr terms rirsignaied <br />Hs rhr ndkr ut sWr it unr nr rx+.rr parcrb oral in such order as 1 nl+ire rota) Arlrnnine. 1}ualrr era) poalyoxr +alt ai all <br />ur ax) portal ref alit Pruprny b) pxldia- axxuxlK rx«ai ax rhr elate axJ plaar of xay prerWUSt) +rhrdultd sak. Lender ur <br />LsgJer'+ desigurr may purchase ihr Pruprrt) a! aqy sale. <br />Ulwx «a'efpl ad prtrxrnr of ihr prier itfd. lnnier shill rktirrr to rhr yurchafrr 'IYUafrr: deed conveyiug the Pmprnf <br />xufd. 1'hr rn'ifals ix rhr Irw.tre'+ dre@ shall Ire prima lack rsiJrxav of rhr Inrlh of Ihr slalrrurn/s rnadr ihrrrln. 'Crwtrr <br />shag ripply rhr proceeds u[ rbe nark rq rhr tolluwip,~ order: { J fu ail « asonuble costs and eslxvt+rs of flit +alr, lnciudbtg, but <br />xrJ lixriled tu. I eusir<+ Im rd rw! mwr than 1 J.. U1r ~M':. of Ihr grua++rk prier, reusonulrlr aihrrnry's fees and cus4 of <br />rick evldegcr; vhf lu a!! sums +rcurrJ by This fheJ ref 1'rsni; aqd Ic1 the rxcrxs, if an), pt tier prraun ur yersuxs legally rnlbled <br />IIxMO. <br />19. Bur uwcr's Riahi to RrimJaie. Nutty uhsia nJ mg l.rnJc r', aactlm auun ul the nun, , rcJ Ivy Ih,+ UceJ of f riot <br />Bun uwrr ]teal! have Ihr right lu have ,uv puxccdmg, IKgun by Lenilu io c~lorce flu, lh ~~J of foul JixuuunueJ at <br />any ums pnor to Ihr tad,tr in +kcor of ui the rihh Jot hclo« the sole ut the Parprrr Y' pursu:un n, the power of wle ottuaux'd <br />m rhi> OttJ o! Tn,>! rv rw catty ui a Pulgnxla col nrmng rho lktd ul Tnur d- luf Hot row cr p:ry, Cruder all roam which wuulJ <br />tsz then der corder Chu Ihed ui Tniv, ihr Nam .usJ nuie> seeurmg (=unrzc .Advances. J .u,}, hail no acceleration oCttureJ. <br />IO) Harrower cures aL' Mtathes ul any other a nano or agreements ur Honower wmameJ m this Ueed of Trull: <br />(1'1 lurrower pays ail reasunahir expcn+CS , aurc Iv by i ender anJ -inulrc w chi urpng the . chants anJ agrermm~t> or <br />Hunowsr a-omauttJ in Chu L)ttd u[ ~(lu>t anJ u, rlrt ursine LenJrr'+_ artJ IIn,ICC', rtmtJlts asvJxnviJCd :n parug[apb IN <br />hereof. including. Out not hmucJ ai. reaxmabk atlornt/''• tct:..u1J Ids Hm rower cries +uch aeuon .n l.cndzr may re:uonably <br />rcyu«c to «usurc that Utz lien of th,s DeeJ of i'r u,t, I ender'+ nune,i m the Propznv .uul Hnrrow n', uhhgauun io pas <br />