80, ~ Ci ~ £ :~ ~:
<br />UNIFORM CUVFNANT$. BnrrnWrr and LCnJef a'OVrltanl and agra`C aS follows:
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pny when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provide) in the Nate, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future AJvanas secured by thu UreJ of l"nut.
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />w Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and imrrcst arc p;ryable unJrr the Note, until the Notc is paid in vll.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to onatwelfth of the yearly taxes anJ asxssmems which may attain priority over this
<br />Deed of Tnrst, and ground rents on the Property, i(any; plus one-twelfth of yearly premmm installments fur hazard inwrancc,
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installmens for mortgage insurwue, if any, all as reasonably esumatrd initially and from
<br />time m time by Lender on rhr basis of assessmems and bills anJ reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />"fhe Funds shall be held in an institution the Deposits or accounts of which are insured or guarantee) by a Federal or
<br />state agency (including [.ender if Linder is such an inuiltnion). LenJer shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, asuSSmenla,
<br />insurance premiums anJ ground rents. Linder may not charge for su holJmg and applying the Funds, analynng said account
<br />nr verifying and compiling sail assessments anJ bills, unless LrnJer pays Borrower interest nn the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Linder to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execmion of thu
<br />DceJ of Trust that imrrcst oo the Funds shall 6c paid to Borrower, anJ unless such agrermem is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest W he puiJ, 1_ender shall nut be required to pay Burrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Bornswcr, without charge, an unnunl accounting of the Funds showing crcJiu anJ Debits ns the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was male. "fhe Funds arc pledge) as aJditional security for the sums ucured
<br />by this Derd of Trust.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, usgcthrr with the Iwure nunnhly installments uF Funds payable pour w
<br />the Jue Dates of tuxes, assessments, mwrance premiums and gown) rents, shall exceeJ the amount required W pay said taxes.
<br />assessments, insurance premiums anJ grounJ rents as they tall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly rrpaiJ IU Borrower ur credited to Uorruwer un monthly installments ul Funds. If the amoum of lh¢ Funds
<br />held by Lender sF.a!i not hr sufiicicm w pay taxes, assexsntents, insurans premiums anJ ground erns as they fail dar.
<br />Borrower shall pay m Lender any amount necessary ui make up the Jrfiarency within 30 Jays from the Jate notice a maileJ
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in toll of ah sums secure) h} this Da:eJ of "frost, LrrJer shall promptly refund w Burrower any FunJs
<br />hell by Lender. 11 under paragraph IN hereof the Property a solJ ur the Property rs otherwise acyuired by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, nu later than immediately prior w the sale of the Pnrluny ur iu acyurswon by LenJer, any Funds hriJ by
<br />I_rnder at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured 6y thu DceJ of (rust.
<br />3. Applicatlun of Payments. Unless applicable law proviJc, othcrwrsc, all payment, recces eJ by Lender under the
<br />Note anJ paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall lx applied by Lender first m payrnem of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then m interest payable on the Notc, then to the princpal of the Note. and then to interest and
<br />principal on any Future AJvau~es.
<br />4. Charges; Lieru. Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessments anJ other ehargn, fine, anJ nn pustrions aurihulahlr ns
<br />the Property which may attain a pnority over This Dred of Trust, and IraseholJ payments or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, it not pail in such moaner, by Borrower making payment, when due, directly
<br />to the payer thereof. Borrower shall promptly tarnish w LenJer all nmrces of amount, Jw under this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Dorrower shall make payment Ju eetly. Burrower shall promptly turmsh to Larder receipts eviJencwg such payments.
<br />Burrower shall promptly duchargr any tiro which has pnurily over thu DceJ ul 'fnrsC pnmdrJ, that &nrower shall not tse
<br />reyuueJ to discharge any such lien so lung as Borrower shall agree in writing to the puymenl ul the obhgmwn secure) h}'
<br />such hen m a manner acceptable to Lender, or sh:Jl m goof both contest such hint hy, or JetenJ enlotzemem of such hen m.
<br />Irgal proeredings which operate to prevent the enWrcemrnt of the hen ur turtriturr of the Pronrrrv ur any part therca(.
<br />5 Horsed Losarann. Burrower shall keep the improvements rww existing ur hrrrafter rrcctrJ un Ihr Property inured
<br />against loss by hie, hazards inchrdrd within the loon "extendeJ cuvcrage•', and wch other hazards as LenJer may rcyuur
<br />and rn such anwunts and for such prnods as Lender may reyuirr; provided, that Isnder shag not rcyuur that the amount of
<br />such coverage exceed that amount of coverage reyurrcJ to pay the sum, secured by this Dred ut 'f rust.
<br />'fhe insurance surfer proviJing the imurunee shall ter chasm by Harrower subtect to appmval by Lender, pn,vtdrd.
<br />that such approval shall not fu unreasonably withheld All prcmiunu on insurance prnc~ies shalt he pail in the manner
<br />proviJcJ under paragraph ~ hereof or, if am purd in such manner, by Burrower making paynunt, when Jur, duectly to the
<br />i.^.surantt earrr_r.
<br />Alt mwrana:e policies and renewals theuut shall hr n turn acacptahir to i ender and ,half rncfuJr a standard mongagr
<br />clause left favor ul anJ is fuss ::cceptak,le to Leader. Lender shall have the rght to hot:! rhr policies and renewals thereof,
<br />and Burruwrr shah promptly furnish m LrnJer :JI rcnewui uotiecs anJ .iii tranpta of p.ud premums. in the r --•-t of loss,
<br />Borrower shah grv-e prompt nonce to the msuronac aatnCr anJ I.cnatcr. La-rtdcr maT- make pr-atctf ut lus, J not made prunrpify
<br />by BUrfnwer.
<br />L: nICYS t rndrl a1IJ BarraWrr ulhcrW lSa' age ti In Nrrlrng, In aUlanir pnh erJa ,h•Ilt be appllt'J tar te,l UrallUn nI repalf alt
<br />the. Proprrty Damage), provided web reaurauon m rep:ur rs cumonurdly trouble .rnJ the w ant} of flirt lA:e.t of 'll ust r
<br />nut thereby unpau eJ 11 :uch reamralwn ur repine a not r ononucally Icasthle ur rl Ihr +cannp of the, lheJ of I rust would
<br />Fxf rmpaucd, the rrnurancc puscccds shall tsr applied w Iheawnts scaueJ h)' the, IkrJ of trust, with the rs.c,s. rI an}, part
<br />to Burruwrr If the, Property is abunJoneJ 6y Burrower, ur it Burruwrr t.uh ni rrslwrul as LrnJer wuhm )(} days Iron the
<br />date nuu.e is madrd by lxndrr W Burrower that the msurunce caa ur otters to settle a ctann hx aroraner to nefiis. l.rnJcr
<br />rs authunmJ w rodeo and apply the tmurunce prw:eeds at Linda's opuuu archer to wvurnum or repau of the Rupetty
<br />ur to the runts srcweJ by thu Decd of Tout.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower utherwur agree nt wnuug. auT such applwauon of puuceds to Ixmapal shall not extol)
<br />or pustgau ths• Jue Jate of flu ntnmhly iustallntema rrlerreJ w ut paragruph> t anJ ~ hrrrul or chmrgr the anwum ul
<br />such mstalhurm+. 7t unJrr {wragraph IN hen:ut rhr Isroprrt} rs acywrcd h} lcnJer, ell right, udc anJ numcst ail tkxnswrr
<br />i^ auJ to soy mwtana:r policies and m and to the pnueeds theuof rrsulunx_ tram Juntagr n thv Property pour h, the sale
<br />ur acalwvoun shall pass lU LCOJCI' IU Ihr a'AICIII al Ihr sums a:cweJ by thu IhcJ of I nut muurJratcly pour ro ,uch sale or
<br />acyuiauiun
<br />6. Prnenatbn sad Malatenrnrr ut Property; Leaseholds; L'undmniniuna; Planrsed Uait Ikralopmaan. &rn uwer
<br />,hell V,rep Ihr PRrpcri} Irl gahrJ upatt aY1J ,hall IYart iltnlmll we41r an ih'Iih ii wip.rrl nt~flt air h'ti'i:.+rah..n :,) iftr Ptopctt}
<br />.mJ sbaiC comply with the provismns vi any Irasr tf tNs tired of "ITUSt n utt n leeachuld Ii Ihn DecJ of 7Tust a nn a amt u: a
<br />condonunmm ur a pianncJ wut drvrlupmeut, Bunnwrr shall lurtmm all ut Borrowers uhhgau:nn under the Jeciarauon
<br />ur covenants creaung ur govenung the rotrlurnuuum or planneJ unn Jcvelopment, the by-law, and rrgulauorn of tha•
<br />natdaminium ur planucal unn develnpntem, end conaulucm Jucumrnts II a conJomwium ur Islanned unit Jtwlopmrnt
<br />nJer is t^xreumJ by Burruwrr anJ rocunlcai together wnh this Decd ul I rust, the ruvenanh unJ agrremcurs of such ndcr
<br />L -.! fx tt - - -urcl - - d abet! enttud and wpplcmrttt flit' env-cttt ut- au_t ~rgt arnranta u! JI-s U.aJ ur T r u~ a= ,f rhr ttder
<br />WetC a pal't IrrrrUt
<br />~. P(81@CtHan :Yf I.eadai's ~trl'niify. if BixrUWrr lark IU peel nfm Ifrl' an`. Citarila .tint afrrCCntGttts c!nt ~=:r~J to 1811
<br />ChrJ of Trust, ur rt any aamn nr pnuredutg n rouuneuad which nrucnall} ati ra is I cooler', nnerest m rbc Isro(srny-
<br />includutg, bin not IunurJ tu, cuu runt Jomaur, unulvcney, euJr culureemm~t, Uf auangenunts ar pnuccdurg, nn stung .+
<br />bankrupt ur Jecnden6 then lender at Lemier's opuun, upns nonce m Bornrwrr, ntay nrakr stub aptss•.u soars Jrsbunc ur.h
<br />sums auJ take ouch acuun av r necessary w pruterl 1_ender's nvur+t, utcluJutg. but nut 6usued IU, uuhuurnscnt ,.r
<br />renwnahic auor nry'x lets anJ entry upon rhr Prolun}' lu m;dr rcpaus Ii lcnJer rcyuur) nurrtgagr rtuuani~ a+ .
<br />cumlitiun of utak+ng the fonts secure) by titre UrrJ art Trtrsl, Burruwrr shall pay rhr prctuuturs rayttrrJ tsa rnaerntam +u,h
<br />msuraacc ir. elTrat uanl sorb tinrc as the reyuirrnrcnr hn catch nrsuruxe ternuoatca w axunlanca• wnh Hornrwer's and
<br />Lendrri wntien agreemem or appficublr low borrower sh:dl {wy rhr :unuunl of ~dl urungagr nnwuncc pronouns, m tfw'
<br />manner provided unJrr paragraph ? herauf.
<br />Anv amounts JubuneJ by lender punuam to thu paragraph 7, wnh intcrrst tha coo, ,halt hcaenr aJJnuw.rl
<br />indebtrdruss of &xruwcr srcun:J by flits Drrd cat Trust Uolea Bunuwer nnJ i ender .tgree w utlur moos cal payment, ,uch
<br />amounts shall tse payable upon nonce from Ixnder to Barrow er reyucsung p;n•rncnt thereof, :utJ shall hear uttrreat inxn rbc
<br />Date of disbursement at rhr rate payable from tine us time on uutstaruhug prusa q+al under rhr Note uulrss paymrm oC intrust
<br />at wa~h rate wunid fix: amtrary ro applicable law, in which even) ,uch antumus shall hcnr uxrrea et rhr highest tale
<br />r:,.: missihle .:;;der appltcahlr law. Nothing cantuinrd in this paragraph ' sh:Jl rcyuur Lender m iruur any expenu or [akr
<br />any aauon heret!n fir.
<br />g. laxpert[w. LenJer may make car cause to M: made reasonable rotors upon :nW uuluchass of rhr Property, pnsvrJeJ
<br />that i _aJcr shah give Borrower notice pine ro arty sorb rnsprrtion sprcJying tcusunahF sure thrrctor rrta;rd to Lrndv°r',
<br />..„~,~a. ,,. tF~ P.as,vr s..
<br />