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<br />so- pQ4G7s M(1RTGA~E
<br />tom) L~lu-q ~ 9 /q a='l~
<br />This mortgage made and ettteted into this day of
<br />19 ,bynnd ~~~ Ronald D. and Evelyn 0. Laub
<br />(hereinafter referred to as torgagor) and the Administrator of the Smal! Buaineaa Administration, an agency of the
<br />C,overtwwt of the United Staw of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgagce), who mainttias an o6ee and
<br />plain ofbarnssat Empire State Building, 14th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 6$102
<br />pttttrassaia, tb:t [or the cooaideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is beteby acknowledged, the
<br />,satgager does hsreby mottgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, his sacer~soro and arigoa, aB
<br />of the followietg deaerihed peopeetp situated and being in the Comty of Ha11
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Southwest Quarter (SE1bSW`Z), of Section Twenty-seven (27), Township
<br />Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9) T•?est of the 6th P.M-, in Hall County
<br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point
<br />on the East line of said Southwest Quarter (SW}y),said point being
<br />Forty-five (45.0) Feet North of the Southeast corner-"of said Southwest
<br />Quarter (BW~); thence North along the East line of said Southwest Quarter
<br />(SW'Z), a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Seventy-six and Five Tenths
<br />(1,276.5) Feet, to the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Southwest Quarter (SE4SW'~,); thence Westerly along the North line of said
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE'ZSW'Z), a distance of
<br />Seven Hundred Twenty-five and Sixty-three Hundredths (725.63) Feet;
<br />thence deflecting left 90° 17' 35" and running Southerly, a distance of
<br />Three Hundred Twenty-seven and Sixty-five Hundredths (327.65) Feet;
<br />thence deflecting right 590 34' and running Southwesterly a distance of
<br />Six Hundred Fifty-four and Three Tenths (654.3) Feet, to the Southwest
<br />corner of the NW'ZSEIr;SW'r:; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of
<br />said Section Twenty-seven (27), a distance of Six hundred Forty-seven
<br />(,647.01 Feet; thence deflecting right $9° 53' and running Southerly, a
<br />distance of `[tan Hundred Eighty-one and Seventy-five Hundredths (2$1.75)
<br />Feat, to a point Three Hundred Seventy-five (375.0) Feet ida~rth of said
<br />South line of Section Twenty-seven (27); thence Easterly parallel t0
<br />said South line of Section Twenty-seven (27) a distance of Nineteen and
<br />Ninety-two Hundredths (19.92) Feet; thence deflecting right 88° 29' and
<br />Running Southerly, a distance of Three Hundred Thirty (330.0) Feet to
<br />the North R.O.W. line of the hightaay; thence Easterly parallel to said
<br />South line of Section 'Staenty-seven (27), a distance of Six Hundred
<br />Thirty-seven and Nineteen Hundredths (637.19) Feet to the place of
<br />beginning and containing 22.378 Acres, more or less, except tract in
<br />the Southeast corner, more particularly described in survey recorded in
<br />Miscellaneous Book 15, at Page 669.
<br />Together with and including all buildings, all fixtures including but nut limited to all plumbing, heating, light-
<br />ing, vrnlilating, refrigerating, ineinrralirtg, air conditioning appuratas, and Plevalors (the mortgagor hereby
<br />drelariug that it i. inteudrd that the iteors herein enumennrd hall be deemed to have Ftern pennanrntly in-
<br />.lalled us part of the rrahv ),and all intl.rv,aemrnts now nr herrnfter cAisliny the rron; the heredilaments and
<br />appurtenances and nll other rights thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and rr•
<br />versions, remainder and rrmainden, all rights of redemption, and the rent., issues, and profits of the above
<br />desrribrd prop€rty (provided, fi:,wryer, that the mare g,r;:or ,hat! hr entiticd So the posse„tor, .,E' -ai.e pro{errty
<br />and to eollrrt and retain the rents, issues, and profits until default herrundrr). '1'u have and to hold the scorn
<br />unto the mortgagee. and the suecrssurs in interest of the rnortgagrr forever in fee simple or sash other estate,
<br />if any, as is staled herein.
<br />Tbo°mortgagor'covenants tlrt he is lsw[nlly seised cad poasaaed of and has the right to cell and convey said
<br />ProPertY:-that the~eattte is free fram~ all encumbrances except as hereinabove recited; and that he hereby binds
<br />himxlf and his successors in interest,to wanaat and defend the title a[orewid thereto and every pan thereof againal
<br />the elaieuof all persona whomsoever.
<br />Thin instrument is given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated ,. G~~_ Y. ,~~, ,
<br />io-.the priatcipd etrm:of $ 30, p00.00 , signed by Ronald D. and Evelyn 0. Laub J ,
<br />iaMhalfof themselves.
<br />SPA f"e,q ~§Z,~tl-l}, u,.,pr, £dltMrm en R6aalsw.
<br />