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80=OG4596 <br />Said promissory note waa given to secure a loan in which the Small Businos Administration, an agency of the <br />United States of America, has participated. In compliance with section 301.1(d) of the Rules and Regulations of <br />the Small Business Admfniaeration [13 C.F.R. 101.1(dl ], this instrument is to he constraed:aetd enforced in aceord- <br />aetoe with applicable Federal law. - - - <br />1. The mortgagor covenants and agrees as follows: <br />a. He will promptfy pap the indebtedness evidenced by xid pe+vmiseory note at the: limo :sad in tha <br />manner tharein provided. <br />b. He will pay all taxes, assessmeata, water salsa, and other governmental or munia'jpal.eirargn, &nat ar <br />impositions, for wfiich ptavision has not been made hereinbefore, and will-promptly deliver the official rei~ipta. <br />therefor to the said mortgagee. - <br />c. He will pay such expenses and fees as may be incurred fn the protection and maintenance of said <br />- property, including the feo of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection.of any or aB oE. <br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or foreclosure by mortgagee's sale, or court µroccetlings, ar in any. other <br />- litigation or proceeding affecting eatd property. A!lomevs' fees reasanahh fncarrcd in acv oihcry:av shalllte <br />paid by the mortgagor. - - <br />d. Fur better security of the indebtedness hereby- secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its <br />successors or assigns. he shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage ar mnrtgages covering anv <br />additions, improvements, or betterments made to the property hereinabwe described :md 'all properh~ <br />acquired by it after the date hereof tall in form satis[actorv to mortgagee 1. Furthermore, should mortgagor <br />- fail to cure vn~ default in the pavment of a prior or inferior encumbrance ou the properh~ described by <br />this instrument, mort};agor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to cure such default, but mortgagee is not <br />obligated to do so; and such advances shall become part of the indebtr+htrs. ~rcu red by this instrument, <br />subject to the same terms and conditions. <br />r. The rights created by this conveyance shall retrain iu Full force and r.lfect during an} uuslpuneuu•nt <br />or extension of the time of the payment of the iu dohtedness evirlrneed b_c said prmnissnrc note or an+ part <br />thereof secured hereby. <br />~. He wilt continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types and in each amounts ae the <br />mortgagee may frmn time to time require on the intpnwrntant. raw ur hereafter uu .aid prmpori+, ;uul <br />will pay promptly when due an}• premiums theretor.:111 insurance shall be carried in companies acceptable <br />to mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto <br />loss µayable clauses in favor of and in (arm acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of loss, mortgagor will give <br />immediate notice in.wriiiag to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of loss if rat made promptly by <br />mortgagor, and each insurance company concerned is hrrebv authorized and directed to make payment for such <br />loss directly tc mortgagee instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, ar any <br />part thereof, may be applied by- mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness henbv <br />secured or to dte restoration or repair of the property damaged or destroyed. In event of toreclosure of this <br />nmrtgage, or other trattafer of title to said property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all <br />right, title, and interest of the mortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in force shall pass to the <br />purchaser or mortgagee or, at the optiat of the mortgagee, utav be ,urn•ndrnvl for a refund. <br />g. He will keep all 6uildinga and other improvements un said proµrrh im gaud repair and runditiou: <br />will permit, commit, or suffer no waste, impairment, deleriaratiau al' said property or anv part therefL <br />in the event at failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings uu said promises and those erected un said <br />premises, or improvements :hereon, in good repair, the mortgagee may utuke such repairs as in its discretinn <br />it may deem necessary for the proper prrserv:u ion thereat; and the full unwuut of each and r+•rr. ~urh <br />payment shall be imntrdiately due and payable: and shall be sncured by tits lira of this uuvt~agc. <br />h. He will not voluntarily create or permit to be created against the µroµerty subject to thin mortgage any <br />lien or liens interior ar suµeriar to the lien of this mongagr without the written consent of the mortgagee; and <br />4trtber, that hr will keep and maintain the .•aure (err (nnt+ th+• rluiot of all prrsuns .applying labor nr <br />materials tar cmtatruction of any and aI! buiWings ar imµroyenu•ms now bring t•rrotrd or to hr erected ou <br />said premises. <br />i. Ile will not rvni oe assig}} any purl of the rent of said tnortga}ted }rnrywr}y ur drmafisl}, ar r.=r++u+c, <br />or substantially utter any huildina without the written cunseut of the nmrtgauer. <br />j. All awards a[ damages in comteetiun with any coudrtunatiuu tar public use of ur injnr+ ro an+ nl' the <br />property subject to dtis mortgage are hrrebv assigned and shall br paid k> umrtgagee, who nta} aµplp the <br />same, to payment of the installments lint due under raid nun•, and nwrtRager i~ herrb+ nudurrired, in the <br />- name of the mortgagor, to execute and deliver valid acqufttanees thereat' suet Ur aplxal from au+ .ucb ututnl. <br />k. The uwrtgager shall have the right Ur inspect the nnrr}ga};ed prrwiw. at an+ n•a.,ntublc uun•. <br />2. Default in any of the coveaante or conditions of this instrument or of the note or loan agreement secured <br />hereby shalt terminzte the mortgagor's right to possession, use, and enjoyment of the propene, at the option of the <br />mortgagee ar his assigns tit being agreed that the mortgagor shall have such right until default}. Upon eny such <br />default, the mortgagee shall became the owner of all of the rents and profits accruing after default as nexurin• <br />ftir the indebtedness necured hereby, with tfie riaht to enter upset said property for the purpose of collecting each <br />rents and yju~its, Tbie-aastrument shall operate as as assignment of any rentals on paid, property to that extent. <br />Sn~ FORM 92a 12-)3) <br />