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$Q=04596 <br />~~~1A <br />m•~ <br />Tbis,marCgage rasde .na`entered itito this 20- dylr.of AUGUST . • <br />19 80 , 6y end between ROBERT J. WHEELER AND NANCY L. WHEELER, HUSBAND AND WIFE - - -- <br />(hereinafter referred to es mortgagor) ami THE. FLRST NATiONAL--BANK OF GRAND ISLANDS <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />fbereinaftecrefetned-tu r <br />mortgagee ), who maintsine' an ogee end place of btufnees at 202 WEST '3RD'' STREET-, _ .. ~ - <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />Wt>'nesse~ra, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, re«ip[ of which- ie hereby aelcaovrhitl6ea, i6e <br />mortgagor dam-hereby mortgage, sett, grant, aaeigry and convey unto the mortgagee, hie eucceaeors'and asei6os; tll <br />of the following described property situated and being in the Caranty of HALL <br />34te of NE$RASK?i <br />THE WEST ONE HUNDRED FEET (100') OF LOTS FOUR 5. FIVE (k&5)',.WA$REN SUBDIVISION., <br />AN ADDTTION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HAIL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />LOT FOUR(4), NABOB SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA; BEING A PART OF LOT'TWENTY <br />{20), PART OF-LOTS TWENTY-ONE (21)-AND TWENTY-TWO"(22}' OF THE COU-NTY SUBDIVISION OF-THEM <br />WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (W'~SW'~) OF SEBTION'TEN (10);'TOWN5HIP'ELEVEN'(11) <br />NORTH, RANGE NINE (9} WEST OF THE6TH P.M: BALL CO1711TY;'NEBRASKA;'AND-IN-PART OF LOTS- <br />ONE (1) AND TWO (2) AND`THREE (3), BLOCK FOUR C4), tLOITLE'S ADDITION-, ALL IN THE CITY <br />DF GRAND ISLAN, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA.. <br />ALL OF LOT THREE {3), IN NABOB SUBDIVISION, EXCEPTING THE WESTERLY ONE HUNDRED (100) <br />FEET OF SAID LOT, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, BEING A PART OF LOT TWENTY (20), PART OF LOTS <br />TWENTY-ONE (21); AND TWENTY-TWO (22) OF THE COUNTY SUBDIVISION OF THE WEST HALF OF THH <br />SOUTHWEST QUARTER- (t~SW',t) OF SECTION~TEN (LO). TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANGE NINE <br />(9) WEST OF THE 6TH.P.M., HALL ~OIINTY,--NEBRASKA, AND IN PART OF LOTS ONE (1) AND TWO <br />(2) ANT) THREE (3), BLOCK FOUR {4) KIOTLE`S ADDITION, ALL IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />'Pogether with xad iacluding,nli buildings, all fixtares including bat out Limited to all plumbing. bentiug, lighting, <br />ventilatia& refrigerating, ieuincrxtiog, air co„d+tiuning uppumtun, sad elevaturn (the mortgagor hen+hy declaring d+nt <br />it is intended that the items hreein enanrwteJ what!- be deemed to have bceu purnxnently installed as part ut' the rexltv). <br />xnd all iarpr+.~rmzn~-+-ens=+ o_r _6€renffer zxextiag thxrw~:n: dte` hrrrnditamvatn and uppnrtrnanu,+. and uIl nthrr righter there- <br />unto bulgnging, nr in uaywisc apprrlxiaing, xnd the r+weraim+ and revertiions, mmxindrr and nanuindet•n, oil rights of <br />redemption, end the-rents, issues, and profits of the above dcscribed property (provided, huwo voq d,xt the murtgxg„r <br />shall be, entitled'to the possession oI tanid prepeny nn+4 tv collect uod rrlnia the ren6v, isx++rs, and profits until default <br />hrteaade r). •('a have and 'to hold the sane antes th+• murtgxgee and the successwre ix mierest of the nxutgxgc,~ 1'urever <br />in fee rumple or such othrrestate, if any, as is vteted herein. <br />The mortgagor covenants that he is lawtuHy seised and possessed of and has the right to sell and convey said <br />property; that the same ie fees from all encumbrances except as hereinabove recited; and that he hereby binds <br />hitneelf and-his succeeeors in interest to warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against <br />the cl4inte of aH persona whomsoever. <br />guaranty o~ Robert J, Wheeler and Nancy L, Wheeler <br />. This.-iasttttntent is given to assure the,{~nyment of a prominson' note d:+n•+1 AUGUST 20, 1980 <br />in the prineipttl auto of 5234_, 00t}.Oq ~ siRT1ei1 by ROBERT J. WHEELER <br />in behalf of THEMSELVES NANCY L. CdHEELER <br />SBA FpFM 92a 12]3) PBE VIOl1S EDITIONS AHE OBSpL E'(E <br />