80~ ~{~~502
<br />prior to entry of a judgmerst enforcing this Mortgage if: !a} Borrower pays Lender ail sums which would be thin due under -
<br />this Mortgage, r}>r Note and notes securing Future Advatmes, if any, had no acceleration occurred: Eh) Harrower cure alt - -'
<br />breaches of any other covenants or agreements of Harrower contained in this Mortgage; (c) Borrower pays ill reasoaablc-
<br />expenses iacprxd by Lender in enforcing the covenants and agreements of Borrower comaitred in this Mortgage and in --
<br />enforcing Lender's remedies as provided ir. paragraph 18 hereof, including, but ttoriimited to, reasonable attorney's fees; and- "'
<br />{d) Borrwver takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to" assure that the lien of this Mortgage, Lender's interest -
<br />in the Property wad Borrower's obligation to pay the sums sxured by this Mortgage shall continue unimpaired: Uptm web-:-: . _
<br />payment and curd by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligations secured hereby shall rerrtairt in full force-wad effect as if -- -.
<br />m acceleration had occurred. -
<br />Ztl. Assignment of Rertts; Appointment of Rscefver; Lmrler in Possession. As additional security hereunder, Borrawer.
<br />hereby assign to Lender the rcnu of the Property, provided that Borrower shill. prior to acceieratioa under paragssp?t:18:_. _ - . -_
<br />hereof. or abandormren[ of the Propetty,have the right to collen and retain such reins as they become due and-payab$. -
<br />Upon-acceleration under paragraph 18 hereof or-abandonment of the Property, Lender, in person; by agent or-by
<br />judreiilly appointed receiver, shad be entitled to enter upan. take possession of and manage the Property and to coBeex the -
<br />renu of the Property, including those pass due. Ail rcnu collected by Lender or the receiver shalt be applied first to paymrnt "- -
<br />of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not limited ro, receiver s fxs. ptemimns on
<br />receiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees, and then to the sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver
<br />shall be liable to atxount only for those rena attua0y received.
<br />21. Fntare Advances. Upon request of Borrower, Lender, at Lender's option prior to release of this Mortgage, may -
<br />snake Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon. shill be secured by this Mortgage when
<br />evidentxd by promissory notes stating that said notes are secured hereby. At no time shall the principal amount of the _
<br />indebtedness secured by this Mortgage, not including sums advanud in actordanee herewith to proteM 'the aeetaity of this
<br />Mortgage, ezeeed the original amount of the Note plus USE. .4.15C.00........
<br />22.' Release. Upon payment of ill sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall discharge .this Mortgage ~witMm ~ ~.
<br />charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs ofrecordation, if arty.
<br />Ix WtTrtESS WttEREOF, Borrower has executed this
<br />..Ricky..-•Popken .. ...................-e°rr°wr
<br />1
<br />...... ... ~-../. C..:~ ~ ...".~ ............... .
<br />Dolma M. Popken V ~0ira~r -
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ...Hall/ .................................. f:Oaaty Ss:
<br />On this...~•~.c~-...day of..... August ....., 1980.., before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county, personally came.... Ricky, ,Lt , Pop)Celt, :~A$ ,Dq~ra, M., , , , _ ,
<br />, . I?opkent _ husband and wife ., to me known to be the
<br />.................................................
<br />ideatitxi petson(sl whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />thereof to bc. , . t. sir , , , , , , .voluntary act and deed.
<br />Wittress my hand and notarial seas at..... GF~~ .3~3>#Lrti .........................in said rntmty, the
<br />date afoteaaid. J
<br />My Grsmmrs;ttoa ezpaes; ~ / 7- /~ d 3 ~. f /
<br />~~ crony tweuc
<br />Fxp.Ort~, [~9g3
<br />(Spat» W1or+ TNr Lina Raaarwtl For Larltlar mtl RatorWn
<br />