<br />deceased at the time of the death or remarriage
<br />of my wife, her share hereunder shall be
<br />distributed: 25~ to my son-in-law Harlan Lee
<br />McKim, if he was the husband of said daughter
<br />at the time of her death, and 75a to my grandson
<br />Clark Corrigan McKim. If said Harlan Lee
<br />McKim was not the husband of ray daughter at
<br />her death, then all of said residue shall be
<br />distributed to my grandson Clark Corrigan
<br />Mcl{im.
<br />FOURTH: If my wife and ; should die simultaneously or under circum-
<br />stances which make it difficult to determine which of us died first, I direct
<br />that my wife shall be deemed to have survived me for the purpose of this Will,
<br />and that the provisions of this Will shall be construed accordingly.
<br />FIFTH: 1. I give and grant to my Executor and Trustee, and any
<br />successors, the following powers, which shall be construed broadly and
<br />which may be exercised by him without order of Court, as in his discretion
<br />he deems advisable, in addition to and not in limitation of his common law
<br />and statutory powers (all references to any fiduciary as "he" or "him" shall
<br />include any Executor, Trustee or any successor thereof, whether such
<br />fiduciary be a natural person of either gender or a corporate entity):
<br />A. To hold and retain, as an investment for the trust estate,
<br />without liability on him for loss or depreciation, any of
<br />the original investments or other property constituting my
<br />estate at the time of my death, regardless of the character
<br />of said investments or other property or whether they be
<br />such as are authorized by law for investment by fiduciaries,
<br />for sich time as to him shall seem best and to dispose of
<br />any such property by sale or exchange or otherwise as and
<br />when he shall deem advisable; and to invest and reinvest
<br />funds in such stocks, bonds, notes, mortgages or other
<br />property as he shall deem advisable even though they are
<br />not of the character expressly approved by law for investment
<br />by fiduciaries.
<br />B. To allot, assign, care for, collect, contract with respect
<br />to, convey, convert, deal with, dispose of, enter into,
<br />exchange, hold, improve, invest, lease, manage, mortgage,
<br />grant and exercise options with respect to, take possession
<br />of, pledge, receive, release, repair, sell, sue for, and,
<br />in general, to do any and every act and thing and to enter
<br />into and carry out any and every agreement with respect
<br />to the property included in my estate or any trust created
<br />in this Will which he could do if he were the absolute
<br />owner thereof, without being limited in any way to the specific
<br />grants of power hereinafter made.
<br />Tes for
<br />O~~ i, >,-
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<br />G~G~
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