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g~_ u i) 4 314 <br />Tbi. ttaoatgage leads atad mixed into this dq. of <br />i9 ,byaad between Kathleen M. Worshen <br />(be:einahec rrfetred to u mortgagor) and We Adatinistntor of the Souil Boainds Adminietratian, an agency of the <br />Gose:ameas of the United -States of America {hereinafter referred to a• mortgaEee), who ~#sitis as slice amd <br />pLiee~b~esaat Empire State Building, 19th & Farttam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 <br />R>M1't that for the eotttadaratfon beteina[ter stated, reeei~ of which is tumbp ~ Rbn <br />nsortgagerdoea hereby mortgage, sd& IRan4 arigo, ate. convey mto-tbs rnottgagee,:hia aaeaessota--sD <br />of the following described peopeuty eitnated -and" being in the Gtttmty of - Bal l <br />State of 1ebraska <br />A'TRACT OF TEN (IU) ACRES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCISTG AT THE NORTHWEST <br />'CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF-TAE NORTHWEST QUARTER {E'~IW54) OF SECTION FOURTEEN <br />E14) IN TOWNSHIP'"ELE-JEN (il), NORTH; RANGE'"NINE C9) YIf:ST OF'TAE 6TH P.?S., <br />THENCE GOING $OUTA EIGHTY (80) RODS; THENCE GOING,~EAST TWENTY (20) RODS, TAENCE <br />GOIPIG.:NORTH EIGHTY (80} ROBS, TAENCE GOING WEST TWENTY (20) RODS, TO THE. PLACE. <br />OE BEGINNING,"THE SAIB NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST <br />QUARTER (E'~NW~) OF SECTION 14, TOWLiSHIP 11, NORTH, RANGE 9 WEST OF TAE <br />SIXTH-.P.M. <br />Together with and including all huihlinge, ad fixtures including but nut limited to al! plumbing, hcu,tirrg, lighn <br />ing, ventilating, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditionintt apparatuw, and elevaWre (lhe mortgagor hereby <br />declaring that it iw intended that the itemw herein enumerated shall he deemed to- have iesn permanently in- <br />.talled sw part of the re+,lty),and aA im€€rovements now nr hrreaCter exisiinpt thereon; the hereditaments and <br />appunensnresand s!1 otherri•,%htw-thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and re- <br />verwiottw, remaindrr and remainder.+, all rights of redemption, scud the rent., issur+, and profile of the about. <br />described property (provided, however, that tha morigapur shell he rntitied iu the potrrwsion of maid pruprrty <br />end to ~nllect and retain the rentw, issues, and lirofits mail default hereunder). To hsve and to hail the wamr <br />unto aha ntortgggre and.the sueeeasors in interest of thr mortgages forrvrr in (er simple or sarh uthee estate, <br />iC any, as is atatrd heireiu~ <br />The tactigagor coreltaots that he is lawfully seised sad possessed of aad has the right to sell and convey said <br />property: that tbe'eame is free from"sll encumbraocea except as hereinabove recited; and that he hereby binds <br />himael(,snd hit~;#uctes+er„-,in,interex.ta warrant and defend the tide aforesaid thereto and every part theroof against <br />the chums ot, all".pgrww:lrhotpauerer, <br />This instrtunent is given to secure the payment of a promissory note da€ed ~`S <br />in the principal amn of E '21,100.00 .signed by Kathleen M. R'orshen <br />in hwhwif of herself <br />ties cup 4e7 (e+Ibi P.~.Mu lifiaw .n AM~luw <br />