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<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award dr claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Properly, or part thereof, or for conveyance in tiro of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to L.epder. <br />In *.he event of a total taking of the Property, xhe proceeds shall Fee spplied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. in the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall 6e applied to the sums secured 6y this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Dced of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair marke[ value of the Properly immediately prior to the dart oY taking, xvith the balance of the proceeds <br />paid ro Borrower. <br />If the Properly is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for Jamages, 8arrower fails to respond u, Lender wrhin 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply xhe proxeeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums soured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Unless Linder and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such apphcatiun of proceeds to principal shall not extend - <br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred m in paragraphs t ^nd 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such Installments. <br />10. Hoxrower Not ReBexrstd. Extension of the time for paymem nr moJificution of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor in imtresl of Borrower shah not operate to release, in any manner, <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in imerest. Lander shall not be required to commence <br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend dine fur paymem or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Deed of Tnest by reason of any demand made by the anginal Burrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />" :'u.:2araatt by ..fader Nui a SVrdver. Any forbearance 6y Lender in exercising arty right or remedy hereunder, or <br />olhtrw Ise alTorded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes ur'otMer liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness securGet ~by this Deed of Truer. <br />i2. Remedies Cumuiahve. Atl remedies provided'in `this LhtJ of 'trust are Jisunct and cumulative [o any other right <br />or remedy under this Ueed of Trus[ or alTordeJ by la{y or equity, and may be exercistJ concurrently, independently or <br />successively. f <br />13. Successors and Assigns Bourgi; Joint and Several LiabNlty; C'aptiuns. "rhr ~ovenants and agreements harem <br />contained shall bind, and the rights hefpWrJcr shall inure m, the res pectn'r succcsson and assigns of Lender and Borrowtr, <br />subject to the provisions of paragril ph 11 heredf. All covenants and ugrecmcnts of Borrower shall be ioint 4nd several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of thu DeeJ u( l7ust are lest amvemm~cc only and are not w b< used to <br />interpret or define the provtsiops• txeteol. <br />74. Nutria. Except (or any notice reywred ureter appbcablc low to be given m another manner, lal any notice Iu <br />Borrower provided for in this Geed of Trusi shall be given t,y mailing such notice h}' ecnifieJ mail aJdressed to Borrower at <br />the Property Address or at auch other address as Borrower nwy designate by ounce m Lender as provided herein, and <br />lb) any ounce to Lender shall Ix given by cerUfled mail, rtWrn receipt reyueated, to Lender's address stated herein or xu <br />such other adJress as Linder nray designate 6y notice w Borrower as provide) herein. Any nuuce provided for in ibis <br />DeeJ of Trust shall be JeemeJ to hove tx:rn given to Anrrower or Lender when grvrn in the manger dtstgnateJ harem. <br />15. Uniform Decd of Trust; 4overning; Sevtrab0ily. lhu form nl Jett of tnls[ combines amform covenants (or <br />natmstai use and non-undorm covenants with limited vanauons hp iurisd!cuun to constitute a uniform security instrument <br />covering rest proptny. 'Ihu Deed nl 7~rust sh:dl be governed by the'law of the lunsdichon in whiehthe Properly is ktcated <br />in the event that any provision nr daiue tit !hu Dced tit Trust ur xfle'Note cwtOsis with applicable law, such conflict shall <br />net of€ect other grovxalons of this Deed o[ '1'rxut ur the ~Naie which sou he given cifect without the cunflicieng provrsion. <br />and to this enJ the provisions of the Uttd of Trust and the Note are deelareJ nx 1>e atvrrn6ie. <br />Ib. Borrower's Copy. Anrrower shalt be funushtd a conformed copy of the Note and of this DeeJ of Trust tit the time <br />of execution or after recordation hueoL <br />fi. Transftr of the Property; Assampfba 1( all of any pan of the PWpeny ur an interest Iiterem is sold or transfrrrcJ <br />by Bar: erxtr wnhcui Ltndtr's pna: wnxtra curtsies, caciuiiing i the -cfratiuo at a hen ur encumbrance subordmatr to <br />' 3 ~J of Trust. f b; rhr crauuu o :, irurcbaac rnonty security miereel fur heusehoid appiranegs, I e 1 a transltr by devuc, <br />descent or by atpera[ion of law upon ehc• death ai a }ouu tcman dr <br />- - - ` `= c Jt - i f,o i - - 1 the sums aetureJ h}' thu UteJ of Trust to he <br />immediately due enJ payable. t nJcr _halx Sa.e ~vcJ .xeh , pU cater etc .(. prior !u .!~ salt o: transfer, i€n•'~r <br />and the person m wham the Pc+peny a tae be sold nr !ransferred Traci. agrenurm m wrung that the credit of wch person <br />is satisfactory m Lender enJ eh: t !ht uuermx pat able nn rhr wnu wcurrJ by inn DrrJ of :1-put ilr:dl 6e nt such rate as <br />cinder shall request. If IxnJrr !.as warvtJ the option to scale are provide) m due paragraph 17, enJ if Borrower's successor <br />in interest has exetufeJ a written aaaunxi*tiun agrraucm .u;tpleJ m wnbng by Larder, Ixndrr shall release Anrrower Irom <br />all obligations under thu lA•tJ .,f Trust enJ the Nc,1e - <br />If Lender cxerclxs wch option m .+c,ri.•rnc 1 cnJCr .trail ~ .ul uorruw-er noUCt ;J accekrauun i nccordance wuh <br />paragraph I4 hereoi. Stith nuuce shall i+r;auic :, ptn+xl of uue L~s !ban ad Jeys Irum the trait rhr rwucc n nxaJed within <br />whmh Borrower may pay the suuu Jai:ueJ dua• It Btu Iowa tells nl pay .wch unm poor lu the cspmmun of such penoJ. <br />Lender rnay, without Cunha nuuce or JemanJ on Bun awn. ~nw1.e mp rcnmJles pennnteJ by paragraph I B hereoi. <br />NUN-t1 Nd~UaM T~UVr Nat+r1 Bolrx+wrr all) i endt. !tll(hex .. ~atanl a:IJ ag[c'C as IUhUWa. <br />IB. accrleratimt; Rtmrdie>. txcrpt av pruridrJ in paragraph V hereoi, upon Borrower's brruth of any covenant or <br />agrormrot of Anrrower in Ibi t)krd u( Treat. including the cu. ants ru pay when dur tiny sums secured by this UeeJ <br />of "('rust, I.tndrr ur(ur to accelrratiun shall mail xxori.r to Brxrruwrr a> pruvideil fu Iw_rw,vraph td lxcrcnf spetifyif.F: xfi t:~ <br />breath; 12) the :u9ion required to sort such breach; UI a daft, nut lays than all days (turn the Jvlt the nuuce V maileA to <br />Borrower, by whfeb auch 6rcacb must Ire rnreJ; and WI 16a1 lailurr to sine wets breach tin nr htfort rhr Jate sprcitirJ <br />in lhr nuticr may rrsah in actrlrralion of the sums secure) by rho IA•rJ of trust turd sale of the Proprny. The nWirr <br />shall furihrr ierturai BarrUwrr of Ihr right to rriruiate after araYlCraliWx stet Iht r{gist la tiring u a'uart aCllmt la aaarrl <br />rhr r;un-ex truer ui n deiauii ur any tither defrost u( Burrower to accrlrraliun enJ saln. if [ht breach is nut eurrA <br />ar ur (x(ore the dart epeedied in the nuticr, Lender at C.enJrr's uylrun nwy rfrrlurr all of the su secure) by Wis UreJ <br />o('['rw1 to tin immediately dot end payable wlthnut iUrthtr demafld Ynd blay car ulrC IIIr paWCr of SaIC YOJ ally ulimr rrniedirs <br />prrmiltrd Gy applicably law, E,rndrr shalt Ise rn8lkeJ to collect till rrawuablr au>d and expenses incuretJ iu pursuing Shp <br />remtJiea pruv ided in Ibis paragraph Ig, includirgx, but nW 6mi1eJ m, reawnable nlbrnrys fees. <br />tf she p=3sv_r of .,M is i:::t=tJ. -3eusxrt ;tali :surd a ::oiler ui Jetaulr i:, ratlt cvauxy Eu wii.h xhe ;'roperly .e- - --. <br />part (hereoi is IocxteJ and shall mail copies of >ueh nalia't ip rhr niaunrr prtxribrd by applicatde !aw ru Anrrower anJr ux rhr <br />tithe: ptr..uns prtst:ibtd bg applicably iaW. .`.tier xhe Iapsr ui such trap: a. axay ire reyuireJ by appiecabir law, Trwlre shag <br />glee pubtle nuticr of sate lu qre prrwns enJ in the manner prescribe) by ayphraWr IoW. 7hultr, withatl demand an <br />Borower, shall stN the Properly al public auction /a xhe higbral btddtr at xhe xhnr and plate enJ under the ierntx designated <br />In ilia nailer of wit in uxtt or snort parcels and in such order as '(roster neay drlrnniur. Yrustrn axay pwlpone salt of all <br />or any pared of the Prupeely by puWit amwuncemem al rhr linen unJ pfacr tit any previumly sclmduled hair. LeoJrr ur <br />Lender s designee may purchme Iht Pruycrfy al any sale. <br />Upon rrerip/ aei paYraenl of the prier bW, l~niatre shalt deliver to Ihr purrhasrr JYu>Irt's Arrd rulxvtytug the Properly <br />sold. "P`be recitals in rhr '! rustar ~ JtrJ shalt hf pr{ma facie evidence u( Ilte truth ui xlxr statemeni> merit iheeebt. -i'rwtrc <br />sbaii apply the pructxds of rhr salt in Ihr foifowi tg order: {{a) to alt rcuaunablr costa auJ txptnxrs of the wIF including, but <br />not limded to, Trwter's fees of nu[ mum than 1~1 Of 1 rp of the gross sate price, rrawnable attoniey's errs and cwta of <br />IiBe evidence; (b) to ail scans secured by tlua lJred of 'Frost; axe) tc) the egress, if any, Iu Ihr perwn or ptnons legally entAlyd <br />Ibtreto. <br />!4. Borrower's RigAl fu RtirxUalr. Notw nhstandmg Lender's accelcraaon tit rhr +uun .a red by slits Ueed of 1 not. <br />Aorn>wtr shall have ilia right to have any pr tietJings begun by Lender io enWrec !his Uctd nl Tnlet disconnnuul m <br />any time pour to rim Barber m.mean tit b1 the lifth Jay trr(are [ht stile of the Pnrpt try pu , ant h+ ehc power of s,Jt c nuameJ <br />in thin DecJ ot'!7ust ur till eiury of a lodgment rniort:ug thin Uatd of Tnisr it: ia) But ruwrripay, I coJtr all mm, a bah woul.t <br />Fxe then Jar under this UerJ of "f nrsL xhe Nuxe an 1 notes s. curing Fx!turt Advan_e>.:! .:Ity, haJ no acieler=s:;,.<; o,;ul rcJ. <br />ibl Borrowtr rotes all hrcadlea ui any tither covenams or agnx•.meule of uouawer unu,uued it thu UecJ n1 inl,t. <br />(t) L':;x Y- -- i - - p- r ~ } i -nor mJ fnuxtc iii rnlmuuy do t. - J x x es o1 <br />B~rn.w _ i i.t .t ... D.,,.,, 'I „+ai nJ us uu. ,, rig l.tnaer a enJ l ru,!rr s ,.:Jla. pr ndrJ . parser aph I k <br />hereof, including, hui nut hnu!eJ w, t fable soot ucy's Ices. :uxJ IJI Aux rower tuA ot, tnb a.. t,on ,u I ankr maa r labh <br />rtqurte lu as,mr that the bcu ul thma~Uccd ul '1"nn!. i-cnJrt'a uueusl m xhe 1'nrlxrry ai,.i tiou owuA obhga!ron er pas <br />