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~0-o~v'~~~94 <br />UNtFOast Covetvnrvis. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as !allows <br />d. Payment o£ Principal and tnlerest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />mdtbtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provide) in the Nute, and [he principal of and imerest <br />on any Future Advances secured by the; Dee) o(Tnu[. <br />2 Funds for Taxes gad Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a wrnten waiver by Lender, Borrower shalt pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest arc payable under the Note, anti) the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum (herein "Funds'1 equal to oec-twelfth of the yearly taxes and asussmenu which may attain pnority over this <br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly prcmwm installments for haTard insurance. <br />plus cnc-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated imnally and from <br />ume to ume by Lender tin the basis of assessments and hitiv anD reasonable esumatcs thereof. <br />The Funds shall be hold in an institution the deposits or accounts of which arc insured or guarameeJ by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an ins[iimion). 1_ender shall apply the Funds m pay said taxis, assessments. <br />insurance premiums anJ ground rents. Lender miry not charge !or so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said aceouni <br />or venlying and compiling sail :rssessmenis and bills, unlem ixnder pays Borrowec interest on the Funds and applicable !aw <br />permits Lender Io make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the ume of execution of this <br />Deed ui Trust that inicrest nn the Funds shall be pall to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such mteMV to be pail, i.ender Shull not bs: rcyuired to pay Burrower .my interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without fiarge, an annual nccoumiog of the Fund.+ +howmg credits anJ Debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds' was male. The Funds arc pledgeD as additional security for the sums zecured <br />by this Deep of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds hell by Lender. together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of razes, assessments, insurance premiums anJ grounD rents, Shull exceeJ the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance pn:mmms anJ groan) reins. :u Ihcy tall due, wch oxcess shall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower ur credited to Burrower tin monthly lost ^mcnu of Funds. I! the amount of the Fund+ <br />held by fender shall not br sufliticm to pay taxes, us,es>ments, ii serener premiums anJ ground rents as they fall due. <br />Borrower shat pay to 1_ender any amount necessary in make up therJefiaency within 30 Jays from the Jute nonce is mailed <br />6y Lender to Borrower requesting payment ihereo(. <br />Upon payment in loll of all sumx sonncD by this Dttd ui Trust. 1 cndm +Irdl pnunpliy refund a, Borrower any FunJ+ <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph IN hereof the Prttperty a solJ nr the Propel q• Is otherwise acyuircl by Lender, !.coda <br />shall apply. no iarer than immediately poor to the +alt of the 1'mpeny ur «> :myumumt by L.endtc any Funds hell by <br />Lender at the lime of application as a credit against the cams segued by this Deed at Trust. <br />3. Application of Payments. Unless appbcable law provnMs :nherwlse. ail payments mcerveJ by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs 1 anJ 2 hereof shall be applied by I ender firs! m paymem ul amoums payable to Lender by Burrower <br />under paragraph ? hereof, then tit interest payable on d,c Nuts. then Io the pnnapul of the Note. and then to interest and <br />principal on an}• Future Advances. <br />A. Charges; Liens. Bormwcr shall pay all Iaxe+, a +smcnu .mJ other :barge+. iine+ anJ Imposuums :utributable n, <br />the Property which may attain a pnority over Ibis Decd o! Trust, :u[J Itasthold payments or ground rents, if any, in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, it not pail iu such nrunuv, by Horrower making payment. when due, Din:etly <br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish In Lender all nonce, of amuunt> due under this paragraph, and in the <br />event Borrower shag make Payment Jueclly, Borrower >hall promptly Iunush to Lender rteeipts evidennng such payments. <br />Borrower shall promptly Dutharge any hen which has pnority over Ihu UceD ul i}use; provide), That Borrower >hall nut he <br />rcyuired to Discharge any such lien so long as Horruwer olio!! agree m writing m the payment of the obhgauun securcJ by <br />such lien in a manner acceptable to Lender, or shall m goof leaf contest +uch lieu hy, nr defenJ enfurCtmem of such hen m. <br />legal p[oceedings whmh operate to prcvem the enlorcemeni of the hen or torfciuue of the Property or any part thereof. <br />5. Hexard Insurance. Borrower shall koep the Improvements now existing or hercafttr erected on the Properp~ insured <br />against Toss by lire. hazards included within the term "euendeJ average", anJ wch other hazards as Lender may require <br />and m such amounts and for such periods as Lender may reyuirr, provlJeal. Ilia[ Lender >hall nut reyuire that the amoum of <br />such coverage exceed that amount of coverage reyuutd to pay the .uun+ aerated by Ihu DeeJ tit Tntst. <br />The icsurance terrier providing the insurance .hail he chrtsen by Burrower suBlon to approval by i ~ndcr: pruwdeJ. <br />that such approval shall nut he unreasonably wnhheki. Ail premiums tin msurancc peucics shall be paid in the matinee <br />o;cvide•1 tmJec paragraph ? hertcf ur, it rot paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment, when Jue, Juestly tc the <br />insurance carrier. <br />A.I insura,n.= Foh..,es ..n~ rtacw-' .,. -_.. h' be rn [itrnt accatabtz io I seder aad shall uuluDe ~ stardarD martKakz <br />clause in favor of and in form accrptabic w I,.cnder. Lender shall have the right ua hoW the policies :md renewals thereof. <br />and Borower sbaii promptly furnish [u Lender aft renewal notices anJ all recnpis ui poid promnnns. in the event of loss, <br />Borrower shall give prompt uouce w the utsuranec currier and Lender. Lender rite) make prowl of lus+ II nut made pramptl} <br />by Borrower. <br />Unless Lender anJ Burrower olhcrwiu agroc m wnnug, msurancc pro.eeJs >ha« be applioD lu restorauun ur repine ul <br />the FropertY Damaged, provide) wch restoruuon ur repine n economically leavble anD Ibe seemly of this Ueeu ul Trust I, <br />not thereby nnpa«cd. If >uch rcstorauon ur rcpuu is rim ccunomically fca>iblc ur II the ecnlnty ui thi+ f)CCD ul I'nut would <br />be impaired, the Insurance prncteJs shall be appheJ m the gum+>ecmtd by Ihi. DeeJ tit !Yost, wnh the txcts>. II any. pall <br />to Borrowec If the Property a abanJontJ by Bonuwtr, or it Horwwer lad, to ie>punD ro Linder wuhm )0 day, Iron the <br />date noucc is mailed by Lender m Borrower that the msuraoce carnet utlu> Io >cltk a chum for immance henctit>, Lender <br />is authorised to collect and apply the uuurance prucced> tit Lender's opuun edhtr to Ie>IUr.uion or repwr ul the Property <br />or to the luau secured by ilia DeeJ of Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ugrce m wrung, any >uch apphc;uwu ul pnxetJa m pnnapal shall nut txtenJ <br />or postpone the Due )ate of the monthly installmenu rcltrreJ In m paragraph> ! auJ 2 hcccui ur change the amomu of <br />such installments. It mrJer pamgruph i F herein the Property a acywreJ by 1 ender, all nghL file anJ interest o[ Borrower <br />in and to any insuronec pollees mrJ m :mD to the pruceeJs thereat reauhmg Irum dunwge m the Property poor m the >alt <br />or acyuisiiiun shall pass to L.enJer to the extent of the suns >ecureJ by Ihu DtcJ tit IYmt unmeJlulely prior to >uch sale or <br />acquisition. <br />ti. Preservation mui Maintenance uF Property; Leaseholds; Cottdurnin:wns: Planned Unil DerebpmeNS. Borrowei <br />ahuli keep the Property m grin) rrp:ur anJ +hall not uunmq w.utt .n pcnnn unp:unnrm or Jelenorauon of the Property <br />^nd shall comply with [hc provisions of :uty lease d this Utcd nl Trwt Ia ore a IeasthoiJ. If ilia DeeJ of 7}ual a on a uult tit u <br />condominium or a planneD unit Development, I3on'uwer shall Ixfdunn all of Bon~ower's ubhgauoos under the Jecluruuon <br />ur covenants ertaiing or governing the conduntinium ur planneD untl Jevelopmm~t, the by-laws anJ regulations of the <br />condominium ur planned unit JevelupnttnL and cmrsuuiom ehxuntrnt,. Ii a condominium ur planneD unit development <br />nJer is exeeu!eD 6y Borrower anJ remrdcd mgcther wuh thrs DeeJ tit I ru>t_ the ruvenx«I> and agrecntenb of such nJer <br />shalt ire incortwrateJ in«t anJ shall umund :utD suppltmem the covenants and :Igrcements ul Ihu DeeJ of "I7u>t :u If the nda- <br />were apart hereof. <br />7. Prolectiwr of Leuder'z S^curily. If Bonuwer lads to fntlonn the awen;nns auJ agrecmam auumncd iu rfii+ <br />Deed of Trust, or if any action of pruceeJing a cununeneeJ which muttrcdly a[Ytels Lenderb mlerc>t m the Propaty, <br />including, but not limited to, ennnent Jwnuin, msoivcncy, cult uuol content, or nrraugtmenis ur procecJing> Involving a <br />bankrupt or decedent, then Lender at Lender's option, upon notice in Borrower, may m:Ikc such nplwar:utces, dutaux wch <br />sums mid take such actimt as is necessary to protect Lender's ulleresl, utcludmg, hul not hmileJ tu, disbuuomm~t of <br />reasonable attorney's fees anD entry upon the PrupcnY tit nmke repair ft Lender raµureJ mortgage Insuraice a u <br />condition of making the loan secured by this lleeD of '~ rust, HUI rnwCr shall pay the prenuunu royuireJ to nuunl;un +uch <br />insw'attcc in effect until such time ns the reyuirenteni (nr such insurutee Icuninatea in accunl:ulce with Borrower's anJ <br />Lender's wri«en agreement or applicable law. Borrower sh:dl pay the unwum ul all mmrtgage m>w~ancr prcnuuma m the <br />manner provided under paragraph ?hereof. <br />Any amouuls Disbursed by Lender pursuant to thin poi agriph 7, wuh uucresi thoreou, shall becontc nDJnlonal <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this DeeJ of "iruat. Unless Horruwer and I ender agree to other tenn> of paynstm, xmh <br />amounts shall he payable upon notice Irom Lender to Borrower requcsung paymori IhercoL anJ shall bear uttere>t Irum the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to lime tin uulatandiug principal under die Note unless paYmrnt of lore rcat <br />at such rate woulD rte contrary to applicable law, in which event such anmunb shall beau mtere;i ai the htghcai lase <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall reyuirr Lender u, incur any expense or take <br />any anion hcrcunder. <br />B. !•-!F~~=e?~n. !_ender Wray make ::r ca:ass: to be msde rca~snahle tattle-, upon zn.! Instxi~uun> u1 rho Property. prov,.leJ <br />that Louder shall give Borrower notitt prim to any oath inspectiml soceifyiug reasonable came therefor related to Lender'+ <br />interest m the Peocerty. <br />