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~Q-- OCr40$4 <br />Lenders written agmement or appficable taw. Borrower shalt pay the amoum of 2l! mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amoums disbursed by Lender puruan*. ro this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additiona3 <br />indebtedness of Rorrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of pnymem, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Harrower requesting pa}•ment thereof, and snot! tear interest from-Khe <br />date of disbursement at the rate payahk from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note tmless payment of <br />interest at stxh rate would be contrary to applicable taw, in which event such amounts shalt tear interes! at the #ighut raft <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shalt require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />6. frtspectlon, fsnder may make or cause to he made reason~hle conies span and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Ixnder shall give Bon~ower notice prior io any such insptciion specifying reasonable cause therefor retaEed to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. - <br />9. Condemna8on. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct ar consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, nr part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnstia.^., are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />in the evem of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall tee applied to the sums secured by ibis Mortgage. <br />with the excess. if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lander <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the~proceeds- <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />tf the Property is abandoned 6y Borrower, or if, aftci notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers Co Inakt <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respamd to Lender within 30 days after the -dart such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender'ti option, either to restoration ar repair of the <br />Prnprny nr to the sums secured t?y this Mortgage. <br />Units L.crtder and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shat) not extend <br />or post pant the due date of the monthh~ installments rtftrred in in paragraphs S and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />xuch instaihnen[s. <br />tQ. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time far pnymrnr nr atadificatitin r?f amartizatian of the sums secured <br />by this Mongage granted by Linder to any successor in rntctest cf Br?mower shat! not operate to release, in any manner. <br />the liability of the origins? Borrower and Borrower's suacessarx in interest. t.endtr shaiI oat tai required to cammenre <br />prcncetdings against such successor or refuse k+ exterod time fur payment tvr athenvist ntadify amortisation of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any dcmantl made lay !hc. a,7~igi Hal F3nrmwtr :end 1orrower"s successors un interest. <br />if. Forbearance by ixader Not a Wainer. Any farhearancc hr Lender in exercising any right cr remedy hcretmder, or <br />otherwise aifarded by applicable law, shat! not he a waiver of or preduae the exercise of any such right ar remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of taa-cs or other Dens or charges by Lender shall oat he a ++aiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness sccurerl hp this Mortgage. <br />72. Remedies CunrutaNve. .A'i rtmcdies provided in this Mongage arc Jisr.nct ar.J cunndative to any other right or <br />remedy under this Mortgage or alfardrd by taw or mac he c+rrci+od nnuurrcntly, independentlc or successively. <br />73. Snccrssors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Se+rral l.ia#ilitp: Capiimrs. lne c,vcnanis :uui agretmtnts herein <br />c•ontaineJ shall bind, and the rights hereunder short more m, the respecuvr u::ec•sc:vs anal aaigns of Lender and flormwer, <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph I'. t:trtof All covenant<_ and - --mints of Burr+,wrr shall be !omt :end several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraph+ .?f shix 4lnrtca Fr arc +1'nr .•+nvenirncc Hole and :, ra not to i+c used to <br />mtcrprtt nr define the provisions hereof. <br />14, Naticr. Except for any notice reyuircd under applitat.+lc law :;i Fv snivrn uu~ an+,ther manrur. 'raf any notice to <br />Borrower nmvrded fa. m this Mart{see ,u'ralt l,.. c:vcn #,:• muting soot: tort i:.c P,ay i.c!1.:1icJ n?ad addles+c~il to Barrowcr at <br />the irrapcrty AJdrcss or at su~lr other .x:4dres+ as Borrow r:+'o ,ie, r.I,.rar by rt iw +, [ e-nder .:s pre vrr€cei herein, ant <br />fFl at p ratios '.; l.rnJer , tx ~ s:e J,.e! -,,,,:1 .:: ,a .. al• I n:L•.( _ l.7css ,:' !cd htrc•in or to <br />su •h other address :.s Lender mays Jtsign~aleh} ns. tic[: u+ B ..=,•r ti , is?+ Jury! ~-a. re rl: + r:a ,?r?.+,dca f+•r !r, this <br />41 ,tom:.. ~„ . .al! h_ ,. ^:.:d -,. h..t. been ; it'CR to ;lr.>r.^owcr .. ...I .. 1"~_ 7 ~_ •rd7 It 1 f?m3^ t•. gat v1 es-_ <br />i°. Unifumr MerrTeagr, Guvrr~itw fltsr; 4rverafsitita I f- ..: --Y r? 'f~a>^ r 1.:ors n f n ..,, ~ ! ir~r national <br />use nn+i Han-uniform mvtnams uuh hooted rar:aurrn> h4 Wnuuc unn to cor,inutc ^ umierm sec-urav msV rrrra;: .o+e ring. <br />real property This Mortgage shall Lx governed h}• the taw of tha ruff+J:anm m whreh the Prnpert+ ~,. .,,; elr;! in the <br />event that any provrsu?n or clause of Ihi+ \taneage or the Note rontii. is +uth epphcat+ic sew, ,u;h .,m lhcl v!': alt n+n atfea <br />other ptt,vaiom of the hlartgage ur the Vote which •: be g!+.n r!?o-.t ,.+nho:n the ,,,n!b.-n,~c pr„w,;on .,nd ~o this <br />end ihr provisions a+f the Mortgage ant the Vnte arc Jcdared In hr ,c ar:abic <br />!6. Borrower's Copy. shall he furs:+'ned a c.ailo: mod _;•ps of the V:+rc ,tint r•i tl:„ Mon r.: g: .n nix hmc <br />of execution or after recordation hrrcn[' <br />17, Transirr of ihr Property; Assumption. II ail or :tin p.ut of .hr Prnprnv „r tin udcirH Ihrrem :, +.,id .r trot-.'erred <br />by aun:rwer without [..endtr's poor written consent, txduding Lu ihr ,_reutrnn of ;: l,en ,,: .. .,umbr;ul.r ~a~ •: ~.!,n.+:e t„ <br />they !lortgxgr, lb) the ueetmn ..E ., purchaet mune+ ,ecunt+ nncresl h•r i,ox:schelJ apnhan:r~:. ,c! -~ u.m,l.~ by dev:a• <br />descent ar by oixranan at law uFr..n the Jcath of :, Inert tenant ur <br />laser : n ! e ., . ,tyu ,.. Jr~; 1.a. ;:I !.. ..:nw sar..~,~,i t~r ,.,. V,• .,~ be <br />nnnxdi:4ely duo :tied payable. f coder, shall ha+e•, .n+a•a~~+.:.h ohs on ,n .u.r~lc::nc it, p: nr w du ..:Ic , .. .:+Itr `I ;:ndr; <br />e.I... __ <br />anal the pawn !o whom the Proem t} >, :,+ hr ,-.ud ,+r vemlcr era i_ac!~, n .amcmi m +, nt~ut; d?.n t!.c ,.r,4t ~ .,- -a. n, <br />satisfactory !n l.endrr and that Ihi uu. r<,! ,,a}ahl_ .at the ' --n. - _aea k,°, th:, ~t.n rc~r'e ,h,?N ba .:. ,.o_Ir ra:r -[ ! _:nk; <br />shall reyuc+t it i ender hat w-al+ed th;• rpn. ,+ r, ,.. .,:,te t +: -.t.,J - +h~+ ya; i5r-+ph 17 ,J :+ itoa - - ,:,_-_. ~ . -- <br />raterest has extc'utCd a written :;slum pnwn agrrrnrent a.krpt+.•:1 ;+r ,+:,Ins hu' ! cnJtr_ t_cuJer +haBl r. u,.,r- ii,~~~.,+. ~~? !-r,rr:.+.~ <br />ubhgaunns under this Mongage and the Notr <br />if Lcndcr cacnises such opuo:r Io :...cfcc..:;~, I a,:Jr: .:. i~.l li,a l,,.. ar n,a ~,r oI .... ,~.tnr„n, ~. ..,. ,.. <br />paragraph 14 barest Such notice ,hell : +rdr -: per u•.] „t n„:~~L ~„ i ,a„ cn ,!es, loon Ii:r dale !hr r.=a:_=. , - .a i.-J ~..uh:,-. <br />++-hrch Bnrrt,wcr pray pit} the -con. dcai.,IC~c. an; ,' Pf,-In -+,. !.I ;- -, ,,:... -..+, f h. , .~ - - - i;- , +: <br />l.crder may. a-.thaw h.riher n,..:._ . , ,,...,..nd ..., !S+ro r:•+_ , e. ,a ..die, I _a.. ;~I - t .c. <br />NqN-l.'ralt<,asr CoolN6tJ is Htutnwcr ana I cnJ+•: t:.r!ha: , , c :-. ,..~n,i ~:erec s+ L!.~wv <br />f8, Ars'xgzra{iun; Remedies. Excrp! rrs pru+ided iu parafraph 17 heuoL upou lfu: u+w rr-+ h:rach of tin} + ,+etrani ur <br />agrranmt of Borrower in Ibis 1k,rtgaar, itseludinR ihr tin rnunN ar par when due an+ +um+ +ceurcd h+ thi+r]iar tgugc. <br />Lender print Ip acrrleratinn shall ruail uutfce to Borrower a+ pr~uded in puragraph Id hereil spr+ii}nrg: 111 Ihi brass 6; <br />t2! ttse action enquired lu curt xuch breath; 111 a date, nut less Haan llg ,la?, Rnrrr ihr dote ihr outirn i. nurilyd to itonn,+er, <br />b} which such 6rwch must !rr cured; and t~) that failure n+ curt +uch hn:u h on ur heftier tha• date yeas ihrJ iu the notice <br />may resort fn aecrkmtian of /ere soon +veuced b) thi+ ~Urrtga):r, foredo+ura• tp jrrdiced prncrrdinL' and side ui ttu• Pr+.trc rel. <br />'i'#r rmikr shall further ittlorm Br>rtowtr of ihr right to ra•inxtate after avuleruttnn „nd ihr tight m a++cn in the [ore.luwre <br />practrding ihr non•rxlstencq aP a default tic an} other defense of Bunu.+rr Ir. an elr Huron :uui lore. lueurc. iF tier hnvcir <br />is nut cored on or trefarc lhr rlakr +prcifird in the notice l.rndrr at Lr udrr's option may +lra bur all of ihr wnn+ +r rcJ 6, <br />this Fforigage to he imxrediateir kur and payaMr xithaut further drmm~d and nms Furrcln+e hr µulicrul pr. rJrng+'+l ender <br />+.#nK tfi rnflit¢xl Nt cn3lt.t in sus:h pru.~cedtreg all r+prmes of fnrca~tu.nrr• ioclerdinr:, hnr nut iiaritrd in, cu.t,r+.+t du+umrmura <br />rvirleaux•, aL•stra<ts axid tltlc rr•pe!r1s, <br />!+?. Borrower"s Right to Keinstatr. '1'++.w:th+LU+d:ng I a ,dr•:\ ,, ., i.:t.,,.:: . ~ ., ....~. ,,., ... + V, ~.s , <br />Hormwrr ^hnlt have the right ! • 6a+r ,. on,s+cd:ng+ c2-µ:,, r . , ._ d, , ~ ~.,• „ . ~.t.,: .. ,. ..: .. ..., <br />