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gn^ ~i044$~ <br />UvtaoaM COYENnN7S. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />7. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the prirrpipal'gI_ and Interest an [he <br />indebtedness eridanced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of arsd interest <br />an any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />2. Funds for Ta:es and insurance. Subject to applicable law ar to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower ihall pay <br />to I-ender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum (herein "Funds'"} equal to one-twelfth n( the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard-inaurastce, <br />plus one-twelfth of ytady premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and feom <br />time to time by Leader on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal ar <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, ana}yzing said account, <br />or verifying and compiling said asussments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds-and applicable law <br />permits lender [o make sucfi a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution o6 this <br />Mortgage that interest on the Fundx shall be paid to Barrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to he paid, Lander shall net be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Leader <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums severed <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall dot:, such excess shall be, nt $orrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid to 3orrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Ponds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay taxes, asussments, #nsurance premiums and ground rents as ifiey felt due, <br />Borrower shall pay [o Lender any anwuni necessary to rnake up the deficiency within 3Q days [rem the date notice' ismailed <br />6y Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Upon payment in fttl! of all sums secured by this \7ortgagc. Lender shall promptly reload to Borrower nny Funds <br />held by l.ende.*. If under paragraph IS hereof the Property is sold ar the Property is otherwise ncquited by i..ender, Lender <br />shrill apply, no later than tmmediatety prior to the sale erl the Property nr its acquisition ley Lender, any Funds held )zy <br />L,endar at the ome of apphcation as a credit against the sums secured by this' Mortgage. <br />3. Application of Paymea[s. Uvtess app! icatrlc law provides athenvise, all payments roceived 6y Lender ut°""der thin <br />Nu[c rind paragraphs !and 2 He.rcuf shalt be apphod by Lcndcr first in p:p~ment ai amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph ?her^_of, then to interest payable on the Mute, then to the principal of the Note, vtd then to interest and <br />princpal an any Future Advances. <br />4. Charges; Liras. Borrower aLail pay ah taxer, .,,cccsments anJ other charges, finer anJ impositions a[tributablc to <br />the Property which may attain a priority over this ttortgage, and IeaxeholJ payments nr ground rents. if any, in the manner <br />provided under paragraph '_ hereof or. a not patJ m such manner by Borrower rock irrg pa}'ment. when due, Directly to the <br />payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly fw nish m LenJer all notices et um«nus Jac under this paragraph, and in the event <br />8orro,.vor sStall make payment ducnly. ilorrex cr +hah pnxnptl} turtush to Lender receipts cvidtnang such payments. <br />Borrower shall promptly Discharge anj Lat. which bus priority o+cr ihu Monga_c: pnn•!Jcd. that Borrower shall nut be <br />required to Discharge any such Iicn cc long as. Burrower shrill as;rce is ~.+-rid:,F [„ the paym!:nt of [hc ehhgauon secured by <br />suth lien in a manner scceptaGte to Lender. ,tr nha11 in g„uD 'uitlr ~<, n;;~.:t suet, lix^ir C,y, ur Jetzttd cntorcemcnt of such lien tn. <br />legal pra.:ce•d+ngs which operate to prevent ;he cot urcement of the lieu or iorl'c:a:re of tl+c Property .!i sn}' part thereof. <br />5. liaaard Insurance. Burrower obeli 6cep the trope*,x:mnus nov. rn,aunlt ur nt:rcufter cn•acJ tin the I'r•grcrty nuurrd <br />agaiuxt loss by ore. hazards inchtdr:d wnaun the term "u+mnde,i ~u+er.i,;e `, ~ain.i ,itch +,ihcr itazarti+ x: 1 suciri n,ay regwrc <br />and an such amounts and tar such pr:, sd~t us Lender rosy re:,yi v i.: 1r,a'iJad, ;blot I.caJ,. '°'Ji ur,t rega,tr-e tl tit ,'ta ainexuru tit <br />such covtragt exceed that amnwu ,it 4overagt reyu!rcD h~ 1*av tnc c;trnn „a.;: uo curt l,y tn_s ",i artga~_. <br />"f 7,e y,_,suraace eateer ><ruvid_ng the at_suaauee thalV ltc ch¢+1e[a t,y S~v'tr=•_u=_7t arh;cct !-, app„vat bq ! ,. _ pruvid~ul <br />that such aptproval sta~$ not he uttrenaon.,hly whhia•Id AG ya.rnuun:s i tit itrp'rrut 1 ucoc~s ,r ai itc l~,atJ ~.r~the rnauner <br />provided under paragraph 2 hcreot or, d riot pat,! in such ntanncr, dy ilot ro~.,tr mat,mg parmrnr..+hmt due. J!rectly to the <br />insurance caarier. <br />A11 insurance pohcies and tenaw ah ih,cteot shall Lc :o built .. <opi.d+.e !„ I e :.. rid sh.ili in~ludc ^ uanJarJ nuu'tgage <br />clause in (aver ul and in form acceptable ro !.ender. Lcndcr ,1,a71 haw the i i, h: i., hold rfrc p~•ha u•, ,!rid rencwak thnrcot. <br />and Barrower shall prampgy furnish to i.cnder all rent,. al not,. es aria :,il n„q,t, of !,aid prcnuinus In the c,cnt of L•c,. <br />Barrower shall give prompt nouct m the utawance :artier ;.nJ t ciWci 1 ei,.,. ~ :.,.,+ m.!ke pi.a:d .,I lass J n.,! nt.iJe prompt!} <br />by Borrower. <br />Unless Lender and Barrower olhe r•vuc agree m wnlinG, irnur.u:ce pna eeJ, ,hail he 'arpheD to rester a4on ur repau o. <br />the Proptrty DamageD, provideD ;u.h rr+i oration . r tcp.ui i. eve xun:c.illt !cavhic 'and !tic ,!rum} of iLr, AL,ngage i <br />not thereby impaired. if such res tumU.m or repau is net c.omanica:!} I usihle e :I the: s. u:nt+ n1 ihn PI,•ng;,gc weulJ <br />6e imparted. the insurance proceeds >huli be applied to rite onus ,.. nc•J M tlu,rMertgegc. :uih ihr cci c,,. a ,my, paid <br />t0 BOfrUWef- if the Prapeft': n a1,anJ eneJ b1 B:~f rowel, „I '1 B.>It„w er la!1- i., [+•, i,:yitJ t„ 1:nJei wilh:it il) i1.f1.s lieu i, tL+• <br />Date notice a mudtd by LeuDtr t., 8ot:owcr that the' ar, net ,,:Ire, n~ sonic ,~ .Loin t, •: ;nwr;utce hcncfl h, 1 cr.Jci <br />~ uudionzed to ratite[ aqD apply the ;nuitsn. r, piuceeDs .r, Loaders .,huc.n en hci i,, rt•snu.i w.m ~-+. pau of tu. i'ropri ty <br />or to the aunts secured b} this Mot tgagc <br />Unless Lcndcr and Borrower athcrwroe et;re u, nnung. , ugh aped i..,!um .~i 1•n~+red, -„ pi r:_q,ai ,,:ai: n„r r+ienJ <br />U( p(Mtpnnl' Iflt Dne Da(e Ul the !nt•i;lttil Inltallmeil 1, Irit'IIeD i.~ i. ~.!f .1 ~:lapl'1, .,nJ '~~1 .hang:' !..- ~ ,,ml! t,i <br />such installnrtnU. IC undo[ paragraph t8 h. root the urnl,vi tv r, e. y.oi r+i i++ !euJci .iii ngiu, talc anJ ullen•et ,~I'lltun,n, ci <br />nt and to say mstrrancc poheics uiD m and to the lzt oceeJ. it-tercet :+euh wg I:,•in e;r u. the I'rt,pvn} poor to the ,. i <br />or acyuuWUn shall peas to Lmxler ro ttie estttu ul the ,was ees u. cci be this Ai.v tgagc ~~uure,ha: rl} pu+n !,~ ,uch ,a lc .,- <br />ac:luts<itrrn. <br />d. Pt'esen~atiaa acrd Main[enapce of !`ruPrrq; Leitaeiudti+; i nndouuniuorst i`lanned t rid IYVSCiuputcutc- I:ni r„•.<< <br />shall keep the Property in go<xi repau .oni shall not .omrnu u.t,tr ,~i !n•nnit :u, mc:rt ,u Jctcnnrtd ion at the Pmpeit. <br />and shah comply with the p[ovuwus of an} lea,e .1 th.. ~f oitgagc ,. ~, ., ~.. ,+.,,4J it .. „,,gr .,, ~ ~ . <br />ConJcminium or a planned utu[ dt-.ek,pment, 8ormw~er ,hall l,crionu aN ,~i Iloi r,,,~ci s ,~f,iig,~;:, ms i ndn tin: ~., i. _., . <br />nr covenants creating or govennng the enndotnu,uuu of pl.murd and ,tract„!,nicer !Le 6s'-lax. ., nJ i.,n, .. ~~ <br />eondammiutn or planned unit Devcfopment, anJ .uusuna•nt Ju+uruc,n, It ., .onJ,munnnn .x pfinnrJ nu,: ~ ,~i~y,utuut <br />rider is cxectued by Barrower and rceurdeJ together ,nth inn hl of rgage. Ua• + „enantc :ud .,gts•ir,aui, „i -~urh nJat <br />shall tae mcorparatat iota and sh:J1 amend auo supplcmrnt :hr n„rnamn ,:rid agtccntcnts :,1 rtu, Munt,,gc ~:, „ .,ia sac: <br />wcte a part hereof. <br />7. Protection of l.endcis Security. i! Burrowct Ia~h ~. ulonn the .ovcn.nus .. ~~i,i a~a crone nts :,,~,i.u,,.J ro ih~, <br />Mortgage, or i( any action or ptuceeDtng is c+nmhcneo.i ,+iris tt ntatenahy .iJe,tc 1 euJci , wici r,r tit !tic Pr„pci~, <br />utcludtng, but nOt Iinu [ed tn, entinen[ dumanL a»i,IvCnt).:ode antor.:entcm. , i .,uangen,e ur. „r ~. .cedmr, a ,i n e .! <br />bankru}u ar dextcient, then L.onder at 1 ender's ,~PUOn, ulwn nou+a n. Boi r„wci ley i ~ ,..~6 .. ianar...nerui .c ,..,. <br />sam. a~.l take se_h action as ie necessary t pn,tcct Lrade~s !etcn•st. .-. kuh!r,:. k.-. -.,. :mr~i tr di t., ds+hutx•inent •~t <br />.,, able attumey's tet:s and entry apart t',c Pntpc±!y to nr,t-.. ;.! r: t+ I tJu .!__ . 1 _. _t.ta! .+ ., <br />catditiun of making rho loan ssc!ucD by this Mongdgc, Clar rove rr ;half pat ;.w prc:n!u.:,, ;cyu„cJ rot . i m.... ,o.. <br />insurance in ellcct utnil such time vs !ht rryuiremcot for su+h ;nsu+:u,c.r te•nrnwte. ~n ._,. n6an.c „ .;: Fi„r!„a c_', .in.i <br />