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~~~ <br />~~~ <br />__ <br />ORDINRNCE N0. 6527 (Cone d) <br />to the easterly line of Fonner Second Subdivision; [hence northerly <br />on the easterly line of Fonner Second Subdivision to the Northeast <br />Corner of Lot 4 in fionner Second Subdivision; [hence North on the East <br />line of Fonner Second Subdivision a distance of one thousand two hundred <br />forth (1240) feet to the Northeast Corner of Fonner Second Subdivision; <br />thence West on the North line of Fonner Second Subdivision a distance of <br />. eight hundred fifty (850) feet co the East line of Locus[ Sereec, said <br />point being forty (40) feet Easc of the West line of Section Twenty- <br />'- ~ two (22); thence North parallel to and forty (40) feet East of the West <br />- - line o£ Section Twenty-two (22) to the West prolongation of the South <br />line of Janisch Subdivision; thence Easc on the South line of Janisch <br />Subdivision and its idest prolongation to the Southeast Corner of Janisch <br />Sub.'.ivision; thence Nnrth on the Easc line of Janisch Subdivision to the <br />Northeast Corner of Janisch Subdivision; thence East on a~iine parallel to <br />and five hundred twenty (520} feet South of the North line of the South- <br />- west Quarter (SW ~) of Section Tuency-two (22) a distance of three hundred <br />(300) feet; thence North parallel to and~six hundred sixty (660) feet-East <br />of the West line of Section Twenty-two (22) a distance of four hundred <br />forty (k40) feet; thence Easc on a line parallel co and eight (80) tent <br />South o£ the North line of the Southwest Quarter (Sid,) of Section Ttaency- <br />two (22) a distance of six hundred sixty and seventy-two hundredths <br />(b60.72) feet co the point of beginning, said tract containing 37.57 acres, <br />more or less, all as shown on the plat marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto <br />and incorporated herein by reference. <br />SECTION 4. Such tract of land and streets and highways arc hereby annexed to <br />the City of Grand Island, klall County, Nebraska.. <br />SECTION S. Upon the taking ef£eec of this ordinance, the police, fire, and snow <br />removal services of such City shall be furnished to ehe tract of land and streets and <br />highways herein annexed, and water service and sanitary sewez service wilt be available <br />as provided by law. <br />SECTION 6. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this <br />ordinance or tF.e znnexation of any tract of land, street, or highway by this ordinance <br />is for anp reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not <br />affect the validity of the remaining portions of Chis ordinance ..^,ince is is the <br />express intent of the Mayor and City Council to enact each section, subsection, <br />clause, or phrase separately. <br />S£CTIOi{ 7. This ordinance shall be in force and Cake effect from and after its <br />passage, approval, and publication within fifteen days in one issue of the Crand <br />. Island Daily Independent, without the plat, as provided by law, and on December 1, <br />' 1979. <br />Enacted 13 Navernber 2979 . <br />~-'""'"'Robe- rt L~'I~rsz, yor <br />Al'~cu't: <br />:...R.S~.. Rat~L.Liek.. . . <br />-- _ - qty er <br />- 2 - . <br />