8th-.. ~ fG,~
<br />ORBIKAKCE K0. 6503
<br />An ordinance to extend the boundaries and include within the corporate limits of, and
<br />- to annex to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, certain contiguous and adjacent tracts of land
<br />and streets and highways in the Sovth Half (S~} of Section Eleven (11), Township Eleven (11)
<br />North, Range Nine {9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska: to provide for service
<br />_ ,. benefits [hereto;. to provide severability; and toconfirm the zoning classification thereof.
<br />SECTIOti 1. It is hereby found and determined by such Cicy Council that:
<br />(a) The tracts of land and streets and highways in the South Half (S~,) of
<br />Section Eleven (11), Township Eleven {11) North, Range Nlne {9} West of the 6th-
<br />P.M„ Hall County, Nebraska, as herefnafter more particularly described, are urban
<br />and suburban in character and contiguous and adjacent to the corporate lim[s of
<br />etch City and as urban and suburban in character are not agricultural Land rural
<br />in character;
<br />{b) Police, fire, snow removal, sanitary sewer and public water service will be
<br />. available as provided by Law;
<br />(e) The zoning classification of such. tracts of land as shown on the official
<br />zoning map of the City of Crcnd Island, Nebraska, is hereby confirmed;
<br />(d) There is a unity of interest in the use of such tract of land and streets
<br />end highways with the use of lots, lands, streets, and highway in the City, and
<br />the community convenience and welfare and the interest of such City will be~enhanced
<br />thruugtt Lncorporating such lands and sircets and highways wichir. the corporate
<br />limits of such City,
<br />S'dCTiOti 3, TT:at the bauetdarfes aE the City of Grand lsLand, Nebraska, be, and F_e rzby are,
<br />extended to include within the corporate limits of such City ehe contiguous and adjacent
<br />tract of land and streets and highways in the South Half (S;~) of Section Eleven (11) North,
<br />Range Nine (9} West of the bth P.M., Nall County, Nebraska, more particularly describe) as
<br />fallowa:
<br />- A tract of land in the South Half (S ;) of Section Eleven (11}, Township Etcven
<br />{11) North, Rance Caine (9) West of the bch P.M „ [tall County, Nebraska, :rure
<br />particularly described as follows: 8ey,inning at a point on the northerly
<br />right-ot-way line of U,S. Highway "io. 30, said point aisa he ing the :;vutnwesterly
<br />~~,_~ corner of Lot 4, Cnnncll Industrial Park Subdivision; thence runni n;; suuthwescarly
<br />along said norcherty right-uE-way Line of U.S. ti i t;hway No, 30 [v the ::ouchwesterly
<br />cornet a£ Lot 1, Connell Industrial Park 5ubd iv is ion; [hence concinuiug sou tirv+es[eriy
<br />ed cu along said northerly r'gh rof-way line a dLs ranee of two hundred cttircy-ci„ht
<br />O -- ~ < and live-Cenths {238.5) feet; thence runninn, North parallel to the West line
<br />Q* ~ of Lot 1, Connell Industrial Park Subdiv>sion, to [fie southerly right-oC-way line
<br />of the Union Pacific iL3 ilruad; thence runrunh northeasterly aiung eha auutherly
<br />.w ~. Tighe-oE-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad a distance of two hundred thircy-
<br />-=i-- 6I - eighe and Erve-te the (238.5} feet to the t=orn,west curnYr cf tat 1 Connell
<br />~- ~ ~ Industrial Part: SubdivisLon; thence continuing northeasterly .alone :.tid southerly
<br />~ - right-oE-way line of Union Pacific Ra ilruad a distance of one ttrx -and four
<br />~- hundred seventy-three and thirty-six one hundredths (1,+73.3bi Ee t to c:hc
<br />North-South line rue.:: ing ~hmuh the center of said Sectton El :t.u (11), Chls
<br />- -, point also being the northeasterly corner of Lot 2, Connell Irduscrial Park
<br />' ~ -- - Second Subdivision; thr_ree running North along said North-South line, also
<br />[sting. the racist westerly Iina of Lot 4, Connell Industrial Park Subdivision a
<br />-- distance of two hundred twenty-two and sixty-three one hundredths (22?.63) foot;
<br />thenca deflecting right and running northeasterly along the souchc:rly right-of-
<br />way. line of the Union ?acifi.c Railroad a distance of two hundred ninety-one
<br />andseirenty-nina one hundredths (291.79) feet; thence running East along eh¢
<br />