<br />ORDINANCE N0. 650k
<br />. 'An ordinance to extend the boundaries and include within the corporate limits of, and
<br />- to annex to the City of Gran3 Island, Kehraska, certain coeetigvous and adjacenC tracts of
<br />lard and streets and highways in the East Half (E§) of Section Eleven (11} North, Range
<br />Kline (9) West of the 6th P.M„ Hall County, Nebraska; to provide for service benefits
<br />thereto; to provide severabilicy; and to confirm the zoning classification thereof,
<br />SECTION 1. It is hereby found and determined by such City Council chat:
<br />(a) The tracts of land and streets ar.~d highways in the East }lal£ (E~)
<br />of Section 'cieven (12), Township Eleven (11) North, Range. Nine {4} West of the 6th
<br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, as hereinafter more particularly described, are urban
<br />and suburban in character and contiguous. and adjacent to the corporate limits of
<br />such City and as urban and suburban in character are noC agricultural land rural in
<br />character;
<br />(b) Police, fire, snow removal, sanitary sewer, and public water service benefits
<br />are available thereto as provided by law;
<br />(c) The zoning classification of such tracts of land as shoc.~n on thr_ officirl
<br />zoning map of the City of Grand Island, iebraska, is hereby confirmed;
<br />(d) Thera is a unit of interest in the use of such tracts of land and streets and
<br />highways with Che use of lots, lands, streets, and highways in the City, and the
<br />community convenience and welfare and the interest of such City call be enhanced through
<br />incorporating such lands and streets and highways within the corporate limits of such
<br />City.
<br />SECTION 2. That the boundaries of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be, aad hereby
<br />are, extended to include within the corporate limits of such City the contiguous and adjacent
<br />Czacts of land and streer_s and highways in the Easc Half (F.y,) of Seceian Eleven (11),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Hange Nine (4) West of the bth P.M., (tall County, Nebraska,
<br />more particularly described as follows:
<br />A trace of land located in the East Half (E k) of Section tilevrn {11), Tei i~ship
<br />Eleven (11) North, Ranee Nine (4) West of Cho 6th P.Cf.; Hall County, ~~~b ras ka,
<br />. pore particularly described as foLLaws: Bc;r,inning at a point on the sentheriy
<br />right-of-way line of the Union Pat ii is Railroad .urd th irCy-three (33) icet 4!est
<br />of the East line of Section Eleven (ll), Township Eleven (11) :a rr.h, Ra nt;e Nine
<br />(9) WeSC of the 6th P.DL, Ha11 County. Nebraska; Chvncc runnin, South parallel
<br />to and thirty-three (33) feet distant from the cast lion or' s.rid Section Eleven
<br />a ` (11} to a point on the southerly -is;ht-ot-way line of U.S, Hicnway :o. 3U; thence
<br />a ! ti ~ " running southwesterly on the southerly rigi~t-of-::ay Line of U.S. Highway Na. 30,
<br />rn ti, said line being a large radius curve to the ri.,rht a distance of one Hundred
<br />K 5].xty-thrl'C and six-tenths (163.6) feet; thence dcflec crop, Left at ri.yht angles
<br />a ~ a and running sou[heas n:rly a distance of thirteen (13) feet; thence deCleccing
<br />i,,,, p right at right angles and running southwesterly alarg the southerly right-of-way
<br />i~,~y ~ way line of U.S. ttighwny Yo. 3f) a diSCancu a n:r5e 'trur..;red t°.:enrv-n.t ne .:,:u twa-
<br />!`~ tenths (924.2) feet; chance duflcceinp, right ar,d running norttrwe,terty .::stance
<br />~_ of ninety (90.0) feet to a point on the northerly ris;ht-ai-c+ay Lin.: of U.S.
<br />highway Pfo, 30, said point being throe hundred s~.:vcn (3U7) feet narthcusterly
<br />from the intersection n: said northerly ri{;ht-of-way line with the blast line
<br />", •'~~ of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E~_SE,) of ~•aid Section Eleven (LL);
<br />thence continuing northwesterly on the prolongation of tha last described course
<br />. I
<br />