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<br /> _ � . ' �. . . - . . . i� - _.,, _._ -
<br /> ' _ ' ���►. �- . -..........��..
<br /> -_ _. __----- - �- --— — -�----{-.---.==i:-`_c'rS �r--c=-= -- - � � : - ' -• -- - _ -.
<br /> , �c . p 'i....: -- - - — S: . .. � .
<br /> '_�-,_ � .: ..� . . � • 1 '` � . . ' ' ` . . . _
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<br /> _ —,_.1.,.� � . ' . t" ' . .. _ ' ' � . .. . ' . . _ '
<br /> __--_ Ss�v ' _ • � c ' . . . , _ � . . . —
<br /> ._�,�:,��;,�-��'�= � � � . � . � � � �.� g��. luQ7�2 . �-Ya --- --
<br /> �:Trt:��� . < < � ,, _ �-- , , :
<br /> }. . '�`����:
<br /> �-�'`" :. . : ° � �
<br /> .,<r •''" lf Lmder required tROrfgaae instuanee as a canditlott oP making the toan secuteA by ihis Secwity tnsttumcm. � ��;�
<br /> - ?� _ .� ` ` Hnrrowu shali pay thg premiums roquited to maint=in tbe inSUraftce in elfect uatit such tinie as tire tequitement for the , :i t°��.,�„$ �'�'='
<br /> k�`s{ �� ��f�._ insuranseterminatesin�cco�d�ncewithBo�rower'ssndLendeiswrittrnagrama�torapplicabtelgw. '•, � �r--=
<br /> �:� � �. � _ ` --— s. I�speetios. La►da or its ag�ent may malce teasa.nable entries upmr and in ons nf the Prcrpecty.La�der
<br /> r �-L �,t-._
<br /> � T' shallgiveBocrawernoticeattheumeoPoEpriortoaninspectionspecifyiagre�sonabte�rthcinspectioet--� ,= � �
<br /> `<�-�j ' . - 9 Coadaseation. 'The proceMs of any award or ctaim for damaga.dircct or coasequential.in connection with, < ---_ _ . „ -
<br /> - ,� z-•. ..:
<br /> -`. ';;�,.i ;__. _,ry aa y coadtmnation or otha taking pf any part of s6e Property,or for conveyance in liw of coadenu�ation.are hereby,
<br /> :���.°':' �.'�. `•` assignodandsballbepaidtoLender. .' . � "' .�: � `
<br /> - . ` ._ � la tlie ezent of a tntal taking of the Praperty.the procads shaU 6c appliad to t6e swns secu�d by this Security � . . ...•. . :.':'._ ., ;
<br /> � - Instrument,wheiher or not thm due.with aay exccss paid to Borrowu.ln the event oP a p�rtial taking of the Praperty, .;:' , -
<br /> �,.',` �' . `. - aate�Borrower and Leada otherwise agcee in writin&ihe sums secured by tbis S e c u r ity i n s t r u m e at s b a l l b e r e duoed b S . .
<br /> t6e aacvnnt of the pr�oceods muhiplied bSt the�ltowing fraction-(a)the tntat amount of the sums sccured immodiateiy r':
<br /> �, . �-. ,;:__:`�.-�'.- brFore thctaking,divided by(b3 the faiF inarlceE�atneofthe Pmperty immodiately be fore t he t a k ing.A ny b a k+nce s U a ll b e - _ � _
<br /> � ' pud to Borrower. - :�t �•' :
<br /> , ' -.. _ If the Property is abamda�s�bY Borrower,ar if.after notice by Lender to Borrawer that the condemnar affers to . ,,,;;,. ;
<br /> b "�" "' make an award orsettte a ciaim f�ar�a.�nages,����faits to respund to I.eader within 30 daYs after thedate the aotice is .
<br /> rt+__ ,.. r 3 .
<br /> . �; . g'�ver►,I.e�cder is autborized toco,�t aud apply the procad�.at its aption,e.�eerto restoration or repair of the Fropertyar ; x �
<br /> `' � wthesumssecuredbytbis5uusisi��strament.whetherornotth�due: �.::.;:.• ;.: , . `,.
<br /> <:r;ry� �;a,�-
<br /> � ,r. Unless i.ender and Boaaweru�a�wise agrec in writin8•�Y aPPI•�a�af�saceeds t��riacipat shaU not a�tend ar . � � °>::� , -_-
<br /> .�_�'�" V.<<. . . . . h�';
<br /> '�i <
<br /> 4..�,., postpone the due date of the monthlY Pay�ments r�er�oed to ia P�S�Phs��'3 0:chaoge the amount�''s sach payma�� . '_.: � ;-
<br /> , ',,;���" �` � 10' Borrowpa'�ot Itde�ued:I''orbeara�.BY i.eader Not��Rrs� ;;�xtmsion of the t�a�far:gzymant,ai _ . .
<br /> . ;��.';�',p, .�,'• _ . ... ' : —
<br /> �;:;;a+'�`�. 'modifrcation ot a�arttcratia»of the sums soc�ce�iiy this Seeurity Instra�ent�granted by Lender taaiiy:suooessairin, —_.
<br /> ..,�r.��°. �
<br />. ;;;,� :., � . , m�t a€Borroc�es.s�iaU not operate to release tire�iability of che qriginal8asibwer ar Borrowe�'s sucec.ssors iv i�tr'r�r.'. . , ::�_
<br /> _� ��_ ,__ . .-�._. ..;,,,.L.�:S�•nat�"ie•rec{aired to commence proceedin atry succcssor i�}interest or'sefiue to e.i�d�t"s�foi;:- _ .:;. `�`
<br /> . _ gs a�nsS, �
<br /> '.�' t ..� ;' gay-ment�i otlierasse modify amortization af the s�uru secure�by tfns Security Instrument by season of an�ifeniand iiiade� - ':�: -_
<br /> � �', '.. . � "' ':, by theorcginaR�arso�'eror Borrower's successors in interest Any forbearar�e by Lender ia exercising any�gltt or remedY ,�. .f -
<br /> ,�,�;'��; . •� -.s1�allnot�eaaraivcs�fosprecludetheexerciseofanyriglitorremedy. . ,� °"�° i-
<br /> � ' ,°:. . , • �.t.�S�nss and Assigp�s Boaad:Joint a�d Several LiAbititq�Ca�i�ers. The covenants and agreemene.s of � .;��. �t :
<br /> r` ;�_���: � • � • tb'rs.Secu�►.ji��ent shall bind aa3 benefit the successoYs andassi�s af�.e�der and Hotrowes,subjett to the provisions .�,.�`, �,Y 1_ ^,
<br /> _. ..��:� ,, of pasay;iap�1?_$o�-ratves's covenants and agreemec►�s stra`S 6e jc�:t and se4+�aL.Any Horrower who co-signs this Secotit� ��;. ;;� . .3 �
<br /> , instrument but does�ot ea�ecute the Note:(a)fis co-signiag tlus Securit�r�u�ument only to mostgag�grant asid convey •�:1�•;.' ,.,�a
<br /> ' � that Borrower's interes¢in the Properly under the tesrtts of this Security Instcument;(b)is not personallp abli�ied ta pay :�, ,- �
<br /> ,� ��� , � ` the sums secured by this Sccurity Mstrument;and(c)agcees that Lender and any other Borrower mzy agree to exta�d, . _ ���:
<br /> , . , m o d i f y,f o r b e a r o r m a k e a n y a c c a m m o d a t i o n s w i t h r e g a r d t n the tetms ot'this Securi ty lnstrument or tht Note witbout� •�
<br /> � • that Borrower's�onsent. . �':
<br /> � 12. Load'Quirges. If the loan sccured by this Security lr�strument is subjeci ta a law which sets maximum toan �. - �
<br /> '` � chargcs, ancl that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan chatges colteeted or ta be collected in ( • �
<br /> . ' connection with the loan eaceed the permitted timiu,then: (a)any sach laan charge sba11 be reduced by the amount • t ' . .
<br /> � . �.. necessary to reduce thc charge to the perm�tted limit;and(b)any sams atready coltected t'rom Batrower whfich eaceeded � ; _
<br /> permitted limits will be refunded ta Harrawer. 1.ertder may chaose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed �
<br /> . . under the Note or by making a direct payment to Bonower.IPa refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treatecl as a _ .
<br /> • • ' � partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. t , -
<br /> ' !3 /.egislaHon ARscHag I.ender's Rlghts. IP enactment ar eapiration of applicabTe laws has the effect of � �
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note or this Security lnstrument anenfarceable accarding ta its term.�,Lender,at itx option, '. '
<br /> . � may require immecfiate payment in full of a1t sums sccured by thiy Seauricy Dnstrument and may inroke any remedi� •
<br /> . � � permitted by paragraph 19.Iil.cnder exercises ihis optian,Lender shalt take the steps specified in the second paragraph oP �
<br /> : parag!�ph 17. �•
<br /> � � 14 Notices. Any naiice ta Botrower pravided far in th is Securin re�sttument shaU be given by delivering it or 6} � ,
<br /> , maiting it by flrst class mail unless applicable faw requires use oFar.�:her mcth�d.The natice shalt be directed to the ;. .
<br /> " Ptaperty Address�r any other address Horrower designates by�ne•ti;x k�fi,Nnrer.Any notice to l.ender shall be given hy
<br /> . � :;� ;I ` , flrst class mail ta I.er:Cer`s addre�.s stated herein or any o2her adcfte�.s t.end:f de�ignate!.by noticc to Borrower.Any notice i � �
<br /> pcovided for in this Security tnstrument shAll bc decmed ta ha�e been given sz�s Borrowcr ar Lendcr when given s�.g prnvided , '
<br /> . . . � :;�..' . , • •
<br /> ' , in this paragraph. '
<br />� � l9. Coverni¢�g 1.aw;Sevcrsbility. Thiy Security Instrument s�:a t f»e govorne d by fe dera l law a r.d t h e l aw af Ihc >
<br /> << ` • � • jurisdiction in which tPse Ptoperty is lacatcd.In the event Ihat any pr�wisian or ctau�c of this Sccurity�d�strument or the
<br /> , ;f_ , Ptate conflicts with ag�:itable taa.�,uch canflict shall nat affect other provisions of this Security MS[rumene or the Nate
<br /> . ahich ra�be given e:fece Rbthout ehe�:onft£cting provi�icn.?oi�tis cnd the pravisians of rhi�Secudty lnsuument an;�the
<br /> ' Note a;e declared ta be severa8'.c. �
<br /> ' •.;; t6. Borrowed'sCopy� Bo:rower�hallbeS��CnanesrnFarmcdcnpyaFtheNoteandof'thiySecaritylnstrument.'
<br /> - l7, Transfes o�the f'tapeHy�r o Ben�c�gi lnterest in gorrowe�. lf all or any part og thc�'rnperty or Any
<br /> intere�t in it i!�sold csr transferred(or if a brne6cia�"snterest in Hormw�K is u�ld or iru»sferred�nd�iorroµc�i�not a naturul
<br /> penon)wiihout Lendcr's prior wrlucn ronse��t.Lcndcr may.at its apli�m,rcyuirc iromediatr payment sn full nf:ill sum� •
<br /> . i sccured hy thix 5ecurity lnsirument. Hawever.this op�inn ghali n��t h�:cxercixrd by lAndcr if eMCrrisc ir prohihited by
<br /> fe�ieral l�w ati of'the datc af this 5ccurify]nsliumcnt.
<br /> lt'Lendcr cxcrcises thiv aption.Lc�idcr sha11 givc I3orraw•cr nntice of s►raelcration.The n�it icc shall pr�»idc:+peri�+d
<br /> ; ' of nnt Icss�h�n 3bd�yc f'rom the date the naticc a��eliv"ered or mailed within which i��trourr mu��p:iy alf tumy�ecureJ by
<br /> this Sccurity Inslrument.if Barrnwcr Pait�tora}th�µr sumy priar ti�thc rxpiratinn oPthi�period.l.cndct ctti�+y in���k�•un}•
<br /> remedies permittrd by this5ecurity Intitrumrnt with�ut furtl�cr noticcur dcmand��u iiorn�wer. � "
<br /> ' - , i8.Borrowcr's Right to Reinstate, lf'tk,frawrr nu�K:ccrtain conc2itic,n�.Hc,rn,tic<<�h:itl hy�c thc sighs t�-'�tr, . -.
<br /> , enforcement oPihi�Securily tnstrur.icnt disw^ti:ur�i.it an�oir.:_rri��r t�+t h�e:trtirr<�f:�a o S d:+y��nr�u�t��>>t��r reo�n�r. .•
<br /> aPPllcable law ma�•�,�:city for reintt:�tementi�+e��?:�sate oS ti3;e�'rnrrr��•pt��saa�:s�o:e:;ti po«•rr uf sair c<�utaincJ:°1i:�: _
<br /> , 5ecurity ln�trumrnr:.�(�)entr��of a judgn�c^t,c:sfi�r�tin�thi�5cr��rit} tn�=rcr*;c�?t. 7'F.a�r eanditi�»ik�rc�h:�t liorr.�wes•. .
<br /> (o�p�ys t.cndcr ait t�t.^:v whict►tken wuulct 6c�fuc under ihi�5eeurity �^�trua:�st�a-��-thc v�,tc had na ucrclec�._<r• . - .
<br /> � � orruned:(t�)cures any defaul�o?any other rnvenant!.ar�„srecntrm�:Yr)Jr�yti a1i r�:s:�:�es incurr��1 in rnt��rru.�:':i:.. - ,
<br /> __---.-- .._ _u_�—v._ � Securlty Insfrumrnl.including,hut-n�t limitrd tv.rrasonubie attorney�frr�:and(d)r,�ti«tiuch act�an a� 1.Cndcr r:•.:�. - ..•_._:"-•..;.
<br /> . � � reasonably require tn assurc that thc Iien of thiy Sccurify imtrument. f,efidct`{ rrFhss sn the i'rapert}an� tivrn•�ert '- = . _.--.:�---•----"------
<br /> ' . obligattcm tn �y thc sumv aecurrd by this Sccurity lustnurnut �hall cuntinuc_msrhsut�3cd. lipnn rcin�tatemcnt h�• _ .
<br /> � �ntrower,this 5ecurity ln�trument mid the obligutionv ti�w ured hercMy shal�rcm:iin full}cflcrnsc a�if n�.acrrlctatiun had
<br /> . nccurrevi.Howevrr.this tight to rcinstute shaU not•rpply In th�ra.ce e�f i�ecrirr:+tion nnder p.�n��:raph�i�or 17.
<br /> � . _ _ ,
<br /> = - ------ -
<br />