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�ss�w �.- ��.. t � � s�°- � � - a. — i4- -- ------ -<a �'��x.�` K`�C,'�'�` --zC y <br /> �--'tt"' 3+�� .+��. j ���. _rt- _ � f ` _ <br /> � ,`_. ,,. ., . <br /> .,-� ;� <br /> �.'�j.. _ . .. _ 1:� - ° ; - . . <br /> . t: - ' .' . . ,.\ . . . _ _ . t� ���c F�: <br /> ..�-' " - , _- - . - � . ,,, - - - . --- - - ` ' _ <br /> , ' <br /> � . • <br /> . <br /> � - , : . . , - � . - . <br /> . . _-. . . . _ _ .- ' - ' . �'-- <br /> ; . . .:_ , . - .,..,. � . <br /> . <br /> . � � . _ ,�:�. _ s.• _.�_��. ,�h;� . . - '_ . - - ..._� _..._ . <br /> .�3:�a <br /> _...�—__=_i___— �' . _ —_ _.—___._. . —___ .__�__ ___'_ .'. - � � <br /> .t — <br /> ,_`s.___ :rd'_»� ; . � ` � ` ` � /J� i VO• �l�f r . . <br /> - _ '_ __ _ — . \ �i+ .. . — <br /> � • UN[FOR1a CAVEn�taTS� Bormwa'�ad Lmstacavemnt and agmas follows:. � ' ` _ <br /> �� ' l, [�jpr�qtt af Pri�ci�ni aid Ltese�Prep�Sr�t a�Ltt�e qtarge.t. Borrawet sHail pramptlY PaY-w h�n due `. � <br /> �� _ � — <br /> -- ti�eprincips�ofandinterestonlhede6teviderlcedb�theNoteandar�yprepayasentandlatecha.rgesdueu�derthrNt�te. - <br /> : –�,��,�.,�.�.�#} r.� ; . 2. FnedsforTuaandlasuraece. SubJecttoapplicablelawortoawrittenwaiver,byLender.Barrowershaflpsy , ---�� -_ _ <br /> y`-�-�� . , to Lenda on t6e day monthly pa�nents are due under the hote.uAtil the Note is pai�in full��a sam E"Fund�")cquai�u �'Y <br /> �� � ��� � onctwefith of:(a)yearly taxes and assessmcnts whioh may attain priority.avcr th�s Security Iatitrurricnt; (b2 ycarly ` i�' �- <br /> �: �� � . =. <br /> � �`k-<:.....:.� _:- rr-.a_,, .;�' <br /> '�'�f:�:�.:�;::�=1` r�. k�sehoid payments or ground cents on the Pcopertg. if any: (c) �earty hazatd insurnnce:prrmiums;and (d)�'ea�ly, . - _ _ ,j�. <br /> . .w-� .•.,�,_'� �rr.._.. <br /> °,.x mortgage insurance premiams,if any.These items ar+eca}tcd"escrow itemk"ixnder may cstimate the Fundc due on the •<` } , <br /> �� t= ��{� _ .basiscsfcurrenttl3ta�reasonabteatimaiegoffi�tuneesr�orvitems. .. : - - - � - �� ` <br /> � f, �Y srr <br /> ---���.��. ----T - - - -- The Fut�d4s6aNbe bt�d inan instituflon t�e deposits ataccottnts of which are i�cur�or guatantepd by a federal or 1 s� �� -' ._,��r�. <br /> , �,�� ,,� ; � state ageacy(in:luding Lend'er if�.a�da u such aa institytion}.Lender shal!ap�ly the Funds to pa}the escrbw items. '•-;,� u <br />_. . :`,.:;:; � l.ender may not charge for holdingand applying the Funds.analrting the accaunt or verifjing the escra�itcros.uniess <br /> ,��:�:;°.• . �' �� "`� I.eadu pays Bocrowec interes!or�the Fualds and applicabte law pesmits Lender to make.such a charge.Borrower and �; :. .• <br />` - °��':�•� - Lender may agee in wtiting that interat shatl!�e paid on the Fuadc. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law � - . <br /> ;.�,r:.�.: •-.. . " _ � <br /> _ _. ;:••�•;r::;.__ . nyn1,jres interest to 6e gaid,Lender sba1)not be rrquirat to pay Borrower any interest or eacnings on the Fuads.Lender - - , .. , _. <br /> +J~�� ���Y�'���'}�-.1��,�"' � ' �{f�1{give to Borrqwa.withouc cbarg�an annual accountmg ofthe Funds sf�owing credits and de6its to the Fuads and the . .•';.:: <br /> ` ,' , purpose fot wbich each deint to t6e Fands vras made.The Funds are ptetlged as addi t t o n a!securitg f a r t h esumssecumi tiy_ � .,fs,- <br /> ,. .,u <br /> , �:� ' � � , << _ <br /> _ ._ __ � '�=. ' ' thisSecnrity InstnlmenL .�r, . , ; . . <br /> r �-, � � — <br /> ,. � ::� .. -_.: If ttie amaaat of t�e��s ItetB�by�.ender,togethas�ith th�futur��{vntt�ig gaj�enis o€Funds p�:�ie�r�r to '-'r���y`��Y�;� � L , <br /> get . <br /> _ �, :: . <br /> . . . . .:;,,,, theduedates af�ie escnasc�.uu"s,sa:ali exaeed the amouat requirod tn pay the�.scra:.�r�ns�a dae,the eaii^+�;s s�aIt i� .,. , . - <br /> ;� ;" .:.,', st Borrower's mFtion,either�a�o�it�r s�r,a Barrawer or�vedited ta Horruwer az�antbiF€��caents ot`Fustd's.If the ' f " ��, F << : <br /> - amount of t6�eT'runds hetd{ir�der isao�s�cirnt to pap the esc�u�items at�eo,id�;Horni��sY�ll pay to Lendet any � � �� . .::'.. <br /> , .. r L,�:c�,.: <br /> `<�� , a�nountnocessarytom►age�.::.xiedefrcieii�inotteorm�epa�a�s�.raqusred6s.�es �� ':'��� : � `' � <br /> � � . Upon payment iu fci�o�alt suasssscw'ed by tbis;5erurit��,_���s�ai1 Pra":dg�Ig refund to Borrower 1 , �� ' <br /> :�.� �nY Fpnds held Is Lender:F�:uitder l� 9 t6e cs.s��r m�L-3r�:etider,i$��sha1l later ' `l,' . �`'���`" <br /> •_�.•��:s �`.` � � ' . than immediatety prior to"the sale of t�i'cvperty oi i��s"n�L-s bxnder.any Fuads hel�br Lender at the time of - _ `� ���4,,,� _�-�- <br /> � - �pplicationasacroditagainselheswnsseaure�bythisSocarit��:e�� �� ' �� .t,Y, -�^ <br /> �'� � ` � ` � . 3. Applieatbu of PsyAeats. Unlas�Pplicable ta�{����es�otherwise,all paymenu receiY�d 6r ixnder undec , �s =. <br /> � paragraphs 1 and 2 shaU bea,pplied:first,to late charges�e�aderthe Notr,sesond to prepayment charges daersader the �;� " k�: <br /> . ._w ..._ . _.,._ , - Not�tbirQ to amounts p�afi�te under paragr�h 2;tourt�:t�ritaest dur,artd last;to pnncipal due. � -.. .t s <br /> . , . ;,:;, �`� . <br /> . _ ;. ,s 4. Charge�Liens. Bonower sball pay all taxe�,assessmenis.charges.fines and impositions attn`b�c�,zble to the � �.., ,:�`� • •� :i <br /> /, t �'' ` - - • properiy which may attain pdorit�over this Security Instramen�,and teasehold payments or graaad :..�cs.�if any. _, . ` �f�,.,, :,_ <br /> - ' . Rorroaer shall pay these obligations ip ihe manner provide�in paragraph 2,or if not pa�d in that mannes:Ftdreowec sha11 • " '°`�`+`�''� <br /> . ..�:r,.;.;., <br /> �•r•; . ' pay them on time directly to the person owed paymcot.Borrower shatl promptly furnish to Lrmder aIl rifltices:�f a�tlounts • ,•; `� ,;`:�:�'F;+,.;�"..", <br /> .r+7,�- � . -.. <br /> "%_:::� " to be paid under this paragaph.If Borrower makes these payments directty.Barrower shall promptly furaisC�f.��.eader . _., =,s�•;� �� <br /> ' �';3.;��,. . . : ;�;:: ,..�.t����, <br /> .l;y,:y,:,�- � � raceiptsevideacingilsepayments. r, ' :'` ,�:�r-. <br /> �;••} " BorroweT s4iall promptly discharge any lien which has priarity aver Ihis Security Instrumen"t unless Borroaer:(a) '.•`f'';� <br /> • � ��`��%'f'- . , agrces in writir$ta the payment a1'the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(i�)cantests in good `� ::�;;,�,��, <br /> .r:;.;.. . .. . . � . <br />. • .�:;�;;;.. � -. faitb the Gcn by,ar ddeads against enforcemcnt af tha Ifen ia,legai praceedings which in ihe I xnder's apinioa dperate to " `� <br /> �`'A;'". prevens the enforcement of the tien or forfeiture of any pan of tfie Property;or(c)secures fram the hotder af the lien an � <br /> � ' � agramem satisfactory to Lender subordinafing the lien ta this Security Instrument.Ii Lender determines that any part of , � <br /> � , ihe Property is snlsject to a lirn which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a � . ';: <br /> r : notice idenrifying the lien.Borrower sha11 satisfy the lien or takc ane or more of the actions set fonh abave within 10 days <br /> , of the giving of natice. ' � . <br /> - „ S. Haz�rd Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvemenG�now eaisting or hereaf'tet erected on the Property <br /> insured against loss by fire.hazards included within tho term'•extended caverage"and any other hazards for wbich Ixnder � . . <br /> ;, ' reguires insurance.This•insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Le�der requires.The � • <br /> • ,;�;I':,:;,:!� - -: ii3suance ranier praviding the insurance sfiall be chosen by Horrower subject to Lender's approval which shall not be f, <br /> . ° .� - •.1 nnrcasonabty withheld. " � �:; . <br /> ' ' AU insurance policies pnd renewals ahall be acceptable to lxnder and shall inctude a standard mortgage clause. � '. ,. <br /> • " ( � i;;,::�, <br /> , . 1,ender shall bave the right to hold the palicies and renewals�.IP I,crtder reyuires,Barrower shall promptly give to Lender ; • <br /> . � all teceiptaoPpaid premiums and renewal notice.s.ln the event af loss,Sorrower shall give prampt natice to the insurance � � . ,�� �� <br /> . catriet and l.ender.l.ender may make prnoPof loss i1'not made promptly by Harrawer. - • ; . <br /> tlntess Lender and Boaawer otherw'ise agree in writing,insurance praceeds shali be applied ta restoration�r repait <br />` ,, 1 • ' oithe Property damaged,ii'the restorauon or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened.If the `, ' . <br /> .i• restoration ot Tepair ig not economically feasible ar l,ender's security woutd be ie�ssened,the insurance pracceds shall be �-''��` <br /> � , a�plied ta the aums secnred by this Secarity Insttument,whethcr or nat ihen due,with any eacess paid to Borrower.IP � , • � <br /> _ B9rrower abandons the Property,ar does not ansaeF w7ihin 30 days a notice Prom l.ender that the insurance carrier has � <br /> • w ',�;�" � oR'eced to settle a claim,thrn l.ender may collect the uns�:rance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds ta repair or restore j � <br /> :ts • tho Property or to pay sums secured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or not�hen due.The 30-day period will begin ; . <br /> °��f �':�... when the notice is given. . <br />� Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise agrce in arriting,any applicatian af praceedsto principal shali not extend or ' . - <br /> � - pastpone the due date of the monthly paymenty referre�to in paragraphs 1 s�nd 2 or chanse the amaunt af thepaymcnt9.IP � � ; � <br /> • under paragraph t9 the Praperty is acquired by Ler:der.Borrower's right to any in.rprance poti�ies and proceeds resulting� ; � � <br /> " �. fsom damage to the Property prior ta the acquisition shall pass to Lender tn thw extent of the 4uans secured by this Securi�y <br /> . ' Instrument immediately�pridr to eheacc�u«iuon. <br /> 6. Pt�eaetration tnd'_41�ntee�nce-alProperty;Leasehofds. B„arrawcr shali nat destrvy.dampgc or substantialty <br /> r � change the Property.alfoK�he Property to deteriorate or cammit wavte. If ihis Security lnstrument is on a teasehold. <br /> ,� �_, Borrower sh�ll comply�a�t�a tbc provisions oPthe tea�r,ar�d if Barrower s+cquires fee title tothc Propert,y,thc lr�ehold and ; <br /> t�.•� Feetittasisalt not merge U�less Lendcr agreestn thr merger in writin�. � <br /> � �.��a3ectioa of Leeder'$ Ri�das in the Propedy; �fort�ge lnsuraace. ]f Horrowcr fails to perform the _ <br /> � covenaRES 2:ul��reementscontained ir�ts4sSecurity lnstrument,�r there is a Icga1 proceedir.g tP�:�may signiflcantly aflecT ; <br /> � Lendet�reg�e9s�in the Property(such as��pruereding in bankruptcy,pr�bate.for condem�a�t�ah or to enforce laws or <br /> ' _ segnlatiusls),then Lereder�tay do and pay far whatev��c ic nrcess:sry ta Qrotect the 4a?:;eof the I'roperly pnd l.ender'�rights <br /> in�the Propefly.1.end:F�a:fions,may include paying apy sums secured by a lser.ahich has prionty over Ihis Security <br /> � lnstrument.appearing�a�caurt,paying reason3bl�at:��<.�ys'frt�a s+ttci entering on the Property to makc repairs.Atthough <br /> . L.ender may takeattion uncter this paragraph 7.I,ender does nol have to dn so. •• ' <br /> Any amonnts disbursed by Leader vnder this paragraph 7 shall bccome pdditional dr:�r���arrower secured by thi� • <br /> .� � ' • Security lnstrument.Untess Borrower anci Lender agrce to other tcrms af payment.these ana�:r�.^.:��ha11 be�r;�ptereyt irdn, .. . ; � <br /> � :�: the date oi disbursement a�t the Note tate and shall be puyable. with intcrest. upon notice.`*�::�Len�er r�Horrrn�cr <br /> . . .. � 5�9��-. _ : <br /> - n <br /> + 1 .. <br /> 1 1 <br /> . � . y . . __ . _ . . . . . . _ . . _ _' ' ' ' ' ' _ . . .. _ . . <br /> � '_ '__ _' " _. ____ -__" - ____' . . ._ .— r . . <br /> 'T . ' . _ ' , , . _ _. . _ _ '� . ._"_—'. ..-. <br /> •' ' ' .._, .__...r...k-:. __'__'_ ._.._. ... <br />