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~~ <br />80- ~~",~ x <br />6. If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at <br />its option, may pay or pet•fot•m the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum <br />owing on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />fot• in the principal indebtedness. <br />7. Upon request of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />for the sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at <br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, or for taxes or assessments against the <br />same„ and for any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured <br />hereby on a pariiy with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first <br />described above. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin- <br />cipal indebtedness and shalt be payable in approximately equal monthly payments for such period as may <br />be agreed upon by the bortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum <br />or sums su advanced shall 6e due and payable thirty (30) days after demand by the Mortgagee. In no <br />event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above. <br />8. He hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of <br />the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms and condi- <br />tions of this mortgage or the said note, all the rehts, revenues and income to be derived from the mores <br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee <br />shall have power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the same and col- <br />lecting the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said incomes all necessary commissions and <br />expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals thereftom; the balance <br />remaining, if any, to 6e applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness. <br />9. Ile will continuouslc main4lin hazard insurance, of such type ar types and amounts as Mortgagee <br />may from time to time require, on the improvements now or hereafter on said premises and except when <br />paytnent for alt such premiums has theretofore been made under (ct) of paragraph 2 het•eof, will pay <br />promptly when due any premiums therefor. Upan default. thereof, Mortgagee may pay the same. All <br />insurance shall tte carried in companies approved by the i4tortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof <br />shall be held by the Mortgagee and have attached thereto Loss payable clauses in favor of and in form <br />acceptable to the 3lortgagce. in event of lass 3A»•tgagor trill give itttmediake notice by mail tr the Mort- <br />gagee, who nut}• make proof of kris if not made promptly by Mortgagor, and each insurance company eon- <br />cerned is hm•eby :unhorircd and directed to make paymont for such k>ss directly to the Jortgagee inskead <br />of to the Mort a or •uul tk s \lortgagea ,joinily, tend the xsurance ptrocc dK yr any hart thereof, <br />mty be. opttim cithor to the r~ductiun of the in Icbeulm.a5 hereby secured <br />t to the ~ i ~ ~ ~~ =•opcrty damaged. [n event of 2 ~te.closure. - this rnlrtgage, ar taper <br />transfer bt tttto _ ` _,13 ttt in extinguiY.hment of flat= ,nsleht• ]n :~ ,-~c€.eerl perch}-, ail <br />right title and interest +rt` th+~ Mortgagor in and to any insurance pclicics tHon ]n forte shat! pass to rho <br />purchaser ar grantee. <br />tt), As additacntta cu~..1 c~,llztterat s~cuxity ar the reaytncnt of the note desc!'ibetl. ' net ,tli yams tc lkF4°5;71e <br />due under Fit m>rig f,.-. ~ ~•al,t„t~t,tu, t.t,t-,.t,yasa;girs t!, tlic +tlortgut, 'ail ]t^:t~~e i>e*uaESC•s, ;;mints, 7eae*- <br />nuns, royalties, r?glats, atul c,th._~r b.,nei,t~ xtr~r!•uing ±st the 11<ertgt~tg:ir' uitvl==ra' arj• at.'a ;:., otl =.nci = =e,~~_a <br />now, ur duung tm^ LI C thiv to nit,akc c ~ecutul - n said lucmtses, utth tl t~ tt~h e,rz~ -Kauck ~l?t <br />lot the same amt ahph d„-,n ~„ .a=d tncic6teducss as t+-eil be lose as afro de*CauR ut the eond[tions of this <br />mortgage. trod rho lhntgage,~ ma>~ dt•nuutd, sue Cur and a°ecuver roar' ::uch paynwnts tt h+,~n glue xuid pay, <br />abh•, but .hall ^oL be rwluirrd .:o W du. 'Chic assignment is to terminate quad bocome :atll and void upon <br />rrleax nl' this mnt•tgagr. <br />II. He shall nut commit t,r rn~rnrit t-~atte; tool shtd! maiut;tiu the liralarrtc ua as g,n,d condition as at <br />present, reasunublu tt~ear caul tt•ar ,~xcrpted. l'po^ an~• i}uluro to su nutintaiu, 3turit!,ta;r,:, at it>a uptit,m, <br />may cauw~ tt•as~nutiriv maiutt•hancc ~eork ha 6e Irt~rformeel at the cost of 19t;r[gakur. .loS auauutets paid <br />therefor liy Mm-tgat;cc shall to=ur iutrat~at nt thn rate provided La1' in the pruu~ipal ludebtcdnt=ss, slaall <br />thereupon became a part of fhe^ iudehtedne^ss secueec,i by this insU~unront, ratabl>~ anti on at purit}' a ith a[I <br />other indebtcdnt~,~s secured i,ereby°, :mci shah be payable thirty 43D1 drt,Ys uftor tlennutd. <br />1'd. If the premises, qtr any- pare thereat', bt: cundomned unden• the patc,•r +.I• ,•mine•nL domain, .re <br />aciluired leer a laubhc rase, rho dnmagc^s a~+ararel, the prrocc,~ds Cur- rho retfnnk nf, ear thy, ctm,it!t•rsttum fu'r <br />such acquisition, to the ost.,•nt +rl' t}te full atnuuul td the rrntauung nnlt;titl indt•t,tr~,iurss .,,~~urr.l by Phis <br />mot~gugc, or hereby asscgned to the hlortgngec•, ;ens shxl! 6e paid Corthtcrth t„ _,;ud illortgugee, to ht. <br />applied on account of ihu last uuuucltrg inatullments a[ such iudt^bttrtlnt~.5,. <br />13= I! the 17th tgagar Cail~ m #t:;4k _ Y a a ac, ~=t t _ ,.rt r tr anti e unply t5 ieit ~'ti <br />of the eoudltuu;a c:1 :;gr+^rmenlx eontauartk he tht, nn,ttgat,o, ur the uuies aluch it ucnr~,x, tht-n rMt„ <br />eutittt principal smn :utd accrued interest. s}aarll at oua• became dot= ,uad payable. at Uar elcctt±m «f the <br />~lurtgxgee; seed they :uurigage maG thereupon be fort•closesl inmtcdirttciy ft?r the tshvlt• of fhe• inelobtcd- <br />n~ss herthy scctared, including the oust of e^sLt:utling flee abstract of titk• fn~en the date tAf This aru,rt. <br />gage to t-he time of eomme~acing such suit. a a-trasuwtble tdtorm:c'.. ft:r. amt iuiy ,mu, putt[ bt~ tftt~ A't^tt~retn., <br />Administrating uu ar~,rnnt t,f ttr guaranty or insurance ui the indebtednes s~~, urud i„~r,~b~, all of tchte~lt <br />shall bo included iu flee da:cree of ftu•eclosure. <br />Id. If the indehtedtu•sa seem ed hereby lie guanurterd or insnr,•d under '1•itlo l;~~t, 1 `nrted ~tah~_e ('.,de, <br />such Tatlo and Itegulatiutts Issued thernunder uud in etlty: t un fhe• slab-~ ht•rruf ,haL' r;ut~~~rn rho ria;ht,, iiul+~~.< <br />uud liahihties of the t.ttrtcc•x berettr. and any pr+trasiuna oi' the; ~:r other insG~umcntw ote,~utevl m oonm•,~1 i„n <br />whit- said indebtcducss which =u~e inconslstonk with stud '1 itle ur Kekukttsam arcs hcrelac utttendsvi t=~ <br />Tlu• rovanane=v herein couGtitaed shall !'tiud, crud the l3enelits an+l udctrntngos ,itnll inure tr., th, <br />