80-p~.~, ;~~.
<br />To HnvE nrto To Hot,o the same unto the mortgagee, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents to,
<br />and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has good right to Boll and convey said premises;
<br />that they are free from encumbrance, except as hereinotherrvise recited ;that the mortgagor tic•ill warrant
<br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes
<br />all rights of homestead, all marital rights, either in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of
<br />the mortgagor in and to the above-described premises.
<br />Pttovtngn ALwnYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to-
<br />wn:
<br />i\lortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum with interest from date
<br />at the rate of ~l even and one half per centum jl. X0•,0) Per annum on the unpaid balance until paid.
<br />The said principal anct interest shall be payable ut the office of Commercial Federal Svgs ,5 Loan Assn.
<br />in Omaha, lieh-raska , ar at such other place as the holder of the note may designate in
<br />writing delivered or mailed to tha i\dortgagor, in monthly installments of Five hundred and sixty nine and
<br />Dollars ($ ;C9, gg ), commencing nn the first day of Setatemkter. 1 , 1cJ g0 ,and continuing on 83J1DD.
<br />the first day of each month thereafter until said note is fully paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final
<br />payment of principal and interest shall he due and payable on the lust day of August 1, ?610 ;all
<br />according to the terms of a certain promissory note of even date herewith executed by the said Dortgagor.
<br />The Mm•tgagor further agr•ces:
<br />1. He will pay the indebtedness, as hereinbel•m•r provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any
<br />time, without premium or° fee, ttie entire indebtedness or arty part thereof not Less than the amount of one
<br />installment, or one hundred dollars ($100.00), whichever is less. Prepayment in full shall be credited on
<br />the date received. Partial prepayment, other than on an installment due date, need not be credited until
<br />the next following installment due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is eazlier.
<br />2. Together with, and in addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under
<br />the terms of the note secured hereby, Mortgagor n•ili pay to biorztgagee, as trustee, {under the terms of this
<br />trust as hereinafter stated) on the first day of each month until said note is fully paid:
<br />(u) ~ sum canal to the gt•ound rents, if .my, nest due, plus the premiums that will next become due
<br />and payable un policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property,
<br />plus tales and assessments nest clue on the mortgaged property (all as estimated by the 31ort-
<br />gagee, and of n bier the Mortgagor is uui.ifuaU Ivss aIl sums already paid therefor divided by
<br />the number of months to elapse bclbro one mouth prior to the date when such ground rents,
<br />premiums, taxes and assessments will 6orome deihu{umtt, such sums to be held by Mortgagee
<br />in trust to pay said ground rents, premiums, taxes turd spociul assessments.
<br />((a) 'Phe aggregate of the amounts payable pursuant to subparagraph (ct) and those payable on the
<br />note secured herel,~, shah i,o paifl in ;t single payment earls tnontit, to be applied to the follow-
<br />ing items in the t~rder stated
<br />(t) ,;round reris, t<rx:~s, nsst~:rsntG-tti;. lire <tnd .:that hazar.i insurzn+•e premiums;
<br />its) irterestrintheuotesecuresl!.ereby;and
<br />fttt} amortization of the princtpal of :~tti;l aura,
<br />At. ...._.r . .. ........ ............ .r" . _uct; .t~;grx•kae- e_nu .a!.tna r ttl s made goad
<br />~~ ~ - - ~ - - - i tt -,nail, tl e9
<br />try'.hc-~~1~_..L..,,,r~~ ltr...= te~l,~et.,...i3ta r{ . r;, -t~~n~hlt.j-nt~mt, insttttrtenneventofdefsutt
<br />under thi; mortuake. At Aiw tga>;oir's option. ~lart.gagor will pay° a "IaOe charge" not exceed-
<br />ing fnur per cruttint t~i' ~) rtf ;ray install nmat :vhen paid Wrote than lifteeu (la) days aftet• the.
<br />due dory thrreot to rover rite ~~strn cxpenac iur'olvvel iu handling dcliuqueul puyntents, bttt such
<br />"late charge" shall nvt by payable out u!' flu; pt nceods of any sah~ utxde to satisfy the indebted-
<br />n~ss sr~-urea 3 h~~rrby, uttlcs such pnrcer•ds are sutlit,:irntt to d iselzarge dte coffee indebtedness and
<br />all })roper eos~' turd exlx~usus scrureel thr•rrby.
<br />;l. 1f the: fatal of the payments made by the Mortgagnr under (rr) af• paragraph 1~, preceding shall
<br />oxceed the amount of Payments actually made by the ;41ru•tgagr~, as trustee, (or ground rents. taxes wind
<br />assessments ur iusurnnce ln•entiums, as the case may 1>t, suoh excess sltail he credited I?y the Mortgagrr
<br />on subswlueat paymanks to be made by thu Mortgagor for such iGmw ut•, at 1ltorfgagces optinrr, as truster,
<br />shall be refunded to ,Mortgagor. (f, however, such monthly payntanls shall nut he sufhcient to pay such
<br />iCems when the same shall hca:nme due and fiayable, than thrs ilprt.g:r}fur shall Pay nr ehr Mort~zt;rw~, a;
<br />U•uske_u, any amount n<?ceasaCS to mtrkc tal'a the. deficiency within thirty t:=0} d1lYS offer a rttten natu•e front
<br />lire Mortga~ mating the atnaunt of the deficiency, rvlrich notice miry= br- given by mail. If at any time
<br />the Mortgagor slutll tender to Rte Mortgagee, its accerrdamx~ with 11u~ pruvtstons rd~ rho; note arcurr+d
<br />hereby. full payment of the _•ttt.ire inlebtexlnrss .ues•tttt~•tt chat by, rite 4c rts~a~e+ ~ trust: hall,
<br />in computing the Euttount of sucl: itrclebtedn+<*~, ereelit ter the-,tcr•ouut ref the :ttotiga>q,rr my rreoht b:rkutcu
<br />aceuntulaled under the provisions of (a) of• parag`raph'.: hea•eof. if there= shall he~ a riefautt mtder tuty~
<br />of the provisions of Ibis mart>taga rosutting in tr prtlrlie .+~la of the promises r-are•rc•d hereby, or ~f tiae
<br />Mot•tgagcc acyttires rho property otherwise. after ricfuult, Lhe ]lortgugoet fur trust,~e~, :.haul altlsly, at the
<br />Eime oP the commenccntant of such ptviceed}ngs, or• at the tuna the property is uthorwisr accluirrcl, the
<br />amauut than ratnaining to credit the Mortgagor ardor (a) of Paragraph 8 precadietg, -rs a reedit urr the
<br />inkerext accrued and mt~tid autd the balance to the principal then remainittl; unpaid on sa}d tnatc.
<br />d. The iiott of this instrunte•ttt sh;tll remain ire Cult force and rdfect rhn-ing:rat} pu3t(tuncmC(tt or cxtiu-
<br />sion of the time of pea ntent of the indnbteduusx+tr :ur}' part t hereof secured he•rcity.
<br />ft, Ile will iwy all ground rent,, taxes, as=cssntrttts, trtrter rzttes, :utd othet• >;r~v.rnmr ntxl err munici-
<br />pal charges, tines, or impositions, levied alxrn said pt~:mises oral that he rcili pay :d! rases Ir•cied upou this
<br />mortgage. or tha debt sc~•uecd Utereby, together with auy nthc'e tasia=; ru• asse~stnrsuts uhirh tray be ir~ciad
<br />undee rite laws ut Nebraska aytuirtst the A[urtgague, <n• the legal holder c,t :..rid prinetlxtl auto, rue account of
<br />this }rtdcl:[educss, eswtrt when paynuttt for :ell such item:. has lhon•,•G,fo;~e I,r.~n maeie utnlar .u 1 of para..
<br />graph 2 harcof, noel hw will promptly deliver the uftir•inl rr~rcipi;~ thcrr.dur t.o rho ,liurtt;:rgrr, in .L. ftutfl
<br />thcraof tho~ Mor tjnrgue Woos pay 4hc stwtr.
<br />