<br />Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (548-) of Section Nine (9), ToF3t-
<br />sfig Nine (9) Northt range Twelve (12j, 4>ost of the 6th P.M., and
<br />The South"Half of the Southweest Quarter (51~a)3a} of Section Nine {9},.2ti~nasshzp:.
<br />Nine (9)' North, Rarige Twelve (12}, Wost of the 6th P.M.,
<br />SCIDJDGT ~" a mortgage in favor of Farmers F3exne Arb;,;.,; stratinn, United States
<br />De~arhnecit o£'Agriculture in the rn-;,;r~~ T ama•.mts of` $290..Uf3U.0U, S~.OU(T:OU
<br />ate 550.000.00, dated-and':,filed on Decanter 18, 1979.
<br />together with all rights, interests, casements, heceditaments and appurtenances [hereunto belongrag, the roots, issues, and
<br />profits thereof and revenues and income therefrom, aU improvrments and personal property now or later attached thereto or
<br />raasanably necessuy to the use [hereof, including, but not limited ta, ranges, refrigerators, clothes washers, clothes dryeis,
<br />or carpeting purchased or £manctd in whole ai in part with Loan funds, alt water, water rights, and water stalk ppeertaining
<br />thereto, and ail payments at any tune owing to Borrower by virtue of any sale, lease, transfer, canvayamce, arcondemnation
<br />of-any part thereof ar interest therein-all of which arc hetcin called °the property":
<br />'[Y3 HAVE AND TO HOLD the property unto rho Government and. ias aasiRtra forever in foe simple.
<br />BORROWEK for norrowet's atlf, i3v[[ower's Itcirs, ezrcurors, adicrinistratnrs, uctcss.~rs and assigns I~ARRANTS THE
<br />Tt1'LE to the proprny tv [he Gavetnmenr against all lawful claims and liemands whatsoever rxctpt any hr::s, arrcumbran;:ts,
<br />_ e&Stmcnfs, reservation#, or conveyances specified ifertinabevr, ;rod l'ty4"@,N"iMTS AkD-r~[;R€€S 3g fcsilows: -.
<br />(tj To pay promptly when due any indtbtcdness to tht C~avcrnrny'nt irertby aocured and to indemnify and aavt harm,
<br />!s-s-tfte-Go-~sra~nz- a~tr=st- auy fr:ss under its insuraree- - t ra °rne-tt-'~ -f thr< rr. to hv- reason €rf any-dtfauit ity- i~rtr-, -
<br />Ac all tinter when [he note rs } eld by an tmurerJ holder. I3orrt,as er .l[atl-rT t~~ t£. rsak4 1*ayntanrs an Lhr note to Elie E:ovtrn-
<br />mein, as cullzuion a ont for the holder.
<br />(2j To pay to the Governmtnt such fees and other charges as may now or harrai'ter hr rtquired 6y regulations of the
<br />Farmers Hornt Administration.
<br />(3j !C required by the Government, to rna4e additional monthly [>ayments of 1/t2 of the cuirnated annual taxes,
<br />asseumenta, insuranct prcn[iums and other charges upon the mortgaged prtnrisrs.
<br />{4) Whether or oat the note is insured by the Govermm~n[, the Government may at any tinm pay any other amounts
<br />required heroin to be paid hj, iSVrrowe[ and nut paid by t3vrrower when due, .ts well as ;ray costs and expenses kar the pro-
<br />servadon, protection, nr tnforcenntnt vEthis lien, as advances far the account oI Borrower. AA such advances shall hear
<br />interest a[ the raft borne by the nvre which has the highest interest race,
<br />(S) All advances by the (iavcrnment as ~escrihed in this ins[rument. with interest, shall 6t i[mnediattly due and payablo
<br />6y Burrower to the Govarnnront without demand at the place deaigoatrd in Che latest nvre and shall bt, secured hereby. No
<br />such advance tzv the Govtrntnent shall rclieva-l4arrnwrr frcren 4xcach of iorrower"s ravenaut w pay, Sucle advances, with
<br />ioierest, shall be repaid frwn the (lest availulzle rolleetiuns rccaivcd frow Batruwot, t~therwise, any payarcn[ made by
<br />nprrower ma}' 6c applied on the note or any indrb[edmss tv dtc Guvcnunent .camel hca•hy in any ardea the G,rvarament
<br />dereruduta.
<br />
<br />L._._
<br />