<br />.USDA-FmHA Position s
<br />' FosmFmHA427-1NB ..- - - - _. .: ~ '.
<br />(Rev. 5-i5-79)- REAL ESTATE MORT6A:GE FOR NE$R41SKA`
<br />- THIS-MORTGAGE is made and enteredinto by , __~.~.,'[~,:3~--j~j,~,t_-vT,--,js~-~_-__-.
<br />- dY1C~:-~tT.Lf~y....OaC.1'1-.7.51_h7.S.-slFJC•k.:.1:32L-44A1:.r3[,~17t..3IY1-_slS-~^^~...a°.JJf_-'fk]E-O~Lr-~ .._..:,::: ; • - --
<br />I ceaiding in _........_._....._. ..~:1:..._.-...-__.-..-._-,..- County, Nebraska, whose post office address is
<br />' ....,_.._....~'.^11~.1s..1_.R7.~a_---•------------------- --- ----- -._- ---- ------- - -•--------- , Nebraska _.. ~?~~~~.._,
<br />herein called °Borrower," and:
<br />-- WHEREAS- Borrower Is~: indebted to the United States of America, acting through the Farmers home AdrYtioistnrkott, -
<br />' United-States Depaztment of Agriculture, herein calledthe "Governmenq"~ as evidenced by one or moteptotnissory note((s) _
<br />` or assumption ageement(s), herein called °now;' which has-been executed-by Borroweq:is payable to the order of the
<br />' ! Government, authorizes. acceleration of the entire indebtedness at the gption-of the:Government upon aay-defauk by
<br />' Borrower, andv described as folkows:
<br />- s Annual Rate Due Date of Final - -
<br />Uate of Instrument Principal Amount • ~o Interest - - - -LrrstallmeAt -
<br />i
<br />July I6, 1980. $173,000.00 218' July 16, 20ID',
<br />(if the interest rate is less [hen ...."'_...._% for farm ownership or operating loan(s) secured 6y this instrument, then the
<br />rate may be changed as provided in the no[e.)
<br />And the note evidences a loan to Borrower, and the Government, at any time, tna}• assign [he note and insure the pay-
<br />men[ [hereof pursuan[ to cbe Consolidated Farm and Rural 1"Jtvclopment Act, or Tide V of the Housing Act of 1949 or any
<br />other sutncc administered by the Farmers Home Administration;
<br />And it i~ the purpose and intent of this instrument [hat, among other things, a[ all times when [he note is held by the
<br />Government, or in the event the Government should assign this instrument without insurance of the Wort, [his instrument
<br />shall secure pa}'went of the note: bu[ when the noer u htld by art insured holtitt, ehis itt€tntmen[ shall not secure payrttenc
<br />of the nom or attach to thr debt evidtnced thereby. but as m the note and such debt shall constitn[t an indemnity mortgage
<br />to secure the Government agains[ loss under its insurance amtract by reason of anp defmdt by Borrower;
<br />- And this instrument also steuees tht recapture of any inttrrst credit or subsidy which may bz granted to the Borrowtr by
<br />the Government pursuant to 42 U.S.C. •~144Qa.
<br />NOW, THEREFt?R.E, in consideration aE the loan?s) and ial at akl times wkten the ante isi:eld bs~ thz t;cvzrnment, os in
<br />the zvznt the Governnmene should assign this instrument withuu[ insurance of tktz payment vE the nnrr, rc~ securt prampe
<br />payrntn[ of the ncttr and +uv renewals anti rxtensittns dterruf anal arty agrtcnttnts cuntauttd tlttreitt, including any.provison
<br />tt~r the payment of an insurance ar oehzr cksarge Ibi at ail times when tltt note is hrkd by an insured hakdtt, to zcare per•
<br />ismnanee-mot- Bvcrvw~r's agrtement #ttrein to indzmttt{f and save harmkess the f.:u-vrrnmznc ar;ainar kola ondee its insueanzt
<br />contr¢ct by reason of any default by Borrower, and (c) In any event and a[ all times to aceurz thz prompt payrntn[ of alI
<br />advances and zxpendtturzs maut by tltc Govrmntznt, with inttrrst, us hereinafter described, .+nd tLr pert orntancr oC terry
<br />Covenant and agreement of Bacrowrr contained herein or in any supplentrntary a •rrentent, Brarruwrr ,.toes hertby grant,
<br />bargain, sell, convey and assign, with general warranty, unto the Governrnrnt the Iol~owing property situate) in the Stott of
<br />Nebtadra, County(ies) of ...,........Hall ................................ _...
<br />Lots RRsree (3) and Four f4) i.n the Nort2lsast Qtrar•ter (t~}[1, Ebrth of the Platte
<br />Ittiverr i.I1 Section Sixteen (16), TaNnLShip Nine (9) North. k2ttnge Tarelve (12),
<br />G~cat of the 5tli P,M.,
<br />Lots Me {1) . Taro (2) , Three (3) , and Four (4) , in the NortYrrMest i,~ttartax (NFFi)
<br />!._~£ Secticxt Sixteen {16) , 2t~amship Nine (9I ciol:•t}I, Range 'Itvelve (12} , West of
<br />tk~ 6th P.M., FmHA 427.1 NB (Acv, 5.15 9i
<br />
<br />
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