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thereist, including recitals concerning any mailing, petsonaL delivery and publication of the notice of default, any mailing <br />and .the publication and posting of notice of sale, and the conduct of sale; and such recital shalt constitute prima facie <br />evidence of such compliance and conclusive evidence thereof in favor of bona fide purchasers and encumbraneers for value <br />and:without notice. The trustee's deed shall operate to convey to the purchaser, without right of redemption, the tncstee's <br />title and -all right, title, interest and claim of the tractor and his successor. in. interest and of all persons claiming by or <br />through- or under-them, in and to the property sold, including ai} such right, title, interest-and claim in and-to such <br />property acquired by the tractor or his successors in interest subsequent to the execution of the trustee. Tne trustee shalt <br />apply the proceeds of the trustee's sale, first, to the cost and expenses-of exercising the power of sale, and bf the sale; - <br />including the payment of the trustees fees actually incurred not to exceed the amount which may be provided for in-the <br />trust deed, second, to payment of the obligations secured by the trust deed, and the ba}ance, if any, to the person or <br />personslegaJiy entitled thereto. <br />And-the Trustee covenants faithfully to perform the trust herein created. <br />BENEFICIARY may from time to time substitute a successor or successors to any Trustee named hereim or acting`; - <br />hereunder to execute this Trust Deed. Upon such appointment and without conveyance to the successor Trustee; the latter- <br />shall be vested with all title, powers, and duties conferred upon any Trustee herein named or acting hereunder. Each'such ' <br />appointment and substitution shall be made by written instrument and executed by Beneficiary, coniaining,refeience to. <br />this Trust Deed and its place of record, which, when recorded in Ute office of the Register of Deeds. of the county or <br />counties in which said property is situated, shall be conclusive proof of proper appointment of the successor Trustee. The.: <br />foregoing power of substitution and the procedure therefore shall not be exclusive of the pawerand procedure provided_ <br />for by taw for the substitution of a Trustee or Trustees in the place of the Trustee or Trustees named°herein. <br />The waiver by Tnrstee or Beneficiary of any default of Trus[or under this Trust Deed chaff not be orbe deemed Eri be <br />a waiver of any other or similar defaults subsequently oecumng. <br />"['his Trust Deed shall inure ro and hind the heirs, legatees, devisees, administrators, executors, successors and assigns <br />of the parties hereto. <br />The Trust Deed shall be construed according to the laws of the State of` T' braska. <br />The Trus[or requests that a copy of any notice of detaut[ and ol` any notice of sale hereunder- be ntailed to him>hy <br />certi$ed mail at rite address hereinbefore set forth and evidence of such mailirrg shall ~~nstitute eaddence et rzceipYpf- <br />such notice. <br />Tnistot n~presents and c~•arranis that fire above dueribed real -state is net u: zd f=tx . n aricuitural a: tivity. <br />iVther t'~ cornett s~ regc:rrzs, s~tgrfar w-ar~ sl:alI tz consirucr't to the plural amt vice- vrna..{nd rite masculine <br />gender shall be construed to include [he feminine and vice versa. <br />IN WITNESS WHERFDI~, the Tntstor has hereunto set his hand the day and year first above written. <br />STATE (1F_ Nebaaeka <br />.._~..~.~..._-_._._...---- - k <br />Cf3t3NTY t?I=_ Iis]i ~y,_-------- 1 SS. <br />~ ~~ <br />_~ <br />- v1`~v <br />1 Rt,STt) <br />V <br />l 1 <br /> <br />,- <br />~~ - z. .~ ~` <br />r Y <br />FR~:ST~i1t <br />~ // <br />~~ ~~~ <br />`~ i '.:r <br />- ~• <br />B?~farr nte, a Notary I'ui?fic, ctualified by sa[d cc?uttty, ,ters<<~ctll~~ camr_._... ;<uy %uppie;z ,_.tM1p <br />_ _ ._ _. <br />Mary Gupp3es_ _- _ kno+vn to +ne to 6e the identical pzescrn(sl who tgned tits tiore•guru~ tnstrument <br />and ac:kflawleti~d the e.xecatian thereof to ice his, Iter or their ve,iutttary alt and deed, 1Vitness my hand and Yotariai tic•al <br />on~,~,_,.,..m r,nv...__._.,_a_T__._-tgFtn 19 _ . <br />~ , <br />i4fycwnm~ionetptres.,~ __.__-_--. _.. ___~ S,~ .,_ r ~C„X,~ ~;_.} <br />- .... ,.... ,~..a.__ <br />,lid" ,~tC)I`AItYI'l.~l r°_ <br />~e ~ <br />~~' fsti~~ _ n, - ~ ~ ~. <br />t 1~ I 1 ~ <br />' `~:' _ ~ R <br />fi ~ ;~;~ ~ <br />