<br />~~~° ~~~
<br />THIS DEED.OF TRUST; made and entered into this 9th day of t, a~ , 19_gp__
<br />by and betweenROYLSITPPLFS r~1D____tL~YA~~r.aS„ ,Trustor, andUo~~~1tb Land and Title Ins ; Trustees'
<br />Husband and -Wife
<br />and Postal Finance Company; a Nebraska Corporation, Beneficiary.
<br />WITNESSETH: That the Trustor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale:
<br />unto. the Trustee. ffie following described Reai lstate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures. of every kind now
<br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate; situated in Ha11 County, in the State of Nebraskac
<br />East 80.94 feet of lot 2 and west 19.7 feet of lot 3,Sunset Sribdivi9fon
<br />~*rd pos.~ssier, of said premises now deltvetbd e:ntc said Trustee:
<br />TO HAVE AID TO HOLD the same, with aII rights, privileges, anal appurtenance's Utereto belonging unto the Trustee;
<br />his executors, administrators. heirs, and assigns forever. And Ute Trustor hereby expressly waives, releases; and relinquishes
<br />unto the Trustee all right, title, claim, interest, benet5t, and estate whatever, in and to the above-described premises and
<br />each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of the State of ?•lebraska lreriaining to the exemption
<br />of homestead. Arad the Trustor convenants with the' Trustee that he wilt forever warrant and defend the title to the same
<br />against the lawful claims of alt persons whomsoever.
<br />IN TRUST HOWEVER, for the following described purposes: WHEREr~S, the Trustor did on this dale execute a
<br />promissory note evidencing a loan for [he principal amount of S.fi949. S7._________ ___~__ _ and interest
<br />thereon ace-0rding to the teens of the note; Said note bung payable in eoual monthly instatfinents at [he office. of the
<br />Freneiikiar~ t and final pasr~~ftt hcing der cr. _ .?vls- ~? 14$4
<br />---- -____ . ,r7 _.
<br />-- ------4._~ -_ _ ~~ ~_ _- ,
<br />It is agreed 'iv and n *we~=t n:trt*~ hz-,~.o that iln ~ t 1 _rg r,f 4r~tict~ oi' l~~tault. thY. 1-sta<tc r shal[~ t?) pity ail present
<br />..-
<br />at..; tL'tuiY tax2- _ - to ~ - ~cnrrai aad .-F«tal at_.ein~t - no pre l rep n tt e .a ne bc:c:eme. dctinquent er
<br />act~nnable_ !') L~_ep :rat in-~ nr.F.m~,t~~ .,r~,.~~v.t r.aa it,s t...n:.t .nE-„F~.i sue- j~ ,_ - rs -, u~ c - __-
<br />- ........ .,.~ lain - - ••_ jf 11. it €ta4rary
<br />agamst 1QSS by the and ojhcf laatar'ds LS.,LLattfCS and ~ontrti~ini:le S_ in -1c11 ,trn_ ,tnlr ;i_ ,l ! f ,L~ ~ ~i_rlr_:Yi .. _ .~~aBacl~'
<br />and may be recluised by l~ne))ctrry-. arrd 'so keep al} paticies of.ueh uistu~ance lr; ;orce or effect upon jhe property herein
<br />descrbed constant!}• assigm=d and u~Sivered to .~.neticlary, tat pav and ;cmp;y uiih :ail the terms errs! canditiorts of env
<br />lien, claim or indebtedness that array be sell;ar to or take precedence of this -Trust i)aid as soon as anY stlt;h payment on or
<br />of such lien, claim or indebtedness ahal't become dui; and upon !allure of Trustor to keep arty said agreements, bcneficiafy
<br />maY pay Such tax, pay for such ,nsurance oe pay eiff such ricers or efaims or inliebtednrss as the rase may be. and the
<br />money so expended with tttteresi a[ q°r: per :mr)um ,ball ba secured h,y this Trust Dead, and the. Tnlsu)r agrees to repay the
<br />kame upon demand, and open failure to de so the bal.uace of the attacFted note shall haconae intmet'iiatrty due and puyahle
<br />at the opficn of the benificiary~ t~tt spcciiicatty confer upon iiu= Tntsteu the power of sale as provided in Nebraska law:
<br />{?}retain possession of tFic prrnties acrd coFlect the terra and revcntaes ilterefrom.
<br />Upan payment of ell the sales secured by this ~frust l'?eed, the Beneficiary shall rrttuc^st ttte l'rustee to trcanvey the
<br />p~ptrty and s~a%t surrender this Trust :?eeci and alt aces ekadenciatb indebtednes sc~curcd by the fnasi t7ccd to the
<br />Trustee. Trustee sha?1 reconvey the prcperty withaut warranty tc tie person ur peraans resells entitled thereto; but rl
<br />defatUt be made in the payneeni of said note or any !fart [hereof or arty' of the anterast tierrun when flue or in the f:)ithful
<br />parforrnance- of arty or erther c'said agrearnents ~ aforesaid, thep [he whotc^ of sauul not, shill bcunn~ dtee .u)tl he paid as
<br />hereinafter provulad- anti jSriw ~~~r>I .h;Rll remain tal ios,r, r ar~~4t 1,•= la E,s.~ - - €11 ,t,~ t,,.,p_r:y ~..
<br />iLs- entirety or in parcels al ale option of the trustee hiremkxfalre el~erlbrd at alt-lie attcttan, to tht hig,'eest bnldCr, f ,r
<br />cash, I~Iowever, the power o€ eels herein conferred open tree trestle shat net be exrrca~+id ttntli ! 1 1 the uu+n•e s41st11 first
<br />Cde for, record, in the o41~s'e of [he regrster of decris of ea:h csaunty wherein jhe trust ptciperty e)r some p.vt r<r parse(
<br />thereof Ls situated, a rlauc~ of-default, identifyhxg ehe irn3tee l)y stating the Mantes e)f []ar trti~t<)r and nauaes tht`resn tared
<br />givi[rg~the back and paw where the semi is recorded, a description al the [rust prapeny, and conatiuang a statement that
<br />a b~aeh o!~ an-obl~atitut far whiei't Ute irtt5t preperjy wx; ecasveyed asseruntg has ocatrred, eked ,rtting teeth the eaters
<br />dF>ntf.6 tire~;h and of his election toaelt ar cause to tee Bald such lisopcrty to s;ntstY the c)!?li};attan; and t: r after the I:ap.,c^
<br />of tt~t 1r'sx than one month, thcs truster sltail give notice of sari. as provtdtd by ;vshraaka law_ ;free natter of defat~tit and
<br />Iapse of not terra [Fran one month, the trustee shall give a~rittcn notice of khe lime ::net place oC safe parttct)larip rite. abuts
<br />fhc property to tze 'st71d by , ublicatian o€' such statist;. at leas five titnis, )srcr• 'a wc*rk ft>r rive conseeut iv'1~ we t.4, r-te fast
<br />publieatiuzi to be at lust. ltl days Fsi«t not n;orw' than 3t) days prior to ehe sale, in >iante newspaper h~r~nr a ~r~a.•ral
<br />~2rculatiaal. ire_ ~et;h-eoanty in w)tich this prapcrty to lit' ~Id, or ,amc !,tart theriai, ;. ,ituatei;. t'pon such ,ate. rs)r tru~,jii
<br />~txll exetute and deliver .y deed i>f C~)n~~eyastc~ oC the +irrzperj~z sgid to the puaci).»~a' ur purchse:~ tiaerr=tt an-+ any
<br />st;~terttcrat i>r recital of Cact in san~h treed ire r:~latian tl_t the excrc,i~ of the po.~ir cat ,ar ind she t ti:e txr.-r r-` ==~,tin~~~t
<br />~siiiF tN4.%>.. a
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