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~r.~s fy ~~ <br />0~~7.rnSs 1~~ <br />AGREEMENT RELATING TO COMMON WAIL <br />,a <br />For and in consideration of their mutual promises and <br />agreements set forth herein, the undersigned limited partner- <br />ships do hereby contract and promise and agree as falTbws: <br />1. Ile de Grand, Ltd., is a Nebraska limited partner- <br />ship which owns the following described real estate: <br />A tract of land comprising all of Lot <br />Two (2), Block Nine (9), Continental Gardens, <br />an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />2. Rx de Grand, Ltd., is a Nebraska limited partner- <br />ship and the owner of the following described real estate: <br />A tract of lava` comprising all of Lot <br />Three (3), Block Nine (9), Continental Gardens, <br />an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />3. The North line of the above described Ile de Grand <br />real estate is one and the same as the South line of the <br />above described Rx de Grand real estate. Immediately ad- <br />jacent to that line and an the South side thereof Ile de <br />Grand built the North wall of a building. Thereafter, Ile <br />de Grand permitted Rx de Grand to construct a building on <br />the real es±ate of Rx de Grand and to tie that building into <br />the Ile de Grand building in such a way that the above <br />described North wall of the Ile de Grand building became the <br />South wall of the Rx de Grand building. This common wall <br />now exists and each of the parties hereto hereby agree that <br />the common use of the wall shall continue for the life of <br />the wall and that neither of the limited partnerships shall <br />destroy or modify the common wail without the prior written <br />consent of the other. With regard to the maintenance of the <br />_ommon ..all the irmited partnerships agree a~ ~ollows. <br />(a) Anl= maintenance which is directly caused <br />by it the of RS de Gran d'S L53 ~rS T?;~ __ed in t~? ____ <br />Ile Vde Grand wall shall be paid for by Rig dereran d. <br />(b) Any normal maintenance or restoration of <br />damage or destruction to the wall which is not caused <br />directly by Rx de Grand's having tied into the wall <br />shall be geld equally by the two limited partnerships. <br />~. Each of the two limited partnerships does hereby <br />promise, covenant and agree with the other that in the event <br />that there is any damage to the common wall which damage is <br />covered by valid and c;oiiectibie fire and extended insurance <br />coverage payable to [hat limited partnership then that <br />limited partnership shall and hereby does waive and release <br />any and all rights of recovery which it might have against <br />the other partnership as a result of that other partnership <br />having caused or contributed to the cause of the damaae to <br />the common wall. It is furtirer agreed that this waiver and <br />Release shall apply rvt only to insured damage to the ca„u-non <br />wall, but r_n any and all ;r.surad ~farnage to the building of <br />the one partnership which is in anyway caused by the acts ar <br />failures to act of the other partnership. However, this <br />Waiver and Release shall be ineffective and of no force and <br />effect whatsoever if by reason of its existence otherwise <br />valid and collectible insurance proceeds would be rendered <br />uncollectible. <br />-i- <br />