provcment which may be damaged cr des?roved tF.ereon, and to pay when due alt claims for Sabot performed and
<br />materiats furnished therefor, to comply with all maws, ordinances, regulations, covenants, conditia ,s and resiric-
<br />bons now or hereafter affecting the trust Estate or ary part thereof or requiring any alterations or improvements; -
<br />not to commit or permit any waste or detrioration of [he Trust Estate, to keep.and maintain abutting grounds,-- -
<br />sidewalks, roads, parking and landscapt areas in good and neat order and repair, to comply with the provisions "-_-
<br />of any lean, if this Decd of Trust is on a leasehold; not to commit, suffer or permit any act to be, dcne in or upon
<br />the Trust Estate in violation of any law, ordinaneror regulation.
<br />1.03 Required Insurance. To at all times providt, maintain and keep in force the following policies of in• --
<br />surance:
<br />(a) insurance against loss or damage to the [mprovemcnts by lee and any of the risks covered by insurance
<br />of the type now known as "firs and extended coverage", in an amount not less than the original amount of tht --
<br />Note or the full replacement cost of the Improvements (ezclusivc of the cost of excavations, foundations, and -- _ -
<br />footings below the lowest basement floor}, whichever is greater; and with not more than SI,000.deductiblofrom.
<br />the loss payable for any casualty. The poiiciu of insurance carried i^ accordance with this subparagraph (a) sha14
<br />contain the "Replacement Cost Endorsement;"
<br />(b) If requested by Beneficiary, business interruption insurance and/or loss of "rental value" insurance in
<br />such amounts as are satisfactory to Beneficiary;
<br />(c} During the courst of any construuion or repair of Improvements on the Property, comprehensive pu6lir _
<br />liability insurance (including coverage Cor elevators and escalators, if any, on the Trust Estate and, if any con•~-
<br />strueLOr. of new Improvzmznts occurs after execution cf thts Deed of Trust, completed operations-covarag.-., fcr-- --- -- :----_::-
<br />[wo years after construction of the Improvements has been completed) on ar, °ouurrence basis" against claims _
<br />for "personal injury" including without !imitation bodily injury, death or property damage occurring on, in or - -
<br />about the Trust Estate and the adjoining streets, sidewalks and passageways, such insurance to afford immediate _ -. --
<br />minimum protection to a limit of not less than that required by Beneficiary With respect to personaLinjury or _ ~ -
<br />death to any one or more persons or damage to property;
<br />(d) During the course of any construction or repair of Improvements on the Property, workmen's com-
<br />pensation insurance (including employer's liability insurance, if requested by Beneficiary) for alt employees of -
<br />Truster engaged on or with respect to the Trust Estate in such amount as is reasonabl}' satisfactory to Beneficiary,
<br />or, if such limits arc established by law, in such amounts;
<br />(e) During the course et any construction or repair of improvements on the Property, builder's tampttied
<br />value risk insurance against "all risks of physical loss," including collapse and transit coverage, during con-
<br />struction of such Improvements, with dedunibtes not to exceed Si,000, in nonrepurting form, covering the total
<br />ralue of work performed and equipment, supplies and materials furnished. Said policy of insurance shall contain
<br />the "permission to occupy upon comp!eticn of work or occupancy" indorsement;
<br />(f) Boiler and machinery insurance eovertng pressure vessels. air tanks, boilers, machinery, pressure piping,
<br />heating, air conditioning and elevator equipment and escalator equipment, provided the Improvements contain
<br />zquipment of such nature, and insurance against loss of occupancy c,r use arising from any such break dawn, in
<br />such amoon?5 rs are r_u.onably _..-._:.._:_a} t~ Be'?firiary;
<br />(g) Insurance against loss or damage to the P+<rs.. cal Property b}° fire a ,,, ~,ther ;irks covered by insurance
<br />irf the type now known as "#ire and ezterttftd cc.v:;ragt:" and
<br />(h) Such other insurance, and in such amounts, as :nay from tune to time be required by Bzncficiary against
<br />the same or other hazards.
<br />(i) Aq policies of insurance required b}' the ienns of this Deed of Trust shell! contain an endunement ur
<br />agreement by the insurer that ary loss chsl! be p;r}'able in accurzlanrc avith the terms of such policy not:viih-
<br />uanding any act or nc(;!igcncc „f Truster which might uthrnvier result in iurtei{ore of srid insurance :aid the
<br />further agreement o[ the insurer s;iiving all rights ut set elf, cuun4•rchilm ur deduction, u,~,,insl `Rueter. If xr
<br />revolted by Beneficiary such poh~ies .hall name Trustee as un ailditiuna! insured.
<br />1.08 De:ivt of Policies, Pa merit of Premiums. That a!! alleles of insurance shall ht issued b rom-
<br />panies and in amounts in each company satisfactory to Beneficiary. All policies of insurance shall have attached
<br />thzrzro a lender's loss payable endonmtn[ for the (?enefit of Beneficiary in form satisfactory tc Benzfciary.
<br />Truslor shall tarnish Banetitiiar} shit an viiginul r~.rpt rrt ; II ps:lic~cs of tcyrurrd imnt.,nev. ii IIenrfia,,n c,ur
<br />stn[5 to Truslor proviiiing an} of the requred insarrnrz through blanker policies carried by Truster and covering
<br />more than one locat{on, then trustnr shall furnish 6enet`ieiary aiih a car ificate of ,hsuranrz for zath such policy
<br />setting forth the coverage, Uie limits of tiabrlity, the r+~me eI the caterer the paltry rumber, and the czpirstion
<br />dnie. Ai icaat i`*.tiray (=0} days pri;<t is the :iati~,. of .._,, .~y.; p.~-. ;y. Tr-s,t...,.a't ru..::sh ~=t<- =4:.,..e:y v> ith
<br />evidence satisfac{ory to Beneficiary of the pa}nrcni ref i~tcm{um and the rcissu.rncc .rf s policy .~ur,r,nuir,g ,n-
<br />surancz in toter as required by this aced of 'f rust All such polities shat! contain a provisrort that such pvriicies
<br />will not be cancelled or ntatcrially amended, which term shall inclu.te any rcductir~n in the .c:,pe ur limits of
<br />eoveragt, wiihcut at Ieastthl.Tty (30~tays prior writ{zn notate to 6enefic,ary. In the event frwtut farts to
<br />providt, maintain, keep in force ur deliver and furnish to Beneficiary the polices of inwrancc ragweed by this
<br />Section, Beneficiary may prncurc such insurance car s, rglc-interest insu: once cur such asks esrv er,ng Bznc?,riary'3
<br />interest, and Truslor will pay al! premiums thereon promptly up,~n dzmand by Beneficiary, and unit! such
<br />payment is made 1?y Truster the amount of all such prenriuntx together with mterest thereon at the rate of
<br />I4. ~`~~ pet' annum shalt ht secured b}' this Dced of Trust. At the reyuzst of Beneficiary Truslor shall deposit C
<br />with Ba neficiary in monthly instaltmzrtti, an amuune equal to nne-hvaifth of the estimated aggrcpatc annual in-
<br />xti~ranct ptetniums on al! policies of insurance required by thrs Deed of Trust. 7rustcr further ngrecs, upon
<br />Btnzftciary'9 request, to causz all h;lis, s?atetraenu r,r other Sucun.ettts :c!a;ing to the tur<g~,i,rg in,ur once
<br />przritiurns {u ns sent iri matte=a direct iy ?u tic riziiciary i'pen lace lpt c. each `.Rs, st,.k ~r,cn;s ar , the-r du; u:re~rtx.
<br />