5.05 tteconveyance by Trustee. Upon written request of Beneficiary stating. that alt sums secured.hereby.:- -
<br />have been paid, and upon surrender of this Deed of Trust and the Note io Trustee for cancellation-and-retention : --
<br />and upon payment by Trustor of Trustee's fees, Trustee shall reconvey to Trustor, or the person or persons legatly ,
<br />entitled thereto, without warranty, any portion of the Trust Estate then held hereunder. The recitals in such -
<br />reconveyance of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the-truthfulness thereof. The-grantee in any
<br />reconveyance may be described as "ihe person or. persons legally entitled thereto".
<br />5.06 Notices. Whenever Beneficiary, Trustor or Trustee shalt desire to give or serve any notice; demand,
<br />request or otfier communication with respect to this Decd of Trust, each such notice, detnand,.request or other
<br />communicztion shall be in writing and shall be effective only if the same is delivered by personal-service or__
<br />mailad by registered-mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address sef forth at. the
<br />beginning of this Deed of Trust. .4ny such notice, demand, request or other commutiicatidn,to it shall
<br />indicale, "Attention: Real Estate Investment Department." Any party may at any Gtne change::.its:
<br />address (or such notices by delivering ar mailing to the other parties hereto, as aforesaid,. a notice
<br />of such change.
<br />5.07 Acceptance by Trustee. Trustee accepts this Trust-when this Deed of-Trust, duly executed--and
<br />' acknowledged, is made a public record as provided by law.
<br />5.08 Captions. The captions or headings at the beginning of each Section hereof are for the convenience
<br />of the parties and are not a pan of this. Deed of Trust.
<br />5.69 Invalidity. of Certain Provisions. If the lien of this Deed of Trust is invalid or unenforecableas to.- _
<br />any pan of the debt, or if the lien is invalid ar unenforceable as to any part of the Trust Estate, the unscenredor- ~ -
<br />partiallgsecured portion of the debt shalt be compietety paid prior to-the payment of ihe remaining and secured - - -
<br />or partially secured portion of the debt, and a^ payments made on the debt, whether voldntary or under
<br />foreclosurt or other enforcement action or procedure, shalt be considered to have been first paid on and applied
<br />to the full payment of chat portion of the debt which is not scoured or fully secured by the lien of this Deed of-.- -- - -
<br />Trust.
<br />5.10 Subron_~ation. Ta the extent that proceeds of the Note are used ao pay any outstanding lien, charge ar
<br />prior encumbrance against the Trust Estate, such proceeds have been ar will be advanced by Beneficiary at
<br />Truster's request and Beneficiar; shall he suhroga[ed to any and aIi rights and hens held by any owner or holder
<br />of such outstanding liens, charges and prior encumbrances, irrespective of whether said liens, charges ar en-
<br />cumbrances are released.
<br />S.i I Construction Mortgage. if this Deed of Trust is a construction mortgage, it secures a loan incurred
<br />to finance the construction of lmpmvemerits nn the Property including the acquisition cost of Property and cer-
<br />tain cast incurred in p;anring, archiicctural and engineering studies, toning and similar expenses. It is un-
<br />derstood and agreed that funds to be advat:crd upon the '+att arc to be used in the canst:vetion of such Im-
<br />proventents on tht Property in accardanee with the txsan Agreement, which Loan Agreement is incorporotcd
<br />heron by reference to the same extent as if fully set (emir hereir. and made a pan c,f this p,~ed n[ Trust. Thi< peed
<br />of Trust secures the payment t:f all sums and the perfarmancc of all cuverants requited by Truster by said Loan
<br />Agreetnert, e:rcpt t':at u~.~n assig sncn r :,f obis Deed ~:f Trust to .iinrr i_ifc Insurance x.ompany (",itna"), :[tna
<br />shall have no n6lit;ation, responsibility or liability tea eh.r c~,vr,.~r ,,. _,,,,u„_,~a -„ e-~t„~u,~, a
<br />- e ;as c ataincd in
<br />said Loan Agrcentent.
<br />5.12 No Merger. If both the Lessor's and Lessee's estates under arty least or any portion thereof which
<br />constitutes a pan of the Trust Estate shalt et any lima become vested in one owner, this Dced of Trust and the
<br />Lien created hereby shall not he destroyed or terminated by application of the dc,ctrine o(mergcr and, in such
<br />event, Btneticiaty shalt continue to have and enjoy atI of the rights and privileges of Beneficiary as to the
<br />separate estates. In addition, upon the foreclosure of the lien created by this Deed uF Trust on the Trust Estate
<br />pursuant to ihe provisions hereof, any Rases or subleases then existing and created by Trustor shall not be
<br />destroyed or terminattd by appticatian c,f the taw of merger or as a rnattcr of law or as a result of such foreclosure
<br />units Beneficiary or any purchaser at any such foreclosure salt shall sa elect. Nv act by yr an t:ehalf of
<br />Beneficiary or any such purchaser shalt constitute a termination of any teatse or su6leasc unless Beneficiary or
<br />Such purchastr shag give wrkten notice thereof to such tenant or subtenant.
<br />5.13 As used hk•rein, the word ' `Trustor" shall mean any anr~s at n?vte at Trutitor, .any I;eneral
<br />j}artner o1 any partnership wfiich may own legal title to the Trust T•atate ur aay part Fht•rtvtf, from tune
<br />is tune,any owTter or a'xners of tc a! tale to the Trust I stat« or +ny part tttr~f, frvm tune to trine,
<br />tmd the beneficiaries of auy trust .vht~h may as.n such 1<sa[ tote frvm tmtt to irnt
<br />S 14. '~ t~ ~ - ~ s; _E _:,zt :~ ,r ~' by Iz ,stir- _ ;~!: ~:t ,. _,-r , .~~ ..~
<br />dUe ~hril_l. t1p4 c.r~rrSti.i'rts. r? ~~ +kcxr vtY ui [hc' t1k=.t~t eul Lter tc? cx;ttir`e 1-r --~~,t~ .:x-:tt., :le~R
<br />clue, of tall other sttt-~ n~r~~v 4~cu ed ur to cleelarc ~ .iet~,tult [s r t -itt 1 tsut .r•d.
<br />:R~e .accugtau~ce by i~,€.x7c~,ctazy a1 ~u1y ,tun in an rt,-rcru7~ ic•ss :t,.;n t r ua rj:n cFtt?
<br />shall be de~red an sr re}atcan<°e cxt ,acccs~ttt only cold u}x,n Condition that it Shill ~roi.
<br />cctt~t.itatte a t~rait~er 4£ Eire obli~tioti of 'Ih.ustor to ~:ay t tw r:ne i t~r~ ..-ter, t 1,t~t t! eta,
<br />t~rtd Tsrtr~[nr's :`ailttre t:a pay said etatise sun thin ctt:e ;~t~all ~e cand ~~~nr i;u:c t v t.,e
<br />a deCaulL' ~I~thstattdir'i~ such acce{tr~nee of s~tech ar«xtittC e,tt uC~rCtti'1t, .,s =i,fcac•,;aid,
<br />t,rsd flc:.t-ic:ticx"azy csr 'Pruste<< shall be ftt all. t'inx~s thereafter .gird :crt it tits c-mire
<br />s«~n't-hen clsse slsrtl hs've ite2n laid, rind nr3twiLhsttttxl'ln~ the acrr~•pta-,n~t• Ly '~<~.rieitt•iarry
<br />i17cx~tfcer o~ Further ai~:r~ ern ccCCrt9#G, err i~t:net~,.d.r:e, <.ntith•ei to ~<c cs,E all *.isshto-
<br />it2 ttu- trt t~;r>n4 ielruretra.d tax..rn fltxrm, nr ciCher c~1' ht~m, vi,r,n ~- tscc~r _«<. ~~C
<br />a t;c~I uit, and rlte tt~,ltt Lo pt: oc:+rrd wi th a - ttra ,v c'1•a xtty ~.c,t is t~ r t _~'"_aiilt ~, ,uc}
<br />ll
<br />