~4~ ~ ~
<br />Trust Estate, andTre;toc hereby irrevocably consents to such appointment «nd waives notice of any application -.- -
<br />iherefor. Any such receiver or receivers shall have all the usual powers and duties of receivers in like or similar '-
<br />casts and ail the powers and duties of Bzneficiary in case of entry as provided in Section 4.02{i) and shah. con-- -
<br />tinue as such and exercise all such powers until the-date of confirmation of sale of the Trust Estate`unless such
<br />receivership is soarer terminated.
<br />4.05 Remedies Nor Ezclus"rue. Trustee and Beneficiary, and each of them, shall be crtitted to enforca
<br />payment and performance of any indebtedness or obligations sceured hereby and to tzercise all rights and gcwers
<br />uncle this Deed of Trust orunder any Loan Instrument or other agreement or any laws row ar Hereafter in force,
<br />notwithstanding some or at1 of the said indebtedness and obligations stcured hereby may now'or hereafter.be
<br />otherwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, lien, assignment or otherwise: Neither the ac-
<br />ctptance of this Deed of Trust nor its enforcement whether by court action or pursuant to the power-of sale nr
<br />other powers herein contained, shall prejudice or in.any manner affect Trustee's or Beneficiary's righrto,realize
<br />upon or enforce any other security now or hereafter held by Trustee or Beneficiary, its bei»g,agreed tharTi'ustee
<br />and Beneficiary, and each of them, shall be entitled to enforce this Deed of Trusrand'any ocher security now or
<br />hereafter held by Beneficiary or Trustee in sucfi,order and manner as they oreither of them may 4o- their absolute
<br />discretion determine, No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Beneficiary is intendedao:bt
<br />exclusive otany other remedy herein or by law provided ar ptrmitttd, but each shall be cumulative and-shill bc`,
<br />in addition to every other remedy given hereunder ar now ar htrtafter txisting at law ar in equity-ar.by-statute: -
<br />Every power or remedy given by any of the Loan instruments to Trustee or Peneficiary or to which either of them
<br />may 6e otherwise entitled, may be exercised, concurrently or indcpendentty, from time to time and as oRen:as
<br />may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Beneficiary and either of them may pursue inconsistenr.remedics.
<br />4.06 Request far Notice. Truster hereby rzquests a copy of any notice of default and that any nadce of- .-
<br />sale hereunder bc' malted to it at the address set farh in the first pariGraph of this Deed of Trust. _
<br />5.0] Governing Law. 'I'bis Decd of Trust shall be govcrntd by the laws of the State of ~Iebrasl:a _, In the
<br />event that any provision or clause of any o€ the Loan Instruments contlicts w'sth applicable laws, such conflicts
<br />shall not affect other provisions of such Laan Instruments which can he given effect without the conflicting
<br />provision, and to this end the provisions ai the Lc>an Instruments are declared to be severable. This instrument
<br />cannot 6t waived, changed discharged or terminated neatly, but z-aly by an instrument in writ;ng signed h}. rht
<br />patty against whom enforeement of any waiver, change, discharge or termination is serught.
<br />5.02 Trustar Waiver of ftyghts. t'rus!ar wai.•es the hentt'tt of ail laws now txisting nr that hcrs<:rfter may
<br />ht r-nacitd providing for {il any appraise meat befart sale of any pert ion of the Trust Estate, and ter} the bluetit of
<br />ail laws that cosy be hcrtafttr tnactzd in any x-ap txtcnding the time for the rnfurczment ai ihc aalizctutn of the
<br />Note at [E:c debt cvidenccd tnereny,:x e.e«tiaig or extending a F•rri<<ci of redentptirrn Tram any sale madetncaflec[-
<br />in$ said dent. Ta the fait extent Trustar tray da sa, Truster ayrres that T roster will not at any time insist upon,
<br />plead, claim or take the benefit or advantage of any law now ur hereafter in force pruvidingtoranyappraisemtnt,
<br />valuation, stay, extension ar redemption, and Trusior, for Truster, Trustee's heirs, devtszes, reprrsentativcs, sue•
<br />censors and assigns, and for an}' and all ptnuns ever claiming any intrras[ in the Trust Estate, to the the extent
<br />permitted ny law, hereby waives and releases all rights of redemption, valuation, apprxistmcnt, stay of cxreutum,
<br />roller of decrier to mature ur declare due tut whole of the secured indzbicdntss and marshaling in the event of
<br />fortclosure of the liens hereby creattd. It any law referred to in this Stc!irnt and nvw in fvrcn, of which Truster,
<br />Trustee's hors, dtvisees, rzprzsentatives, succrssars and sstgrs or other person might take advantage despite this
<br />Steller, shall hereafter Sz re}?cased ur cease to be in force, <uch law shat! rat thereafter be dtrnted to prteludc
<br />the aiiplieation o[ this Section. TYustur eapressiy wuiccs and rclintlni;hes any :!nd all rit,hts and runedit•s t.hieh
<br />Trustar may hour or bz able to .: cert by reason of the laws of the Sratc ufNebr~tska l,,i;rtaining w the rights and
<br />rtrncdics o{ sureties.
<br />5,03 Limitatiett of intcrc_st. It is the intent of I~nntar :ltd ficncfr ter} in il'tt ex~.eutiun of this I?c:d of "{ rust
<br />and Fht Nate ' nd Atli i htr i.,ntt u,rrnts --t"riag the \ptr tn -rnrreGl in ~Cr i<t con,pliancc .pith ihc usm} Inws u[
<br />the SI&ie oI N~Y.Srai~k3 _uscining the !~r.,rs ::id.ntcd by the :'etc. Ln fcrthrr~ncc ~het.u(, L;cnrf~risit} and
<br />Truster stipulate and age,.°C that mutt r?f the Icrun _ntd futr:nuats ,-um;vu;d in ut~ I :con In+tnurout+ ,hat cti.r Y
<br />-...:- ~~~.~ -: -..~ n
<br />r.~sti• in e+ccss o{ th-a t i,txtnaair jn`trfSt aas E~t..v;!cd to b+~ thar••rd't!} the 1. s. s~f t.`r+ St.t~c :~l ,.~ L_:___:.u .,-ru-
<br />ing dtt loan cvidcntcd b}' the `Vote. Gunter ur .rn}' _rr.,r_rnt:~r, ,:.n1,rr:,rr ,rr of}t,,~r p,rrt} n,:w- ut tt,.c.dt,~r he-
<br />conting liable fee the pa,rnent nI the 'volt shall n~+er 6a ]!:iblc .ear ~.;~-,iricd !nt.-gent ,vt the A..+tu :mid >haN
<br />never lee raquircd to pay inrciea ~m the late at a rate in c.xass of the nw.vuurrn ir,~errst th,rt nw} t:^ law,ull},
<br />charbrd antler tFtc Iatvs of the State of lQe:`Ut't.~{Ga and ihc pio:i,i,~m ,r( thu tic~uail .hall e~muoi v:cr ,~li ,,;her
<br />provisions o[ the 'sate ,end say otfter inunrnrnt executed m c,-,.~.~~u.at h~~r~uuh ~+Fu~h .<;a} ta• m .,}q~.,~~,.! ,„n-
<br />fliet herewith, in the event any held~•r of ihc Kure shall collect n„rocs :: h~ch arc ,S: nn:d t,~ „~rr.t<iuie utter, t
<br />vv+hi:h would onc~rwtst increase the cfft-tn•e int+•rest rate ~>n h R ~t+• r ~ i ~ r-,~-- „f r <.-tnu•i:J t,~ be
<br />ch.rrtcd by 1FlC lotus rf the State :ef P~~€rl~taska II ,ugh ~uuu dt:.ixd .~ :~ ~.,:~,.r., .nt~., ,t ut ;:;ati r~i the h:•ai
<br />rate shad nr irnmrdiatcly returned to the Tntstw upua k.~ch dctcrn:in.,tt~ar.
<br />5.04 Statements n~ Trriuar. Trusnv, ~~rthin ten (}0) Goys slier F~risrg grtien „-~;~:~ t=} :-..:a, ~~sl t,n,;:~,h [u
<br />Beneftciary a written statement stating the uapard ]rnncipat of a;id i_ttcrest ,_~a the Note and .u:y ,>ther a:u,nfu;s
<br />stcured ny this Deed rsf Trust and stating uhcthri any t+ff~et s,r e,tmf~nse +sts ae,.rinat .ugh punupal etia rnircest
<br />!0
<br />