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Leader's written agreement ar appGcabte taw, Borrower shall pap the amount of alt mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Airy amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon. shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower <_ecured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender aeree to other terms of payment, such. <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shah bear interest from the <br />date-of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding prncipai under the Note unless payment of <br />-;--interest-at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />petmissibte under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shalt require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />.anv anion hereunder. <br />- g. Inspection. Lrnder may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />- -that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />:'interest in the Proptcay. <br />_ _ 4. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequrntiah in connection with any <br />condemnation nr other taking of the Propetty, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation: are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the evem of a total !along of the Properly, the pmcceds shall be applied to fhr sums secured b}• this Mortgage. <br />with the excess. if anv, paid to Borrower. Tn the evens of a partial taking of the Properly, unless Borrower and Lender- <br />othrrwise agree in writing. there shall be applied to the sums secured b}• this Afortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that prrpartinn which the amount of the sums secured by this Afnngage immediately prior to the date oP- <br />, taking Lxars to the fair market value of the Propery immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />if the Prnpert}• is abandoned h}' Borrower. nr if. after notice by I_rnder to Harrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a dorm `o: damages. Bar-.over faits in respond to Lender within 3tl days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized to cn1ltct and apply the proceeds. at LenACr's option, either to restoration- or repair of the <br />Property ar ro the sums secured h}' this t+iongage. <br />Unless Lanier and Bcrmu-rr cthcru-isr agree in writing. anv such applica;ien of proceeds to principal shah not extend--- <br />or pnsipcme the due lave n' the month'.y installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of - <br />such installments. <br />1f3, Borrower first Reitased. Exttrsion n( the time for pati'ment ar modification of amortization of the sums~~secured <br />by this kfnngage granted h}~ ;-en rs to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not eperatt to release, in any manner, <br />;he liahilu+~ or ;hc :.ricrosi Borrower and 8errawer's successors in imertst. Lender steal} net he required to commence <br />pmcerdings a^.a!rst wch successor ;~~ refuse ro extend time far paymtnt nr othenvist modify amortization of the sums <br />seturtd by [his .'.3.^ngagc hg mason of any Gtmand made by the original Borrower and Borrov.'er's suCCessars in intermit. <br />]. Forbearance 6}• I~errder !+Grrt a Waiver. ,4n}' forbcaranc.t by l.under in exercising ant' right er remrd}• tleretlndar. or <br />nthtrw'ise :,fferdtd Fy applicable :aw, shall not Fx a waictr oI or preclade the txercise of any such rigtfi or remedy. <br />The procvremert of insurance er rtes paymrnt of taxes-ar other liens or charges Fy I..endtr shalt not t?e a waiver of Lendei s <br />right ;~+ accete; ate the mnturin• ,'f •he indebtedness secartd h}' this ?,iattgage. <br />12. Remedies Cumulative. 41i rcmed:es nmvided ;n this Aiortgagt art distinct and cumulative so an}• other right or <br />tamed}' under ;his Mnrt;age or atTnrded ^y iaw~ r,r eyutn•. and ma}' he exercised concurrenth•. indtpendently or nteccssivelp. <br />13. Suecessnrs and ~ssiens Round: Joint and Severnf Liability; Captions. "the covenants and agreements herein <br />coma:ned hail hind and the rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. <br />subjrtt to the prorisiors of paragraph '" acrcaf. 41i covenants and agretmems of Borrower shall ht mint and several. <br />Toe captions anc F:cadings - the Para-raphs of this ..rrtga2e arc- ,nr co•,va-,rcn~ .;sty .. ~d are ,.~, to fi a;ed rt. <br />'I4. '.lntiee. Ez~cept far an:^no[ict rage-i:ed unJtt aplilica'Sie la+r t:^ 6e riven In ano[htr connote. tal an}• ntatice to <br />Borrower provided tar :n thls `+;cnca:e shall b€ giver. h}- rnathng such ncuce by .ertified mail addscsscd to Bormwrr at <br />he Property r, _- - _ _ _- toss °° --.-^we: -a=' .- ':._ -- - .. fs^dcr -rte-=•idtd - - no=el <br />(h} xny retire :ouLts.^=r '~ ~ -. r - .€_rt f~ ,,, r^ - e -e~tea l ~ .virr's address stated herein or to <br />strCli wince .,dare, a . t[i;ate ,4 ,. ,., t,. c, ~.. •rir;. ., ~. .-. :dc: • ... :fits <br />Alar[ea,ze shall ht deemed to ha+chcen geven m Borrower or Lender ++htn glean in the mannar^desjgnaled herein. ^ <br />'i ~. Uniform Riartt;axct t:vscrnirtg Se,°eratrilrn•, ~rYe farm of vararirage z.:mtrirtzs unoferm covenants for natinnai <br />ttSe-arid lino-uniform ,:'S n::..,) `i.. :.tT.arr_i. -aT[at-t'f'.5 L`l r FF..d ~iis~ r~, i~r3Z*Yif[~ a uiYi~Pni 5,-i-TF~riS` t9c:-risrtZfi; ~ )satin}; <br />real properly. Thts Mortgage shall be t:cserned b}' the krw uF the ;urtsdictian in which the Praperrp is located. In the <br />event that any provision or c3ausr nt this Morgage +sr ;hr ?:<*te conflicts with ::pplicsbic law, such conllict stets]! not ati'ect <br />other provisions of this Mortgage er the Ncie uh!ch can be given effect without the conflicting prevision, and to this <br />end the provisions of the Diongagc and the 's'ore arc declared u, hr srvrrata}t. <br />Sb, Borrower's Cagy. Borrower shall t+r furnished a ccnfnnnrd copy of fhr Nate and u( this Mortgage at the time <br />of execution or after recordation hereof`. <br />17. Transitr of the f'roprrtp; Assumption. 1f all or arty pan of the Property or an mterest therein is sold or transferred <br />by Borrower wnhout Lender's nnoi• wntten consrnt, entfuriing tai tae ctaann nt a lien or cncumbranee subordinate to <br />fhr 44iongage, (b) the creation of a purchssr numry security interest for househt:ld apPlianees, fe! a transfer by devise, <br />descent ar ly operation ai law upon the eieath of a j ant tenant at idi the gram of any leasehold interest of three years or less <br />not containing an option to purchase. Lender may, ai I_rndrr's t:puon. declare all the Sums secured by the Mungage to be <br />immediately due r,nd payable. Lender shall hevr waived such option N accelcraar iC, print to the sate or trsusfer, Lender <br />and the Prrscra to whom the Property is to he sold or transferred reach al;rermtnt in venting that fhr credit of such person <br />is satiafastary to Lender and that fhr interest pttyabie ou the sums sa:umd by this Mortgs~c shall be at such Late as t ender <br />shall request. If 1_ender has waived the option to accclrrate p[avtded to this paeugr;tph 1?. and if Borrower's suctesser in <br />interest tees executed a written assumptfian agrtrmrnt acecPtrd in writing 6y Lender, I..cttder shall release Borrower from a}{ <br />obligations under ibis Mortgage and fhr Note, <br />3t Lentlrt exercises such aptioo to accelerate, Ltndrr shall mail Borrower natiey of acceleration in actordancr wuh <br />paragraph Ifi htrcoP. Such notice shalt provide a period n( not less than ;~ days from the date fhr notice is matted within <br />which Harrower may Pay iht sums dec,ar+ed due. If Rorrawtr fa,is to pay such .ums prior tc the expiranan n- .wch Prriad, <br />L:nciz_r rnay, witheu! further noise ar drmansi e^ Finrrowcr, ~nvukr any rernedtra permuted by paragraph i t; Itereaf. <br />Nox-Urvtt~s~at,t Borrower and Lender further cc-acnant and agree as follows: <br />i&. Acteaeratiea; Remedies. Except as paragraph 17 hereof, upuu Borrower's broach of any covenant nt <br />egrets+rrent of Borrower in thbt Alonkage, including the cuvenanis ur pa} when due any stuns secured by this \turtgat;v, <br />Lender prior to accekrat_ioa shall moil nutice.lo BornJarr as provided in paragraph 1J heceai specifgiagt If) the breaclu <br />(2T tfte actiati rrgrrired fo cure s[n}r bteaclr; {3) a dolts, oat less than S(7 days fro+n the dote the notice is maned tr. $ut rower, <br />by which such breach moat be cured; and I>') thal faibrre to earn such breach on or before [Ina dale slevcitierl in the notice <br />may result in reeelerateon oP the sums secured by this i\SortKaga, foredusurt by judicial prac¢rdfng and sale of the C'nrperly. <br />"The notice shai6 fuAl:rr inform Barrawer of the right to reinstate after aa•elrratiun and the right to :tsxn in the Careciusure <br />prorerdidtl Ilre rwn~existence of a default ur an} other defense ui Bortawer trs acceleration attd fnreclusure, if the breach <br />is trot cured on or before ilea date speeiCted in the notate, [.orator at Lender's uplion alts} drtclarc alt oP the soars secured h} <br />fl:f„S1eriKaga to ba tmrnediafcly due and payable vvitlruar furlber drnraad and may farecluse ley judicial ptucccding. LcYteier <br />shah 6a rulltisd to caiiect In such proceeding ail expenses of faree;rsure, including, btu met ilnited tn, costs uP doeueurntnry <br />evidence, aintracls and title reparis. <br />S sr, t~.:;p..'~/s le the itr ~e.~~ra~, n:otwitytalandtnt Lcncfct's accclrralrnn r+f the stun. scsui,:tk by ten.. 114rtlFat:e. <br />Bvt, .r shw4 have. tits .r,?:, t.; hevr nay peas-~ttngs LxQ a. by 1-cttd , [o cutvre tins 1Au ~aL-..As;. u.nn:~d at ar,) urns <br />