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<br />Iixrfoxrt CovExnxrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest Borrower shall promptiy pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indeb[edness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Kota, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by [his Mortgage. <br />2. Fends for Taxes and Itssurance. Subject to applicable law or to a wrtten waiver b}' Lender, Borrower shalt pay <br />to Lender an the da}• monthly installments of principal and imerest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a s•.uu (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus~aneaweifth of yearl}• premium installments for hazard- insurance, <br />nluspne-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any, all as reasonabh• estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Leader on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates- thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Linder if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said tales; asstssments,- <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may Hat charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender tc make such a cha; ge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of exzcution of -this-. <br />Mcrtgage that interest on the Funds shalt be paid to Borrower, and unless such ageement is made or applicable-law <br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pap Bortawer am~ interest or earnings on the Funds. -Linder <br />shall givz to Horower, without charge, an annual aacaunting of the Fonds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the' <br />purpose tar which each debit to the Funds war; made. -Ilte Fu^ds arc pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />tsy this Aiortgago. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, togerhtr with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground nine, shalt exceed the amount required to pay saidtaxes, <br />assessmenu. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall tr_, at Aarrower's option;. either <br />promptiy repaid to Borrawer or credited to Harrower or. monthly installments of Fords. if the amount of the Funds <br />held try Lender shall net be suffrcizn[ to ply taxes, assessments. insurance prtmittms and ground rents as they fall -due; <br />°,^rro::er sha4 pay to rxndtr env ^.,.,,.:ru nw scary tc make up the deft,^itrcy -:'dhir. 3v-days from iha d:ts natisc.ia m3:ltd <br />by Lender io Borrower requesting payment thermt. <br />Upon payment in full of ati sums secured by this Mortgage, Comdex shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds- <br />htid by Lender. f f under paragraph 1 S hereof the Property rs sold ar nc~ Prroperty rs arherwise acquired Lxy Lender. Lender <br />shall apply, na later than immediately prior to the Baia of the Prolxrny ar its acauisitian by Lender, am° Funds hrtd-by <br />Lender at the ume of application as a cridit acamst the sums secured 6y !his \tor[gage. <br />3. Application of Payments. tin!css applicable law provides nthercvisr. ,nit pacmeats received by Lendtt under the <br />Nate acid paragraphs ± and 2 hereof shat! he applied try Lcador first rn paptnent et amntrnts payable ~ta Lender b}• Borrawer <br />under paragraph ? hereof, rhea to mcerest payable an the .'vote, them tX> t'he~ ariucipal of the Mete, and then to interest and <br />principal oa any Future Advances. <br />S. Charges: Liens. Borrower shat! pap all taxes: ssessments and other char:cs, tines and impositions attributable to <br />the Property which may attain a prrorin• ever this A1ani;age, ar+.d ltaszhe!d payments ar ground rents, if a:.}~. in rho manner <br />provided tmdrr paragraph Z htrtof or. cf ant yard :n such manner, by~ E3orrowtr makine payment, svhon due. dtractiy to the <br />paytt thcrtaf. Borrower shall promptiy fumnh to Ltndzr a.i roncts of amounts due under tins paragraph. and in the event <br />Borrawer shall make payment a„-rrlp, Borrower ~.ku!i prnmpti}- .urntsh m lender reciipu .c•+dencirg such payments. <br />Borrower shalt promptiy discharge any Ire^ wh~ci hoe pnorrtp cr~~er this hiurtgagt: prrnided. chat Barrau•tr shall not bt <br />requrred to discharge any urCti hen sa long as Bnrrawcr shalt :,gree in _w ~Ung to the pa}mont i+t the obbeauan secured by <br />SL'Ci', lien ::' •;antttr atteptat)!t to f..eadtr, C:r shsli t7 i= .v • _-_ - such :ten :``-y, JT Lt(tn-~ `.,. .~ert7em f St;tlr lien m. <br />!egxl pratteehrgs u•tiich optrutt to prevent the enfor;:ttnentLLot the hen rr forfeuurt cf the Propery ar atn Han thereof. <br />t- Haaard Insurmncr. Borrower shat! keep the unpri,vt,=ucnts :tor cttsttag ur htre±atrer cs..ted oft th1: Property mzured <br />against lass by ^tt, hazards meiudtd v.~tthui the [corn "c xitndrd covet a;ic'~, and sucfr other hazards as Lander ma}• requxt <br />.. - ~..t•....,.,^-er ,~ :.nd foF rd~ pit " _,.~ ~:- ..Ynder rtir ti - ', r.... ;.tile-~, ,,.- ._: n e° ';fail ~•~. .. ....., .,.. a ............. <br />uc -_ -. ,er<d iha! ~:n<rsr,t - cr;#s_, ~ t rd ~ t r -- - .m~jrrt:act N , rc Mc <br />+.,3i,rate,:t t t i•r,3yifi „3 ,1c , ens.[ .h..ti ,,x,t v} [irrr,:ac, :u~[eri , ur+l.,v -, i.e;t.:.r, p'avidod. <br />iha[ such approval shall not ht unrceasanabty wnhhrld- rtllrpremnrnie me insurance paitctte shuB t*w+ p:yid ur rile manner <br />pr.=:edgd unt€ paragraph Z leir~.r irr..t net pout ~ ; s~ueh marnir. f°> B=+t rr-,xrir making j=ayment...hen due. ;i: rr~::iY to the <br />insnrwu:x crsrr,ir. <br />Ai! insurance pobnzs and rrctcu:ils ihrrcat .shall he err fcxut .~4c:eptahic to t ender anti shall rnc;ttdi a standard maagagr <br />CiaUee In rayon of and ;n term accrptahle to 1_rndzr. :.ender sh;:fl have She right tr+ hcrlel the pohctes and rcntu~als therrol. <br />and Harrower shalt promptly fumrah to Lcnurr all rv}rwal nuucts and all rz~:eipxa of paid prtmwtrn In the evict of 1n=?. <br />Borrawer stroll give prompt ^ouct to the rneururcr cutnrr and Luidrt Lindit ma} matte proof of lose :t nut made prmrrpdy <br />by Barower. <br />iniess P-ender a;,d Ba;;awer ether --+st a>•nrre m ,. rrtrng, snaarance pr.-xeis stroll hz appheu !o revtoration o: rrparr of <br />the Pnepirt}• damaged, provided such rrstorauun or repair is ct~anatnrcnifv feasrb!r and the >rcurrt} at this Mortgage cs <br />not thereby imprrrcd, 1{ such rectoratinn or rtpart ~> no: c.:.. ,.,rnr~~aily fcaerhic <+r rl the uiurttF of this ?+iortgagi w-r+u1d <br />tx impaired, the msuranc'e proceeds .hall he applied to the >tuna sycurt8 try this Meriga};i, snh !ire excess, rf ung, yard <br />w Borrawer. ti the Prup_rty re abandoned h< ftarrc wen, or cl Ac=tmwrr lads ter respaod to Lander svuhui 3V days lnan the <br />date naucn a matted by 1_tndor to Born,wrr !tort the msuranet earner Nlrrs to scttla a elaun Eon :^xuance t.;:ortits, Lender <br />u authorized to collet[ and apply rho insurance prcxreds at Leader's optrun rather to rra;orauan ur rcpau vt ihr Praprt'ty <br />or to nc~ sums su.ured by this Mm•tgage. <br />Un1G~ i-ender and lietrautr alherwue agree m wgrtwy, any such applica4urr ~~f prcrWeeds to punr~pal shall rut cxtrnd <br />ur pae[pcnc the dot dolt of Iht m=iuthly inata[Imruts interred to cn par agrapl~ 3 err<t ? hereof +u .haute thz auiaint of <br />such rns[aDnrznts. li under raragraph f 9 hereof the Praf~rty rs aegvirid by Linder, ell right, ode quid uitarest of Harrower <br />in arrd iq any i°LSUrance pa6eiis and in and to the pracetda thtrrat rtsu[riag Leona damage to tier Prair~ny gnat to the sate <br />or aaluisitian shall pass to Iznder to the tsteut of iha sums soured bg this Mortgage uq nmdrately }',nc,r t~s such sale a[ <br />aequisition• <br />c. Itrr.>rers anon awl ~1tt[nteoance of Prapirtyt f,easeholds; Condonriniunrsl Pla[tered t'nii fie. e•!ruts. isortower <br />s,.al! A'oop ilia Pra~.sty in goad repair arrd shall clot tamu:tt avaate or ptrenrt :;t;phrrt n`ta! et' de::x.!a!roa s-! !ha Fray}rr:i}' <br />and shill COniply with t1tC piaviciarts of any lease ~f rhos Mortgage rs on .s lcauhs+Id. tt tfns ~iurtguf•.e is e.+~ .: unit in .i <br />asadonrittlu!u a€ a plaYrntd unit divzlapmint, Horns wcr shall portc€rm all of llanuwcr's ahbgatr~ns u„din the dtrYrsraitun <br />ur cavenanss creating ar govzrniug the c€xideminnsm or plann>rd wet dove!apmm!t the by-lawn arrd ragulat+e?ns of nc~. <br />condominium ar planned unit development, and censtitocnt +io<oniiots. If a cundon'e[rnum ur plarmrd uud ,icvilopntcnt <br />ridor- is sxecuttd by Borrower and €i,;tudtd togaahtr with this Mortgage, the covan:arus arrd agteuuinu .rt such wrier <br />shalt be incsrrparattd into at;d shall amend and supplement tl:a tazenarits anS agtettuesits trf this 14ertgagc as cf the t:,tir <br />wire a part herwf. <br />~. Protet[ian of Leader`s Security. if HOROw'er fails to perform iho covenants and agrcerrtirns ctrntarnad to this <br />Mortgage, or if an}' anion or proceeding is canvnr:nctd which mats-really atfittx Lender's !Horror ire ttrz 1*ropt.rty, <br />including, but not limited to, eminent domain, insolvency, cede enfnrttrnent. nr arrangcmcnts sir pru.:ecdrnga mvoivm}; a <br />bankrupt of decedent, thin i.ender at Ltnder•s a{ition, upon nat;te to Bormwar, me} make such ap!xarancex. cicshu:se such <br />sutns and take such action as is necessary to ptatu:t Ltndzr's intztist, mtludtng, belt Hat hnuted :., rrt <br />reasonable attorney's fees aril entry upon the Property [o mako ripens, !f l.,rn[icr inquired rnnrtiage uuurauaa a <br />candiuan of making, the loan s[;aured by this Mottgagi. Borrawer shall paz chi premiums n.yu.n'd ro ria;marn suit, <br />.ti3iiranCe In tfiett Sfliil ~lir[i tlmC a5 [ttC rCfjulrCrACni 1VF .`-UGh r7Si3ranae terrnincsie=_ in aCt=?Fda=Sic txtth =.--,-„+_, _ _,-... <br />