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8~-- ~~ <br />If under Paragraph l7 herta! the Property is so13 or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender shaft apply, n <br />later than im _ lately pri r to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds heltl by Lender ai the time of o <br />application a retlit against the sums secured by this Aortgage. <br />;. A.Fchr~dan of Payments. LLnless appticabte law provides ottterw35e, alt payments receiv¢d by Lender untler the-Note artd.- <br />Paragraphs 1 and 7 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower trMer Paragraph <br />2 hereoi, then to interest payable on the NoEe, and then to tine principal of the hb[e. <br />Ctsarges: Liens. Borrower shall pay alt taxis, a menu and other charges, fines and inlpasitions attritwtable tothe <br />Property which may attain a priartty over this Mortgage sat lender's option in the manner provided under Paragraph T hereof <br />or by Sorrow€r making payment, when due, directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish tq Lender ail. entices <br />of atratmts due under this Paragraph and, :n [he event Borrower shall crake payment directly, eorrawer shall promptly fumtsF <br />to Lender recitals evidencing such payments. Borrower sha77 promptly discharge env life which has priority over thin MOrtgega: <br />provided that the Borrower shall not be requi rid to discharge any such lien sq long as 9orrower shall agree-in wN[ing - <br />to [ht payment of Lire obligation secured by such lien i acceptable to Linder, cr shall in goat faith contest <br />uch lion b.y, or defend enforcement of such lien in legal pro tidings which operate to prevent the enforcement a! the <br />lien nr forteifure of dtt Praptrty or any part the roof. <br />5. Hazard Insuranu. Borrower shall keep the Improvements now existing or hereafter erected Oct the-Property insured <br />against toss by tint, hazards intruded within the term "extended coverage", antl wch other hazards as Lender may require and- <br />rn Such amounts and for such periods as Lender may require; provided [Fret Lender shalt not require that lM amount of such <br />c raga exceed that artwunt of <overagt required to pay [fce sums stntr~J by this Martgag¢. <br />pvThe insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen ny Borrower subject to approva4 by tender; provided,'that- <br />uch approval shall nut be unreasonably withheld. All premiums ort insurance pelt ties shall be paid by Hartnwer making Oay- <br />ment, when qua, directly io the ins crier <br />Ail insurance palicr¢s and renewaisnehtreot shall 6e in form acceptable ro Linder and shalt include a standard mortgagee clauu <br />r of and in farm acceptable to Lender. Lender shat) hsve the right to hold the policies and renewals therm!, and Borrower <br />shalivprompily furnish. tit Lender ail re wal nnticts, the policies and any renewals thereof antl alt receipts of paid premiums. <br />In !ht event of !oss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender, antl Lentler may make proof of toss <br />+t na[ ntatle prnmpily by enrrowtr_ <br />In the event of a loss. the amounts retie Red shall be payable to the Lender and at the option of the Lentler may bt used Fn any <br />at the fntiowing ways {tl applied upon the indebtedness s. red 'nervby whether such Indebtetlness ba matured <br />. mate, ed; I?; u d to fu;filt any of the cov€nartis contained herein as the Lender may determine; (3t used In replace or <br />esiore the Pn,pertv Co a corWibnn satisfactory to {.ender: or (wl . ¢ the s e m the Borrower. Such appiicatian of proceeds <br />to the indebtedness shad not extenC ur postpone the due Cate of (heemonthly installments ref¢rred to in Paragraph t berm! or <br />change the amount of such :nstaiimenis If under Paragraph t; hereof ittz Property Is acqui r¢d Uy Lender, alt right, title aM <br />Interest pt 8or rawer ir. . u to env .r _ u e pnticles and in and to tt>e pr tads thereat r surfing from damage fn the Property <br />.o the sale. o acqu srtion shati}passrtn Lender to the ¢xient of the sum _ecured by this Mortgage (mmediatefy prior Iq such <br />spa leer aeqursitiur. <br />6Jr Prtservat~on and V_ai ntenance of Property. Harrower .shall keep the Pntptrf}• In good repair and shaft clot permit or <br />c mi( waste impn:rmtnt ur deterioration of the Prape rty antl shall comply with any restrictiorvs affecting n,e K'riperty. <br />i Prptecu on o! Le. tar's Secure tv if Borrower faits la perform the c: ants and agreements c tamed in this Mortgage, o <br />If any actie~u oc^tdtng :s .. c¢d whrch maienativ affects Lcnd¢r'spi elan»t rn the Property, tact Wirtg but eat limtttid to, r <br />... l cfomarn u r.satvency, r. .nr _ r angtments or Pnxoetlings invniving a bankrupt nr decedent, then Lender, <br />at L nnfer'> epic... _ _ rot::: oti bur: uw amYpmay r ~ krt such appearances, disburse such s and take Such a[iion a + <br />o pre e<t tLenucr .:nter¢st- I tvding but not I:mntd Io..!%shur of noble attorney's fees ar,d entry upon <br />tfm f'rnperty to rna ke repalr» Any a vets drsbu rsed by Lender pursuant Lathes Paragra ~ wrth rnlermt tilt rage shaft become <br />addit+ona::nd€t>ta.;nass ai 8a1 . wcr r d by ihrs Mortgage ro lien extent f>ermitien by npphcal le. law Unitas Harrower antl <br />Le.',d¢r agree v trV;er to ., . tayrru-•ntCUS UCh a tneil Izt payable upon entree /tom LCrvder to Harrower requesting Payment <br />ihermi, I!d statti tea:' r,itr'es t• t n: the elate a m'istiurSCmtni ai the r nl tU't unlea} f. Cal nl Interest of sUCh rate WOtlid b! <br />entree. ~!.. =-nl:..n[.!e .a tnti e n such amounts >hali bsa,. utter€s[ at th•• hlphast mats ptr(n!.s316 i€ by appticabte 4aw. <br />Noth:n :crier.. _ n swFar reph ?shall requt re Lender to err nY a'apenseu •.: ..u .e rct ear <br />_ .. y :mH ~-.... .r r. Fr ..nt.. . ,,.z H'•-_..,.~. ..r ttrrrt+roperty <br />- - _ r a9rt th:ti tilt a r.1n .er. _ ... aft--r .. ,.~ nY r ~... nr qua I-Public uetw:r r <br />the Pr+se nt ar.,i al .. -4u t :s.nrr> ut tF.c Prarryrart..+>a .s by Ihr> 4 1;1 --7a f3. cur .ri .,rte .. rt a tilt the rvyht of vtnr.:rr,f <br />- c vY >.r - a.f.-c.-.n - P uoc.r .. ., ...cqy t. . .... ..e . .vi .,nt. ~ , wrd-•r at •: u:-t-nn es herepy <br />at=.l ~r- -. a.t,. .-tic. Lls a, a~~.rrt., re'c> tr a. +r- r n=y r [ rr •,.el e tr!+ > "uc'n F ." ~e tr, arty one <br />recce a_ .-,. o:..:F cr rn :. ._ .a.:.E .- a.. v.. ..,.T..-:, la - ...~ ....-:_ .-~...-3 _ .~i , .~:: ~ ~Y ~. ~...~. ~u~.. <br />n,Sr•utaei. e + . r n .+ r _ utu t. T:2i~usa I~a• ~ rn ur , t ar~+,f t. '„ r 11 f IY tint,. ,aloe n¢.d ht n <br />-~ the '. er.c. .r..,. , c.rr mr. c, .. !ht > yr _.. a. Fan ~: rv+ t,, r.., ..:, -r -, t... c ;. '... . it v a.u - + satFSfaciery <br />(q Ihc+ Lcnd.~r, ,,. ,a, .- s«, ., >e to Ihn F'{or rower p..nv lien f!nr r r h. rabv <r .. r rr ogre s to and tw'rlh the lender, <br />u}>9ta r. ._.~st t' .run _er. torn -uic, ! :k•irv ran et a:r =gnment»'a u ='rtne 3:nsiru •nts utlie rat hzr lht purW St <br />pf a >+gn r•g :rd~su..h urd+ I ieLcndv~ lr Cn as ,. . r>clutrr g.V or .ny n. u, a:l rrnar.,.r:.: n.c uF anY kind o wturv whalsu- <br />: l- ~r _ . +eds !rr t.- i U -tat»+ II '.•_ . - rd r ,,. .+{+ h duo crate ni the m>r,liny n5lalimenti <br />rtfe:r .' t., : ~ - aye aph ' her r+-:Lou , Ixbnye f n un r.t .,..tih _ , i my <br />1CrrcrtY.,r-nwar 'ini tic-S w.a>++d Lxtenaitzn of nx•nxm. or nehmenii.rr m_<il~hcatrr~r. ~r a ort. [allure ui nxa 5 _ seeur 1 t?Y this <br />c t rte ums <br />Rler !gage ter ante!..! by LtlnJNr t(> due row e. o r an uc~el> r :: ;nt rr eat t~f Ho• rr,w'<~r thali nVa <Iperale to rtlea50, r any m n <br />me itamhtY nt b,e =,nq, nai Hoe runar and Bern ower'» ~., , c+aors :n n r raa ~: u, rr s xtl not be rtgmcad m co antl proceedings <br />a gt: r. ., ,., ~-r .rat„>< m ,xtera; leer,- i~ :, . : ,_. . _w, r. ,.: ar v,e >~<nrad by anz <br />Mar [gatge4py -r. r. su(any demavd lay it ~-tat 8or r .ua. _ r untr oaf <br />i r fo.-z«-€ara r ^!ot a .Vac Any fora. a ,tea , vttlvnder :n ec~r.. ny ::yht or r. ned'l hereunder. r <br />otrkirwrw t ik`nT 1 p- 'able i, haiF~fial ire a »n t m-t - f '_t+tute the e• r rse . ,erg ,~gnt ur remedy n tnd+•r The <br />r ar <br />.. .,.., ~ . _ Y: r, <br />.. _. ...r ;;tu: a:xe o: ~;,t :;! to-.r= ..: !:er,+:;: , - r x - - ~ r ar f L + J <br />., ~..•~,., , .., aye ,,...,. , v- ..r . ... ....... ..... .R.9... .. .. .,...... c)ht. <br />a <ule;r ate rho metivritr of Ih.~ :ndnun•aln.•>e >c~ a ed t .,a = trlyagc• <br />13 lie,ntd"<e+ Gn^t n.rial; se All r : ra;dlreh ti r'a.v+deds:n ini>^hit>. ir~aL ar: ch at:n..l a rd ar r:ui an rr (u unY other ulht ur r madY <br />undue h,l» Mur tRa pat a allurded by law ..r e~yuriy, .rid nkly lx• a- nr : it ..:n. ur r •ntly. :n.iapend.~ntiy .r: auv rvt1Y <br />IY Su <a l ~,s! tat Sev.rai uny*l Etrrans>Ln _ ant...rrar:,irtvmenlx h.n ern t.untnrrrxc/ <br />shall ;in-eat r-~ tf,e rrgY{ z _ r: sF ab t±ur a tin r t t z e :+ _ _ as .: t sot LrnJc i turx:, a ell a._ + seta <br />and agrvelnr'eti~e DI tier rnW er shall th' i+)Int and sue r01 Tfg capni~ra and ne fhngb nF trye L'oragraF~ns nl Inc r4inge a e fm` <br />u_, r_nri slay end a_ _ nut to ha u o n rnlor^ctr et ar dtfint Hw pruvle'ons htreuf ]n eta e rat Ihe• G r SshIP VI that PruPOrtY <br />r NtY CtirlLn Vkr suf t.•:.,'LUmE'J tastuU 4nta prtr s ,- rel}Y_!' Sian tfiC. title r:suer, IIK LenJ•_r may ate-el wi,h av,.h'a +. s r ye a c. <br />r . n,trl Krt :Ville rsf.-.r crr.:r to ttu+ Mrn ty.tyt: nri our end+'bltxttze>+ larebv >r-a.ur v~d :n Fhr + m ne re.: swear n,e btir r rw r .v nJ rwut <br />- tiny n!an v. -. ,i n~ -ir atsanary a t_ e _ r + t., rr-It} nee ~ t, I _ t itti - tdatitednr.>a t. re!ny tsi r,- _ r>tt n h <br />art h•' neat +l etc a{~ilsw, ~•t rh.; ~sr f L ~ndt•+ x 1 :a t - t ir4:u}Etxa: t> t 1 u.l.•t r. >.:v erne 'f n+...SS,n andY <br />payJtsli- <br />!4 '4•ti<~ Aiey ne,n!a:e tr„ .t _e~xtder la: Hoe ruw<r pr.nvrifcll !ue u+ duo Mur ty. ]e >ltafl dr _=v aa.rnhrxi rn ri Is• tta•r run qr at the <br />PreyeriV v: r_3_ tat u a• such --+ildr3s ,s nor: on r : g :ai- t-+ Mr t. s.z., .r .. , .-s. <br />alit iv of y e. @ vats tv kaY rower in the' m r t' pre,aar Iireu+hv a;'Ph.ahle taw a z ~tf r t 4 cragaph ufathls 'iurtgaga <br />2 tee. a :ne N v-C <br />in Unttorm idori~a rz_ <~.nver nrnt3 L.'tw, _Savc•rabn+tx Thts harm of Stortgagc cvmCrr nee un+lurm tovavtanln for e,uhanaf uxa <br />^rt n nllortn c .. with iitnttee( vHrratiun'+ hY lire lsdlcitan lu constitute a aline m >t..ur nY ' tstru+eient :: tr: ny reel <br />[++alpee lyu this AAprtci3~: shall be grn•o r:rC_n b tl.t law :1t lht lur'!v[}I Cl ion rn whn`h Ft>,• Proper % lug attic! l.r ,v ponce thr+i u , <br />provi s:on o: clause ctt shit Alurtfi•'tga r Iln* `icte c+n Jlicts a'Ith appttcable taw, tc'h v.:nnr.t sr tilt n attaci uch¢tt pr uvr>wns of <br />this ~iortyagt o•' d,e Nutt .vhlch ca:i Lx yr vtd effect w-Ifhuut rho cw5fh<ting pruvrs:mr~ and to thrs eSUCt lhu err nt iv~tprt of thr» <br />14urtµ.e<n end : » .:viz ae »c.iarao to bt x cable <br />15 - _ _~_~,Tr Flt::r'ruwr_r ahyfl tn~fu: nraf,ed a._+antermed i?{:k a+t ihr» Muripngu at the nrn.. :ef tx,: noon ur aher <br />6u-fi dm!r., t e rill.. -~ <br />