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~~u~t~ <br />rf+is AtoRT ,Age i~ made this tat day nr _ July. i980..-between-toe Nbngagor, <br />'~`~"--` , wr.~e address is <br />r nvn A RL`al•II and 'f YADi C1SC- 4L'Afi4:... -_-: - - - - <br />xis. reoloraaa ~>H ' as _ co aa4o~' mare 'La?tdar", . <br />yltte B -r antl Lender. ha tea -a Construction Lcars Agre^rient u{ n-date {h¢retn "lgreament"} undo <br />which Lender tray-made to Bnrr4wtr a-toan¢n.the prirY<ipal a ant of FSFTY '}r}{ry};G(~~--Ali iStlll(3n~ <br />__ _ emta~-(sgp~p0~~, t"Lean Amount"3 for-th »xi5res; <br />purpose of performing Cer[zrn work'nn lFie-mortgaged 4 n described b low,. - <br />Whereas a<si~n .with the. Agreement-and pursunarnf to its: terms. Borrower- has n wted Nate ibepein•"Nate"1 <br />of even date- n[IieLoan abie~tothe--Lender-wirer -liy the Dhrrbwer. nbtigated-'itsttf to pay-io,-the: Ixnder [hr <br />atrAimts so advanced, Ftu>-interest as therein-stated as tnllnws _' Un rite Drst day -at' F2E3SU31"V--- I$l,and <br />n tba first day of e h duceeedingmcntl: thereafter until 37~]~~.-t 79A}__ _tnter9st an'the deity balances. <br />of rite Loan Amount ouistattding remounts disbursed) during the prior month; anU thereafter on- Attg]yRt-• ~"- _ <br />a float payment : + an amount equal 'lc rite sum Uf the fullowirg:.nulstartling-6a{ance-of+t7 oRi <br />Loan Amount-, interest on the da;ly balances of the Lnan Amount outstanding during the pri pr nnnth-and.on- the daily <br />balances of the Loan-Amnuri outstanding during the period rommvtcing teem the date. of flrsLdisbursement-,to_. - ~ _ , <br />January 1 _~2~_- e a_-_ -_,_.- <br />T s c e to Lender (a; the r p yment of the intleblctk:tss evidenced 6y the. Note with interesE thereon a5 se[ forth <br />n the Noteu anyexlensiens- andtor .•. wars or modifications Uf such NU[e., thz paymart .o art-other with..interest <br />thereon-atlvanced in cordance hareweth to protect the se<ursty of this 61Urtgage :,nd'the performarice af. the. covenants'. _ <br />and agreements of tfmcBOrrowe; herein contained and ccn*.airted -in the Agreement, and (tr7 the. r p ymont-. of. any future -' - <br />advances, wrih.'tnterest thereon, made in Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph _ hereof,-herein "Future.Advantxs", <br />Dorrawer does hereby mnrKgage, grant, and convey to Lentler, the following des CriL'cd property foca[ed fn-the County - - <br />pf Hall _-- -and stag pr, Ne~rask~.__. _~_ - - - <br />Lot 24, Bison Meadows, Hall County, Nebraska <br />~Fc.^,elhe:' _'ith sit t"e ,^:-p•^,•••^ •,,,,. ,. -"••, .-.•..: •"• :;- .• •r• •:• :,'• •: r.:,u..,, n nk:>. .:ppurtendfscas. rents. <br />.. 7r+y Ia5 + i , i ~ , ,1+,;... :. ,,,•• .. ~. ,,," ~,~. - ".. 'e, .row air nereafler attached <br />roYall+en z I t a. .. <br />to thr+ mor Lgagna [ 4++ - I ~ ," ~ r - _- ~ - •ne.t t=~ t++. mW rema+n a part of <br />the prgpe rty .over.;d by tl- '.1Urtga J- , ,. . _.. n.t, :. ae.++•• ~ + 5a. , _ ... r+ vGrred (n as the "Pro(zerty° <br />++ .1 ~ r <br />Dnrruwer aovenant> that uo ++•wer i,n, i.+r.w ,... ,,;u ri..; • -,tar. ~~.~: s .-rr ~ Y.~• _+ - ~~~- .;~ r+ght to muregayo, grant aril <br />nvey the PrcyertY. That the Prrop.:r ty e r„ + .,, n+texred, an.t brat i-., ~~.•__• ~-•~. ~~~+ .=s-.t ..-,., r;~f,, n.. generol{y the Idle to the <br />Propnr9y against ail claims anti u. .nands4 '~, hle-at t.. any> .in4 isle.. f..-,.~ ipp r'~•,e4+ by Lv+rder ,++ wrn+nq. <br />11N3F(1R~i (;OV[ti-A:tTS, tsar: r.wc. a,:.t L,:: ru,-r zu.-...~-+u1 ,r.,.. eyr,..~..,. r..llu..e <br />1- Pas] t fi F* nU I I _ tiu- int [:-,rr-° - : r- Pt,y }.nY airet, u,re tnr } .c+„Faf -a! - -1 ntarnsY on th+ Indebted <br />sass eviden d by Iha ,N - a ! lair. r as t„,rr-.led *•+ the rlrzt[- <br />2. Easily IUr Tax_v5 .-nd Irl+uranrr '~ul:l,_ft ru fir. aac,-.. .,pt+.,:. ..:n arayrapits c+ . : , +.rl. ha..Uwer shall pay to <br />Latndar on tyre uay nbnthly t>t ..n _ ~ 6 `rn~ N~ ,. tt tease i GaY atsla ~ odor tot ;nt rA +,+, + .e Yotr::x pau} nt FUII. <br />(hereto "FundSi) rguot to one: twCnth ul tile' yCar lY t'+Yea an+I as+e»menis whr.:h may nitaU. pr «,rrtY r+~+-+ rh++ ftur-tgaga, ptuvum <br />UnetWe.llllti\( the yea+ly pramrU+n +n nl.rhmrcnts t. ,+',i n +. n+.,, all a r+- ,. +ably esl+~++ntc-d +rr•IfallY .n IJ h'Um I+rnu to Inne <br />hY Leri n [hE bait> Jt a s:lli} and .rrtla a •\al]h= ..., ci h Lin- -t -il h +v lho f-undo +,t a+, a wit whrcir <br />.a +n+4rad kr} a F-cd.rr"i of - a.t2-ni.Y and malt ap+ Int ~a .x ,e .. ., a., ,u I,r r a, - .. lexc. , er ants, and ~ <br />a• premlunts. Londe rrtYhah ntahl.' n -ar yo tU+ ~U itUlu+ng ant ap5+'Y+n.t,n - reds, a+al ytrny sa+d a ant ar s r+iy rng <br />end compiling saitl asscdsmants ond.ndls. eBu: rower and Lund:•r mar agree ,n wr+ti,r+a ai tt-x• time of .-.r cutiun~xt this htortgaya <br />that intarast en tiw t-nntt5 abaft ho pa+d to BuYrowar. -,rrJ .n,lass Such a<7+anme•nt rr., Lendr. }I'ra11 nut he rw}u: red tU pay <br />bor any inter net un t[te F'texls. L<+nder shalt y+ve to Bw+Uwar, .u,thnut char yv, .s . n e.l a-- un[+ny ut the funds showing <br />was r!a4it:. } R._ F_nd[ a 1 ~ly:.yl i- ~!id+4+nna1 _ r t ~ ten .~ d 4: Yh+~ AiUrluey.• <br />!i t'~- a_ t l nd - e tde.-r, 1. gi titer +m h2a r .,Yify ,ar".i, t.+." .- payobie - .,. .u t:;a -:uc 9at~€ sf <br />taxes, a€€cy€" .an..., aflfl -1 r]narC p - nluftth .ISR .t: l~.r \Nit reS,l \ d Co pay >i C{ W.,eS, s n rn{s and ntlurarltie <br />pefimlum€ l`• fhcty felt tie ut% n c,:ya €h"d i t twfr , t>itur+, P+UU t' p Umptty r rpa+d R) ii r etlttN iU <br />- was <br />D2 rower nn n+n+lthty_in i timm~ts ~tf t txis. If rtes ampun9 Ut 1ha p ands Ireid try Lanticr shall nod tae suiilc aril IV paY Wins, <br />as5e€smeni5. an{i it suranct+ prymtums as they fah dun, Hn+ruwnr +Itait paY tU Lender any a your necessary in make up rho <br />deficiency within lodays attar nnhce from Lender t~+ Bur rower n•.qucsb ng pay+nent rite reuf.m <br />i?pnn payment In itlti oT atY €u1AS sNCUrrtd by ibis sinrigage. ut nti.+ »hait pr Urm()iiy r¢fun+A et. iiurrnwer any Funds bald by <br />tenter. <br />CM~: GflL-ii~ !S <br />RA#53} <br />i7 H:Gl tu,\1. F't itl Rti _ e v,:lr., r lk: Ae;. irt, - r, .- . n+ I ,v . ,+.. <br />