:.i'63rs.r ate'
<br />6. If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at'
<br />its option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shalt be added to the principal sum
<br />owing on the above Hate, shall be secured hereby, and. shall- bear interest until paid at the rate provided.
<br />for in the principal indebtedness.
<br />7. Upon request of the ;'Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note ur notes
<br />for-the sum or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization, ar improvement made at
<br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of'said premises, or for taxes or assessments against the
<br />same, and for any other- purpose elsewhere- authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shatI be secured
<br />hereby. on a pa:•ity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the mote first
<br />described above. Said supplemental note ar notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the grin-
<br />cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly payments far such period as may
<br />be agreed upon ray the Mortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum
<br />or sums so advanced shall be due and payable thirty (30) days aftet• demand by the Diartgagee. In no
<br />event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above.
<br />8. #Ie hereby assigns, transfers and sets aver to the Mortgagee; to be applied toward the payment of
<br />the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms and condi-
<br />tions of this mortgage or the said note, all the rents, revenues and. income to be derieed from the mort-
<br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shalt remain unpaid; and the 1im•tgagee
<br />shall. have pacver to appoint any agent or agents it mzy desire for the purpose of renting the lama and cal--
<br />leeting the rants, re€enu, a ncl iaicme--, and it tray pay out of said incrmes att nceessairy *_~ammi33ons ana
<br />expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of caItecting rentals the:•efrom; the balance
<br />remaining, if ant-, to lac: applied ton•ard the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness.
<br />9. Ae 3rifi eantinuaust}' maintain hazard insurance, ofsuch type or types turd amounts as itiiar•tgagee
<br />map from time to time require, :in the irnpravements nacv ar hr reafter on said premises and «xcept when
<br />pa5•ment for all such premiums has theretofore been made under (a,) of paragraph 2 hereof, mill pay
<br />pramptty when due any pr-cmiums therefor. Upon deiauit thereoi', Mortgagee may pay the same. Ali
<br />itrsurancr. shall be carried in companies appz•oved by the 3iottgagee and [he paticies and renewals thereof
<br />shall Eae held by the 3ortgagee and have attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor of and in farm
<br />acceptable to the ~iortgngee. ]n event of loss ortgagor will give immediate notice by mail to the iiort-
<br />gagee, who may make prom of loss i2 not made nramptiy by hiartgageu•, and each insurance company con-
<br />cerned is i,creby authorized and directed to make payment for such loss directly to the Mortgagee instead
<br />of to the ~iar'tgagar curd the Mortgagee jointty, and the insurance (!re~eede• e,r any tort thereat,
<br />mar} he appiicwi b}• the Mortgagee at its eptiorr either to the reduction of the indebtedness heatrhs sa~cured
<br />or• to the restoration ur r,~pairof the iaranarty damaged. ]n event of f=,:,xh~t[rr,zt'Ir;.~ snartga#;e, ~r other
<br />transfer ~,f title to the tucrtgaged prolxrty in axtirgtrishment of the iudrbteetttc~~ =.ecured tzaret?t-, all
<br />right. title mtd interesk of tlae Mortgagor in and to rury irrsuz•eutce fiolicto4 Uu'[t i=t :ot•co shall pays to the
<br />purchaser ar grantee.
<br />10_ Asa =ditianxt ana eallatcral s4~urtity far rte paymene at the note rtt-a~ r;~,-u, ar,e t}ik suta~ .,? becurnr
<br />dn~ ,.f ~°r tl:., t.eagt~.,t;.~, .~;, srC _ .,,.:'vay:. rns to 1' ."ilfir t~lF.- ~, , i -a'ii9, li•i~e-
<br />nues, rdyaltic+s, riyirts, and other benefits accruing to the ivlortg~tgar ur2der am wend gill ,,} T,al Ra!4 le„ties
<br />Haw. ~ during tfic nfc- of i--his rnor~tgage, executec,l an saticl promises. nritlr the ~ iz;ht to r. clue sod tr.ctipt.
<br />tar the s.~lme .ntei .rppl~~ thrrrr ±a xaisl irrde•btedness as well befe,,re as after eh-fttetlt i,t the e hnditians of this
<br />marUgage, and t-he ZiGrtgagce may demand, sea l'ar nod recover any such pad menrs =..lr•n .iue and priy-
<br />ablc, taut shall trvt txt rcKluir,~d na iu da. This :tssigntnent is to tctrnunatc anti i>ecunto tu:H and ruin upon
<br />rete~ase of this mortgage.
<br />Yi. lle shall not eatnmit ur permit w:tsta; anti shall maintain the prntkrty m s ~,~r,d r,mditicur as at
<br />present, reasuna6le wear :utci ketu• rxcepted. upon any Caiiure to su maintaut. ~Iortt;agee, at ils option,
<br />may cause reaswtaF le ntaitttenuuce tivork to be iaerfarmesf at the cost oC :~Ierig-artur. Auy :rntaun44 pnid
<br />therefor by I41at•Egs„ae shall h<aar interest stt the rate prvvkied i'or in the petuctlaarl indchiedn±~sa, shall
<br />theroupan heeorne a pact of the iuciebtedn:?ss secured by this insU•umetrt, ratable :un+. „n n parity ,vtth all
<br />ahaar irdebte~lt.xss se~tu•rl her•eh;,°, and s,rall rift payable thirty i80) drtys aftor' demanil.
<br />i'L. (f the premises, ar any lutr% 4hereuf, Le caudernned under Uto porter of eminent ,iont[tin, ue
<br />acyuL•r~el for a publics use, Flr~ ,latrtrtgeev at+~arcied, ~trr I!rureterla fe,r th,~ iiktu;; oF~ ~;r Iiu~ rousuier•.itit,u tar
<br />Such at:4uisitiate, to the extent of the felt :tntauut of the retrtat:rciug unpaid iudcbteducss sevurrd b}' this
<br />nrurtgsge±, ar hrrrby assigned to the hinrtgagee, and slrsll i,e pztid tartireeith to said i4iorlgagud~, to he
<br />al~rplied au aeccouut of the lost nutturittg it>s[al(mc[tts of sttcit indebtedness.
<br />73, li filet Mortg'ar;ar tads to nrak±.:tn t• trot°ments »:'hctt ciu~, ur t-, ct,a!',r.~ttr t„,trr~i c~uu~~,lt• ~'itli t4!iv
<br />of tht, cunrlitiata_± ur agav,ernc-n~4 ccrtttsiu ~d ter th s tut:rtg,.rge, er the mow ;r h,uh ~ -ur us, iht~t, the
<br />entire principal sum and aecructi] inteut~t shall tat oprt` berunte clue :utd pnyetblr, at~thc electu>n r,f th«,
<br />Mortgagee; and this rnurtgage Wray thereupcm bar tareeinsed inurtarliately for the tubule ,uf thc~ iudeW.~d-
<br />u~~ llt:r•eiry scoured, including the dust of estendittg kite nbstrnct of title Crum the ,late ul >.his ntart-
<br />gRge-ta the tints of cuurmetrcing such suit, a r•easortable uitorrtcy's tae, and any sums pail by i hu ~'etcreurs
<br />Admini=4tial-ia.r olz ae:cuunt oC t}.e g'itat'attty yr insurance ,rf the ind,~biidnrss sacurerl L~~c,~hy~ nil oi• rvltirh
<br />sha)tha included iu the decrec> u.[ foreclosure.
<br />1~, if ttte indebtedness secured hereby be guak'3nteed ar insured utrrEcr `l'ikle 38, 1 totted States f'ade•
<br />such Title agcl I'tegulatiatrsl~;3ued lherouudttr and in eiiectuu the date ]tercet shall gavmru the rtgltts, dune-s
<br />an<I,tlatzih~tias of-ttze parties hereto, awl array provisiprts of this ar ulher inatruuzcuts executed m conuccixut
<br />with sait3 iudebt~dne~ which rrre incaa~istertt with said 't5t>r ar• 1'.egulatiaus erne hereby :uueuded to
<br />C1.ttif9rnt tlleA'~t(;.
<br />The cavananCs heroin contained shall bind, acrd the l~.netlts nod advautztges ,vhall inure t,=, rho
<br />