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8(~- "~i <br />To HavE nxn To HOLD ±he same unto the 14fortgagee, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents to, <br />and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the ilfortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises; <br />that they are free from encumbt•ance, except as hereinotherwise recited ;that the Mortgagor will warrant <br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of al} persons whomsoever. Mortgagor horeby relinquishes <br />ail rights of homestead, all marital rights, either in law or in equity, and all otltex• contingent interests of <br />the bfortgagor in and to the above-described premises. <br />ThtOYIAED ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the foflowing conditions, to <br />wit: <br />R"fot•tgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum tvith interest from date <br />at the rate of ten and three fourths per centum x0.755 fi per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. <br />The said principal and interest shall be payahie at the once of rsofFederal Savings and Loan Associatioa <br />in Lincoln, Nebraska , or at such outer lace as the r0 In <br />p ~ ~er of the note may designate in <br />writing delivered or mailed to the ilfortgagor, in monthly in^,talhnents ofTH]tEE HUNAREA SEVERTEEN'A,yA 381100-- _ <br />Dollars t~317.38 ), comnrenring on the first day of At#gust. ,19 gp, and continuing on <br />the first day of each month ttrereafter until said note is fully paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final <br />payment of pt~neipal and inter•egt shall }te due and payable cur the first dap of July 1, 2010 :all <br />` according to the terms of a certain }u•omissory note of even date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />The Mortgagor 1'urtfter agrees: <br />1. He will pay the indebtedness. its hereinbt~tore provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any <br />time, :without premium or fee, thn entire i nricbi~ri.^.ess or any part therzof not less than the amount of one <br />installment, or one hundred dollars ($100.00), whichever is lass. Prepayment in full shall be credited- on <br />the date received. Partial prepayment, other than nn an installment due date, need not be credited until <br />the next following installment due data or thin}= days aftzr setefi prepaymeni, whiclxever is eazher. <br />2. Together with, and in addition to, the monihty I;ayrnents ot" principal and intetest payable under <br />the terms oP the note sr~curcd }tereby, Mortgagor tcitl pay to A+iurtgrtgee, as tnrstee, (under khe terms rtf this <br />trust as hereinafter stated} on the first day of cavil month until said note is fully paid: <br />(rc) ~ sum egaai to the ground rents, if any, trrrxt ;h#e. plus the premiums that ~viq next become due <br />and pays}tie ctn ltaliciras of lire crud nthc~r harard iusuranrx covering the mortgaged propetty, <br />plus taxes and assessments next dac uu the mnrtgaucd property (all xs estimated by the iVfort- <br />gagee, and aC t.~itich the Mortgagor is #wtilitrtll ltrss all sums already patid tlterefat• divided by <br />the number of rnnrtths to r•tapse h.•forr unc month pt•ior to the date when such ground rents, <br />premiums, ts~xrs and assessment, t. rlt I;et nine dt•huqumtt, such sums to be held by Mortgagee <br />in trust to par sxid gr ttund rent,, prentuuns. taxes and special assessments. <br />(±e} The aggregate r=f the runnunc:; paa~;eh!t•ru rsuaett to subparagraph to M and those payable un the <br />kf- ~_rareci h-~rcir~, si;aa t.e piri iu a ~rrj;ia pav`rnt~nt c'ak b month. to ite appii<=i to the fuilon•_ <br />ing hems i.: the ord:n' _atateci <br />t,r ~_u!t#rtl ~-pta :.,., , .,.-.,-__.n:e-n,:~. ,~.,-arrrl tztht~r titr~tt'=i insurance p.etninms; <br />(!t t r >=t tr t....~:~.r.,:,. F.~,:. . xnri <br />i riIt _t#r#t#ri1y._eCir~rt .yr' tht, t, ':sa:: p't! +.:, ,5.a it# n=:ti:`. <br />{ ~t.t ?!~.t f - .........~..:t - - --r r -~.. ..t -.... {alt, :n. .. „apt, qtr#t ~s riiade mod <br />' _- t 'r ;. -. _- ,?• - j - V #-r F- I t=tn-If ti ie :#tt et•r+nt,=t1+'fat!it <br />urtdr-r thi, rtror tgage. at \f t ty, rsr=.v . , t cton. tl ~t y,ary,~or t~ rL ir..v n ),ttc ettarge" not exreatl_ <br />ing foue tsr =~_=alum r 4~z } ri :ray= utst.riirnrzrt .; ha•n irai,i tmtre Ilrttn f ftecn (lot days after the <br />due data tt,i~ruof !~~~ rueer the ,=xtra <•~pext~-intu!recl ;u iandhn;; d=+Iimtu:;nL psyInents, bat such <br />l tt~ . h:rrpe .hall not Ire poi #tIo =,ut r t f a ! .,< t -t un ~-ur ma !u tt ,atisfy the tntlebted- <br />^»~ utuctsµutltplou•e. -~.__.u!}.~.-_,~t..r=stria.g~=tht•r~uttrcindubtednsw~;tnri <br />ail ptvlwt~ etst_c ;uu! rxbr~nse.. srs ured ttlE•rei~r- <br />', If tha tartal of the payments made by tlte~ 4tcrrtua~~rr rlrtticr tnl o; patagraph .? prevedinyt atr:tlt <br />exceed tare amount cf pttytnrnts actually tnade by the ~#ortgagt~=. ss trustce+, for ground rrnFa, taxes an,I <br />assessnrertts or insurance prentiunts, as the case may lx^, sucit axees stxah be rrerlitt!d t;;~ the ~iortgager <br />on subaexluent paytnenfv to be mode by t}te Morfy,*aKor frn• tittch itr~rr#.y fir, nt i~tortgaget's option, as tsrrst~~n, <br />ahttll txt rettitnic+d to Mortgagor. If, hott~er~ur, such rnuntirt}~ pay~ntrrtts 3h:r11 not he sutlicirnt to p,ty vet h <br />iFetn.=s evhen thn same sitatl btu tnL= due :end p~yanic chr~n ihc- ~tortt=<yg,r ,trtul pxy bt the Mortgugtn•, a> <br />teuatec, any amount ttt=crssax•v t,> tr~ake up the _lr±ici_ nt- s.r ;;y~ phrt~ ~ t-,r3} tisys aitrr• t: rittex, utttrr=• tr~~~rn <br />the Alortgagce atxting the arrutunt of the def;tien;<y, u•Irich r±otit~r may- be given fry matt. If ;tt any frm.• <br />Llre Mcs:L$agcrr shaA tender tt> the Mc>rtgt~ecr, iu at t i rte - t~ t-f h~ 1. rug ta#un -t tht n ~t ur_wi <br />hereby, fp}t traymertt of tha rvttsre inrleLt~Nlnc r ,tR ! :tt„}~,, ,# - ++,,,I ~¢_;, ,r ~?,~~r <br />itt computing the: aituount of such xnttnlt~ J_r_nw, _.r r.t ,._ tl.<. Frr,.tt <., ,;,~ i41tu'tg rat=r E.,;k c .~cLt ~iata,rcc <br />atcilmu}steai under tht, rtrarvistons :.f ta} of Ixaragc~lait 2 herr~f. [! thtrc -,}tall he ,t defau{i ands r ..ay= <br />of the provtsiot>rv of thts mor4gagv'- resulttng rn a 3-ut tss. -.aft t the ptelniacso cu trcKl hEt u- ~- ri th., <br />9ioetgngee acYluires the property ottterwtt+rz ;titer del ruit, the itottgat , 9n trrrK'c - ha" rp-}y, :1 th<.~ <br />time of the commencement n{ snob pt•xseedings, or at the trine the ptolx.rty is otht.rn~isr rrtuireri, r6e <br />amount then retrtalning to credit the 11or'tgagor untlr~r a) of paragr-riph .y pr°ect~diug, :ts a rrrxiit <rtr the <br />littttreat acx;ruod acrd tmpaid and the batsrnce to the principal then renrainitrg anpaid on srwd nota~. <br />1. `}'he lion of this instt•umint shays remain in full Corcta anti effect during any twstpunrruen€ or exfett- <br />;kiota rFf the time of payment of the indebtcduesa oc any' part tht:reof;tecured hrrelsy. <br />5. }lc well prig rrll ground r< nts- taxes, rtssttssmr.nt:, trat4r rates. and othtw~ >ne c t rnrrvttrtl or utunrcr- <br />pal c$t&rgca3, fines, or• impasitioer le tied upon wxid pt miser rind tlrat he u•iti pad ,r(i t r~ ~s leriot3 urrt,n tins <br />njortgage, cu the t'icbt sr:cetreci thereby, t4gc.ihct• +cittt any other taxa4 0# _e c.°,nt,;;t4 tcireh t t~•, lasted <br />u}xdGr thulatpa of A`~ebraska apiainst the biortgague, r,#r the krgat holder oC said tu•trt mul uute. wa at ~_t=ot#t ==-f <br />this -c~dChietinc~ss eK+ept whwn payanettt Iur all sec', rtem tra. tl aufta-.• h.~,-r, rt r- - {, r7 t:C 1k~ra <br />gx•apit w hereof .tat! hr, tt•ill tarumptly de}tu r I?'rr~ ~tfirvtdf rr~ceyrts+ tht refer to tilt d(r=r~M.rKt-r 3u detuutt <br />thcreol 6hc Mortgagee urag foxy the ;ante. <br />