~~"•~ ~~
<br />prior to entry of a judgment enforcing this Mortgage if: da} $orrower paps Lender all sums which would be then due under
<br />this Morfgage, the Note and notes securing Future Advances, if any, Y.ad no acceleration occurred; (b) Borrower cures-alt:
<br />breaches--of any other wvenants or agreements of Borsower contained- in -this Motgage; (c) Borrower pays-alt reasonable:
<br />ezpmstisineutred by-Lender-in:enfoicing.fkie.covenants and agreements of Borrower containedin-this Morlgageand:in
<br />enforcing-Leader's srntediesas provided.inparagraph- i 8 hereaf,ineiuding, buriiot limited io,-reasonable. attorney's fees;-and-
<br />(d) Borrower takes such action as Lender. may reasonably require to assure that the.-lien of this Mortgage; Lender's interest
<br />in the-Property and-Borrawefs-obligatiatt:to Paythe sums secured by tfiis-Mort~ge sha8 caittinue-unimpaired:. -Upon such
<br />payment-and-cure by~Borroiver, this-Mtittgsge-and the obligat'wns-secuiedherebyshall-.remainin~-full: force andeffect-as if
<br />no acceleration h^~ occarted. - - -
<br />-- 1@:_- Asa~nment-of_Rems; Appointmml of Recelver,-I.ender in 3'ossrxslen.. As additionaLsecuriry hereunder, Borrower
<br />-hereby assigns~to:Lender the.reats of the Propetty,-providedthat-Borrower shsll, prior to -acceteratson udder-paragraph: ig
<br />hereof orabandottment of the Property, have the-right to collect and retain-such-rents as~they became=due and~paysbk:
<br />- - Upon acceleration under paragraph lB~hzreof-or abandonment afthe-Property, Lender, in persoti;by agent--or by
<br />judicially appointed receiver, snap be entit}ed: to emer upor,;_take.pnssession of-and manage the Proparty'and io~wilect-the
<br />rents of.the-Property, including-those parr due. Ali rents collected by Lender or the receiver shall-be appfiedfitsr.to-payment
<br />of the costs of management of the Property and~collection afrents, including, but norlimited to, receiver's fees, premiums on
<br />ixceiver's bonds-and-reasonable-attoraey's -fees, and then to the sums secured-by this Mortgage.: Lender and the rceeiver
<br />shall be'tiahle to account only far those-rents actually received.
<br />21, -lFainre Advances. Uponaequest of Borrower, Lender, at Lender's option prier to refease:ofttiis Morlgage; may
<br />make Palace Advantxs to Borrower. Such ~Fueure Advances, with interest thereon, shall be secured b7' this~MOrigage-when
<br />evidenced-by promissory notes smting that said notes are:securrd herehy. At. no time shall-the principal_atnoval_af-the
<br />indebtedness secured by-this Mortgage, not including slims advanced in accordance herewith to protect the: setatrity~ of. this-
<br />Mortgage. etttxed the origins! amaant of-the Nnte plus USS. 5A4..Of1.........
<br />~2 Ateleaae. Upon payt¢tot of all sums secured by this Mongage; Lender shall discharge this Mortgage without
<br />e,Farge-tn sha:.i 'l its of rccn:daiion. ,f a - - -
<br />...... .nwrr 'r~'i a.c ny:
<br />It1 WrrNFSS' 1'VeExaoi:, Borrower has executed this Mortgage.
<br />~. -ao.rmwr
<br />7 SS.
<br />COUNT'i OF I{pT T. l
<br />The: 4aregeinq instrument was aaknowledged befarorae this 3L'tI, .day of. . .
<br />4?l>~Y, . , i4 80 ~ ~-. ~isht aria ,Heverly, J, Wriaht, HuBlaana ansl
<br />t~ife . . .
<br />Wi u*toss my t:and and n sal at. Graru3.Tsl.arl~i.. . ,
<br />2n 3.324 i::rtr..t:iTr ilia date a<:r ~~
<br />~~ ~.
<br />N~
<br />Hy Commiss~~iffon-expisos:
<br />AssacntnewT aF tKasTCAC~
<br />~t~ Ai,Z r~x s~ TttFSe i'x€sr~t~s, that, ' '~?. tt~`n,~l- ~£ t~aztd, ?ate .
<br />(°Asaignar") for goad mod valuable can~ideration to it i.n h3tid pazd by r.he t~tebraska ?tart-
<br />yags F~inaace_Fundr organized tinder tho .laws-af the State of tiebraska ("A.asaynatr"}~ r3.s>
<br />r;ecssifat of xltich aanaideratian is hereby acknowledged, does hereby assic}n, transfer, and
<br />s-.sE.-over_untu. Assignee all itn rignta, titlo, and interest in aitd to chat ~~erts.tn !tort-
<br />~~~s+ axsa~ue:ld, ~' , ~y ,N< ~:, atx~, k?€nt~~,~ S..olr~It~t. lllrslaf~te~ <tsld Niiye. . , unt:a
<br />