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.,., _. <br />~~~ ~~~ <br />Lendei s written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shag! pay the amount of alt mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph ?hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become. additional <br />;naiebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree: to other terms of payment; such <br />amounts shall }~ payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the <br />- date o£ disbursement st the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest-at-such rate would be contrary tat applicable taw, in-which evem such amounts-shat}-bearinterest at the highesbrate <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />g. InapectEon. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />chat Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />4. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct nr consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation oe other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby aasigned <br />and shat) he paid to Lender. <br />Tn the evem of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. in the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, them shall he applied to the sums sectrrcd by this Mortgage such proportion oF- the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />tnking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior tv the date of taking, with the-balance of theproceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />9f the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails'to respond to Lender within 10 days after the date such noticeis <br />mailed. Lender is authorized to cel!ect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's optiam. either to restoration or repair of the <br />properly nr to the sums secured by this Mortgage- <br />Unicss L,endcr avd Borrower atherw•ise agree irz writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone tfte due date +>f the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs i and 2 hereof ar change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />IQ. Borrower '•+`ot Re9eased. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of tt:c sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender tti any successor in interest of Borrower shall rent operate to release, in any manner, <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall oat be required to commence <br />proceedings agnins[ such successor yr refuse [n extend time for payment or otherwise madifi• amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and AorrowePs successors in interest. <br />91. Forbearance by Lender No[ a Waiver. .Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right yr remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded 6v applicable law. shaft net he awaiver of yr preclude the exercise of any such right ar remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or cite payment of taxez nr other liens nr c};arges by Lender shalt not tx a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the rnantrin• of the indebtedness secttrcd by this Mottgaee. <br />42. Remedies Cnmutativr. All remedies provided in this Morteage arc distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />remal~• under this biortgaec or afforded ny law ar cquin•, and may he e.crcised cencurrenth~, independently or successiaely. <br />93. Successatrs and Assigtrts Boand; ]oint and Several L.iabiTltyt ('aptiorts. "1 ne covenants and agreements herein <br />cantamed shall bind, anal the rights hereunder shall inure to. the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />subject to [he provisions of paragraph t7 hereof. Ati covenants and agreements of Borrower shalt he Ioint and several. <br />The captions anal }readings of the paragraphs of this MvrtgaFc arc far cart~cnicnce only :,red are net to 6c used eo <br />:nterprzt ar deFa. ~.~ th£ ttrns~icians hrz.f. - <br />ld. -.'ti'otice. Except f€rr any nvtice required under appiicnhle law tex~l~ gt'yEty; ia: an.ether manner. (a? :. .' naticE to <br />Borrower provided for in [nix Mortgage shall Fe gluon h}~ marline su~iy; rttitic~S}#-ccrt,fied m:rii :rilitressz3 io r°orrower at <br />tor- Prr.penv Addres.- ,:t ~ inn audres. R++ tour ,,,:,} trts:a~;tt• ,rntx-e :,- prsv:de.', :_ ~ein, anti <br />,hi :.n ;=_.r.e Ic ?.~ .a.~. ~haEt h~ F, -_. tit- ,ri:_+! .:. ..! -~.,tt't: eetRt_~~ue<t,sat, t,. 1 ~_~ repo., a~_dze~ =rated herein or tv <br />such vri:er'address as i.ender ma} designate F+v nvtice ts~ Bvrrc~er aa=prOv:aeri :,croon .+ v a vr.~vt3eJ f:~r ~n t3lF. <br />Mertgsee_ shall by dcen±ed to have hte~ eivcn tv Rerrusvcr of Lender when tven in the mamtet~~desic;nated hen=in. <br />T~. inifatart h3orittaf r: Cvremtrr>z fats: Srrrrabdttti-:`This i~rm ni mortgage a„mbmes un:f. rm -- -znant. t+ir Hari :tai <br />use nnu Han-nnii+srm arvenams with iimitrd .:rnaunns irv ntrtxris u, ni tr. conaeuutc .+ nmforrn - rttr in~~umem -„-cry <br />real properly. 'fTris niongagr shall he xovartrcd rev the lava r,f the utnxhcuan m whn:h the Pmpruy :•. kx~atcds~~in the <br />evem that any provision ar' clause of this 3tartgage a.r the `~estc conflicts .. ith applicable !3vr. Hoch ,.unitlGt shall not a!TCCt <br />other provisions of ?his Mnrtgnge or the Tvvr uhtdt .an ha coon et{,-ai without the ron0i,iing prevision. :end tv this <br />end the provisions nt the biartgage and the 'rate are declared to he +everab}e. <br />Ib. iiarntwers Copy. Born?wcc shall he fiurmshed :r ..+niannral .:spy ~+t the tote .tnd r+( tors h4orteage at the tame <br />of exa•trrixs or after rccvrdativtt hereof. <br />t7. Transfer of Iltr Property; A+sumpilao. It ,ill .,r am pan of the Property ~+r sn interest therem n said err trontfar rid <br />rl athr. <br />by Borrower w-r[h~ut i.cndris poor w-nua-n con cut. eaa•luding r. the ., rrnuoo oI a i:en or; ttrx + a:n.+ta u~ <br />this Mortgage, chi the rearian of x purchase mot,-ey ,ev;uriti ,nterr^st tier household ;rppt~anc-rs. t~? :r Iran+t~r !ty dev~isc~ <br />descent ar by apcratien ist law upon the death of a µ+mt tenant nr - - <br />L..cndcr may..u t creator's ,ephor.. drdnrr all the sums seeurcd by [his !viortgr4+= m ha• <br />hnmcdi:uety dun and payable. T coder cna0 hu+c u.uved such opuon t„ ncceletme tl. prh+r tm the s, nr transfer 1 ender <br />rend the person ni whom the' Pn?ponp is sit hr said .+r uanster red eta«h agreement :n wraung that the ierrdu ,~. vuelr person <br />is sads£aa-Svey to 1_eudcr and tlrat tkte intCtr,t pavnhlc .m the stuns s- aced h} ih:s ~Yurtgaga ,hall he c.t soak : e .is 1 ender <br />es , <br />xhall request. It i_cttder has s+raive.l tftc o{t:v-n .. ,azeltnxle pia+v atcQ :: dtrr :aaru ph iJ- .oral rf (iorrawct-s r vnr :± <br />interr3t ha. e.vccntrd a write-n assumption agteertsent accept.d in :.-ritmxP hg 1 ettrlcr. lender .hall relr~ase- Boti.ruer Tram iii <br />obligaunn trader this Mntt~agc and the Nate. <br />if Lender cvereiseh sudt .vpuaa to accaaaruc. Lender shalt rnatl Bonoucr nutrea of aceeferauon a ,:, a,rrdancc wuh <br />paragraph td nvav-~f- Such notr~a .halt prarrde a pernreV of n:.t Irss than ?q .11p; Pram the date the: aoti;:e t; =siatlcsl vvahrn <br />=.vhich Tiornwer mar lieu the cons ate i.-iced elate ii Dz+rr„uer i. c, pas ..u ,e:n,s - :. ~..c +..t .rYt~.--., .. a i....r,r.. <br />f.audet Wray, wi[h4ui [nrt}ter not:w +ir ,lsrtrtat±d ,,,r Rat r,,i,acr, u,va{=a ins iemcda`s tk'nmtri•d by parssgntysh i~ hyteaf <br />Nttti-Ii:stt.oavr C'nvexq>.-ts Rnrntwer and Irttdcr itxthcr covenant anil .+:;rce ~r~. tr~llctw+ <br />1$. ,~.ccelrtwtiun: Reatrdte+. F:xccpt as pruvidrd in puugrap6 t7 herroF, upon Brtrns,rrr's hrracit .ef an} cv+enanf or <br />agreement of tlorro+vrr Yn this •iorlgaye, inritrdhrg the cm ananln to pay +*heu dun aq vurtrs sea•urrd isr this AiortauKe. <br />Leader prior to xcrierattan aha9t tn:ul natter la Bexrowrr as providr6 in puragrup6 74 hennti sprrityintt: tlt qtr hrrartt: <br />i21 the acting regained to cure sack lereaeh; t3} a dale, rent feu, than 1fl days front the date the notice is atailyd tae Bocra.+et. <br />by w~hieh each httaah renal be rurrdt and iA} that facture to cure rook brnac-h on ar brFore thr dale aprcitird is the tanker <br />nrtty erecter in acceteratian of for snort seiwrrd by IhbF ~lartgage, tarecFttaurr by jraiicial prstcrrdhru+ anal oak of the f'mprriy. <br />7'hs t:v4fce shelf tnather infatm 'Batrrawer of the right to rrcrratat'e after acrrierarhsn and the right to a. srrt in ihr t';rrccit»ure <br />prMeeding Iltt: aan.eitixlance of r deFavit oc say other drtrreFr of Burrower to acct}reu[ivn :scut turrciarure, ii the breu~it <br />is~nat a;ared an oe hrfore Ehe date sperifiaxl iv tfte natter, i,r rider at l,rndri s aptiaau tnay drrtare all of the +atrr, srcucrai by <br />tbf?i litartgctge to ter }cnate:iaateFy due. and payatdr widtoui farthrx demand aad m»} forerhtse by jtahrial tnnerrdhyt. txadrr <br />~!! LE »;thle'? is et:~•~d In s~tr pra[eeliis~ salt esart~r' eS tango aL.+4re, faciudite_q, eat nut htuitud nt, czrsta uF dax'acarntary <br />e;tda~rS. vh~tra;-try aa_ut €ittP rRp+±r3~ <br />t9, $Cittowex's iCi;;Ai to Rrtirtgntr. Nuhvithsiatrtieng Iend~t .s .clotaua:i n, «e canto > .!eJ to ran thuigaea•. <br />f9aynrswer shall hour t"tsc rlgh€ to hire any prass.aTcdm{ts he>EUn ; :. e,r tcrr.c ih,s .a, s:xa;Ea ,.,.,.:ntn:..e.:.:, ....... <br />