<br />THIS AGCtEEM' Made and entered into this ~-day of , 1qE~,
<br />by and between Larry M. Merritt and Harbara J. Merritt, Husband artaes
<br />of the First Part; and Kenneth A. Chapgv Party o'f the Second.Part,-
<br />That said Parties of the First Part have this day sold and by these`
<br />presents agrees to sell and oonvay to the Second Party, the foll~wing.prem9.aes
<br />to wit:
<br />North Half (A~) of Lot Eleven (11} and all of Lot Twelve (12)
<br />in block Eleven (11} in the Town ^f Cairo, Hell County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />together with all appurtenances thereto belonging, for which the parttas of the'
<br />Second Part hereby agree to pay the sum of Twenty Six Thousand Nine Hundred and
<br />Nof100 dollars (£28„900,00), payable as follows:
<br />Foar Thausazsd :eve Hundred and Nof100 Dollars {54,500,00)
<br />will be paid dawn, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged
<br />with the remainer of itaenty T+n, T,`,ousard Four ~€u4-zd~~d afki
<br />Nof100 Dollars (522,1,00,00) with interest of 20~ per arszasm,
<br />payable as follows:
<br />~:19b,59 on or before the lst of August, 1g80 and 5195.59 on ar before the 1st day
<br />of each month thereafter until said sum of princigal and interest at Ten percent
<br />{10b) shall have been paid in full, from each payment when made there shall be
<br />deducted the interest an the balance of the principal sum unpaid and the balance
<br />remaining sha11 ba credited upon the rincipai, In addition tg the Second Party
<br />agrees to pay an additiona3 su••a of 12th of the yearly taxes and insurance each
<br />month in an escrow account, if the 1/12th tax and insurance payment net be
<br />sufficiznt to take care of the real estate taxes cr insurance payment, the second
<br />tarty shall pay the difference an demand, in avant said sum shall be iaz excess of
<br />said real estate taxes, ar ir~sursnee payments, the balance shall be credited an
<br />the principal, The escrow agent, provided raid payments are made assumes the
<br />a+~Sr_33's~,i ~'-il2ty ~f '+-d,.y":. -- _.".:: t3Y.~.u via:.. t: ° ..~..~w.v ..cii -Sie.i ar.d t.;C
<br />°1 t!
<br />as~r€zsce bef:-e it 1~,;:ases, he First Pa: ,.iej agree to pa;~ a~.l. t:e tapes aiR; <,ny_
<br />et.~ser assessrsez:ta ag:.inet °said ;•eaEl, °,taye up to and incl~;dir~g t;:e 19,9 t:_.,.s a.,d
<br />~s-% v --_ =cam'? ~_ i~c_ =~ --~~Ls ~i*i,~rt3L-°R ?.. ..:,. -a.. ~.: '„~'..S°,~auy-'¢" n .~..nC t, s., ~°CY.^.w
<br />Ps-z't>F;sue pa~v a ? t•~ ans~~~y a~~r`~ ~~e~,z"-e_. yt- i.. ag._~.: *.,h~:L- the
<br />Second Party has t:*sa r%ght to pay off any part of this loan at any time oz• all
<br />of it aL any Hasa without penalty. Haweverv azsy gars payments should be ixz
<br />multiples equal W the next succeeding principal portions an the amortization table.
<br />Tha Secasui Party agrees W keep the property insured for fire, windstorca
<br />atmi Extended coverage with a loss payable clause its Favor of the respective parties
<br />a,s their interest may appear, for the sum of 32;,000x00 and at ail timaa to carry
<br />s>sffiCi~t CfsYaraga to COVBr thQ balance awingr
<br />The fC.'.iuw;.ng, non ,va.l estate items belor-sg W the r"irst ?arty are
<br />to stay with €dxe property: All attached fixtures, and everything in and an the
<br />property as it staxads todayr
<br />It is a;Iz~ed that a teratite inauranaa policy sha11 be issued an this
<br />property at ti-.a Sallar"s axpranae. It is also agreed that the garage shall ba
<br />tr~atad at the 5aller's expense,
<br />A copy az tkxs contract, tauetrser with i~asranty Dead to said
<br />" ~ with general coveasents aS s:arz•asaty, original insurance policy and abstract of
<br />title sha13 be dapoaitad erith the NizAcelar s2ealty Go., of Grams bland, hebrsska,
<br />as escrow a~3ent, with instructions to dali~r Said Daed, Insurance paizcy vzzd
<br />abstract of title txs the 5ecarsd Party upon cwmpletian of this contract. The
<br />Docucrsntary ~'ae szgan said Daad shall tea dadssctad froos the ueller's receipts ab
<br />the end of fists treutsactian,
<br />an® ;ieCrasad i-ax•ty sgr4es that hcs tsar !nadct z. full and ccmpletc zn:~p«:.s:s!!
<br />sa Lii4Y property and ha is aacegtizsg St "as is" and F`.i.rst Parties arcs under !,ct
<br />ob~igatian tss e az;; alteratioazs, repairs or improvements La tht: pra~anrtY anu
<br />a ~v r@nzd3_.~'s h$z~etcar rna.c4H ahs•11 t« ;~.d by ti:a va..ur~ ;'arts.
<br />