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<br /> 96— �d���?9
<br /> 9. Hatutiaw�UriaM.Tru�tor phall koap tho Propaty in compUanea with aU�p�licable I�ws,urdinanca ltnaf rq�ulaUo�
<br /> rolaYny to Industria!hypbrse or envtronmsntal protaction(collettivsly rsWrrsd lo Aet�t�a�"�nviranm�►tal l.aws').Trwtor shatl
<br /> keap ttw Pro{�rty troa trom all sulutencee daam�d to b�hu�rdous or toxic undor any Enviror►rtwntal Lawa(coll�ctivaiy rotar�ad b
<br /> h�reln as"Hazardous M�t�ri�ts'�.Trustor h�r�by warr�nU and repreaenb to Londar thal thar�6to rW l�IA2ardOUS MAt�Pats cr►or
<br /> undor tha Propatry.Trustor h�reby�proas to i�mnify and hotd harmless L�nder,ita directors,otlicars,employea and ay�nts,and
<br /> anp sutcessors to Lender's inEereat f�om�nd Wainst any and ail clainu.cJSima fl�s,to�ond IIablUtla�ari'slnfl I�cortir►�:.�a.��'�
<br /> the pressnce, uas, d3sposs�l or tr�nsport M any H�uardoua Materata on,under,t�om qr��aut tAo Properry.THE FOREGOlNO
<br /> 10. A��.�t at R�a�.T�ustor hereby:sciflns tc tor�os ttw r4r.te,+ssucs r�.^.d pr,•t:�,�!Ne Property;provide�Mat Truetor
<br /> St*�1,�:ntU Ne occu�rence of en Event ot Oatauit Iwrounder,hav�tno ri��t fo co;:uCt i:nJ r r,iuln 9uCh rent�,iasuea end protit4 as t1�ey
<br /> Lt4�;wrn cf�a And payabte. l�pon tt�o occurres�ce ot an Evont Ut 11G'��ft,Le:�dar may,ellRor Irt person o�by a�ent,with ar wiNoul
<br /> bnc���rxr¢ny actlon or proceecliriq,or by a rocolver appointecf f�y a court ond withoui re$ard to the s�equacy ol ii9 Sacurity,ont�r
<br /> upon aad take possasslon ot tha Property,or any paA thareof,in ib own nama or In tha nama ui tha Truateo,and do an�act�whkh it
<br /> daoms rwcassan/or dasirab{e W preservo tha vAltw,marketability or re�tabUiry otthe Property,Of pny pait N16f9o1 or Iflterest tMr�t�,
<br /> inare+ua u�e ir�cor�io tAara�:a�ar pcai:..�t t~a�aurity h;.r�a!�nd,witb o:c�Sthou:ikinfl�asye!en o!the Pr�o�rtv,w.ter or
<br /> omarw�se caiec�cne ren�s, iasoee and�ofits thereoL inctudln�those paat dua and unps►d, and appiy tha�ams,tess costs��►d
<br /> �xpen�as o1 op�r�tip��nd coUrsctla�includiny attorneys'taea.upon any Ind�bt�d�wl soCUr�d t►waby,all tn wch ord�r u L�ndu
<br /> may determine.The enterin�upor�and t�tkino posa�a�lon of the Propsrty,ths cOU�CUOr�01�uCh rMtf,iaouN�nd prOflW and tlf�
<br /> applicatlon thsreol as ato��ld.ihatl not cun or walve�ny detautt or notic�of daf�utt Mr�unda or inv�lidat��ny act don�in
<br /> rupont�to su�h detault or purwanf W wch�otice oi detault ond,notwittuiaod�n�ttw cantinuanc�ln pcsssulon of th�Prop�rty a
<br /> th�collscNo�. recslpt and �oplicaUon of nnts,luw�a profits.tnd Trustw�nd I.�nd��hatl bt Mtltied w�xWCiw�wry�i�ht
<br /> ptovW�d tor In any of th�loan Documsntt or by�►w upon ocCU�ranC�of any Ewnt of 0ltault,InCludinq ririthcwt Iimitatbn th�rlpht to
<br /> �x�rCt�tM pow�r of ta�. FunM►.lends►'c riqhts sod remedia undet this part��iph sFull b�cumul�tive wiih,�nd in no way a
<br /> Umitatbn on,Lw�dsrs riqhtf�nd nmsdia und�r any assi�nment of leasaa tnd v�nts r�corded aalnst ths P�operty.�Mder,T�uste�
<br /> and thi recsivet shatl b�Ilabi�tc aCCOUnt onty lhoso nntl actWtlty receivod.
<br /> 11. Ewnb al DNaulf.Th�folbwinp sfiap constitute an Event ot Dotauit uode�thls Deed of Trust
<br /> (� Failun to pay any Instaitment of principal or Int�rast W any other sum secured hpreby�wht+n due:
<br /> (b) A bre�ch of a defauN under any provislon contalned in ths Noto,thia Oeed c!T�usi.any u1 ths Loan Documenb.or any
<br /> ott�li�n a er�cumbrer►ce uDOn the Property-
<br /> (c)A writ of exscutlon or attachment or any simila�prqcASC shail be e�te�ed�painat Truator whlch shal!baCOm�a Upn an
<br /> th�Proparty or any porUon theraof or interest therein;
<br /> (d)There shsll be fi{ed by or ayainat Trustor or Bonower an aadan under Any prasent or tuture tederal,state or oth�r
<br /> statute,law or re9u18tton rstaUn�to bankruptcy,(naalvency or other roqtit for debtora;a there shall be nppolnted any ere�,st�ea
<br /> receiver or Ilquidator of TrusWr ar Barower o�of all o�etny part of tiie Froperty,or.the rents.iasues or profits tlwreot.ot Trus9mr
<br /> or Borrower ahatl rtwke 4ny perwtal assiynment far the�efit of creditore:
<br /> (e)The,eale,Vanster,toase,asslynment,convey�^�or further encumbronce af all or any part o1 or any in;ra�est�tAe
<br /> �roperty, e1Uwr volunl�rtly or Involuntarity,without tRe�xpress written cohsent o!Lender, provided that Truslor shail be
<br /> parmitted to execute a�ase oi the Property that does rtc4 rvnt�in an option W purchase a�d the term o!whlch does not excead
<br /> one ys�r, '
<br /> (Q Abandonment of the Property;a
<br /> (� If 7rustor k no!an indlvidual,the issuanca,sale�4�rtster,assiynment convayance or encumbrance ot more than a to�ai
<br /> ot�_percent ot(if a corporatton)ib issued and outstanding stxk or(it a partnerahip)a total ot percent of
<br /> �«~:F.`:�'»��'!:^�!l!0�f?�H�ty iL�A nf Tn�at r�winw�s Iir�nn thri Q�n!N,.
<br /> 12. itM►�i'iw;Aa�ralion lipon QaiwiL f��a e++e�'K af ariy Er�n c��etaun Lsndar rt�y.wiihout cr.,:c.s exc.�p:at reque.�r„
<br /> law,declare a!!'.ndsbtednest secured hereby b be due�^� �at3k;fe arc:the same shall thereupon tsacome due and payeGfe
<br /> witl�oui any presentmenR deynand�Protest o� noUce oT anp fcmcf.T�+eraaPte�Le�der mpy:
<br /> {a}Dem�nd that Trustea exercise the POWEA OF SR:.E�ranted herein. anci Trustee shall thereatter cause Tntatais
<br /> inOKest tn!he Property W bo sold and the proceeds to ba diatributed,all in the man�p�ovided in ttw Nabraska TQwt O�eds
<br /> Ik�
<br /> (b? Exerciseanyandapriphtsprovlded(orinanyohheLoonDocumer►vwbylawuponoxurrer�c�otanyEvet�tot0�fta�lk
<br /> �(c) Commence an action W toreciose thts Daod ot Trust as a mortpaye.appoint a recaiver,or spec►ficauy en�onos any at t�e
<br /> covenants hereoi.
<br /> Na remedy ha�ein conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be excluaive of a�y other remedy hereln,in the
<br /> Losn Docurr�t�or by taw provided or pennitted,but each shap be cumulatiw,shall be in addition to every oMer remedy qiven
<br /> ttereunde►.in the Loan Documenb or now or Fwroatta�wcWlt�at(aw or in 0quity or by statute.and rtuy bs�xucis�d coricurr�stty.
<br /> �d�peridenth►or auc�ive�Y•
<br /> 13. TrYdM.The Truste�may reslyn at any tlrr�e without ceuse,and Le�dAr miy at eny tlme and witlt0ut Ca:is�aRpocn4 a
<br /> suocessor or substituto Truat�e.Truatee shall not be liabfe sc�y�arry.�ncludiny witl�out Iimitaflon Lender.Borro�w�v,ari:s�cr a�y
<br /> �arttfaser oi the Proparly,ta any loss or damaye unteas�ue t�recidess or w0ttul misconduct,and ahall oot be requ:nsd to taics xr�y
<br /> ec�on in connecUon with the enforcement of this Deed ot Fro:st�:rrteas indemnttiad, in writiny,tor a!I costs,compQnsaticu►cc
<br /> expsnses which may be Assxlated therewith.In addiUon,Tn;stee ma�become a purcha�er at any sale of the Property(�udi�ci�C or
<br /> vnder the power ot sata Aranted herein);poatpone the ute oE at c�arry portian ot tha Praperty,as provided by tawr,or serS�he
<br /> Propsrty at a whole,or in eoparate parcei�or bta at Trustee's disc.�eGcn.
<br /> 14. F�and Expw�.in the event Trustae sells thQ?ic�arty by exarcise ot power o}sale,Trustee shall be ecKit6�ad to appry
<br /> any a81e proceedi tirst to payment of all costs¢nd expenses ef exercisi�g(sower of sale,including atl Trustee's fees,and Lender's
<br /> and Trusb!e'�sttomey's tees,actually incurred to extent p�►milted by apptic3ble taw.In the evar�t Borrower or Trustor exe►cisea any
<br /> ri�ht providsd by Iew to cun an Evsnt of Dsfauli,Lender ehall be enUt{ed to recover Irom Trusta all ccsts and exper►sea actuaUy
<br /> incurred ai a �ault of TrustoPe defauit inctudin� without Umitatlon al!Trustee'a and atlorney'a fee�,to the ax�ent permitted by
<br /> appOcabb law.
<br /> 18. FWure Aavaecw. Upon rsquest ot Bo�rowe►, Lender may,at its optlon, make additional and tuture advance�and n-
<br /> cdvsn�ta Benorox-s.Sach edvances tnd readvettce�,with irtfe�eet tRereon.3ltell l�eeeCUre4�;th43 Dee�ol Trust At no tlms N±�#I
<br /> the princlp�l amount o}ths indsbt�dness�ecured by this Oeed of Trust,not includin�wme advanced to protect tt►�sscurlty of thi�
<br /> Deed of Tnut. exCesd the Oripinal prinCipal ittfwuot steted hereln,or� _^whiChever is�reater.
<br /> 16. Mt�cdlaiwo�w ProvWo��.
<br /> (a) 8orrower Nol R�Mas�d.Extenston of the time for payment or modification oi amortlzeUan of the auma aecured by this
<br /> Deed of Truat�rantod by Lender to eny successor In interest ot Borrowa►shall notoperete to retease,in any manner,the liabiliry
<br /> of the oriyinai Borrower and Borrowers successors in i�tereat Lender shall not be required W commence proceedinya swainst
<br /> such wccaawr w niuse to extend Ume for paymeni cr otherwise modify amortizaUon of the sums cecured by tltis Deed ot Trust
<br /> by reason of any demands made by the adgina!Barrower and BorrowePs eucr.essor9 In interest-
<br /> (b) L�nd�r'�Pow►�n.Without eHectirg 1Yra I�:�iiity of any other person liable iw the payR�ri of any obtiyatlon heroin
<br /> menUoned,and without aHecUnp the lien or charge cf bti s Desd o!Truat upon any portion of the Properry not then or therebEare
<br /> teleased as security tor the fuil amouM of all unpa{d cL��gaaons,Lender may,trom tlmeto time and without notice(�reiesGra r�r
<br /> person so liable,(ii)extend the maturity or alter any of tne terms of any such obligaUona,(fii)�rant other indulflences,(iv)rc{�e
<br /> or reconvey,or cause to be reloased or reconvayed at any Ume at Lender's optbn any parcel,portion or ail of the Pro�erty,
<br /> (v)take or release any other w addittonal security for any obUyaUon herein men2iu►wd, or(vi)mzka compoutiona or ati�
<br /> arranpemenSs wlth debtoro in ra:aHon th9reto. �,
<br /> : •'•`„i
<br />