�n--- . . _ . _.,... .;_ _-- ——_
<br /> �---- - ._ -�- --�_ —._. ..�._-----------_---_._.�_..
<br /> �,-. --- -- --- - -�
<br /> i --
<br /> � DEED OF TltilSY WITH FUTURE ADVAI�lCES 96'" 1�10��
<br /> � �.
<br /> � � TH15 OEED OF TR1J3T,1a ma�sa ot thw�17.t�day of r br �, y.� , 1D�L.,.by�nd�nw� f
<br /> th�1'rusior, �
<br />. � w►w+�malu"0 addrw�ia-1�-2 Hor��a�t Dr ive. Banvcr,FA — (��Nn"Trusta;'whetl�er one or mor�� _
<br /> 1 u�e Trwtee, -
<br /> • 1?517 � -
<br /> �� wtwia maitina addresa la Box B. Dan iph a n, N E 6 8 8 3 2 (here(n"Trustes').�nd
<br /> �,, f
<br /> .,. �g�g=j�y� Aank� p,f i'�oni�?+�.� , _
<br /> whosertui!lnpaddrossls �a $ DQni;han. E 68832 (t�ein"L�ender�y. °
<br /> 7 FOR VALUAE�I.[CQ�L��'laSX;:`frrc{vdlnp lRncie�'sextenslon of credit idenY�na�4arrWn W �rn�F p^��iag -
<br /> • �"''i a�d J�a� A. i�*�:�.�, t�.�:.sbar_:? w ,� �-:�
<br /> r(hAreTnf�rower",whather or�a or more)and tha trust hereln Creatad,
<br />,.�,-� tho receipt o}whlch fs herr�h�acknowtedfled,Troator horebN Irrevocahiy pr�nta,t�rtnstorp,conveys and assi�ns to Truatee,IN -
<br /> c � TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for the benatit and oacurliy ci Lender,unde�and eubJect to the terms and conditipns herelnafta►aet _
<br /> �� � forth,the taal R��rty,describeci aa tollowa
<br /> - � Lot Twenty-two (22) , Amick I+cres East Subdivision, Hall County, _
<br /> t Nebraska. -
<br /> �
<br /> � T�y:w`+.r�;:;,h ati bait�trtip�,Iripravamanu.tlxtura.sUeoa,elteya.pa�ap�w�ys.s��s+nents,ri�hu,privileQes artd appurM- -
<br />:�� na�iocatW th�rwn cr In anywla�p�R�Inlnp tMr�to.and tM��nts.luws��d p�otlts,�wK�and��malnd�rs M�r�of.and
<br /> such p�wn�l prop��ty fhat i��ttscl�ad b th�Improwm�nt�so a�b consawt�a Hxtur�,Inslud�n�,but not IIm19W to.MaWtip and
<br /> -�� coOltn��qutpmoeC and toy�fhK with Sh�hom�sts�d o►marital Inqnab,i4 any,which Int�nsta�rs h�reby r�t�aNd and walwd;�li
<br /> -�=� of whlCh.{nCludlnp r�plaCam�tb and�tfdidon�tMr�to,l�har�by d�Cta��d W b��pnrl o!th�t�ol�atat�Ncut�d by fh�!{�n ol thls
<br />-- DMd ot Trwt and a0 of th�torpoi�bNny�Nur�d to h�run as th�"PropKry.,
<br /> :;� TAt�Dad of Trust shatl a�cun(�)tha paym�nt of Lh�princlpal sum u�d lntuest wid�ncsol by�ptomisiory no�or cr�dit
<br /> �� ap�esm�nt dtt�d �'.e,�.,.�.����z ?, �a�r . havinp a mAwrit}�dato 01�'�r,•-,, •�_35T-2.f301 .
<br /> In ths ori�inal prtncipal emount of S ��...4C1D.rQQ .and any�ana au moarcaUoos,w�sw�s and rsnewats
<br /> �w:aof a U►Keto and eny and all(ufur9 eduances and readvancas to Borrower(or a�y ot them If more thsn on�)hKwnd�r
<br /> � : punua�t to one or mere promiusory nataa ar credit apreemante(herein cattad"Note'7:(b)the payment ol otfwr sums advanced by -
<br />:_� lendar to protect ths security af tlte fWstu;(C)the peAormanCe oi al�covanants and a�reettwnts o!Trustcr sat forth Fwrefn;and(d)all
<br />__ present and futurs indebtednesa artd abll�ations of Borrower(a any of them if rtwre than oae)to�nder whather direcf,indirect
<br />_�� absoluts or cor�tln�snt and whether arlsin�by note,pua�anry,overdrpR or othorwisa.The Note,tAis Deed of Truat and any and atl
<br />=- other docueols that secure the Note ar otherwise executed In connacUon thorewith,includinp without Ilmitation puarsnte�s.securiry
<br />-�� ayreements and usignments of leaaea and rents,shall be�eter�ed to herein as the"loan Documente".
<br /> Trustor co+wr�ants and as�reea with Le�der as foilows:
<br />_.�"� 1. PaY��i d[w�ldl�d+�NS.A41 Indebtednets saCUr�d herohy ah�lt be paid when due. _
<br />_=� 2. Ti1M.Tr�;.s�Cr fs tlw cwner oi the Propsrty,has the rl�ht and Quthori:�c ta canvey the Properly,and warrar►ts that tAo{ioct
<br /> -- created heroby is�Frst t�r+�prior Uen on the Property,except tor lier►s a�d enC.:re+Drances set torth by Trustor in writln�and
<br />�� de�vered to Lendcr befere eauecuUon oi this Dead of Trust,and the execution anci deiiw�.y ot thls Deed ot Tr�wt dow�wt violato any
<br /> -' contraCt or ck.''►or oDligaUon 4o whlch Trusta is subject -
<br />:.�� 3. Ta�.�n�►b.To pay betora dollnquency all taxes,specisl eaaeasme+��aad a�L otit�r ct�arpes ageinat tha Proporty
<br />-y`;:,�� now or herea�levied.
<br />- -- 4. Imur�ne�.To keep the Properry insured aqalnst damA�e by flre,hazards inctudett w�'►�4s�e�erm"exWnded covera�e",and
<br /> = such other hezarda as Lende�may requlre,in amounte and with companie�accopC�'ka to Lender.naminp Le��da as an additio+�al
<br /> named inwrod.wlth loss payable to the Lender.In case of bss under such polici�.t,*�e Lendet is suthorized to idJusL CWIeCt and
<br />;� compromise,atl ctalms tfwrsunder and shall have tha opUon of apptying atl or part ol:�:e lnsurance proceeds(i)to a�y Indebtedr►esa
<br />;,�,� secured Iwr�t and in wch order as lender may determino,(ii)to 4he rrtisior to be used tpr the repat�or res4oraUon of ths Propec�
<br />�'� o�(ili)tor ang aCtNr purpose or oblect saUsfactory to Lender wlthout eti�;:�g the Iien of thl�Daed o4 Trust for the tull amount s�cw�
<br /> - heroby betera such payment ever took ptace.My applleatlon ot procee�ts.to indebtedneas shaU not ex0end ot postporw tte�c�w
<br />-- data ot any payments under the Noto,or cure any detault thereunder or hereundes
<br />�- S. Escrow.Upon wrltlen demand by Lende►.T►usrtor shatl pay W Lerider,ir�su�:l�mannar ns Lsnder may dx�nata,wtticient
<br />`:-:.(f�� sums W enab�e Lender to pay a�they become due one or more ot the tot0owinfl:(�a:i taxes,assesamenta ond other charyea apainst
<br /> the Propercy.C�i,tlw premlums on the property tnaurance requtred nereunder.and Cr'd)the pre�+ic�+s on any rtwrt�a�e Ir�suranca
<br /> �: requlrod by lerHder.
<br />-_!� 8. MNnfMaae�. R�pa(n and Compllse�c�wilh Law�.Trusta shaii k�ep�Proparty in yood condldon and topalr,shatl
<br /> ��� promptly r�pt:r. or r�l�ce any improvement whlch may be dama�,ed or destroye�3;shall not canm(t w pem�it any wasto or
<br />'---�� d�ts�bration ot t�e Pro�esty,shaU not remove,demoHYh or auhsstantlst9ly aY�r any a�the Improve�nents on the Propsrty,aMll not
<br /> ,1� commlt,wifer or pwmit any act to be done in or upon the Property in via��c>n o!any law,ordlnance.or reyulaUon:and stult pay and
<br />