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8G1~- ;~~ <br />ixndtr's wriuert agreement or atspiicahk few. Borrower shat! pay the amount of a}i mortgage inst_>fance premiums in the <br />manner pravideci under paragraph 2 herd <br />Ang amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shaS! become addiYianal- <br />indebtedntss of flarmw-tr secured isy this biartgage. L'n)tice flarrowtr and Lender agree to otlser ?trms of paytneni, such. <br />amounts sha3} be payable upon rotitx from Lender to~ Borrower requesting payment thereof, and sha}F-bear-interest-from rite <br />date of disbursement at the rate payahte from time to time on outstanding princinai under the Note tmtass~ payment of <br />interest at ,ucb rate woo}d ire cottfrary fa appl?cab}e iaw, in which. event such amounts shall bear irtterest at-the-fiigbtsi- rate <br />petmissibte under apphcatate iaw. Nothing contained in this paragraph-7 steal#- require- Lender to rogue anp expense tm xaite <br />arp action herrzttndtr. _ - _ <br />& ittspxctioa. Lender may make or cause to be. made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, piovitied. <br />that Lender shah give $orrower notice pricer to any such inspectiien specifying reasonahte cause therefor related to-. Leader's <br />interest in the Property. _ - <br />9. Ctrademn. The proceeds of am award or claim for damages, direct or coasequentiai. in connection with any <br />:.t>'tdemnation ar atiter caking of the Propem+, ar part thereof, or for conveyance in lira of condemnation. are hemby assigned <br />and shalt be paid to Lender. - <br />Fn she event o€ a carat taking ;~? the Praptrty, the proceeas shall be applied to the sums sey.ured by,this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if anp. paid to Harrower. Tn the event of a pxrtisl taking of the Property, un}tss-florrnwer and:Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shad }se applied to the cams secured 6y this Mortgage such pmpartian of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of she sums stctired- by t}tis Mortgage imtttediafitp prior ta>-.the. data of <br />taking beats to the €air market value of the Property immediately prier to the date ofi taking, with'the haiance af. the ptviceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Barmwer, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that thacondtmnor offers to make- <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Harrower fails to respond m Lender within 36 days after thz dart such notice-is <br />marled. Lttxier is authorized to coiSect and app}y the proceeds. at T_tnder's option, either to restoration or repair-af tYte <br />Property ar to the sums secures} he this Tvfariga~e- <br />tinitss LtrssYtr and $orrc-wtr attic-rwise agree in x~r.'ting, arty such appficatian of praeeeds to principa} she}} no[ extend- <br />or pa?tpane rtes= due date of the manihty ms[at!mznu referred to in paragraphs 1 and '_ #aereaf or change tiro amount of <br />such instnt[ments_ <br />Y4. Attrraryer \st $tCeseed. Eetetisean of the time €ar pasmtnt ar madii;catinn of amartizatt-n of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted i+y Ltr.tler to any successor in interest of $arrower shat! oat operate is re}ease, in any manner. <br />t:ee tiablity a{ the original Siarrower and 8arrower'c successors in inters<t. Lender sha}# not be required to cammenee <br />prsxttdings against such successor or refuse to extend tine fur payment or athervi:.e modify arnartization of the stems <br />secured by this Mortgage be reason o£ nny demand made by the ori~tna! 9armwer and Borrower's sttecessars in interest. <br />4 Y. For6katsake Ivp Leader fiat a ii'aikkr. .0.ny torSxarance by l.erder in exercising arv right ar remedy hereunder. ar <br />mt3t?w~i~ atTorded b€ appticahlY Eaw, chat? rx !-r ;. waiver a,a or pre.:tude rhr exercise o€ env such right or remedy. <br />?lee pre>curtmzrt a' irsnrana:c cr the pavmert of rases ar otht~ i:er., or cSaarges by [ender strati oat he a waiver of Lendec's <br />right t.` accelerate the maturity .:f t..",r :n#.~htedrr~s at~vrcd by the, 4f,rrina}.!+_. <br />t2. Retaed#es Gamutatire. :1St remkdaes prrn:dcd .o tuts !st<.>rtGage arc .iixtinct and .:unulativc to env other right or <br />remta,ty under th:s Stortuagr or aria>rdtd hs' 'aw ,+r rejuit.. and ma}- hC eser~:ced ~nnra:rrcntly. independently ar successively <br />Y3. Sukctawrs and A~tens Soured; Jo#tre amt SeykraY T.ia#riAt}~: {'aptiams. The ~evenans and agreements herein <br />contained shat} hind..rrd tttt r'uhts he ^'t:oder shalt Inure t.,. the sepr/~,tlve sa::msns= amt assigns of .-ender and Rarmwtr, <br />sub;~•c.t to the prayisaans of paragraph t' herko £. AIi covznants an+# egrea;mtnts of Aorrower ,hall be ic?cnt end cevcrat. <br />ins .:aptra,rrr :r- ~ itead•.n~ .:' the paragraphs ar;" [tees 41r. rtgaGr are Eger ,onventence nnty :md ar not to hr used to <br />H~*Y4,' ~tiaice. Fxaxpt =r•,r snv rgnce required ,ceder .,vnii.ahle lea ra+ :':<r :i:.rn :n ancnhcr manner. tar env naHca to <br />Harnxytr prrr.;ri,ad far ,n ,., s LCor, eagr shsfi nr given hv~rn:u!ir.}; .., nof:cr ~b ;rrt:ficd n aJ .uidresca ~i ra Rorrowtr at <br />-.iF ~a_+S...a, ~ -- r < , r' .4, ~ti ^1rf +,+ _ -r~C '.• 1.'tt]rr i <br />aT Witte[t hkrein_ urd <br />: r ~ .der n1} acat>tr,.e e' x-tree :- r t ...a..- ,,fie,. ._>.- A t ~ta,r e+r n the- <br />of r.s:aap.• ,na. t hsj:ta'•t~mr~ ter ha+c berm t _n €u A_ernae<cr .. t ,.ic: _ a_-<, <br />#S. L`r~iCar~ >#ari>:arr; C';ovkrnitt~ I.a+t; SkrerahR}ta. f , , rt.. r,rnd_ . ,nrh,nt, r rnrm^': <:r,,nt.: .national <br />lam a ..i , ... .~ :_ _~naflia wS:'i r'i-:fa ahGti+ F „ +, ..u r pa+'• ,tray i _r.R - F:,}malt ~, „eriPJ <br />'cal err pet fi: 1i rt rgt ~ta! ~. r• d a tt sr a r- : f t -n h: F ~~ P tent. o<~pd h the <br />mt -h- [ an t v- - r -u c r ter : x-s r, c - ha *.- t Writ t h a:`t t: an:t ~aw t n t ,-{c,~s a} ilTarr <br />i SSttr t-r _vaz -5 ~ thta S{,:t t r ±tte `, r h h , r cn .:ir~r .+ the he _ai !i ;; ,: n. - 'ro thi> <br />S• 6c' <br />ird ih.. ,r.+v -r. e. ..Y the ltnttgagr r?d he `• t -r, .ccl +. hc• tc Nc _- <br />i6, Semrwer's E'ops, Aare*-_ -n a.i tM _ ,teed _ .r n:..*n-_„ _. , •hc '~n~c gnat -jf :#'1=~` 4CditF ,Fa -creche I,me <br />.,t cxgit;tir,~ ~ - error `t'r; a,idation tacteirt <br />Y7. Tratester aC the Property: :lvromption. Sf ,aif „r .sr:y r.a.*. ,+t ~hr Pr.,pcrt,; .~:r ,n ~, ntcresr ~hcrc_n :, „+€d ~.=r transterred <br />.y $tit n~air wrthsaa Leaders prior e«rttten ~ lens. .r.. do }. .. t..e .r an:va •t . !IC*n ,.;mr`ras.r. ,nhnrdmate r. <br />t§ hfant;agt. I#x, (he ~ sit a^, ,.t a }arzna.. goners ~ru tt: rs. as= _ t;rusrhr ai avbi,:.n.~ -- .. +, ctrr (za by sirvaxr <br />ih=-t:~;!i ::r t~. o}?cra[tan <t ,rpih: ?h: death ,,t , , ;nE renant .,r - <br />Lcn<t+:r a+s.`at E a-ndc~, ,tx:or*. 7 -tme ,i: -.5, ..,red :^ s y#c:rtg;arc n+ it <br />Imtnesl,ate#v f!uc and payabit t snorer s,^.txii !u.r '+, :. eY# c.,.n „poor: ,,• .w:. ergo .nr '~ :. ., ;ne ,ale . •rtust Pr t gooier <br />a#ad aht pet~uq is ashum the, Prupert} :+:,, h: kola +:~t guar sl u: rc•rl trm Yr ,as ec:arn: ~ .. n:l m~ rtaa::_x a eJl:. I uc ix Tr=r=,on <br />tv satxhuCtaty ,o `Lender aCai# the: rtes ullCr n: ; d-.aGic .v? !i ,,.__.. ui --I tihv ueaee^.- .. .. ,:: ._.- a,~ .,~ i :!n#er <br />xis.'.tt rtyumxt If'l er3QYr ha:_i wall ev_ .h. e+ilvt , _~x!t..- t :,#c.r h-, ,,.-. ..~h ~ F#.+^ - ,at~.t'+^,+r -~r, <br />?:.~rCSt Psas c. c_i,.,tvt a h. utrn asatnt:fn a.rn -tgtrrnrcnt s,:rt+rrd 1`t ~..a:ri. rr, 4ti t en.var I ..l.icr t .o , ... ,. h,,,~E ~,a. r :-nn: ,air <br />astgtigut::ars onJet thee Mcsrt;<agr and rtes tia#e- <br />IS LctYder k~;ari3E^s -Y#k vpGara to av; ~^ttlrarc }cr shall •a ...: }#«v.. _.: =, •a ., rrt Leh-,r +,.. urtlan.r ~~-,~h <br />}axrsgra#!is a-S t~rC>'f Cahn ~+it:ce -. tart t..a sett a ~ raki st a.,, ,_ , ,t,n, ,is ... ,,...,_ .ice=. =h. -ro.r. - ., ,:atk:d ~+•th,: <br />, z':z... , - tlrr ~' a . , , rc vo,.aa ._n _ _,. I .. , :. ,,,.. r a+u <br />ztza:rr race§. i:n ,ut further rt*nsas .t -.rncarut ik:. r:r„_. ..x_ -, _...c.s,z _,z-r,a.. .. _ -,.,;,.. <br />~ar~.t:q ., (.'hyR=A.aA a4 Ac+r: eje cr a>'.:.i Le+c,!<a tu, h-, ... ..-. .tom :m°x - ,. ~I,,w-. <br />#g. „im~tfer~t#c.o; Ytrmt+iies. E.tcktx as Qgorided in parngraph I? hkread. ntraru Sarrawer's her-ash ut env .arevtant ur <br />aSremztt:Bnt sxi SOrrayaaK hr thin 3iurtxa~r, iurtudirrg lime ntyenatats ur pay when due ores „um.. <eruted by ghee 4fartyuKu. <br />l..itadtr ,px6rer to afi7r6rra##tya short rUa}l raotky to Aurnt,rer Uri trreakiivi fir trara~rnQh SS hettwat :Qec#friu~: { t} tttk breach: <br />f~Y Cite actkan tasgrtlC+ad to sot?t +t*rch hrkstr#s: E3# a ##atk, noY #rws rhatt!I ifr dace. from rtrk a#atk the na#it~e is rtxe.Md tw Auraowrr. <br />M raitie(a Rit:'#a bcerrete 5rrsC C~ eared; and f$# t#rgf fn7ure ire s~ar< *.atyh frccaetr ate ar hkfarn fire grate +Ixri#iea£ rn ittr annc~r <br />atCry ty. utt is atrgvt#ttrtNiae te! t~ :karat +xrured by tea Rlosfgsa~t. fan~ttwurr try indt+'irf pnacerd#att auaC sa#e of tttr <br />.M"~ neWixc t3tg31 CaWtwa ##¢Carrs i'A#urtr+r•-er nt rtes r~[ghi ao rk1#m,,[gtr after rick#aratkan atut fdte right tr: assert In the. toreeirr-err <br />Ctau+e~dsSi~t, tAe tawr-e,AhU+C#uw a>t a aiefaatt err anp athkt dkieraar .et Rorruwtr ter accrferatiartr nett taarrctmra#e. It the 3tryarh <br />~ rtwC tasavrd red err hreCtrrm Y#K~ chip spaty:i##cri ter #Ste, rmat+isr, i kndkr at #..errder's up##aur rtta± der#arr art .af the +unm ,erarrrd by <br />i'hh# ~ iet hr• irrt_rrs€rYtaxefr dxk toad ~yahCa witCwtrr Curt#rtr desaarrd ~aari mmA fureckavk by Judtcla# }yore-cordrasg. f ert+trr <br />yCtmH Ly;r kg[ta~n1 wt„ s~itt+:; is €.s4'Ca pmre a3t k~Pr~; ~-: ,+aC ictrxv#±:_aer>`, irrs#tta?k#g. t.:er eta! !iatv_ted !,,, a-.asrn get Asz_.un•x•Ltara <br />eu~t'rrsn, atratrA£'i5t aed f1F#~ reautES. <br />t'~. Mansewaer'e HCpi#! tH $trLR ia#r. .+•t -th •.:ei::,y; ! cracirx. .. ~.:a cf.;.r ,I ..5 _,..e-ar •r:,. .f.,r!xt lv, <br />u <br />.r:,;a-.F«c* ., a ~ ;. .s -_yn+..,, r.„- --. ;.a,s ,sari.-..v r-;<. r-.rgca-, F . s . s,xr ,s.,.. r a,., a.#.,, s.- ,.,...._~~r,,,:a ,',~. ~ I::. <br />