$4- ~
<br />UrrtFOau Covexnxrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows;
<br />f. Papmeat o: Ptittcfpsi and Interest. Borrower shall prompify pay when due the principal of and irterest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as providid in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Rands tar Taxes and Iresararcce. 3ubjeet to applicable law or to a written waiver by Linder, Berrowir shad pay
<br />to Lender oa the day monthly installments of orincipai and intirtst are payable under the Nate, until the Note is paid in fait,
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents an the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yeazly. premium iastatimenis far hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance: if any, all as reasonabip estimated initially and firom
<br />time to time bJ+ Lender on the btuis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be htid in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guarameed by a Federal or
<br />state agency tinduding Lender if Ixnder is such an instinnion). 1_ender shat! apply the Funds to pay said taxis, assessments,
<br />itssuranci premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge ter so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and biPs, unless Lender pays Harrower interest nn the Funds. and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a chary. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution-af- this
<br />Mortgage that. imerest on the Funds shall be paid to Hortnwer, at?d unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not 6e rtquired to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the.Funds:-.Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Fbtids acid the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged az additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this tvtor[gage.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payabiepriar to
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, :nsurancc premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said tarts,
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as ffiey fall due. such eccess shaft bt, at Borrower's option; either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower ar credited to Horrower on rnomhly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lende_* shell oat be suinrcient to pay ta'<s, assessmerts, insurance premiums and gmuttd rents as they-fail-:a`ut,
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender nay amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 36 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Leader to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of aH sums secured 6y this Mortgage. Lender shat) promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender. if nadir paragraph t8 hereof the Properly Is sold or chi Properly is a[herwise acquittd by Lender, Lender
<br />shat! apply, no later ehan immediately prier to the sale of the Prapttty or its acquisanon by Lender, any Faads held by
<br />Lender at the time of application as a credi[ against the sums securty by this Mortgage,
<br />3. Applicsfio® of Payments, Unless applicable taw pray°tdes orheru-ise, all paytttims rieeivid by Lander under the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shaft be applied by Lender first to payment of amounts payable to Lander by Borrower
<br />under paragraph Z he2oL then to tntertst payabti on the saate, then to the principal of tht Note, and theta to interest and
<br />principal an any Future Advances.
<br />A. Charges, I.ie~. Harrower shall pay all taxi, assessments and other charges, fines and Impositions attributabit to
<br />the Pmpcrty which [nay attain a pnority over this !vfongagc. and leasehol:l payminr or ground rents, if an}•, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 htreof ar. rf not paid m such manner. t?y Borrawtr making payment, whin dot, directly to the
<br />payer thereof. Borrower shall prompdy iurmsh to Lender alt nmtcis ut amounts due under the paragraph, and in the event
<br />Horrou~tr shall make payment directly, Harrower chail nramaely Wmnh to Ixndtr reteiptx evrdenetng such payments.
<br />Borrawtr shall ptampdy dixhargt any lilt: u~hach tans pns>nry over thin \{urrgage; k+rovl,led. ;lint Harrower =hull nut be
<br />«yurrr=d t.; .i;;,:harg~ any .veil ren . ->;.ng : s ~ rr-wzr - +li ag <e ,:, .. - rig h tltz ,sz r.: ~t o - o93:g.-.it:;,: s..cvred hr°
<br />c~h 1,tn in a manner a~ctntahle a, L~r_dsr, ~,,- sh==i in ~x1# t-uh ~~?ntx'~? s,'=h it~a? ny, ~ r c+--f€nd 4:±t trccmenf ni Such Iitn In,
<br />iual pratttdatigs which apr~ate to nreviot the enturcemcnt ut the I - n .u term t r ~ of the Prapittp nr :eny cart thereof.
<br />t;. iiaxard drtcarante. Boaerxir ,hsil l.cip ahc rntprsr,crncnt, rt.:. «-„I,t,rg <.r hcrce,iter created un tlr: Prr,peits msured
<br />__= st , -- ..s. „° __~ s .rc. -., .. :,un -_ -__ ~~ ~c,ende~ ....:~ ag~.e -- -„ a --- -~ae..z os - °- ;a. r.qu ...
<br />aa. - ~ nri4 _ .._ ~.~. ?:av. -. - - _.ii~ u i~..;, •tii .ns . r vh ~=h4 amaa.l.. ,.
<br />sue:- "c arc c3ti.~cu error ae: ~- - - -vc ak`C [CV U~scd i i rPay e;e - '~.~..-CU .5 .~ei- loge. {
<br />rr TSiC InSil[an:'C 41fntE t,[aYnilnX [11C an5tn anCt atiart hi ,n~:,ct4~h~rll'lU[reuCS r,nhaCCl t[r raptt[UVaI by LinttC! :!1'a4latCd,
<br />.hat sypr~..at sat; ,ah;a .>•: r,r.i.zld ,. t,-vmr, rr ,n,.r t rnr.::~ „:,.ir i-r :?.a....e.
<br />3,,.rr r,en r~ :. rya ~, • r ; r;,
<br />E.ur ruc~ ra>rrv' t~-u ~;:at i ' `-- _ -- = rru# ra.ri v.. >lva nsanner. `:. ~1~m:.:c~r man-~+K t.= rrr:~. ---.+ryn str. ..~, - „art F.n.
<br />insurance career. ~ _> <e-ee.. _r~ ~+
<br />All in5aran`.'i l'r'#;cais a1W tcniwais therazt sttali ha Ire mrm ac.ctx,thl: t:: ! .u.'.cr and .i+ali w lade e ,tantturd murtg:tgi
<br />clause to favor of and m iarrn atteptrbit to i.endet. i_c odcr ,ha!! haee tht right ;«~ hr:W the peil eats .mu rince ah thcrrnf.
<br />and Hare war shall promptly turmsh to I_tttder nit renrw.d noun, and ate r,xetpts at paid pccamum, In ttra• went ai loss.
<br />Horrew~[ chill gene p.iutpt nui!tt t:, the m.vrun_c .arttrr and 1 c.rdrt ! enure :u::y mat.:' mexr: r,t tuna It n«?t madt pmmpti}
<br />h}' Horras#~r.
<br />Uerliss Ltnu't:r and Dorrowcr oeiter+ne agree m wnting, nt,urnne: pn.:-eus ,hat! he aty>hed to rrstarnian e:r repair ut
<br />tit Property elamageJ. pravaued :nth rr'storaa,un us ;rpa:t :, rtr•num=.:aily t .,.;bee a::d :ht ,a<: u; uy ;:t th++ .42ertgag,; u
<br />tent thtrchy utipauut!- 3t xuth restt~?t'~angn or tepitei is nut atuourttvni;p t~.n+lbte ~t :1 tlta• s,:.urrty nt thrs ~'htrtgagr ;tvuld
<br />he tmpaarid, tilt Insuraute prc.:ieais .halt be apptacd te+ the ,ants eecvrc•~ t:. ;ht, tto[tgayc. -~-rah 'he txtess. li ,an:. paid
<br />Fn Harrower- It [he Pcvptrtr a abandnacti by Borrower, or it Borr;.u tr tall, to res patnu ts, l.rnticr uahan 3G daps fluua the
<br />date nouct. r, madcd by Lender to 8ormwtr that the ;nsurantc care eel nBen to )cute , rta.un tar :nsurance bitaiut:c, I tndel
<br />+s aut3tartttd AI wlleit and apply the tr>su[anvn preCie+.te st Lend,.°r, cpoort either to rrsq,ra4tm r~r ripatr nt ;hc S'rnpzrtt
<br />ur to tt?t puma soured by this 3fartgagc
<br />l;niess Ltnitr ;and Burrower r~thervvast .sgrei to ur:ung. ens ,u::h applttattun ~:i pre-,: Bids :r: Itr:nvlt,.+t .h:t1i ,:,;t cttrnct
<br />at l4:st~tz iht dot- [tale at the n,?;.,-?t:el: tnetaili?tct:ty :eirrgeti ,. .:: par:a~,rapti, ! .rrtss e.,[ a,r .h,ar:~u ihr• ;:ntr„nt <~1
<br />such tratalimanta. 1# vndtr paragraph 1}l 1?ir~f the I'rnperty n atyau€cd hl l.tnuer. ,nt r~la~ nt!t na;t? IntaresY .drRet r: nv-rr
<br />m acrd w env tnvurancti~ luHieats and rn sad so the ptociids thment rtau2nng Innu daneatit: a, th¢ Prc)txarv ;?rtrv w :hc sic
<br />e[ sexlu +tut,;t s1u713 Ts to Lcndtt to the nseent o! the autos sec urrif by this ,titeugagv :n?tvidtate4s in'lot :., ,veh s:ua r+r
<br />t+. t§~strrratlarn Yttd ~isdatengnte of Prr+ptri.: Leax€itit9dst t.-netdnminlneti; t tanned t tdt i)vteinpm.•tlts. 'taut rue;,.i
<br />shall ;iep ti?c° Press'r;t'ty in #; h`1d ttptarr :in4+ shaft not .ommr[ ;r asir ur pPtm,E Irnparr went t?r Je[ertornuot? i>l the i'ra?pesrt:,.
<br />sod shalt can?piy w!ih chi pray€ei>ns et any !ease Il tho+ '`turt>agt i. ,. a leaa~h.>!d. it ihl, Lii?a tgai,~ 1, ,~n ., ,lint Ire ..
<br />ecind9a~ttuiau ar :t pl+nneu! aunt dcvelopmen4 Borrower sh:att taarintm .all rat Bot rorect0 ot,ilgan+~nx I,odar the dcc fiaratr~n
<br />ar e:avtvants c;rtatlny ar govrrmvg !hi v.andomtmtrm or piannzd t=.nll. d;;velupmcnt, the by-laws and rRg.eriatlon, ,.I the-
<br />tuask snuff ttttt ur pGstrth;d u.nu d~sv;<3i,pmeent, anti uontitnuant rlo.~.ument, 11 .t :un:l.lrnlntune car ntanntd a:n:t .7,~, i-4«~pnecnt
<br />rider as cxo2cvicd by Borrower and rtcardtd together with this M1tortgaxe, the ~ , enanu .end ~as;rramrn[, ,:t ,;..h r,«Itr
<br />s2sa.H lea inaatix~rratid ama null shall antiud an,.f suppk,nznt the suet)=ants .and agretatu-tsts at the :dortgar;c~ a, .t sha° n rr
<br />*v~et a part 1tePtctf,
<br />?, °'atGC'S4Gw ~ Is~;.r°a Sacur3tg. if Bcr.'owia .alas ao i~:.rtarn: 8;x^, cavratan:< n:x! agrt,n.crtt4 .+nra+t>k-d ;L :G;,
<br />W~st"~A$i, o.° Ff any nciita[t rat grs•xedutg rs cc)ntntcnctd winch mut:.raa34}' a2tects Landis s tnrerest In the [';uprrn
<br />inclixSitttr, Ssta[ aaY iinsltcd tq tmanent darttata?, irxeolveatcp- cueit eufaarc, nttstt. r°r ar[aagcenents nr r:rortcchuXa uvol«;;Iit ,;
<br />tlesstn{'i ai cLt#~ttrtE. tl_3¢,h l ~n&"t;~ at. Lerk?tt'~ tprtaa, vpt. n;Tirc:«t IP €3ntsta+cr r y mnk€ usch a;sl,taranc a. :.h slue ,n.n
<br />„~~, x,.,f a~U ., ,.,h. t?e:v-saris psc.°.w, Le#,de:- .,..,..:mot. -.. .,i.n .rat .a::x nutr.d .,.. .kla#e:.,.~n±tl., .
<br />,rt~.a ..-G`.~."~; ';et :.... ::S'' .i,a~:1k .d.a~a.. .. 1 t .._. ...t,..-.,.1 ...,. ...,..F>CS:. _-
<br />ti>tt:~it 3,'3 ai, rna~tu8 i2te¢6nan sce.ua`~d ~6y chit. 6drst4gr,~.t, flan.€?u CP 'nail ,+at 'te f>rrcasmtTU ;eVUrto t-- nranl t-~r E_aL
<br />~t~,,,~rkri€: t° efttct aural such tanit as tt~t ~rauirtmtraa fn+r v:~:F msnratskC t;.~ ..,c's In .tr.;:on„sac ~.a~sh f3ac ~<:ssn*ti sr;J
<br />