<br />9. ~aademna#~. The pr>needs of any award or claim fo: damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lien of ecndemnation, are herby assigrted
<br />and shalt lx paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a eotal taking of the Propett}', the proceeds shalt be applied ro the sums secured 6y this Deed of Trust,
<br />with :::e ext~ss, if nay, paid to Borrower. !n the evens of a partiaE taking of the Property, unless $orrower and Letader
<br />otherwise agree in writing, !here shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proctxds
<br />as is egtiaJ to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Propery immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proc~ds
<br />paid io Borrawcr.
<br />If the Prnpetry is abandoned by t3orrawer, er if. after notice by Lender ro $orrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to tespend to Lender within 34 days after the date such notice fs
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to rnilect and apply the prceeeds, at C-enders option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums seccred 6y this Deed of Trust. -
<br />iinless Ixrder and $arrower otheesvise agree in writing, any such applicazinn of proceeds to principal shah not extend
<br />ar postpone the due date of the monthly ins~xlL•nonis referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount nf-
<br />such insta!Iments.
<br />iQ. Eorrower Nu! eteleased. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amonization of the sums secured
<br />tw 2his CJeed of Trust granted Pay C_ender to anc suceessor m ineerest of 8errower shalt not operate to tslease, in any manner,
<br />t}te tiabi€ii}' of the original Harrower and Harrower's su;:cessors in interest, Lender shalt trot be required to eommence
<br />pra,:eedinRS against such succacsor or refusz to extend time for payment ar otherwise modify amortization aE the sums
<br />secured by tElis Deed of Trust try rcasan of any demand made txy the original Horrawer and Aarrawer's staccrssars in interest.
<br />S 2. ~Forbrarance h~. Cxuder Not a Waiver. Any fn: bnstance fsy Lender m ezercisrna any right ar ttmed}' heretnder, or
<br />otherwise atTerdeti hp appiicah!e 'aw, shaEi rat }?e a waiver of or preeiudr the exercise of an^; such right ar remedy.
<br />'Due procurement ci insurance ar the payment of taxes or a[hcr liens ae charges by i.erder shall not be a waiver of Lender:
<br />right to accelerate the matutit}~ cf the i.^.•±?bt~un~ss scoured by tE:is Reed of Trust.
<br />22. Retarlies Y'urrrulstive. A!! remcdias provided in skits Ihed of Trust are ilist.net read cumulative to any ether right
<br />. - retr!edv under this Ckcd txf '1'tuv or att.xrdecl by taw ur equry, sad may be exercised cuocurrent[y, indexndendy or
<br />u ccs..ivaeiy - - - - -
<br />I ,. Snezty-ores a~ :lssigna $rlnrtil; !alto[ 8nt6 SrYrra9 C.IabiC>iy; ('apticrrss. TI're covenants and agreements herein
<br />contwncd shaE! trnad..ind ;hc nghrs hereunder steal! inure se. tfu rt~sprct~vc !successosx and assegras of Lender and Horrower.
<br />subject to ttte pravasions of paragraph i7 hereof. A!I enveaants and ahreemrtats ;rf Hurrawcr shalt he joint and several.
<br />"The ::aptiuns and headings cst :,he partgrsph, of :ia:s C)crd of Trtrst are tens convenience only and are net to Ire etsrd to
<br />mterpref et define tlaa ptuvis[n:as 4srn.of-
<br />14. Haire. Except .ror any notacr err;u':red ua+}er spplrcablr law trs be given sn another manner. {al anv nnttes is
<br />8ottewer provided ins is tSsis Ckxd of Trust staaii ~ yrven by :Wading slta:h naucr hti cerzified maiE addressed to 73ar:owrt at
<br />the Property Address or at such oihrt atW re~ss -ss Cdorrawer at:.}` drsrgtaa tr: !rY nntiCC to i_i:nder :zz provided hercie:, and
<br />(txt any cwrce to C~ntier shall txe given hs .ertaficd rnai!, return rrcetpt rre}nested, to Lender's address sturd herein er to
<br />sttcE? .,L'ter adrE rs~s as f-eCta:ar map dcsrgrtaee by notice to E3,xruwer ns pruvide~t Isetein. Anr notice previda;a far in thss
<br />feed of Trust stun!! be dcertxd to have ?:stn given tc Ho; roves .rr ! ciedt:r w~}ror. given m the manner dtsogilated herein.
<br />IS. #`uifono f)rrd a# Trtnsh t:nrrroinr, l.awt grr'enb3Cit}'. Thu`, fxarm of dec.! n( tn;st comhrres umt'i~rm cua~enants [or
<br />,zsuena! itse and non~unei+?trn :naenaats w,ih iitnviCd a-:er:a„ores tt. ,unsd~ct;nn ic, consoiute ~a smtform accunty sn,trument
<br />,Y VC-rang 2aE p(optrry T'nrs ~~ti o! ~I riot >hafl ;>e gcvrrnrd he the tow .,t ibr ~ur+;dxiian ;n wh!eh lire Prn~rty w !-aea:ed
<br />Lx tic event that ans praetxian ,rr W iaxvr cis th~a thrd nt (nt•,t „e Fhr Nra• aonft~ccn wnh appireable law such ..antlict +h;i Fl
<br />rz:n aiCt~s.:t author ,+r„a-ivurrr of ;Sias C}etai ;tf ~CtuSt or ;he \,vte wfi:ch ,:an r,o yivrn ctfcct wsthftut the .untl~cung pre?cntan.
<br />.snd t., ih!s c•nd ;14x praavisacm5 ,at;hc-ilrrd art Trust .;reel 'he Vavr arc +fcclarrd !.+ r,r aevernhtr-
<br />24. &arruwtr's Cerpy. ,{?;;itzoxrr;tint! tr tour, tied a a,vxt:=rnxd .,,py rt trs vu;c a.'td ut the C>E~d ;,t Liz; .r. the acre
<br />t7 =~fTt~'#Sr e# #bt 3vf€tsTC13#~.r~ t.. a'-t , }rerr a=t rtss i'i<,,crrte „v an rnirc....t ihsre.n ^ n}u :3r tran4lcrrext
<br />~+y f3cr?tanv>_r ialaz`xJ~ t.ende'?~_ pfrn* wR*.xYta c +snt. a -,n t-nb~ ., t ,`ae .. spit+~r ,.h c1 z ~ n'r 3Yxrrdinn;!Er ,c,
<br />', tiri €)rtd :++-!(i'.il. tt?? =ne _frah+^,t++ r?ft.`Ch~..i Ut,tti iefie'a .,-r n[sU v... .:.nc_x .. ? tr.anasrr t`S a.
<br />atescrnt ur r} uperao.an :~i law u}x=n ,ife',ieatll . (., ~I !a',~,rtrt +,r ,.t f tn~e $:rnne „f tar e,zseh, 1, t ecru( ;~F ;.9~i +cn.r ~r-leu
<br />nt cars+amr;+c an :,~,:, x,irr :, .i : r,xi . c+v;,,.,, r::,., - •ust c.
<br />,. ~+sea -
<br />n saU [Panto 7r r I.enuer it.ii .[Wain trra .:t.a. cut t,+v,.t. ~ ,-. anrua: ~ .n ..rc,,t , t ~~uri ;rn:i ,t . ~atr _
<br />. ~ - ,~~~. - ...~. ~. ,....._ ...... .-. . 4 .... -1~~ .. - , , ,_ 5h-,,,
<br />€I I.enalcr .iris ~+e":. Pu. i. ... :r.a !.•nJrr ,h,~' ~ Et„rr,,,. a-, -.. -r._, .. -. .rdan~~r , nth
<br />paragraph I»'iucert Su 'h t,haE .,~.:ir. - ;s:rx.a.+ t ~ r a-. ,...!,a1a _.. •,~s< } -tar izuaa , 'e;asied wuhu,
<br />which E3a-r covet umy ;v Ito ,rznts dec.arca, d, ° = t3.xr ~ r_.;,r!- _ _- , - , f' ou~n trr,n.!
<br />C Bnder rout, without 7ur7bea n:- ,:r ,.r arr+a ~,a5 •,x 33orr„a ,,, a.a -,~ . ,ti, - - .r .. .. ,, l s Resent
<br />\,,, ~t.-its „!ant f~.?.t n.a ~~ts }F,-, r,•wrr .,ii-; I r.,,lai ',ii:rr, ~_ _.... a ,.,,.,
<br />i'i. .9rcrlrratiaere; itesnrdie+. h-sariN ur ptu4Eak~ai iu lxatagraphat" hers.sE, u2;uu Nta:rn»r. r~. hrrma 4a <x! our , xnAnt ut
<br />:rgrrrtt4ru! aaC €S;arruwav in Ph6e ltyv._rf .aC 4rusf, i¢n-Eudinx tins s rara4auta +,a !+ar yhru c5ur .ury >uzus arc turd Eta F~'o-..-. !)rir7
<br />nC 'C rust, #w•nrirr prirar So acerlerati:ru s4a#t mail resoles 1st Bur¢u.r r a. pros LCrA as PsraYraaseh ti hrrrui siarcitriu;` ti} Cho
<br />!aa-raCn: {2} ilex attiou era}u.rral to ruts Such #mtach; i.3} * dots. (w! #r;s: than Cif drr_s is,.rm star rlritr ihr uasia'r i ura}ietl tc.
<br />r,aasar. txy wP4Prh sccia irrrarh uauV Pao ctrred; aad t~i1 tbaf €stsrurr tta curs such larracPa uu ur imfeur firs ciatr 4prciRrd
<br />in tlae n±.lEcr tear seats![ Ea aarcrlrraiiora of IPtr rune eecrared h4 1`ats- !taut' {i i; rent acrd lair +,fi the Crro}prrta. The nrsticr
<br />+hnti #neihrr i:tCrrrrrr #igrrunrr ,rC rM ei}{ht lu rrimlate a#!er :era rlcrxtprer uxtr} tsar ry;bt to lartpy s aasu?t acct+)n to a..rrt
<br />the maws-rxititearr of a eirlauil ur wren ,xlbrr r/rCrw+r oC Rorr,awc`r to ,r...rirraCrcm axr6 .:ale. i# IMr tsrrsxlt is nut cutrsl
<br />nn car hr.{ors 9hr t€afr e}rrct7ird in ti4r rwticc, t.e(xrlrr uF i.rlufrr s r*ptiun apyr alrciarr ail ut iM sums sccut'rd hr thin !)sad
<br />.af 'Cratr~t !s Fix lalruaal:~is €Srrr s;ad gsagats2r wE:2aara: fur#krr drauauari atu! €taax, ya.~,x tiax ~varr aai cute annul ai:.-Pber re;urdr
<br />Itvratl=,trn hp nfrPl[c!a isw, lenJsr shalt t*z entiWxcl !~ a,xi&,-r .ail car-ru.:blz aa.,,k and exPcusc4 ineurrcai ,a Fu?3ning aftr
<br />rrfaettirn paaviiird sal bait- paral}}rayia i8, ducludlsK;, tear awl tiaatett Ca, rraaarlw4lr a3isrturr`a fcKy.
<br />2i #Ar Plaasrr td aalr is- lavark¢d. 'C}ualr€ chat! recurs! a rwticc cxf a3riauit in xlxb cuau#g in rritkb ti9r Prrylrrts ur surue
<br />paFri lCaoreni Es k4ctrird noel abati lout! cn#ePea a+# snrb +uNirr iu for nraaorr prrs.ti#sd bq aC+pPiratWr tans las $surruMrr acid to ikr
<br />s}t~rr iarr»xn+Pr~eriSCe:t} M} tr,P}disa2rir isfvs. ,42irr for later uC .orb fErur a+ ttxur tar required irv apCalirxilhr ba+4. i rrarsfte +hhxCi
<br />- r'~* =~>i ,xa --~ px.-a:;as :..s:'i tax ;ae sw° pr€~'€s;~s nT u°- " fiat 'r~.:~. - -a„~a# F;uaar3 .-n
<br />$;rrs~.s,..aC3-w.:l~ib;, Praprtty a: Ckt#w -lira.°°. til ilex F.~nxs: t~##dc--€ :hc #ir-r and };iscf a:ta-: rta:~r tbx trrua; d~'s~a::ia-sl
<br />in liiC .'S#!hr n# .`-~.?'-, In nau nr return paar:xls and to such Wtirr ?s I-rnSti':2 tii6) ~@lrrrri7nr. I rU.4ty'r tr3R3 iiOsi#ilSiil' trt3r n# fill
<br />tlr a0y Itari'rl fx€ 4Etr #Fl'n¢.rfir by Pnir2il' anRaillly eN3rrN1 at Silk (Elnr atul p2ncz Uf aNt pre'iiUU4l)' aa'ttrdfi2rd allla•. Lfindvr Uf
<br />I~ladrx`_a l#~.~~.e tom,} gatsi4~ 1br C`t!r al rtoy .
<br />! rer~i,2 cd' ~yuteuC nC ibe prise ttid, Trtxsie>w sba21 t2rf#vrr to for parrltaarr Crostrr's rfrrrE rrm,rryEO}i t#rr Pw{srrtr
<br />wcroM. ~C'.&r rrciiak la titer "Craaire's Bred shah isr prima Cacti rridrucc of the troth of for .#ah'+atanis Wands [barrio, Cruatrr
<br />vMaii ~eiliy Ehr p€trrrrt2s €tC for oak in the fnile4v _ ertdcr: ta} to n3P rrnwrlab2r coals aunt erprasrs of tics +atr. incPudlttg, taut
<br />raW i{nti?ed ta, Tr¢cfra ~ Cris a2 t!o# ttwrr !bare `~ aC the k~ sale price, reai,tmable attornrr', irra and aua4+ of
<br />tMk rvitietux, fin} to u!l suta~a arearrd by iCsin C)rexi uC Crass; anal Ic) the rt;rras, H airy. In :hr prrsstra ar µrrsnaas txgalEy eutilkd
<br />l~rasCO,
<br />!~. t2nrrowrr'x iihlbt #n lteiasiatr. Nnt•.4 rthatan:hrtg CR taa!rr~, ~a.rtctauoo o! die ,unt, ~.ccu~cd t» ~hr, Lrew-d o} 1 nr,i.
<br />k€,irtowvr shat! hava• the right la boas airy prxx~.;:edutg4 k~gun bs f ruder to rnfurec ~hrs [hid o} ['rte,! ~itsa,unutucd ,d
<br />;ary lucre prior to ehe entices to ax-cur of it7 the fifth dny fmfore the sate ui th, Properly }nn>uant ta, dxc row c, .d .ele _„nt.uncai
<br />:nQ:isP;?em:dol ri uarF tar tut erlry otaiudgmerP entatcing; tEarx[hvci ut fnra if. ta; An. ~..ne(}aa;s lcuai,ra ., reins .;,,..L ~+,a+n!2•
<br />i,•c at;:u tla:c uruSet thr-c t)c-d of Tnasl, EEts Ik>3te araE nt4ra u:c ufiag Fu:xtrs .x+dvartsr>. d any, harE n ;.c Fir at;uir ,aa n::cd.
<br />Ca--.... .. , '-.. P;.<a>E - - rlher - - .:r .cg`s"tfi-r .c-na•, -, + - _- ri __ nta~nsd „-r tSs, -zd , r
<br />we _ .. - _ _ _ .- _T
<br />t } t1. :,!I r_....-c.. .,3._ ar;niw b4s:L:, d .:d x ,. tic , .,t, h...,, ..,.urt_ ..,
<br />$xrt ruwur 4a tit sated in t}tt>i £t:cd c f !-crust r>trd :n ,: s;att:rng Laudri x : ,o i (ujtaa a-rarat;c., -. I .,,v ~dad~ i~ }>.tral,, .fph '
<br />-.vrvot. „ ;reg.. .~.,[ ,; si !.nx.-.cd tu. :vas„upa;t. -rein. rre:",-s tas.., u tut nix(a:vcr lw ~~ w,.tu,n a, , , „ ,.,+,,,
<br />as',.~-- - a,a
<br />ft}1tl:Fe trx ;?sntlfC [tins iht: ilrn i» SI1i5 #3?GCi t,f Sril•at, iCndSr~r rn)i4teit in ititi t'rfy*L: rtF (.oral ~x,t~:.~-v i,!ea `~hit~rtl,a,nr ~ ,
<br />