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8G®~:2 <br />[JNEFORM CoveNnrtrs. Borrower and lsnder covenant and agree as foSlows: <br />i. Payment of irrittcipal and [nteExsi. Borrower sbalE promptly pay when due the prirtcipa! of and interest on the <br />tndetttedness evidenced by the Note, prepzyment sail !ate charges as provided in the Note, and the pancipat of znd interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by thts LJeed al Tntst. <br />2. FixtEds for Tt~ and Ittcnrarrce. Subject ro applicable taw or eo a w~ri[ten waiver by Lender, Borrower shalt pay <br />to [.ender on the day monthly instalimems of principal and interest are payable under the Note, unfit the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum !herein "Funds-'} equal to ane-twelfth of Ehe yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Deed of Trttst, and groutul rents an the Property, if any, pttn one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one-twelfth of ycady premium irstafiments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />rime to time by Lender nn the basis of assessments and bd!s and reasanabie estimates rhetrut. <br />The Funds sha1L he held m an mstitutian the deposits ar accaunes of wttich are insured nr guaranteed b}' a Federal ar <br />state agettcY linctuding t.cnder if Lander is such an iemiiution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />msuranee prep}turns and ground rents [,ender may oat charge fa: so holdiug and applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />or vtr[fy#ng and ;:ampiling said ssxessments and 6iJis, unless Lender pays Borrower irtteri,•st nn the Funds and applicatrte taw <br />permits Lrnder to make such a charge. Borrower and 1_etrder mau• agree in venting at the time of cxetution- of this <br />Deed of Tnxst that interest on the Funds shalt ixe paid [a Borrower, and uniesc such agreement is made ar applicable taw <br />requires sucft interest to be paid. S-miler shat! naa he requtreri to pay Borrower any interest or earnings an the Funds. Lender <br />shalt give to ~arrrwer. without charge, an annual accounting o! the [runt#s ?howtng credits and debits to the Funds and.tbe <br />gu:pasa far which veep debit to the Fttnds was made. -t72e Funds ;arc pledged ac additianat security for the sums secured <br />by this Dead of 7n!st. <br />Lf the amount of the Fttnds held #ry !.ender, tagc!#ter a-ith the tumre manthig irtstat!menrc of Funds payable prior to <br />the duct daces a[ EaxZ{.:tsse5~smtnts, insurance prcmianrs and >tirotmd cents. shalt exceed the amount mgt:irad m pap said [axes. <br />assessments, insurance prem:umx aml groans! rcr.ts as rhsy fail Jue, such uxcesn shalt tae, at BOrraweis option, either <br />promptly !:paid ux Harrower or aredncd ta+ tinrnxwer :,n i*nanthty mstatlmentc of Funds. tf the ammmt ax( the Funds <br />held by [xnder shall not he suttktcnt to pay taxes. ,uses:menis, msuranee premutms and grotmd rents as they fall due. <br />Barrewer =bait pry io [.cotter any amrntni necexcan• tr, rnat.e r+p the defieiencv wuhin ;tCJ eiayc From the dais Halite is mailed <br />by (-crtdzr to &srmwer rtqucctmg paymcrt thrrcaf. <br />-- ~ t - , in d# _.~ - a' ~ #'..~--„ .., ~r. - _ha i ::.............. nom...,;..,. e., ct;^-r~ <br />held nv lr~ader ttxi*tnder par +xranh ~ -rx.act ~ha. pr,xtn, ris ~. ,,,td~„r M. F ttteny-.. E} +r vi*xc a:yuir,ed hY 1 ettderJ i_ender <br />shat! app!}. ro iat2-r t, an fmmediately pr:t,r far the laic- .xt the pr+,!xrty „e' sts scgms+uon !+y t.erc:5er. troy Funds h~#d by <br />Leader at the ume ai app[;catroa s: a uedu ugai*m! tfle ,um. secured by f,hre, (Deed of Trust <br />3. ,1p{r[ira#[rrn of i*ax toents. E: sri,--s anpt,aahte I-xu nrnv:de+ a•:hen~n"e:r. ;tit payments ;eretvcd h_v i_andCr tnder the <br />4tue anti raeagrae~t+ ' anr~ '_ Ytsr.oF shat! ?,+- appJtsd !=s ! crdet Just ,n ,au,mrut :,i anxounts twyab!e !a L.emisr by Rarrt}veer <br />anx;rr paragra~ 2 !~<rea?, shin fo :naeacca -ass#a{c ,rn ;hc v€ue. afro t,+ at'ro gsnx}expst +,t ik:c ~,uc. ane[ ti;en to in;erest and <br />s+nacpaJ on .;ns Ftse:re ~idvanc€s <br />~%. Chttt•~i: [.tens. &? ,hail ,?at .ail .; ,,. anal .,anrr ,#rarycs, blue and m!posutoas m[trirutabtc to <br />the P°:,prrty u°ttict, ,itaY a!tam a prrar.ty :,vet hrc [}€es# .,tom-trint~ :tad icavcFtatzf psvmems a±r t;raattd mats. tf am•, in the <br />marrrrer p; o.•sd~s# +.+nder paragraph 2 herz~asC ,,r. ,x :ir=t ,+se:f to such rntint}9!r. i,ro~ #k:; nxwC-r ma3s:nR !`a4't~n!. whet. cl:x, direc4#y <br />.., t`a^ pay ~ the-~= . Ae; rru€° °-=#,aA ,.. tamp:ty '~ . n:xi:: ! er:ar<~r .:ti +: . , mr:ums ;J;x eei3dCr then ear:€Rraph. and in Jhc <br />,,event Barrawrr shat) maAc pavnsu°. dueCi:i. Rorrs,:x=er •.sni! ,r^rnptly s•:4tntsh ;~• E ender receipts rve.iene-in~ sloth paytttents. <br />Rvrfaw•er a ail (?rr.m-ptfs discharpc sexy iten uh<cn nsa ,±r:a~nh oe:-+ 2-uc [kcd r.t i rust: press,dCai. ss;. Horniw~r shalt r+cs; he <br />;ec}+xtacai 'o aha..hurgc snv +u.h lira :a a; !tort„wet ,h.d; .x}trer n ..,um~ ±, the y+acrncn! „1 the arh!igauon ~;.ta-ured io}~ <br />xm-h =een .n .; res,nrs~ a.,~.Ftsn,c -.• ! rnu`er..,t -.hfat , . ~*.3 f -t-.. ,,, - F etc#,'nd e::!ores:xet r;, rsG ' rs <br />legal pnuccttings +vk~ sh ,.rote e., pr. er-n; ,Yac =ntnrecmti~ut ,,t tnr „ , .,r t:,rtrnurc ,~t :nc Prouty a asrFrLsri rhtri~o! <br />Fia,3:~di Lasu4$aco. Bom: xer ~.Exait ittts s: z: gym, r ~ss°eu;enss ;...: s x.,. c.:;b r , ~reatt,:r r ~;..=.J ,, ; th? :"-.,E.:-try i.t;ure+i <br />against hwtix fn' hrc. i}aaardv mcit>zScxJ ,~i*thnx then ta-rm vat:°ut4s.; .,.t~crtc ane5 ,u;h .,she! hat.tra;; :tis i:ndrs ritam .erZxs+re <br />and to su4h am+xums :and f ,tx ;,citrate , • .. r,... . xs} :cyurrz ,r, .a•;i ~ ,. n.Jr: +tt.sti ::,+t ;cq u,rr :hit flat amo+xrn .,i <br />.;;ch cas~ra,*c ~sc~d ti:at nciryrem .+r c~xet FC -cyatred f ear the .. ~__~;rr.; ?- rhix ?;-__^d „i - nt <br />that au,:.h app! .vat Wit, oat ne s: ,taxi ~aah!s , 9t- , re,u:unt_ rr -n?ut xsr t ;+ :r, Hatt re:-~!rata m ~t'tar manner <br />prnx?rde+# ^_r ;.*.a:sgsaF.h isrc+_t +-r. ,: .~,t pami :o _uvn .rxaasur= " •. Itiorr, •,,,~,• .n;.k*oq 2=avns^r;t -+hrst afu:. ~iitecS!t t., the <br />.~iit : z. .. v pa--t+Et_ .,t?d ~s<-~ raft - ,. .... -t.,- , _ ..., s ,.Uaril m.~r,4a~e <br />3.,r. a ex . i _>f ~rsd - , ni d. aC>_1 1 I - t)Lr, .._.. 4 v ~.. ,.s i!,t - f ,_ _. t } i.* _.3 ft,c-iiaE <br />a . - - - <br />[:± i~:,.r. is ...w. y.~ .... ...: .. . .: . :f...C, ... ,..:r.. ~... -. .,,,. ,. .: t : . : ,.: a! .. 't ,. ,,f:. , ii :`. <br />H:ses.v-ter .t,~:! .xsvn ~a~,.-~nx ns,x.+~:• - ,ia.:.+~+za use . .. ... :... ..... I ,~:.ct.-: ! ,~a±.i+r _r •x:~~. vale s+;A ,e} , .-n :i ^3 kt <br />ixl •(IC3irc~xi'tT R ."".__ - <br />, _. a..r ,.....T. ... ,. .,. .a .3 yE. •,+., .. ,.. .. ,_. <br />,hc Sropenz tama~cta, ., s,icd -...ct , ,t<t , =t .,n .. „-- .,,=t .. ,rvt ev . ,d a,< ,. , r y ~, a+,n I xa-e,t „I frr+xi ~, <br />oat ehR!Yly :mruo, rd ,. .. rcat.x ut,utx ~: :rpa r „ •,-r ,..++,~esr,a,~:1; i*_ .. ,rots "! for. 1,`~.:c! ,,, ., K n:ld <br />yh.:mpnitad, thn n:uu anaca!n s.rrds +hcii =x s;ynm;t i,.:to-r > .. ,+ Yt by tote ih-a'd4 t,.t roar, a. nit she c ~t :in}. +,ard <br />tax Rcnow€r !f rh>i Pru;±xat is s4~,i,r,rrat !,r fA„a<,aci .t ,xt uEi„ ,,.,,a--: ,,,Ir ~., ,-.px.,xd t„ t a,tlc< ..,flue x3u do., ! ocu~ row <br />date i*tobC4 m marled flV t ceder ro Fh,t rtrHCr ~ eat ins ,.+.afurn ,- , .r ,,set: i. ,+nttc ., -, +sanr ~, ,u +.€ twnr; tin rl Amer <br />- aaintxrtze:i to ,,,rtte,,t =nd sL.piy t#xc mss .ens -cv- xt !.rtder+ p e :riper +.,, .es~uea -t rr:~xsx ;.t trr_ Pr„Jr:rn <br />:,r to fi?f sums},.,.-a: urcu+`'.,v fhaa Lhcri a,t ~i t+sxf <br />(`ntcss lCtxicr a*ssi $arravicer ~t6erw rye agree ~: snna;:, .un =uci, .q>pieeanon , +,.rrds n. prnw,i...x4 ,.mi; .. -, tevril <br />,u txsstf 3rx rise .JUr. ataty eaE t#:c :r ;:,th!s =su:::iinxa,:_s ;.:e=tsu ;<, :uxg;upt-, .-hank e:. u:}t . , <br />,LL4J} ,nsia!isients. tE wxuer paragraph ' n ;tcrv..,+. ti}c i'rco{*c:t it s .,a yutra^J f+} i ~„+ist 1:+ ~,r1iEY~tiic ~„Hai foie, e+t ~~:! ~nr,r fr.wcr <br />,o Ana t .,ass : -<e n+irt+cs Arad ~n .,net :., :he s>n<. x f: •f;caa-:~t : ~ult,f,c; : ° . :ta+f+,:g°A. t;~ .bc !'r,.pctaa~ pe ,.. =ne , e <br />A Y4tin4tiKn eJ38il pab> to $.&ad1;f it E9C tx K;Ne i ItiS KWFn .¢'c rurtxi 9• afl:~ !k'CAtx ,$ tflPf ,mre+s33ru tCla (srlUf L, «x!, rltC-o. <br />8s rprrwer.tetbx aruL ;yaiolenxNn:c alt Pn.pert,y: LrwerhsiJs: t r.swinnuuiuwa; ['larracd l:tui Ihret.rpnunts. ksb r„wv, <br />i keep +br~ Pn+imns ns trt<.x„E rct,,ni* _ud :aali .n.i ~,~, np, .its, - „ ,. -n Pn q~..:r. <br />sdxs3 a!a!t <e }mot}- ~.,ii+. t[IC pr>-,rr +vva .a -rny la.~ fits#± t }c ~i 1 i..,v si - grit ih,x I }Aa~i , : 1 r,.,, - ., .,n,f . , .. <br />•_uu:[amitunru sxr .~ pfanneet toot descsopntcnf, Eh,x,,,~e.. -h t kz:uox . J :;t~!Sax r,:»u + .,i'v-t :,.: _. , e,a:,,;: <br />,.r a sr_a=#nt, ;reauog ~ € ~aserrs:+rg tJ,r .=+tx.i-.use},u,.x __+ :#-;„ s-!::ss. ,., _ -. <br />se_vrdaanurfum or !aTauued ue+[ nova lapnrr°nt. sod uunsf,tuan. s, n.uutan !~ ~ i nruttx:tu t,lant*acl t~+teaa io),m~r,t <br />rider ss ese. nKbiJ by Rr;rrawcr tote! rea:ca rind :vgethpr : , , aa= tie,-d `-. Jte. -. and .,gr cr„re us, .,( -sx.h ndct <br />.hall #sc. ane ,rte,+ate.J ,uu, Waal sltait tints id .; nsl tat #.c r c,rs she -, s.. _ ,. . , , ti - t>s.:d .: i r,e„ ., .( the „doe <br />wKr~ ..:tall Et£.rR.f <br />3 ["'SWCiiiott tr[ t,endRr'tt tiecurisy. tr t3.n,,. .,, r„ ~. tf+, .an..., ,ta.: ~;l .. .. <br />rYg; ::~} t'r,~# ,€ --_:, _ , -• <_:,in u ,n t- ,. .., n . ...,, -#a :. ! <°, . -rtks.~sl .~,.,,. t'r=,e>e~„a <br />tnatud:ng°,, but ,}ot hrttet~^d t• ernsncni du+ne.n, -,.,. ..a,s -t,t: t.:..K ,,.. - i,enl,.i.e r_.i. • s,i-, ,,. <br />traer>irupt +-H Sr'-+.cticut, .ttvu t .~r:a3cr et Lea 1€r . t - :,;:.. ... ,, n.,, ,,,u ,+r ,•.. w-a , f t #,e •..._ , ,,,. <br />mstraa and ta`~ sloth .a_rciu fs rcrza,n+} p,;,te., ,. „~ a„ +.ri.t,s _, ,.,t .._,i .., -.n=. ,,, n, .v <br />reastrrw26te artaru*ey'c f'es and catrv r+#~xr, fhc' t"raikrer . , nxar,e r t+.,.#, - ui,ia ay rrcd aetg 6 r„a, . .. -~ <br />cuodtraon uJ m.iki*ng the ttran xeCV+ce[ M tEtr ikcl .d f not. Rotmwr: .hsh ~a;+y t!u pscmmua rvyu, r.I r„ _, .,,nta,n -.n t: <br />fPaaf3rafne x tt.. :zi't3 tefi:C .lit: tYi#., c#iEa.. , , ., .. ., ., ,.. .t= -..}1 fir r, r,.xa. z <br />-,L - s:+a i9 ; :rrt ,,:ti+-- ~.: tf rt; -+u, ar,,.. -...,. ::!.,. 'n <br />i Ynvr*r'S ~: nttr'ri $~rE2,-c~.3 i r a[itnnia} r1a .t.... cr _ , <br />manner provtd~i under para~taph S tn:reofK u. <br />iuy anraur+is iicburset~ h+, 3 ctx[et poi su..m •,: ;h _ -at kraph f .ucr vit .hit ~ .rtt ~ a- ., t 1 f. .,.,. <br />aaat~-btedtrNS.t r~i l~kartea;ti-,.r .cut csJ by floe teed +,1 itu,t t trs. iSeu.,Nas and ! t•t,+kr ag, ea t- -.!her tea- i I s+. :,:a <br />antatrntn shad! tae teayablc npa)n ntritct JA,;n Lcndrf cu Rot n,nrvi* ley ua.i a=g I>;c: a,nn :iutr.~.t.., nd :hs,; tv~s, ,r;rn~,t t., . , :, <br />date of dtsbursemeut at the Win payattle from time ra unw .,u a,atsta+rJmy !+nns.:pa! tmctcr ++,c ~,*m ::.+t<+., pas iucnt .,t ,mfrs of <br />at such raEc wuultJ [+a aonuarv t:., apptetabJe las, t xhrJ, r, cm .:ch .,;uan,af. .+„i; i,ca: ,rte:a-,: .. ;h. ~anc.e ,.ac <br />pcrnusstbLo under appheahte kaw 4tnt}mg aaut:un€d ~n u}is purrgra ph I ~•l+ali ~eyuuc t w,aci* :, ,:. u. -,.,+ f:ixsune ,.t sake <br />any action hcreutsder. <br />k. iteapct:[uart. [.::suet t:tag make s- - i rx ,Had E t i r -).. i~ ~ ~ t .,. <br />th~x E.=:~ 3t>y€t gi>` r~~'rt.+N.-.a n as ,:,f _~ - u- ><r_n t r -_„ _ t _ +~ a, ,~i.i. , . ,s r,:, t,• ,a-..! ~,. I ,_-.,1.., . <br />i*ruerc~si in ;ke praaxrri'r, <br />