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not extend or postpone the due date of the montlth- mswllrnen+s referred to in pat:agraphs I and 2 hereof or <br />change the amount of such instalime~tts. <br />10. Borrower Not Released. L:xtension of the time fm• Itayment or modification of amortization of the sums <br />secured by this ~3ortgage granted by Lender to any successm•in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, <br />in any manner, the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be <br />required to commence proceedings against sec'[ successor ar re[nsr, in extend tune for payment or otherwise modify <br />amortization of the sums secured by t-his \iort>sge Iw censor, of anti• demand made by the original Borrower and <br />Borrower's successors in interest. <br />I1. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br />hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable ia,c, shall nut be a tvai~er of or preclude the exercise of any right <br />or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or Hrc pa}-meet of faxes or other liens or charges by Lender <br />_ ~'" shall not he a waiver of Lender`s right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />`~` 12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in this Mortgage are dist.inrt and cumulative to any other <br />~~_ right or remedy under this Mortgage or affm•ded in- law or cquin•. and may 6e exercised concurrently, independ- <br />~" ently or successively. <br />13. Successors and Assigns Bound; joint and Several Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements <br />herein contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder hail inure to. rite respecran successors and assigns of Lender <br />and Borrower, subieet to rha lirovisiom of p;umgraph t- hemof_ ~ II covenants an ' ^„recments of Borrower shall <br />_ ' ~ be joint and several. •the caption; and headingz of the paragralrit< of this Mortgage are for cmtvenience only and <br />are not to be used io interpret or define the provision= hereoi <br />`~ 14. Notice. Any notice to Bm•rower In~ot-ided fm m this Atortgagc shall br t!iven by mailing such notice by <br />certified mail addressed to Borrower at nc~• Yroperh- Adrires. stn[e.i hclo[c, except for any notice required under <br />_ paragraph 18 hereof to he liven to Borroti~cr in the mamrer presetihed bs appliruhic law. Anv entice provided <br />for in This Mortgage shall bo deenteri to have be-en given to Borrower- tehen given in nc~• manner designated herein. <br />15. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law: Severability. "['his. form of mortgage combines uniform covenants <br />for naiional use and non-unifont covenauts with limited variations b} jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- <br />rity instrument covering real property. "['his Mortgage shall be governed by the lae• of the jurisdiction in which <br />the Property is located. In titc Brent that ;uly hrocision or clause of this Mortgage or the Vote conflicts with <br />applicable law, such eonfliat shall not affect other Itru~visions of this Mortgage or the Note which can be given <br />effect without the eonflinting p ~siorr, and to this end the ;:revisions ai rl.e Mortgage and the 14ote are declared <br />to be severable. <br />16. Boaower's Copy. Borroter shall itc furnished a conformed cony of this Mortgage at the time of execu- <br />tion or after recordation hereoi. <br />IT. Transfer of the properly; Assumption. Ii all or anc putt of the Property or an interest therein is sold <br />or crattsierrnd tu}- Borrower without Lender = l~nor reenter. ~ onsent, exchtdirg jai the creation of a lien or encum- <br />bra*.tne subordinate to this ~inrtgage, i h i the ~~rearon of a uurcitase money security interest for househoM appli- <br />ances, tej a transfer 6v destsE. descent- or i~~• uperatton of late upon thc• death of a joint tenant or Idi the graut of <br />SEE RIDEfiany leasehold interest of three years or lcs~ not contaimne au opnou ru purchase. Lender tea}'. at Lender's option, <br />declare all the sums secured by this Mortgage to he auu,ed tatc!v +iue end pa}~ahie. h <br />. _ ., - , 1?rot~ee~Er-r.-E.~-lee-rtold-er <br />t <br />;, - r <br />If Lender eeernises such optiar: to uenelerate. Lender shall atsti Borrower notice of aeceleratiou in accordanne <br />with paragraph 14 irerraf. ~ucir notic+• ,hail provuir :~ ;~enai ++i no: ie-> tGan 30 +iavs [rem the date the notice is <br />tuaiied within which Borrax~er rtuy pay tbc~ ~un_r~ .icctamd ~ic.~ l Bctrntuer Lvis nt Isv >;rri~. =~mti~ prior to the <br />expiration of such period. lender Wray. wahuut further nutter or ,!,•nssnd rep Borrcnter. inl~oka~ :uiv remedies per- <br />mitted by paragraph 1$ hereoi. <br />\c,+s-I'~Iruxat COF"F:yAyT~. Borrower and Lender Sttrth+•r ,+tvcunnt and a~~ret• as follows <br />Ifl. Acceleration; Remedies. Exselx a- l,revi.isd rr. ; .. !" !.ertir2, u.r,,:t Bcrru~vcr'~ lu•s:aclt of an}• <br />norenant or agreement of I3arnnvcr in this Atortgagr. inrlmiiut; ti:e••;•ovcnant~ to pas tvben ,iue :rte' nuns secuml <br />by this alorigage, Lerdcr tutor to aet•elerauon .cal! ntai rota•c tc Bornr:~,~r a- ~+rovtrir,i m latrx;;rat+h 19 hereof <br />specif}'ing; dl) the breach; r2t the a+-tiott rrgwrrt! to turn >u+•i~ i•rcurh ;3! .+ intr. t~or le_.. tlr<tn thin}- ~9acs <br />tram the daft the notice i~ mailed to Barrua~rr, in :vL;ch ~r,,,~ I,r..u 1~ ~+~tn.t he~ ,~tur,i . ,unt ~ d i that iatlun~ to cure <br />such breae'~h on or before the date sp<°citied m titer =+uttrr tray n•>ult to arorh•rtr.~u, ~+. '!ec >tau- •rrurcu by t}us <br />\lartgsgn and sale of the Property. if the brrxclr :, not cured ot, ar hz•fure the +iatr spscrtird ttr the uutice, Lender <br />at ha3ders optior, tnsv rit'<latt ell ut the sm,~~ sscurcYi L}~ th:r \IortFags to i.c nutu,•+ltatrtt due tuui payable <br />withaut further demami and may fcreelose thte >langxge b} tud:rieai ;+n,recd~n lender stsli Ix: cutrtie+i to collect <br />in such proceeding rail exi>fnsc_ +.i foarelo~nre. mrln.brg. but ss~:t im+n.vl to. ~unt~ of ~Ioru+„ruturc evidence. <br />absiracts end title reports. <br />Ifl. Hosroweis Right to Reinstate. Vonei*_itaan,img Lcniler> cccceh°rution of the sum- s+,cured b}' t1tL <br />Mortgage, Borrower shall hsve the right rn have :fns lvuceedtng_. begun hr Lt~nder to eniurce t trt; \Sortgage dis- <br />nontinued at any time prior t0 emry of a ;taigment eniarctng rive Mortgage tt ,ui Bonaser pays fender all <br />sumswhinh would be then due under this Alcrtgugt. ttt; Rote end Weiss ~rcurtnn Future Adrauces, if any, had no <br />scei>leratian occurred; Ib) Bormwer curs. all btE;u-l+ea of :,nr other corcr.:urt- ur sgn-rn+c.u• ~+f Borrower cute <br />f,ained in this ~'Lortgage; inl $orrower {+ac: a:i reasonable rxp+•n.e: meurn~+i Ly Le•nder to ,~uiorcrn~ 4he eocrn.znts <br />and agreements of Borrower contained in this Murrgu_c ar:+: to enf_,rctn Lcnd~•r. rant-die. , l,rosi.--it~-1 in i.e+ru- <br />graph I$hereaf, including, but not limited to, rcasouabie error nrp'> i{•c~. anit ~,it Borru~a er tukcs such action as <br />Lender may reasonably require to it~aure treat the Lirr ci thi, lkn-teags, 7-curler's inter~..,t in the }'roperty aml <br />Borrower's obligation to pay the ';urns secured by flea \lun;;ta~n,~ ~h:tll cununue ,ntiutpa,red 1'pon such payment <br />and cure by Borrower, this Aortgage and ttu° ablinution. seYnreti beer-i,} shall rcutam iu full inrce and effact as if <br />no acceleration had occurred. <br />20. Aeeigm»nt d Rent;; Appointment of Receiver; Lender in Possession. A.~ addnionul security Itere- <br />ut»Ier, Borrower hereby assigns to Ir_>nder tiie rent, of the Yropertv. h~ruvided that kiorro[vcr sfiali, priur to acecler- <br />atiott under paragraph 1$ hereoi ar abandonnurnt o! tiro 1'rop,-rty, have tls rtght to eolfect un,i retain such rent;. <br />as they became due and payable. <br />C`gon aoeeleration under paragr~ih 1$ hereoi <rr abandonu,em ut nc~ l'ropert•.'. Lender. to pcr~;un. L.}' u>;cnt <br />or IrE luc~ieiatly appoutted receiver shall he entitled to rhtrr ,i[uui. I:ckr ;+cti"•ssiun , :,nd :a.ucat;r the 1'roprrty <br />and to collect 'fhe rents of th+a. Nraperty, includiut; those pata =iue. -Ali n-ut> c4!iectcd L} Lrt=~icr o: the rerrVrcr <br />tItull he applied flint to paprnent of the cost_suS nuanagc~tu•ut of tlm I'ruln rtt anal ro7k~,tux; ui rcut,. uirlu+l+ot i,ut <br />eat limited to, rt;ceiver':? fern, prenuu~n, nr, rc•eci eve's Iwml~ umi r, ,,., ,u; bic .~t t+,rt,+v'- .+-. :a,! turn t,r the -nn,., <br />sennretlbyt-i~+Ss A1uri.g3ge.l~itdtrnud the tc=ecist:r.hrrii Ls• I+s+i,l+~ ..~,~ ,~ourt ~~i:.v iu; ti~.,.,~ r~~nt~ .,~t,::at,iv r,:~~r.+~:i <br />