<br />8~~--~•j251-'~
<br />4. Catdeantntiotr. The proceeds of :any award or ~{aim For damages. direct ar consequzmia{. on connection with any
<br />candemna5on or other taking of the Property, ar pan thereof, ar for aanvzyancz in lieu of candemnatian, are hereby assigned
<br />and ar4aR fie paid tv Leader.
<br />in tfie event of a total takinit of the Property, the praceed+ steal{ tee applied to the sums secured 6y this Dred of Trust,
<br />with the ext^css. if any. paid to Borrower. Fn the event a# a partial taking of the Prapern•, tenless Rtartewcr and Lender
<br />ntttetw•ise agree in arriring, ihene shat{ to apptizd to the sums secured hs thss ika;ai of Trust such praponic:n of the proceeds
<br />as is equal Eo that pmportinn w#a3efi iht amount of the sums secured by' this {~?eed of Trust immediaazh' pri:'rr to the date of
<br />taking beau to the fait market valtae a# the Propertu ;;nmzdiateiy prior to the date of taking, with rhr balance of thz proceeds
<br />paid to 8orrtawer.
<br />If lire Property is ahandanctt l+y flnrraw•rr, or if, afar notice h}° 1-ender Fe Rornawer that tfie condemmrr offers to make
<br />an award nr sett€e a claim fnr damages, Borrower tails ;. respond to Linder within 3t) days after the dale such notice is
<br />teaBed (etsd,:r is autherised io ::tatitxt attd apply th.^. p: '<^zzds. ;u Lender's option, either to restoration ar t'cpair of the
<br />Prapeny or to the sums secured by this [3ecd of Trust.
<br />Unkas Le?xiee and 8trrrow•tr etlaerwist agree in wratsrg, any such application at" proceeds to principal sha3i ant extend
<br />ar pasipons tfte due date of t3xe tn.~nifi{y inssalimrnts .c:rrrcd to in paragraphs I and :hereof or change the amount of
<br />>ucls anstal€ttretrts.
<br />t!. farrawer'.`nt RekaAei. Exttasiarn ,ai the nmr for payment ar tnadatlcatian of amortization arf the sums secured
<br />bg this'?ted of Trust granted bar- i cruder to any successor ua interest of Borrower shat{ oat eprra?e eu retease, In aay~ manner,
<br />lire iiahiiirs of the ari~inai 9tarrx'swtr and Brrr user's swsx~ssars in interest. i.endrr shat{ Wert t?x [squired to commznec
<br />prarecdirigz sga:aact Soar anm:essor :~r xfusc tr'E zcttnd umr far payment ar ottrzrwisz mndify amortizati+M1n of the sums
<br />stxtxed by tins Dtez: of Trafst i±y mason of ens dcmarat made n<~ the arigia•.a3 Borrower acrd Fl;xmwer's succ _,rrs in iatrrest.
<br />I7. Fouiaerrrwet ~ t:<wisr \et a N"aissr. Rny fartearan:z 6y Lander +n exrrci.mg any right or remrck hereunder. or
<br />otherwise affnrded by apptis~:#etc #arac shalt rNri ire a waiver of nr prc.fude the exercise of ana~ stmh right or rzmeds.
<br />-i'h+e proeutrnsent at itavraace z'<r the pax ntzn? ~.1f taxes ~_* Detect 3icns .rr :hargcs to} i.endzr slta3l n~~t ire a waiver of Lender's
<br />»gbt in aeaeieraie the _=rsf[rtircty of tip atade3rttdtxsa secured h} than taetd of Trust
<br />iZ Rttaire~es Ca~nlatise_ ,333 rrmedir+ pri,vs.}cd +^. this Deed c:' Trtxst era distinct aaad cunau{ative to any other right
<br />or remedy utaaier this fktd .sf Ttuu ,r afiorzird ?as `.aw nr tqun~c. and ::car !,z exer.:rstat cc,ncurrnntlt, ;ndependeaih• or
<br />s'
<br />i3. caruara and Aaigar forted; Ieint and Sesttad tiaM'A[v; Crptiowc The ~~.vrnarzr5 and agruments heroin
<br />contained shah hind, and the rights iirrr;.tn,+,rr .fia`:" :;:earn •:r~ s1:r rr,~:c:se •u:;rr.vrr; a:td a~.,gnx ,rt [ender and Rorrawer.
<br />satir3eK't is the provisuras of paragraph ? hrre~.st gee ;:>vrnaaae .rnG;k,temrnn ,+f Rurr,:wrr .tzai{ Frc` ;hint and srrzrai.
<br />The uptizaras lad htadingc of the 1>ztraPa~ ass oT,' t^:r 3?s~l oa Traa,' -?:e ;.rr .;;,mrnsrane a*ni} .teal arc .^.et t<~ `c used to
<br />,nterpaet or define tDe prxaviux'»ss hereof
<br />!i. \olite Except far enc• ntszaee rrquetr<: e:n,1r; .a,^s-i.;:..anlx ..t« r ~ ~x Laren :n .enotnrr nrsnner, isi any notice tea
<br />tirurtw•er ptoa^ided for an this i?et<3 of Z mast sisa'%; {+c a.aeax hr t++a;;;^g r:>.h ,:tra;.c h} .'crt:tied nra:t addressed tr> Rotrerwer at
<br />lire Prtapert±" ~addtess ar at sr~h aat#Srr ad^frtss aw B:`+rc~xcr ^.;ar de,~gnnar h~: ai:t+cr t,r {-sr:der us pro+sdrd herein. and
<br />t#a1 any na~tirx to Leisdtr sfiall be ga.•zn '.•~s ::rri.!serf ,^:sa1. rcraarxs rttc:;![ r^qur+tz^,l, : , Le+rder~, address stared herein a.r tc
<br />a'u.-h s$ter a~lresa as Leader ^sty a•~,egnate ~ti. n~rr>-r ,i $~,`-:~~rn= xs a r¢z.~s3eit huern. 4na ;r*rtice prer:ded for m tta.<
<br />tked sat True shaft 3e deeaxd te> 3rase beer, g.vcra tee B;arrrw r: . - ': rn~er when err rt? a•: [hr t:rarmr drsrgnaatr3 hzrean.
<br />S~. txwitas~ ~eci at Trust; tesrrniaft taw: titstra~ix._ ? t,,rm ~d a.~3 ;•+ ire,=[ .::>mfiine, una!arm erar enanra fe;
<br />Ratitrifal ttSe ark ~t.n ~n~Ot~t tos`rtsazsts w9th T^:'s:`ti +-2r.'d;:; z -`., ~u3xsd ry~t(ap iJ ~^2atalat£ a urn f;?ZSa .2'C':°T9C ire St rtZITienr
<br />s'e'sx;itng tpi zr~pett}. Thal i?ee<d i T';ust t+sai? '-<~ t'.rc-rer? '.^o ~,*z law- ra tae ;ur.:i:~t:c~.n :tr .ah:~h '{re Pr„ferv~- ;s tr~ateci
<br />in tfie tti~zrz that anti ptrra'asr~=.ti ar clastse crf E's:=t 1~_T ,~ raassa ~. j_ae i.nar ___nasc's wah appa+ca;^ir taw. such W-a-n rt:.? .hat!
<br />run affr~ atlrer 3na'+rsustss of ahrs Deed . .a:. ;3ac '+:.>tc r._h ;aTa ~ ;:Ben rr?ri? ._+r :3ac _r,n•?tcr:r:r pr,~r,e:.•sr.
<br />and tt+ i~ ~tsv~is*ns a# t~ Ucea:~.:^, Trans arni c~.r ^r.aar are sn?arch r,= tx stc~eran3e.
<br />tf. fasnytsr'e Ctr~~. Snrrawrr at_ai; =a: ut rss:,z~d a ., ,.,,-a:azd ..„py , ..,,~ \a,tr and :. ;::as 4.1v°e<i ..; -1--tnt a'. tlac acme
<br />ofi exet:utaon et after Fecwdatsos; P+ar~.>l
<br />t?, Tsrriterof lire iaapesrfsc ~yswr~w, is ail r-n .:n•, part rt' t~ Pro~a;r ..+s .en ,.ate~rrst i^erex~ a ,;:i:`t ,.r ;^ansfrrrr.i
<br />be t4atrmcc:r withsaw Lerrfcr`s prx=r wr:taer. wr;,xtn c•.c4e:uvng -ai ?hc .'matr.~n _~ {scs r>: ccn~°Le^.aarans .cote,=rdinaie ace
<br />rlus i'ka~ trf 'Teter, .e) :fie crcatas.a ,~3 a p+atctaasr ~ - n:k ~ti;.,-::t. epic,"ebr iPr ts%.ru~rfk d arpps,ar .-., ~. ~ a tranat7 r.r dzvasr,
<br />dtsttnt ter h}~ espe+xatson ratsaav utars the d~at+ s a xv+u ?caasraa ,:r
<br />i.»<7cr naa+... d c*x#cr-y,rFt . ,.1ta•':a...z9 the.u:ra.,er.xt ~•. thta i~^t-,.t. 7~rtasa ~ {*r
<br />snsrt~iiaaei} .its a,md payat~. i rne~r she"s7 ha>a =a:3ea! soh .a.._ ~=a:,r ,err ~,i?c :~ `~aarrErt t rnde+
<br />and the prnan to u-i;.•sna rise Pry*fx:ax ; .- txc ,:-~.; t - a ~ pct ;,, .ra.,~ a~.~;;:t;~.[ - a ::.;~:eta- h_ cr~rr# •u~h r•+rna,n
<br />ss satrxlas-tot? to irtsdtt ar:'3 nJSai :az =aF1a:^rht pr.-at~. ~... ~*se ~..:r" S4s ;.t c.i ~. =h±, i?nrd . ^a,t ,hai+ -.T .. s:r,;, r.arz a,
<br />i.xnaiez sYss31 rtgaresi. it i.e-rtr;,er 1=as +rsss°cs,..tse , ,.: .. [; _~....r a . , x't•+-:.atu -.c ,hs5 ;.zx ,n. ag-': .? R " :•. r+ < w.. essr,r
<br />+n :malts! has txxuta: a *n writ:? aaaum;?::++n ago t^v-.;~..,r: a~~e,.ra::;r wr:.i-a} ". I c-r:.t lxrau, t;. ~ .c., e~ i3,.;rrr:w.tc iivan
<br />azi at+itgaih'baa allath"f' iT::b 1>ec.'u ci ?±1L: 3nv! L"^±n "e,r tt
<br />if ixtirier nxart- z~.:~ _ r ~~a.~rt~x, t ~„er ,h3 . ask ~ .~ rv e_ .. - ~ , .. r__.xda nta wa
<br />patpgt'aph I3 Esert•x*3 Sts#t nits ,taai :=rte ~ tar. s.•s.. ....wet :a s, ah'a-: z: .3nr. . . - t t!?e '`xt" .::,,. ~ .x?led w=.!3tan
<br />w3t,eh 1tan mss: aaas s =ttr sus+a .~„tatrt .a~°r R., : t+.wr; , - ,..:a.ao .u.'t surtax o;-i.rr a.~ , r - r,r.at, .; . s suc4r ['.t•a r~41-
<br />Lt!yaie_ ~,, +b.attts~~t ;urtt?;~' -_ ~~t cam,. s~ .~--_ ,,,-, fir,., oar e.. • .!R" z-. ~:--"- Fy --- :. __ .. ~ - -.t, ~ g_"._s.f -
<br />;4ca;-i.~=-zartr t'r:s~t rsa-,:=,s Eia'~: rout arr.: ;.- ~....-.h. rt.:x;:t _ _ ~ ,. ,,•...,
<br />lY. Artafiarsa, RrtrsrYn. Fxrgat a: presided in paragraph 3^ #rsrtert, *uPeit 6orrx+wer`> tttr,Kn of an} cssrrant rsr
<br />aErttanewt +a' fartaratr in iftu herd .rd Brant, imfudirrg tt++e raaarnaots to Pp* asiprra drxe anK xurns sr.arcd tt> ttsis thief
<br />d Terra. taaaier Brim to Katiesatir:w s6att __:, seater rv $~rr,..r'rr a. prr..idcd io p>iragrar~ di #rseaiC sge.ifiaiaryt: {1) rhr
<br />irarci: i2i tfse atfiiari rtrArwrsi to rrse wsa:tt ttrtarh. i;t s Have, nw tAa:a 3a da}s #tran rhr laic the twti+:e is madird to
<br />ittrsawts, yf a.Yicia *+rcir trntaida /naaa in rwttd; pent t31 titer faiterr tst cart seac4 testae-h nn or hrfarr the Blatt apr+,#firA
<br />k tine artlre tiawt rtseit sa ar~r'titrriioa trf lire awaar a:rzsrrt6 !tx this that ,af [cast anal sale of rhr Yrxrprr7}. T"!tr notice
<br />strait fasrt`ra irtfruar lnrrvw+er ;rf r6e right to :timtarr ritrr ar t~tirra:ina ausd tilt rah! to lxisiq a crrurt action to assert
<br />fire aarF-t rairaenct t~ a dtt3aask :u poi rrkksr dsicacwz: zf ittrrr«aar= to pa.~s-rirrxstisaa aced Bair. if rttr brtrct is not uta.•+t
<br />era tw idrxr rice fats sprciifitai iw flat antics. t.rtrdtt x itr+drt"s arFrt+atn our} 6rckarc aU r># rhr +uttts r,~artrt h. Shia !)eed
<br />at Itnrf to it ~d aisle sad Ps:•Sitlr .sirLa.+rt ftuibrt Atanatrd ono rna} in,ulr tier po,+es ;rt' Barr anrt arar .zihrr remedies
<br />/ersn3~tri ih a~riia.•t~ir iw.. i~frv ~wR tr ewtfdcd m rraUrtY pit rtasr3rtafitt <easts :r.';tl raPrnsts ittturrcw#~ia ilea+uiey, rhr
<br />ratnefita arO>ltirtd is lino par:tyirtyWt i2#, >~, tsw¢t rnrt funptd tn. oraaurraMr~ atiororr's free.
<br />It t-r rrtares tat Buie is inraitd, Trwratr stnrii txsord s rasiAt ref drtautt ist rain caureta in »iritn tyre Properfv or same
<br />tarn Aigtteed is toratrd wad >isaii ntaaT coolies ~ Bach ncuit its tier maraeer prewt:niard b± appiir.at£lr iaa tae iSatsvw rr and ire ihr
<br />w1Yu penoa+prr`nr~riiea L±; a1rl~:a~ law. 'kfrer fret ktpc tat sva~tr titnc a+ teas ttr re~Tuircd by ppgfkc~phir l;rr., Trastre shall
<br />Cass firift aaaGtY sat Bak fse kit ptrsrtns arsd ~ rhr araawntr Prtt.~riheyi fis aEpptira#rir trt+. -trustee, .n:tba.ut drrnana# rn
<br />fiitawsx, strait wr0 fiat t~raytaty ae iredw awa'tmon M i6r lt~iertr t+idder at list flare arut glees aad urtdtr rhr trsrus drsignatrrl
<br />i tltc awtirs of cafe it arty sir wrote firth arnd +~ route trdts p: Trastrs mai~ deterralxtt. fi raster heat pxstpurar sate sr# aB
<br />as,ani prsceat art tlsr Pegatxty h? putkNr ~rtneo: at tfir ricer and giwtr. M; pn} tur.~as.:} sshrd~d isle. i.ettdsr ;u
<br />teaisr'tt inri~wse trgtj l~s~re tier lYalerxa rt aqg ytli~r.
<br />t ~atw leer~f~M tti ~i7ttrerf ai lire }ak'e lid, Trassfer shaft detsrrr to tics pnr. teaser 1'tvste 'a dsrd roar rsisrg t}te Pr~nperi}
<br />+aritl `sir rexahiti its tilt Trrntrs"s fled n-a1i tr; priers Tari~r esidesrt ri rhr trrtsh +rf tFae stairmea~t: rrtstdr thrraia. 't raster
<br />~laM>~! ,}xt!sa~tAA+at fkt s7is is ~ fa#iew` suekr ~ xa ~! rr~.xt.~ihtt rusts and rapsuxa ~# Rer sale, FnchuGuyp, hest
<br />not lraYa!i ia. rsrtaar`r rtes at arat aawz tiaa ~ ~f ':e rwT for ~rwss sale Prier. rrazrrrrahir att,xrrrrs's frts oust rtss_. ,rf
<br />'4R! awHarr~t~: €IN #trai yew w~.-~aKrsd iy riots '{)cad of 7[mt: ataci fri a6e rxa'e+s. 'r# .an), to mss: ta+ersnn .rz ive.vrru. ic~att} r.ntitkd
<br />rttat4~
<br />t±i. isYtwwtt'at Riptt to ticiratair: 'v .ia v, t . -. rr . , ts,.. , a
<br />~. .. - ,.
<br />faat~ ?sr T~~e rhr phi ?c ~*'c b 3 .:~s;r .... ~ f"v-. ., ~.r., :. a9 ~ ar
<br />i'-
<br />Tt.`HrrF cr`:,ty. E».CT §l..%.~ a~~ :. -- ... x1r: sr°3. r'., <aa rr t ,-...._ - ._ .. r~i
<br />+~r''~s l<ks ',S^~3r~T~, >a~sa .af t., tg c: . -;Tees" ~#s,:x .. , „r.. .>w ...~} ...
<br />!?!'EKE: s3z.^a~]~'u 3~...2 ,.. _ _ .. ,._.. ,~#-,atwte' bdraf±~.x ;__ ,.._
<br />•.~: il...r,, .., .r« i*rca.~. .a - .. .. .. a; ry~trax=a, t'1,+:;" _z .~. ,. .,: gar:. ,, ... .,
<br />i4 -. an *?x;n L-tatw Si - _ - i ,.,.. .,.; ~ x.9,_4 .:a~^ t.;
<br />a:
<br />a _,
<br />xas ~. ,. ~t,tM:?t .-! n, ~ tsri9 ~ sc„_ _ a rc. _, fr s ~., ~3."- , ,. xa ; ! - ,: -. ., .- ,
<br />-, ,.... .. ~ a7 'hti x.re. ,-r r--:a ~ cak ,• 3x:, t 3 - -•- _ : .,
<br />. ~ .. .. - .. yk., 3i ~ .,:,. -... :.,
<br />