<br />
<br />Uxtt=oxt++ C'ovrx.axrs. Borrnwer and Lander cuvrnanE and agree ^s follows:
<br />f. Payment ®# principal and Infest. 8otrawer ,hall promptly pay when dur, the sincipal of ;md interest on the
<br />tndehiedness eti~idancrd by the Nate. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principa! of and interest
<br />nu any Future Advances securccl by this 1]a:cd of Ttusi-
<br />~. Frads for Taxes and Tasnnnce. Subject to applicable law ar io a written waiver by i.ender, Borrnwer shall pay
<br />tc? Lender on she day manih}y installments of pnncapal and interest arc payable under the Notc, until the 'Fete is paid in full.
<br />a sum iherekn "Funds"} equal to arre-hreltth o£ the yearly razes and assessments which Wray attain prior+t}` over this
<br />Deed of Tnzst, and ground rents nn the Property, if any, phasnne-twelfth of yearly prrmmm insialkments fur hazard insurance,
<br />plus ane-zwelflh nE yearly pramittm instal#mrnis for mortgage insurance, i£ any, a!i as reasonabl}' estimated initially and from
<br />time- is time by fender nn the ha,cic of a-aessmants and nd}s and reasenabie- estimates thereof.
<br />Ttet Funds shad be laid in an xtstimtian the deposits nr acccxmts of which are insured ar gitarantaed by a Federal or
<br />unto agency (including {.antler :f [,ender is such an insiita[kon?. Linder chail apply dze Fancis to pay said-raves, assaasments,
<br />insarantr premiums and ground rents. {..ender nzay not charge ar w balding and applying the Funds, anal}'zinc said account
<br />or verif}ling and astnpiting said assavcments and hi3!s, z+nkecc i_ender nays Borrnwer interest on thz Funds amt appticablr law
<br />pesittits {snder. to ma-e such a charge. Bnn.~ow•rr :end i ender ma}^ agree in writing at the time of rxecutiart of this
<br />Deed a£ Trltst that interest ao ihr Ftutds .halo he pout to Borrnwer, and unless each agrc~r:nzent as made or appticablr law
<br />requiroc such interest to f?e paid, (..ender shad oat hr reywrrd n, nay Hnrrawer any cnterrs: ar e:vnings an the Footle i.ender
<br />shall give ti: Bnrrorver. w~tM?ut char~e.:an annalai aaccounaint of the Funds .hnwvng credits and debits is the Funds and the
<br />pa:rpoae far wbieh ttk:it debit in the Funds was made. Tlta Pemds arc ptcdgad as additlanai security for th ems secured
<br />lly fhks Deed of Trust.
<br />{€ the amount of the Fords held he E.rndrr. ;a~gcthrr with the ruttier mnnthlt inseallnlenis of Funds payable prior t„
<br />the dur dates at taxes, acsrssments, ,nsnrancr. premiums anti eronnd rents, :hall r,;rrrd the anxlurat rryuucd to pay said taxes,
<br />avs¢ssmemx., isasursnre prrntaunrs and grouted rents .ls the} t.lil .;tie, ,uh excess shall i,r. 'lt B:=-rrau'er's oPhon, either
<br />pr~vttptly irpssd to Barrow-tr cr ~~redited to Borrnwer on mnnihtc +nstatimcni; of Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />?trld h}' L,aal3ar shalt twi t?c sut€iclen; to pa}' t:azaw. asce+:saacnts. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />$arrawar shall pas anti Leader arry ansatlnt nr:.essars u> mawc up tire' dr-fac:+encc +snhm ?0 days Bram the Bats notice is madrei
<br />fsy lender to B[xmroer :rquastoag , ayment thereat.
<br />L'-{ta'n payment in toll ,ti£ ail sums srr;,red b} ah,s t)rr,s „t Truss l crdet .hail prrmptly rotund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by l..e:atirr It errsdrr paragraph 7 ~ fi.^rsxai :hr Pn ;orris :, ,old iv the prnl+erta .s ,uhenvr:e acyuired by i.endrr. t.rndrr
<br />slsa+3 appk~. r:,3 inter tbve rmttitdiatelp pras,r c,~ titg ,.:r,t .,r she ?raaj~r:r E,r +ts a.qursaran h}° Lenilar. ., na- Funds held 6y
<br />i_tnaer ai iibC uitx of appiit:a[ic'mt as a credit against rile ,tiros ~rctard'ny eius L}re:i of Trost.
<br />J, ,t,~iirasisa ref' Paasteats. L'm?e<s appticablr Sam ~re.~,iM. atncnaasr. ail lv"tgmem, rec'rzac,l by i_ender under the
<br />Nuat and para)lraptr i st:~ . itrreai shall he applrrd h : ! ender lion :n pay-moot ,'t .,nta;mis payal?le t.~ i.rmier by Harrower
<br />under paragraph 2 3arsrat. Chest to anterrst f+a}ab}r nr, =.isr .",c,ic, *.nrn ro the x»rin.epal .=f the Nixe, and titcn t:' interest artd
<br />pratts:.pif zm ar.} Future 9dvaitaYs
<br />4. C'iae~er Lies. 8+atraurr ~>taatk pa} sli taxes. ssrvxmetst, -ca>i ,+thcr charges. tines aril intpoatinns aaribitrtblr ro
<br />ihr Pr.'+pexty ua,~iscia irony attasa a prar=.i}~ aver :hrs t?trd ,,i l-rus;.::r,d leasehol3 paynlens or ground rots. if nay, in the
<br />inaartet pim•idad sender paragraph 2 hercvat or. t-i rat :raid a=z s;eci± ; ;an-rrr, i?y Basmwrr makzng pa}°mrnt, tirhrn due. directly
<br />to th[ paLr'er tbeie¢,i. $crrc wrr stool( prrnnfit#}' t,ar ;aiz to i en~k::ell aua-es ::t amaauns 3r:e under thts , aragtaph, and in tha
<br />rvextt Baircrwcr shskl rnai;r paynarnt dsr~tl}-. Borci.aart sha:? }:rvmpt<s :a:rn,:s t:, I.enr$~r recr:ris evzaicncat?g such payments.
<br />i3tarrt-rvrr shall l+r:,mpit+ c~uaarx;c any +ten whx~ h '^as peon?rat} ,>s°r tm, tyczd =_at Tr:rs?, Q.raa ,eie:i. th,+i &*-r<curr shall n.>t he
<br />rtsjtaertai i, ,:iu*?~ar};r gna• sziih Eirn s..a ar: € a, :3 j; r,=wrr ,tzali a~rrc :r, ..-tatmc '.~ the ;-ayment ,,: the ohlzgaua,n secured ba
<br />!. Fxn ,n a manner ax:c~t~at~~ tee ! ettslr*, ..v ~,'xaa :n ~v.~xj ?nab ce•nrvs[ Su.~ };an hy. +s atetenil ca;or~ement a,? such i;en at.
<br />irgaE ~^amgs uhictl c>prratt is gt=a-^tn~. ;hs cn:,,-:~mrrt s~i !hr trtu a,r for tciurrc +~.E tree Vrapc»a~ sir vac part ttercot
<br />Aaosd Insara~ar. Borrnwer stroll xrrp rt r ens#~rc+tirmrms now caz,trrr or trrraafter crc,aed Ern rile i'ro{x:r-y insured
<br />against lam t?x ftre_ h~aztttids ta:3tldrd wnttzn €hr trim ~~ratrttdr,,i ~.vverair". ~,nd larch vthCr h:azar i, as Lca:drr ma} reyurrt
<br />airr$ xII ruc'1F auec+uan artd ;c*r su::h g,errzads ::s i enrlrr x-a:;t rcztuvrr: pr<txzsic>at', r; 1 rn aer ,hail nt,; :z"riurrr that t~ie amount car
<br />rxsch <imrra~¢t ra:•et,ti agar am<,.ent ...•>rrragr ^. z°V+au 3 : pan the sumx se:=;red ha z D- at - ~ a:,t
<br />3'ha ~n4~urt[n~~r .ass+Cr prtzs:ut~ she lncusrrnck shslt •`ae chns~n h}~ hart au ur s t lei; .v sy7paaa ai F.} 3 ender ,,azsattiril.
<br />'dui titn';3i appeal's: atoll nni l+e unrras~-+na'ts3y wiz3titetd. .'.[I prttarurua an ~?:sutancc in,icczh ahaii hc. ;,ara"t in Ct•.r mantxr
<br />ptse`ided utsdtr pua~taph ='xrta~i ur, zi n:at patai in swl;^aatlnr€. by Borrwrr +:nacmg ;*acanrtat, ui:rn dur, dzrrc tl} to the
<br />imwsraacx ;.iti era'.
<br />Ain r;:curar«a,c tat?ha'tea +rzl ~rrtnwats :?tc tra3 nnal7 t+e +rr :<~sm a.: rptat±-r !. es:.iet ast:i thaCd r^. rimer ,isrszdaid ntortgabe
<br />aaae~rt to ts~cr zr¢ atz! in t ~~ ax~rerse~ie tr C.r'3ckrt i er~rr haft ra c =tx e ~* r''z-,t., tan t* a =-.c, ...-ziL ; .Haas therms.
<br />Hc7rrcw+es slraii Ixra.n¢rt#y 'srnu:h E_, t,.eza,"rr ar5i =+; rxr~+. w: arsat e, asW .rti ; e.ezy t+ ,~ , rrmn=n'a ... a;»r ra---ens crt io~_
<br />Iicfitzrxt~'xrtali gixc prtrtttr,~t staircr t;~ nix atauea.9+x .nra__r ....,,t i; ri.frr :err,.=rr rna, rznwt r„, i ,- a se ~.~ - . ai.;dr ptampti?
<br />isa: 13tor..ra?t:a.
<br />l'niess Lender uerif #3avirwr:.Y:^.rr..::.::zg.rr , z t.,,,:~ .r,+;uxz:.:: ,-t„>cedc ,hat' ,: i rr,a,,:atu,n :zt repair „i
<br />'.Ttt f {'i'Igae:riti darn.uctd. re,t~i3r,i su:h t:^stc - tr,~s: a>. ~t a.r ~~ ., ?rx_.rzn..:~ta ~., r_, ,;.>i i ,. -,+ , e}rt;i „+. ! 3sraC :,
<br />txcti itls'?eLx? y;stpa±tm3 t_f sue: :R r°-a?~tattcil ,r +;_'F4~t Y-> r.~.. :_,.:.>-r:.. ~,is -. , ec .- ! -e w:~s:a-~ ", ih, Ek`e.i ,~t I r:<,E e, :,t=..ti
<br />i+a lmpatr~. liar :~„:rut.e i+tr..r4^tis ~<faa93 bt tg*~e;t=€ .; i:~ ,,.nr e =..c=a hp ont+ ik•cd i,t 1 r~at_ =>riv= t<rt a =. t .tn}. £a,>+
<br />€o $.'tirrayacz. if :ht t'ra~pe~ rt?- la a:>sndotsr.: h} i#+=:tr..- rr, :. ds.. , „r.. :. u. ;:-,p,,,z+# .., l.c., ..arfi=r, -3.>:„ *.•m trc
<br />date rta~srx xs rnaeiraf 3*v l.tnder to llairra+.rr ,.its, t*ar -. c::tan~.c r err ~ ._. ,.ttit .+ f„ '- a n ..« ,.c --Ynr:it,r. i_erz3cr
<br /><c ~*Prii ttx .xTMlleEi s, rho snsusan,=w pr.eLrra3..~t L1rn#Ce~s ,~ner,-,a t.,i e: t, ..a,.. , re}~a.,, >ri ane 1', r,pctri
<br />to il>K .tile„ sziutei b} ibis L'k,rd of 'trzzct.
<br />1`otra+a Ltn3aT aiFi 8x'KrKaa"~ tatiAes'w ag:rt~ =s~ k ~..n~ ~.a} tu. r; a£sb'=-c a.-. ~ ~, st,M~c v, - r;,,g?at .~a,ifr nxu rxtetPd
<br />:K ,.rat,Si~a+nC the dot ~sfatt of i-*it ithSnE{!dl 'i-'tai~a:#ffMUi~ :rlr: rc.;i .:ro p.rtu~3 x(.7r, :+~re`.7 'u:ii+ ., _t'n sr~e i51c Aral iron( z.,
<br />scu;~t-.rtsle.::.eneti€s. ;# ast>~ pasa~ia#~''s IB ,'ta=.ir,xt +."se Fa,aQr+r, ~, a-., uaaes r~'? 4..cre..iet, .~4,nt. ?_ r.1 -rent: esr ,.+i Hart.+wcr
<br />on to ;yFS txswwx¢,e ~wr,'xeb sand ~a ant. +^, tlx ~a>ract=, ibc, ms's ,ux ,-.was da ~ kt s = =he I'°t.;h at. prior ; ~ the „-
<br />C?i a ysix «it-~ ~~hill psi iz, i.-eel t:.a Y.r'it--~.vrt,t .a~ a1K hu:. is ..--~ ,.. -.. ~tlrti ..., ~. ms`s. _: .r:eu-- r - .-'r:.•r ¢~; ,u=:t a_tr
<br />ac°ilssia~aa. c+
<br />IL. psraef•~tgiaer ant 3~iNewi+ee ~ Prayets~. txa.ti.,a,$w;, E~.na:tuavni:utss: F~aatzl t_eit f?tarlopprntnis. fitari,>-,>c•r
<br />ibaf~'.e+e~l3ifE Frirperia +a g,~.i eg,ar; -~.ta .....a;;... .. - - -,- _ - :i:e 1'r.,l'xct?
<br />~:1'si±ail spry aekikt x~ iarta.isr~r~ :^J saa 3e;.~ r1 t , ttrsv - , ~~e.., cz..hh;, xt ,nr, i~+.:=t 7~~>t ;. u.r a w±r<r in „
<br />a'+a3 ~'~r a pYannr~ axerit dtaein{>£'tse~nt, $,crt _ _..: 't.r:~i,<r. ,,1t az '+3t?rtaar- s ,.,tr7iga:,c~m u;a.#tr S;ln tieclat.,t..,.;
<br />~' c~'csuits vr+~ixag ar ~gx.nrztg s~.ha --~t*€~:uv assu.~; ,.._MO a, - ~fi,a~,~r- ;!:z t,,.~ w~ ,,. ; r ~u~a,~an, ... ant
<br />~iso'o ar p~u ss~,t dt+~a3yroetae r, _~ w xa.,t_,ye~,, ~a-- _, c.a, zt ,r,>4, n -e,isna ..a,.;:d a,r,rt dc,els ;?m<„r
<br />riQe7-is trYti; t :?><~ Hnrrt+a~r and rrorc#ei f't +. .f,~:- im; 7 a-!. ,hy . .c+za~zt, :, _rtz.a:cln> ,w su.:h r+cier
<br />s§ir.{i }re. in.^stepcaratad iarc? arms steal: sn.>sr.1 nerd as.,.=Q:emers; st'iz cursrz+;; x,.i gru~sr~.c=: a> E,t ih+, Lkcw ,:s t rcn:..s ;i ttxe ~..,. F
<br />a ,~,rt ~.
<br />Tr Pea>K#ern @~ i:aaier'tc J~ls_7sTil), If ~,,.e;, ins-s .~+:~ s j?c-s1==t^-_: +tw _e. C_:,~:;:, .9 :'..~'rCrzncn;>. ._ntarl's;:.ai ., ih1.
<br />Decd trt '(tans, :ar zi ;sssy a~^ata c=i .rcact~tfang :s ..~ez *tar7a,>c~t hh:?z =. ,a, . ., Tr i a-r,.4ct ~t.,,c>; n ;hG F'ic+pect,
<br />t~ t» riot bottled-in, cilritusti daas»;rt, lu'r`e:;>szarc?, .~'k#r r-tail+='.c~r•str,. ,~+ art i s~:ea.=tit. ra: pti>rw'r - ny- - „ns .
<br />Eaagitxtiar w,t~Ert trrxftst at [~~tk3er+'"s,~pis~n. z~:rr ;~yc.~,~ t:, ~tza ,wc+. ~ <3,x =u•_h .. ,tr:,rar, _ r !,ur ,u,h
<br />r, ,
<br />ansrxt aim a~3.t sc~h a4t~xn sz is s~~a;'a ~~rate<i T.rzrs ;rtarrtxt _ t 4~.t,,;r~zrs:wrr :+;
<br />>ir~ aitorisry`s ieec st~i +eiltry upon ih6 {ataprn ' e, rlar. t..asr t ,:.s ;- ,. .>e .:,
<br />:~na ;~'nuk!tri lire 'kwa S;w.Mrfxi by ihFa T-jtc.7 f Ctza4. Stet.;~~wr, a'` „ t ~} r.a «c+, a.:n ,.,.yu+ai ' l a`n...;rr .a~ t:
<br />rt~fYYic,~ in ~CfTitci 3nitu sne;h ~,,ud, as **_be rayselrrwrrs >:.,a ,:x,n z>s=,ri,r. t a.,,;+,:-~4 .- .-. ,_ ,. c ur.Y li ,run.,-c: .
<br />l.pKicr`s R~£derx agartrziW tafi s icah3e 5sw ;itara c _h , , mss, -es?. y t.: sr nt.t u' n z ,
<br />rcx#+Ffir#' l~ ::anti pain: herex;#.
<br />+.: F~iF drstruc ~*} i.r..vc3rrr p{iasara,tr'i v chs ;.r.: ,a~ ap, ?, a r al ,.;etaxr r -c. a. - - ~ ~ a4 .; zt
<br />+n ss#' &risax~er sxcurod by ?'het 1tid iri 'hiss ? "nkss ii{ ..iwe; -u, i centre c ;: , hr t t::=a t ,+.r.ent :~> t,
<br />ankzsugtau*Cb+¢ jti}aTdeuixan ?t2fi:.e irwtrt2.trilsv ua #rs a Dyne. r:.,;;cusag p ~'nC,nq' >L t +.ct t r '+e~ r .atcscst t ~.r
<br />date c+f tuscisxctxt ai the rate px} trautn taxair at• >tra?r =,n rnlt,ta;tdeng p,,.._.[ ., ~. , +a4t; ,'d5 rr.er,a ,.€ r r+:r.+:
<br />ai sat:4 rate cac-usalz'~ bt. i=zsatxu~~ Cis a{~tltt~+ti`ci¢ ?u.w, :rs a:f~~,k: s ~ --=<tt ta.r- .:.,. • _r -s~rcti ,t tfxc *,.zhc'.+t :.qu
<br />$tr'.tiuath7c itoriai apltlicatr~ ~asa.'vtstii;,~g -i<usLa:irzd .n iFis &v.:saSra; h " r. c~ltu,,„ ..,4. -.*ra lac ;a:ay rxp<r.,z+e r.• t.sk.x
<br />nay a,=fi;~ hcteaxii~.
<br />if. Iia#t~terlfeli4. i zirdar may raaler ire rate-zat ic+ tst rr alt re;a z= ti :t +s s z ~tr t -.4""» - _~, i #k-a i : ., ~.
<br />rust 8..trts~ strarl ga~au fft+rrow^ex nutrct ptaer ic= ltesy =u,:h :r'!apra,., a. ~,,;,::t, r ~ --c,r,,•t ~.- ,. ,_.. xe,,,,,•: ,,,E.r ., . , ..,.s
<br />,tatt:.41at7 to tAe iattrGaFriv-
<br />