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80- ~''~ <br />6. If he fails to pap any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee: at <br />its option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum <br />owing on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />form the principal indebtedness. <br />7. Upon regnest of the Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />far the sum ar sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at <br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said Premises, or for taxes or assessments against the <br />same, and foe any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note ar notes shall be secured <br />hereby on a parity tivith and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first <br />descrlbett above. Said supplemental Hate or Hates shall bear interest at the rate Provided for in the prin- <br />cipal indebtedness and shall be. payable in agproximately equal monthly payments far such period as may <br />be agreed upon by the lIi>rtgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum <br />or sums sa advanced shalt lie clue and payable thirty tan) days after demand by the Mortgagee. In no <br />event shall the maturity ex#x.nd beyond 'the ultimate maturity of the Hate first described above. <br />t3. He hereby accigns, transfers and leis over to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the a,ayment of <br />the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms and condi- <br />tions. of this martgage ar the said note, all the rents, revenues and income to be derived £rom the mort- <br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid ;and the Mortgagee <br />shall nave power to appoint any agent or agenks it may desire for the purpose of renting the same and col- <br />lecting file rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of sai3 incomes all necessary commissions and <br />expenses incurred in tenting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance <br />remaining, if any, to be applied toward the dis~:arge of said mortgage indebtedness. <br />9. He all txtntintaouslti' maintain hazard insurance, of such type ar types and amounts as Mortgagee <br />fr~am time to time re~cruire. an the improvements now or hereafter on said premises and except when <br />payment for all such premiums has theretofore been made under (ai of fxa==~cgz~f,h"hereof, wilt pay <br />promptly when e-iue any gmmiunts therefor. L'fpon default thereof. Mortgagee may pay the same. Ail <br />insurance shall be earrit>d in companies approved by the ~s.,rtgagt~e and the policies and rene~t~als thereof <br />shall be held by the _liertgagee and have attached ihemto ios_c payable clauses in favor of and in form <br />acceptatale to the Mortgagee. !n event of loss Mortgagor :till give immediate. notice #ty mail to the Mort- <br />gagee, ~vho tray make grtu?f of toss if not made pntmptly by Mortgagor, and caciz insurance company can- <br />ccrtted is htt?elry authorizer! and directed to make pa3mtent for such loss directly to the `Iortgagee instead <br />of to the '_4ortgagor and the lortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds. or any Part thereof. <br />may tae applied by the Mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured <br />or to the reiteration or ripair cf the property damaged. In e':ent of foreclosure ut this mortgage, or other <br />transfer of title a the trntt:gag~d Prnperiy in extinguishment of the indcbtrde.e•ca >eeur+.~tl hereby, all <br />right, title and interest ref the 'tiartgagnr ita and w anp insurance palici,>s :hen in Faroe sha#i psi, to the <br />gutrhaser ar grantee. <br />t{t. ;ts additiota:tt sod ccallateral s~uriip fc,r The paytneni of ttte note. dc~;;~ r:ucd, ~;ud all sums to ltecatne <br />due under this mot'tgaty,~r•, the ~ldrtgagor hereby assign3 to the ftlorigagec a## lease lxunrr-+es, latrofits, s eE°~ <br />Hues, tx-yaltirs, rights, at;el either lxttehts acertaing to theliet•tgagar nudez any and alt orl <tnd gas leases <br />stow, or daring the tifca of thzz4 mariga~, cxc~aated on said Pa-emises, :rith tlse right to rec;•a'e and receipt <br />for the same attd al+l}l> th,- =t to mid irtdebl;N:iness as :yell i>ifon~ :ts after t'.::sault in the c~anriitions of this <br />:tx+a~ file ~ir,t•tg}rgr~ n=ati dan~nr=. sue far and ati~crver any ;~u~li fuzyanents xhe•n rice autd pay- <br />able, !tut slut!} na,t tx tet;uireri sa to do. '1'l:is assignment is to tet~ninate auil bereatte troll :aril void upon <br />zrlease of tlrv~ mortgage. <br />MI. He snail! nat<cuttatnit ;=r laertt;it taste; anal shall r~niaiu the ptvprtty in as gaud eanditian as at <br />gr~ent; r#,s>~,nsttle gear am; tsar ezc~}3t.~. Uprtn auy faitut•a to sa maintain, 'iiattgagre, at its olrtion, <br />dmy;~taaG reastanable rnaintn~ztanc~e 3rark ttt bo perforntetl aL the cast of ~iartgagr:r. ;1n} atatounrs Paid <br />tlrtrcftsr by ~[mtgy€,sr ;;lilt tzar intet~st at the rate gtY+~itted for in thc~ g,rincipal inu~•Ltt~lni~ss, s},all <br />theaxupun btaocne a }earl s*f the itxlebtetiraess s~~:u'-"ed bu this insiruntant, rauri~i~° unc# vn a purity tiG tih all <br />other indebtednes, soured laerrby, aiid shall rte lacy°able thirty' t~t~l days after ~}emend. <br />;~ If;~ Prentik~, ~:,r any part thereof, lac roudeaatned uauic~r the lzr;:::'r ,,f eitlia7eut domain, r>r <br />acquired for a gutati~ t~=, tln • Ula:atagxa ax~areted, the prcx-erd. for the to tn~ t,f, :,r the tc.n.,elerutiwt for <br />surit ac~rtisitiora, tv t# r ~:x ~z ~== the full amt?ant ?f Y1i~' rtimatn;ng uui ai.l .n,i=~l,tzuttrss scr u~•~•d by r~tis <br />tortgage, ar here.b> :~=,sign«.~,3 to the Tadcrrtgagi~e, and she#1 ix l>~+i:s` ioa~i t, ith t „it_4lortgagrv~. ttz tx <br />ttppli3,~ tart auwut,t t,f tl'a;n ta:t matutarid tnstallnaeuts of such intleLtetlncss. <br />33. if rho ~iar3gagvr faits to nt~t~e azt~' ;~y~z:t~r.ts what du ~ yr tc> tvt.::zrut tc: out'. rantply tcith any <br />of t#t'c ron..i~ors .~° ~~~.~:?~:n~ -~t~a r ~fia mai'iga, or tlae r ~ tam n, hr :.h t securES, than the <br />entire prine:ipal >um star: at-:x•uc;% :tt~erc:st shall let „nu: to;-~.,nte dui :u:rl 1,a~ s!}d, ~~ ttt~. r Ic<tion nt tlt.* <br />W,rtg~gt~c: and zhls testartgi nu> tttcrc.ugetn Lie itrtme.Itate!y rr the : hole of -the, indebted- <br />n=== ltc~tay sertar~•d, itclutliraa; tktti :¢t ;a, r'±'=auiaag the. alrstrn trf ttt:e ftronr tttr tlatx: t this n art- <br />g31, tCi the tiutir of cc~aunx#knerrtg such =fait, a rt;.awnalrle rte>t:ae.} g rte at rt Ant - ;n l,:ai t l,F ih l'eterans <br />Ituantsir~ #on;in sacc•r,uni ref the guaranlu or bt~urunce c,f tht enc.etbtr,r,e;,t ~~.~;~,~°~,:.=t t.r ,-' ttt ra n'ttiel=, <br />Ali trc inciitded ila this ticv eta ref ftrz-c~t~sar,~> <br />I$. II tlae indebtedness sa~alred ltcrctiy tae guarattt~~;i «r iniurac! tut"'er Tint. #s l'nitrtl 4tatcs (,uii, <br />rttich T"ille grad trregvlatit~rtts isath~^l ihau-euaadel-anti ita etf.~ t wn tltc ~lzrtas he. a :af shall },ue ern trot x ry;lt65, rlutxtr~ <br />iittbillti~ of ` lea ti~'~t-l~z'i'i~ anE3 tW,y-1~aY'isians ,3f this tsr t,,thr~ t irtstt tkrn.a4z~ +, scar uzat# fn ~ aznu. a t,r,ra <br />u°ii~a said dndkbt~'dltess vvMtirlt atr~ 3;~Caxe~~cfi.~rti ~'i-ztli said "1`atte r,r lcf~~a_it,ca_< oat? ltcret~}' lintt'-ntlrxl #+., <br />t:talgfcu•m tl-ereo. <br />Tlac atat;~enan2~ hretv,n a~tntaTnt*d shall l,-ind, anti the tatnteftLa Sara? a5lt=auttgc:~s ,~lralt tnu„~ rr~, ts`~c <br />