80- ~~
<br />To HAVE eruct To Horo the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided. Niartgagor represenis to,
<br />and covenants with, the Mnrtgagee, that the lortgagor has good right to sell anti convey said premises;
<br />that they are free from enettmbrance, except as }tereinathcrtr ise recited ;that the Mortgagor wil} warrant
<br />and defend the same against the lawful el<tims of all lxrsans whomsaei,f>r. ;lortgagor hereby relinc{uishes
<br />alI rights of homestead, all marital rights, either in law or in equit}-, and all other contingent interests of
<br />the'lliortgagor in and to the above-described premises.
<br />P'xoVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the fallowing conditions; to
<br />Grit:
<br />Mortgagor agrees to pap to the Mortgagee, ar order, the aforesaid principal sum with interest from date
<br />at dte rate of ten and three faurthsper centum (10.73c1 ter annum on the unpaid balance until paid.
<br />The said principal and internst shall l><'. payable at the office of AssociationaofSLincolnand Loan
<br />in Lincoln, Nebraska , or• at such other place as the holder of the note may designate in
<br />writing delivered or mailed to the 1lortgagar, in monthly inst<vllments of FOUR HLR7DRED Ti,IENTF EIGHT AND
<br />Dollars (~ 42$_ 4 7 ),commencing an the first day of ~.~y , 19 gp ,and ^^ntinuing nn 47 / 100
<br />the ftrst day of each month t.hareafter until said note is fully {acid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final
<br />payment of principal and interest ::hall lx: due and payable on the first dny of 3tzne 1. 2010 ;all
<br />according to the terms of a cr=main 1>ramissory note of even date here~ti•ith executed by the said biartgagor,
<br />The Mortgagor further agrees:
<br />1. He will pay cite indrbt€,9rc-ss, as hernittbefore provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any
<br />time, n'ithouY premium €u- fc~e, the ontire indatrtrachze.s or any part thereof not less than the amount of one
<br />installment, or one hundred doltars ($100-00?, whictever is Icas. Prepayment in full shall be credited on
<br />the date received. Partial prepayment, other than on an installment due date, need not be credited until
<br />the neatt following instalment due date or thirty days otter such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />`?., fiogetlter with, and in addition to, the. tnantl-ily faynonts of princip:°,1 and interst payable under
<br />the #+erma of the note secured hereby, \irtgagor will luiy to Mnrtgagee, as trustee, (under the terms of this
<br />ttrttst as hereinafter stated) on the first day of each month =.:ntil said note is fully paid
<br />{a) ~ sum ~u~ to the ~rreund rants, if sn4°, next sue. plus the premiums that will next became due
<br />and payable ~>r. poi€cies of firt° sod ,~ihcz-r.azard insaranee covering the mortgaged property,
<br />plus taxes and :3ssessmint~s oast tine un iha ntorigaged prepert}- fall as estimated by t}te ;llort-
<br />gax+ee_ and ++f ~ }zieh the 4iot-tgagnr is natifz.~c3 3 lrsss ail sums ah•exdy paid therefor divided by
<br />tha numix r ;~f months io elapse itefe._ > ~~ne month prier to the date sultan suc}t ground rents,
<br />premiuts, taxc-s and assrssm~>nis a~-i}1 In=,c;mt= ,lr:int;Went, such sums to be held by Mnrtgagee
<br />in trust to pa>' said Fraauntl reels. pr€°miums, taz+~_ and specia3 a~?essmenis.
<br />(h) The aggregate==u the an:unt7is {aa3able pars+_zant to subparagraph !<z? and those payable on the
<br />notes sc~utrsl ]tertbv. shrill tx {~iirl i as .~ sittgic {*ayumnt each month, to lte appitet'1 to the fa}low-
<br />ing hams iu the carder' stated
<br />i,1} grttuusi t~nLs, faxes, ~~A sute•nt_c, rice maid eahar harat-sl Insurance premiumss;
<br />(ti) inters°stotnil:enutese€uredh.rra>hv;attd
<br />ltst9 atnir~rteal~un of vhe pritttipal of ::aisl ax>te.
<br />any deticrienav r, tlz~• ann>urat ,-+f :al;} surly sggregatc motlthl~° lsayment shall, unless tnade goad
<br />b; the ~ioriyzteg~;t prior to the dun .titre r,f the next such pacment, caustitute act eceut of default
<br />under ibis nxs3'igage. At 3lrsrtgag;~e's ..~l,ticttt, 1l{,rtgagar will {vay a "late charge' not exceed-
<br />ing fo4r }ice c-etciurtt f-1"~ 1 c+f ttta iastailnte,nf .;9aett I:.aid more than fiftaert t lal day, after [he
<br />dtta date th~t•:<=f iv e~i'<:r ii.e extra ~Axtxratse iu+,,~.vitl in }r=zltdlirtgdc-liuyueatt payments, bui such
<br />"late charge" sna11 naL ue pay.ablz~ ..ul €af i'nr• lrrstc+~rsis s+f any sale made io satisfy the indebted-
<br />nzss sc+~ured hereby, unls~as "urla pt•<K•n~ais ara sutlic~itnt iv iischargr tits entire ittdrbtednrs5 and
<br />all ptxtl.>Nr costs and exile-rrtses arzured thereby.
<br />$. Ii the total of *he payments made #y the ~torLgagor und.:r ta? at paragraph ?preceding shall
<br />exoeeai the amount of pawments acttrallp made bw the wforigagoe, as trusts>e, f`nr ground rents, faxes ansf
<br />asaesiimen#,s or ittauratiee plxtnD.ittms, as the cane maw be, sup h exe:eas shall be credited by the riiortgagee
<br />on wfiaaetiu~ent piaymerrt8 to be made by the'~ortgagor for such items c,r, at Mortgagee's option, as trustee,
<br />shall he refunded to Mortgagor. lf; houeser, such mort"iw ;h:ymruts :hall nut be sufficiant tsr pay such
<br />it+ema vv'hen ~ sate s~httll becotrre dtte .and payable, then the Mortgagor ,;hail pa} to the iliartgagee, as
<br />S~'u>~. arrw~ sa-ourtt necessary to rt:xke up ale': defrciznc•~~ ;citltin iltir#v I~UI tliys alter x'ritten natica fram
<br />tt-e ll[otrtga~+e s#aGng the account ~-xf the clafrv:en.i, tshirir „ctic.~ rsaw :,e Bien bl. mail. ]f at any time
<br />t#Me hEottpg+3a' shall tenda:r to the 4tortgagee, in axcstrdarc€~ m-ith the prurisicns of the note secured
<br />herelrp, fell Wtymetrt of the rsrtire insiel+txeirress r4'pr~'sr7'w'd thereby, t}te ~loa-t~agee, as trustee, sha'+1,
<br />iv a~putirtg the amount of such indetrtelrtess, c~r~€i;-t tv the arwuzsi of the 3,Sartg:.gor any crt<cdit balatrc•
<br />aocamulata>zl under ilte prin'isiort; of t.a) tr# paragrrplt "? ltereaf_ If ihcre shall ice a default under any
<br />of the paroviaiturs, of Shia moz#e trsultitag in a ; ublic sale of t}se {trs:misas covered hereby, ar if t.ite
<br />lioxlar: a:xlttirna the property at3rax-st,+au after des`ault, the_1lartga}n:e, as trustc~, sh:€ll apply, ztt tha
<br />thane oaf the ~~t of tur.Ir pr~occ'edings, ar at the tune the prvper54 is otheru-is as;quired, the
<br />Rmrptut thta rtrm~ti[uti# tro cttiviit the Mottga~tur under ta) :wf paragraph `? pre~~ding, as acrictit-€,t; the
<br />iatcrt:at atxr~i ~ unpaid and the 1„a,Tatt~ tr# the pritreipal tltcn ramaiuinyT unpaid stn said ante.
<br />a. The idrri itf this ittsirztntertt shall r€~nxaitt in :uli'forc~ ,+itd a•flaxt during an; 1tL>sitonc:utera ar exten-
<br />sion nx t3te time of ps,yment c+f rho indeb#edta€.°ss ox ar=,,• pare lhercvr: recut°i°d herrvy .
<br />;i. lie w-i#l pa}' s%i ground reels, loxes, a:iss-~:~x3aGta. rater cart:, tit,d tlaer ;; ,,. r,,.,€x.t„l c+r rnunici-
<br />pal dram frees. csr impasi±iwts, ir~zrt3 ttpcn said premises attu tici+t lie w t11 p:t3 ail t<.ses l~», i+,=i3 upi,r. ihtw
<br />tn91't~i{I(f:,.4kr' rice delr5 .seacurKd iharf:,g, tagettrer tvttla ang ,--,~1,:-. tzxxs;s +.i aavc:.~>ar.{rnici •~~ llictr nt:iF' ins lc~viv+l
<br />ttttder t#ie.lavi~pf'~7r~sls.aagarrtsttltr;lYrsr"=gagse,rt• tla l€y,isi t',. a er ~;f s:c s9 1 rrt:d::{.tar scuf,.a. a a, :tccautit t,t
<br />thiX bti:dtit,+xt~lrt t•.lteti paymc73t fax atl sttcit itxntS ha3 t'x-'~-tt.~f•sri Ix~t~~za rrea~.ie ~tt;dc•r (a) of la;zra-
<br />gralth'~ het~of, sand he a°i;l pr°c;rnpil5" delix-cx chi.: sifl"aciai rt:+a.€13k ,. rc°tc,r is.+ !'r:, ~} ±ty;:tg~~, . ]n ;!r~Fetuli
<br />thers~al the Murlgag:c mad` fray thx° carne.
<br />