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<br />Leatkr's written agrcctttent or applicable ices. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner pt'ovided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant is this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. 1:ntess Horrawer and Lender agree to a[her terms of payment, such <br />amounts shah be payable upon notice €ram Lender io Barrawtr requesting payment thereof. sod shat) hear interest fmm the <br />date of disbtaraetnent at the rate payable ham time to time nn outstanding principal under the Nnte unless pa}mtent of <br />interest of cock rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event serch amounts shall bear inieeest a[ the highest rate <br />permiist'bk under applicable taw. Nothing rnnzained in this paragraph 7 shat! require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />arty action herouttder. <br />1i. {ta*eetlett. Lender may make nr cause to ha made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, prnvide<1 <br />that Lender shall give Horrtxsr-tr ntatict prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause thcufar related to f.endet's <br />inxresr in rite Property. <br />9. CaaiesaaAar. The prisceedx a€ any award er claim for damages, dirut ar rnnxyttentiai. in connection with any <br />condemnation or MFler taking of tht Property, ar part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of candemnatian, arc hereby asrigned <br />and slug be paid to Lander. <br />fn the event of a total raking of the Freperty, tht prex'ceds shat! he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the access, if any, paid to Harrower. In the event of a partial taking of Lhe Property, unless Harrower and [-ender <br />oaherxxzse agtYr in arising, there shall M applied rn the sums secured Ay this Marteage such pmportien rr •he proceeds <br />as is typal to thad praportlon whisk the amount of the sum. stcnred by this Mnrtaage immediately pricer .a the date of <br />takie~ bears to the fair market valor of the Property immtdiatriy prior to the ;late of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to llorrorsmr. <br />if the Property is abandoned by Bamwer, ar if, after natter by Lender to Barrawer that the cnridemnor often to «tate <br />sa aa~and ar settle a claim far damages, Bormwtr faits to respond to tender +vithin ail ricer after tht -daft sttch aorta is <br />mailed. Lender is aenhoriaed rn rnBect and apply ;he pi•acctds, at Lender's aptian, either to rtitoritian or repair of the <br />Property :xr to the sums sr~ttrcd by this Mortgage. <br />L;nlecs Linder and Horrawer Mhtravi c ague in writing, any such application rf prarettts io principal shall nni eattend <br /><v postpant the due date of for taanxhl,: imtailmrn:s referred to in paragraphs 1 and ?hereof or change the amount of <br />stu-h inatai{mrats. <br />71, iareawer Wt Rekaaci. Ettansiort of the time far pacmtai or nzsdificatian of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this INortgagt gnnttd be Lender is anp s»x~,r ;tt imerest of Harrower =halt oat operate to release. in any manner, <br />rite fiabilir}' of the original Horn+~+xatr attd Barrow=tr's suerrxu~rs in intrust. I.endrr shall no[ ire required to commentt <br />luxarttadirtgs agairsst stair sttx~crssor ar refuse is tRtrnd trnir for payment ar otherwise madif}^ amortization of the sums <br />caused by this 17attg:Et by teams+n .,f anp demand made by iht original Barrawrr and Borrower's surcescars in interest. <br />77. Fieiaaeaare ti [cater fiat a Wti~er. any 3artearanee bs i ender in rxemtsing am• tight ar remedy htretmtler, ar <br />ailterxsise atfrrded lac applicable faW, sha?! ttai `rr a waiver ,,t ;,, l,retil:~cle the .~ercisr of ant such rig}tt or remedy <br />'flie pra.-uteatent of insurance ar the pn}meet of saxes <,r raker 3iens , r chargts by 1_rndtr shall oat be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to axrkrate tat taaturity of tae indeisttdness <trctred lsv tti. Af+,rtgare. <br />72. Raaaaiae Ca~aYYtre. Ali renzedtes tamv;ded rn this \fartgnge are distinct acrd cumulative to any other right ar <br />nezttedy tender this !Nartt;agt ar a3Tc*rdcc? h4~ °.an ar c,~uuti. and mny hr e.xeressrd eoracvrrer:tiv, independrnily ar sexctssivrly. <br />13. Haeretrras aced ~aeiPe ~eaitl: lariat aced iexrrai i iaAiyy; faptio~s. The covettams and agrrrments herein <br />rntttatnrd stall laintl. attd rite rufsrs htreundtr shall ,nure sn. the r-specnxr .vrressora rod assigns of Lender and Borrower. <br />sttbFeCi to the provisicxu of Paragraph l7 herr,f. {ll r;3aenants and agtrerttents of Borrewrx shalt be joint and streral. <br />77te iapsicas aced lreadinlts <>f the paragraphs ,'t ahis !.lrtgage art t+x cam'en,tnrr :mlv :end arc nax te, Pre used ro <br />tnterprtt er define the pmvisiatu'icm?f. <br />1i '!Mice. Fataept far any riaxttt stquirrd under applicable tax to ix given an atn?thcr manner, taI anv notice to <br />~Bnttou+ier prx>xideti fat xn this Mtatgagc saaii ire yzti-n h} masliag stu:h nottrc l+y :trttfit+l mats addtesssd to $<vtn~wrr at <br />tilt Pnxpttiy !tddrtas ev at such =Khrr address as Bartrrwrt mat designate by m,tice to lcndtt as pmvialyd herein. and <br />!1sT any taatiot to LesxTet• xhal3 he gtvrn i+y ;~trtifie+i matt, rrtsm recrrFt regtrtstcd. rn I rndtr'+ addrrst sated htrtir. t+r to <br />ctrelt caber address as Lcttdtr may designait l+y srtatirt €;, Harrower as , ravreiesi trtrtrn. An} t~-,zicr pnavided far in ibis <br />]tlxat~a`r seal! lrr dern;cd to !scat Greta givttt tc Botrxawer rQ 5 e_•tdcr when gtvrn in the manner dtsignatad harrin. <br />#~. L!aifarta NMt{~ec Gevsrs•iat; $rxrraiiity. llta term et rnartgagr.catiainex unrfarm ~c ••enaoix far national <br />u~' and non- ci°rsnwri~c ~itit ;trotted -vapia:icu€s by IurreS~:ttoo t. ci-rmtrtvtc a anrtorrn sexurnv t+:sts,rancnt raverin~, <br />teal priytctsy. ~Ilt» 1lo;tEaytr shall nr g+wat~d iw tftr i:sw tf rite 3ur~3ntnun ;.^. w:ti:h the PropenY is IL,eattd. In rlte <br />exrrst that any provrsmn ax clause ~ tltri Nortgattt c+r =,iar N€ate ottflicts xiih appitr.~hle Paw, s:tcli cant}ict yhali not affect <br />prier ptc3vroai~eax a>t ;isleriSage :*r tae '+latr +r>`.r;h son ?ae g,Yt;t ttfat ;s-ithett ;?rt . vnrttlicring provision,. cad to this <br />rau+d tie praxvis~x» at the Maetgagt acrd the 'tiixtc are :xr.{send to tae severable. <br />lti, laeaa!as~r_a Cary. fltxt=rwsr r?•al +~ =_.ttis x _r~:z.u.,.,a; r ay :.-. ;~ '*~ota w~ S t tl:aa MM•tg_gc », thx time <br />rs eatx:utisxa M air4rr trstv~vtiatixtet hrt~f, <br />iT 7:.'rariaa at Its ha/otwr Aaeaa~aias. IC all .>r am t-att of tlx Prtptrt.~ sn rtst#csi titetein is : ski c r t aniferrtd <br />b! Dwxztarr s..itfitwa Latrdet's ~•trtr wri?tra ;xztssrnt. rx,:Iudmp, ta? tltc cmatina of a '=ten or cru:tsutbraac,c subordinate to <br />tiix 1Martgttge4 tbj tlae crcattntt ttf 'a pttn aa+r matte} ;nrxairtix .ntrn'st far laousr#ts~aii ap~tatu-ts„ let a transfer by tkviit, <br />z~treat car t»~ c+peratit>a of ;aw uprrr sac riesth ;af a ,t*•t:nt tenaat x`~r itlt tas grr :t c>f any leasnlx:ld interest ai thsert years or 3ess <br />naa ;^ontatiaritsd as +aptinin to Ptuchaic, Leader rraaay, at Lrtsdtr"s crFur,9z, dre:iare cell rtst sums srv:ur«~tl ray this 4inrtgage to ix <br />ttaiuariately drat: cad pa~aNc. ltnder tltali rave warvrd ttwtr c~taat t.. asriCSata +'. Fries to the sale at tranaftr. tender <br />erd tiss PCtttott sax sioart the Pnryttnv as to be ao:i ,rat traanttrrtd rGat: airrertFttt:t its xr4taat~ :hat Iht ur tit of stx.h pcisan <br />sc aattafaresar}° cep ~ cad tlsai tie i;3trtzaa }acey :sn rite c-:ten. secures! ry rizas ~fartgage kha#i ht at stts:a rate a: Lender <br />aiaa& t+atieyt. tf f.srdor )xtu Waived tba ~,~icxn t+7 arur3eratr p+t~sa,itd ;:s ribs paragrapa 's7 card tf Haxrawtr's succts,nr in <br />hash a xisittES afar: ~; a~-°~ it Frt~ Y- I_=~r„cs: Lrrsdcr „eta€; ,-;~ Byrrst,+rr €r~t ail <br />ttiitpriiom wader tin, >tfoY.gatr aced tie N~ <br />ff 3.erdrF r:ttrw°tsee sarCi::a}st+csa t[a a;;rlraatr, I.r~tslrr sisal; nsail 33orrer+ser rua~F-r sE acxlerattoa en aecxdatfc-e with <br />~ 2g tatrc.~sf~ Such t~aiI pr~~ie a pcricxt :rf nzf [aces t ~ +^iaya f r,xxa the date the nolizr is mailed within <br />xvhtc)s lxxtutaatt mal pay ibe strata dec,'utcd drat. if H±krr~wer Gals ra pay s:.~b s~.rr.'rs , r,~>x az+ the txP; of such pcriuci, <br />L.etatif:t may. w7tlsnt}t frarther rtatitsr or ~ ~ istxresxtr_ :svttkx say errrrrlte. pcrmrtttd try Paragraph iS irraa~f. <br />N;~!c-~wtt~raw Cttti'~r~:;.stTS. Bonawxr art6 l.ssier iurthta ccaWtn.aat an3 agree as tnlls+srr. <br />ll llsgioYtr, >iraaeife~ Fiss~t art ltswliai i• ~ararra/i i3 huaatt, >~ lneruwrPa Mraci of ay rortaawl or <br />nPigartal cell llaeaawa It• rim . lacirtiiat tic twxrattath b fay rata lice cry ~ secffrrsd by rile Ne[twfe. <br />Lltliila'~lir as aGasiataliaer itW affri ffttft4iite tr Mrevaftt r prrevified is pargrit~i t• ieaeert aPaclfy'~: fil tic bfteaci: <br />ill is ac~Mt ea~tti!si M Chat +tac#1 istearbi iSt a fIMR cwt ifatti ttYM 3tl tiaya franc tie fleet tie aetkc L frailer tb larrawrr, <br />by rlii~ arittcit ifeaac~ aml is s+ay~e art i=1 tlat fitllare a rv~te ++s i ireari a ar tiNers tit dMr ,fPetifMtl iw tie antics <br />~' eaaaM i ~r u[ tree wrei eertail by iii Martyr, farncirprr h jrikiiai }evfneawtirtR aced rate d the Prarerty. <br />14 rtiliee if1~ ftstftiar tierce ~N at trite riRift w rrisWalt a4er an•elerMiafa aced tic rtpat to assn is tie farealaeare <br />~wt!wiTr1{ t#fr ~ rr! a AeRafdt ae airy edhar fklftaxfe of Marewrra to ~ a d fasriaeurea u tic lareaci <br />i alrl rand ar ar MMree Ilte /~Re i~ecirAaftl lice tie agNes, tsaite at l,eaier`a asrliw aukY derlars aY of tie swfr srrfarsd iy <br />tl4ilt ~ tit 1tn ctrl MgniMte +eirliart farrier tteeaaexi rid aux [aterlawn 6y jrik: tai Prtac+tsdirr, finder <br />altlfil lra.arrrrt- r cfrrait i tMrl 7 aril sxpntea si fereclecase. hnrbdiab, bait cat Gaettrd icy rnt- of deramfeMary <br />awi~ar[fa tittl~ d~e.ra~MIL <br />1R lrsarwak's Mies ace ~aisefaata. :ratotWStttfaaexlrryt lsefaier's ,:;:t3rrat~?n :af the ,urns sc,.arrcd !at rho ~iortgagr. <br />$f1Yt'{i~keS ~l tie ~Ir # ~ ~iittC ittt~ t"~€'CS'Ed?ss~s ~~it bj f.iuti~x t;~ c°ac ~~Y this t*4€:i:jiaga •tahc~rtc3~mnd i<t m~}~ t«;,u <br />