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30-- ~~ <br />Uattposty Cos~ty rats. Borrower and Leader cuvenant and agree as follows: <br />1, lhpweN-ot iRitelpl alai IMaeress, Borrower shaft pn:mptly pay when dui the principal of and interest on the <br />iadt~dneas tvidtncevi by tht l~Iote, ptepxymtnt amt late chatg¢s as provided iu the Fate, and the principal of and intetssx <br />ttst ~tY Estate :4dvattnes secttrtul 6g• tyis Mortgage. <br />2. Paa4 tear Trans ttttti lttrataare. Subject to appticat±lt taw or to a written waivtr by i.ender„ Harrower shall pay <br />to 7~.a)der on the day rttottthty imtxHrnents of principal :nd tnteres: arc payable under tht Nate, until the Mote is paid in full, <br />a rata {l+ex'ein "FttndE"1 tgssal to nnrtwttittt u€ the ?early tarts and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mert~ige, and ground rents on the Ptolterry. if arty. plus erne-twrlfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurartcs, <br />p~a'ote-tsetfth ref' yzarlY premium ittstallrrtntts for mattgagc lnsnra,ttt:e, sf any, a!1 as reasonably rct#mated initially and fmm <br />tints tatisrte M' I.ettder on the basis of asxsamen:s aril Fills and reasnnahte estimates thereof. <br />'The Ftmdsahall Ix Ssldt-n an iastitttttan the ct4"PtM?t$ ar accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal tar <br />state--agt+ttp (iitclnti%itg: i.ertdtr of i,etxkr is axtc;s arx irtstieutian ). Lender shad apply lye f~ttatds tar pap said taxes. assessments, <br />iaaeNattei pttemhutts and ground rents. I.tnder may not charge for sa Holding and apptsing the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />or vstitying aorf campiling said asstssxnears asul hills, unless Lender pa}~s Borrower intetes: on the Funds and applicabk taw <br />perattia Leader to soaks sttth a charge. Harrower and teadsr eras agrcc in writing at the time of txecntion of this <br />Ialcxtpgt terse interest on the Funds tercel ire paid zo Bam:wer, and artiest suet[ agrcetnent is marls ar applicable law <br />iptrtitts stscA intatat xo be paid. l.ettder snail nest l!t rtquirtd t+s pay Batrswtr any interest or earnings on the F' -sfs. Lettdtr <br />yll/N giv's to Hprnatser, witttaut ..barge, ar, annual axottmang o[ lye Funds sttowsng credits and dtlsits to the funds and tht <br />parpase for whi::h cacti dtbit to tht farads was madt_ 1"lae Fonds are pi~igsd as adttitianal stcurixy for tht sums sectretd <br />by lets iNertpge. <br />It the amauat cat the Funds held by t.ttsdtr, tu{tttltcr with the future mtttatF#y tnstaliments of Funds payable prior to <br />the doe dattea of taxes. as»sxrnsttts, itssura:sce prsrnstm+s and gra>.und rcnu, shall accetd tht amrntnt required to pay said tarts. <br />xpa~aH. iaturartct aremiuma and grouztd rents as tht}^ tat! due. suclx zxca-ss shalt ht, at Borrawtr'a rption, either <br />prcatprlr repaid to Borrower ar cstaitcd za 8urrawer an me+ath#p ,nstaiitxtents of funds. Sf the smount of the Funds <br />ht:id by t,eader shill tat lee sit ro guy taxes, asressrraents_ tnsun_ttcc ;+tetnwms astd ground rents as ttrtp fall due. <br />Bcamsrtrshaii pay in t.eadtr say atttormr ute>=essarr t.; ;Haze up zht cStftcurn+'r watht:r l{} Jars tram ztte dais rtouct is tttailai <br />b3' Lmdv m Borrrsts'er rt~xtmxiasg paptr~raz zhereoa. <br />tTpna paytasnt ra Ertel of all sa>ms ttcurixt Fy thac 'ttarapagt. 7.tnder ,,stall prompt#}` refund to Bornzwer any Funds <br />htid ~ l.xndsr. it under paragtapti iE Fextat rite ?naptts} ;. arF;d :>r slur f trfcny rr .~thttwtst acgt:vrrd by t.ttx3er. Linder <br />sirQZ appr'y. ~ ;~ tom. rte.= l.; „s n, . n ;:an sue:. pn~~::s' ,_ ;~>~t~t~ _ _ >~~lcr. a_as~ l~unxls bled by <br />ttadez au. the that of applieataxt as a credo agasnu the sums seeurtd by snasAii~rtgage. s <br />,l, ,t~giitaraita d htytaatat tuiitss app#scabit law prc..tases :-,thtruKe. xii paymrnts racetred b}' 1..ettdtr under tht <br />Neat attd y aragrapAa : and w tasreoa s2tadi tee appesrad br #.indcr first :.^. {~avantni ;zf amoiutts payable to l.endtr by Borrower <br />lmdst partt~rapt+. hetsol. thaat trx anrttest ;-a}a',ak an tlae wale, .hEn t::r thr ptrnipai ci list Note, and tFtn tr, interest and <br />pr~apal tart atty~ Future zidwamces.. <br />i. ~ #.~. Bc~owscs it'se3x pay all aas~. az-a~n~ >axi ;v#sc::;ktart;ts. ftucz ern! sr,'tpasitxonx aanaotabte to <br />t~ i'ttt}+lrxy` which racy attain a prtvrray over trait iCvngagt, and iustlra*#d ,sat'srarnU ::r grsxurtd tents, rt any. m its[ mantser <br />'rr'e"itisd para~raplt ~ S~snxu e?i. s; its pard a» stn.'k manrx:r.. ~? Sc+rn~wrs mx%ang payment, s.~lrera dui. s!it>:ctty m tht <br />payee t_ Boexr7wer shat[ p•oa:psrg futnsst3 ti+ i._epaer ail as:3ara.~ <t asrn:.anty due under ihax paraKraph. amt is fire event <br />Bottt+sesr s}xali stt+sltt pa}rrrssrx w-^sii?i. 33+.'>:-rower ~ha+3 rrr.Rt,^.et} turrnh ?a l.ensier -rr:-e:pis csrdtncsng sua:h ;SS}~ments. <br />Barr3a+«sr aaii }^nctdptly ~lfatae any seen -r;`,t,:h .ys ~.r.+tx+tt <,+er ~ ,-ss blartgalt:.. ; rt:+'er.Ytd. e?~,at Berrruwtr .hall nrn #x <br />:at~arcd to draa~sarye spy' a'atCft lsce s<.: dig as Bc~r's~wet-a?sati a~rrc ws ~tztsns ?,~ t.'re payysatnt o; [tai ;.+h'sagxu<n srxurtd by <br />s:,~! list sit a mrumr acccptaisk to l etnitt, :a w3aa3i nfl a~;s3at i atFla x ~tcst stxA i+cn fist +ar ~3-'..find c~nt;,mcatttnt of st+~h !'ern en. <br />tae pmatasdts3p vrtua'dt a~{suaac to pxtsxnt 3t cnls~n`tmcnt csi :tic ;,tn ter £arYSaturr +~! tht f'r.~fxny ,.s any i,att t#rcrtaf. <br />S. Igaaara-lwMVaakrt, Bo:rsst*er sbari 3:sa-p itae rnt;rns~ettwns, :-,rw ;•nsstmg i•. t+carazter rsriscat on tht l'rr~perty stuuttd <br />items Say fir[: haxazsis ts~euded wN#trrs ,tile t>:•rm ~ r>rtrxiEd cn.eragr_ :rttd aav`tz c~ttatt Esaexa~tt< s+ Lsntitr nu3y reyuata <br />read itt start aRt[w.ttts # tar; lxtrwda :xs I.txtatt:r matt xccausac, ;'~ra•*~cdr-r1. tnat t r::ta~z shah raafl rryurtr ttaaz €zte -utnrxurst ut <br />s~trt;3t :a.+*.trr~s ta:."txti twat ::atastzr.¥ sd -cwt€srtc =rgLaa-ri3 ic, ;^xa the ~:utsa 4ai: :t h. ;h t >ta;rt tt;age. <br />Y1ts roatttatnt>`arsitr pta-+~aa~iarg she snnsattasnce sYaia t+e cbs~u try ssnrnt as appal»xi h+ 3 ersrier; oro+tded, <br />tl!W 511Ch ;~ X~1lY =fin t+e x~nr'etErtO..:atal ~7rlt iii `~rCdE}?irt:f~ i=i9 L`t]xsi nrta:f } t=tti:143 ~hAEi :?E i?Sn: :r, £!it in85itMr <br />prortdai tttrisr pstta~ltxph 3 Aire! 4 rs;_ rt r?:x f an a:w:zs rnartrter h; 8.rrerwtr raai;tng paymrnt.:s#atn du..frrratiy to the <br />~i€13aae- <br />~i[ ia+ttx°aaact pcdtt~ie a_nd raoatwrds thta~~r ¢ ~ io tarts= w;r}t..hie e.s i ess.f~:a a_ad stall :n,:,'=tilt a >tnn.]axra ssaost;;agtc <br />:-iti~-%A 3twsp t-~, zwS m fig ax+rpiablc t~ Lcar_ istniei -.hall €sa~r~ t rsgfrt t=, =-~st rho gu~;n.ees..,aa rs-trewt€~, th>rsatit_ <br />li c3a_it prsmg}ty ssrr>ue6 tar Lecairr fti rtr`scrs~ ncw:x`u a~t;i al's rcts;•st .x: t'~*x i.trcrzrsutxs. tr rise ~^rent .si 3as;. <br />~~ i~ a~z.~ to 3:x at~:;a~:.~ t,sr=. , ~.a ' !. :r. !.ester -_-~.) ~.~ r ~; , : s tt r.cst t*sade pnunptis <br />~tscawcx, <br />lkasl~rs Lsattdet earl 9arrtas,tr i~IMC.t+.s~e a;ref •ra «r'-sung, ,rratrtasa4~ Jar=r:c+e+ta s5aS4 Sac' a,p7tcu as .[xtutatxan s•r tepa;t of <br />tbt Prupsa%+? ~ pit»,dad .rt:.h :t'<atfratwm .at :tprur tz c,; "e.rwiue aed 'tit ~urxt} <of !tin 1lrrrtge~e ::* <br />t#~ Zlty ~- ~.# - " '~ ;sFY@s+t'a:.,~t:. ES [r~+air t~ a3.iE t:.~i:+a~4u2ta:k3' st°itut~.i +,4 t tttt s:r~.. ur iiti c:!: L*Iis lftlrtgx~t u~t7utid <br />Eta sta~auasS.. tl,a arawrrax~r. ~ea.~ao:is rises ;+t ~ t,* ±he s;u€xs s~:s:sell .'++ toss N<rtgge, -~..tia afar Cl.a"sS, i1 ;tn., tsaxd <br />by ,~aati~er_ lt. Sets ~Tt,'tpsit~- zt. rtsaar.,*;:c. t~, ltsarrawt:4, ,.e :S .4tostrwcr fs=4s a,y tzapu»r: _,> ir~r.iicr s~sstyasa Sts dada irunt sere <br />slats; mtspc as ;ttaiittat b! lra~rs .::~ t?u; :,.. c, sort asst xrs><aazrt~'.i .rstsrr ~bles> :.+ rettfe ~ ,.'trim i.+r .r=.surau4c z~acd"rte, 9.cn3cr <br />s .art-`.aRq[ s,. ~.~st.7 aa4 ap~ti :sic -,s¥sxa:.e~ pacrcxec?a ac 3.ersser'a L=~a ~ c^~4hta tc, rrssas~atw=r, <sx rt:_puiar ;;s rise Ptopert} <br />;rt' tai r36 atnloM tsw::trrest $N- tala- >giY:. ~r:r efitL t;2 ,: z's,`tl`a ai +llinii flak ¢>,ICEtt <br />lPasisyS L>ad ls~,asets mules=wax ,"~ rtx i-"t`nkk- ar?~ F ape+tis.:nt~zt ~:t a. p' <br />~ she tSau less ¥+ruratttY= tt'attxt:meatixr rrttrzti ass xa p+ttati:r'e i ~~:i Z tat~.i,e,,t ,et «hatfg:: the atas:sunt a.=i <br />!# : r`~ »:t¥~::: arse pits :a .•.:uc+t ~x ;.~:r. a ~ ragtss.. alit alts a;:tE-teas :*t ttarra,ssct <br />to aa0 to eta tarsrsrtax pcri'r t,'aes.~ssut sa aewi.:v ~hz p^t a~.vcsta ?iurrv3 rtauitagg +r,~rsx -datss.~, ¢_, itte Ptvper=> pracu ic.:?sr aai.: <br />x'Yt. :.,stair r"a~ :~+^ i.xttdG ;aa >~4 c = i +- &3t faaa¢s x«xa~ra,i r+. *haa ~,li,;'i,~r~+e ~:ratx~dtstei} prtca: . 4ch uut cr <br />. <br />~ lasnstKaliaa. erg MaiaRtarlMCat cal .Phtg+atty- 1„eataa~wSHS t~~s t'lasaetd t:tsit tka~elsywncau. ff~3rmurs <br />tercel ~ xltt P'r+isyr.Ttr sa rt~iau erred .sha:E coat ::attsnts 'uasae r xrrart :mis:~rrsb~sut yr dttetxrttauern ,3{ rise lsraspc-ras <br />xttd s#¥a~t ~t w;~S.R t3s€ yuuvts>dei; „+f ut~ is=+tast :# t2tt3 Y1sar;g:~g.. a eta ~ ^+:..stis:°iu. ti exrrs Slut;,: r ::art :n .. <br />t'et a Y-auned stc:;t elrist_ iktt.e=x~ u.u }+r-~ ~a'r=ta ail ::~a Burs;swef_ a=c;i;g&F;sau ,srasira znt ,ics,i;iratton <br />;:~- s: ~restril~ :~ gSr;ciz tftt r-.*rdt-trrtsrrxs~stz :<r ;banned a: .at i&.+r:k+purent. tht l?t-leas ctrl :wg ,isu=,n: .2 she <br />teal s+t peas,-a~atl t;~ Ctisstltsru- «uru5 ~E`rre',cyt ;hscnzrxaesua if s ,Getx,SCauarsta:nx .,r a-o~nirCil ,.,~.. =..+rtr•,txnersz <br />td~t is rsspk+~ei by 1iWer~s;r attd r~orkci :<~ethe; wa'; :tits ~l,tttgagr.. ;~sr :.3.czcant. ~:tar: ngrccttxc:ata , : asu:tr ;;Jt: <br />settle bas~pcadsd .M4 std st+tail uttttttd +tsY sappsrzrtectE :~ .sc.sar'ats atx:s agt£•crssriritt ,:t then 4tcxrtgaae av .a tirr n,3ct <br />*:prs_x }tali ~. <br />7. l5t~easr>otgt tJ lsarira'sr aaiatsn4tg, It lea::n>*a>rr -x,..< err xr>;xm ?art .ts+cnaa:s ,:c-..! agxteaa?enaa -irtaurztd ;+, testa <br />rg ,r f- ~ic),::;a:~.:': Pr:+.'.tli ,s ;:ifasg~;s;;eti wStialt nurerral) :.:~i,. : , .,;ra r -uudv~•~st tis tkxe p•,=pct't). <br />;., ear,. ;:r..;`c:! t. ss~rratsR dp,~ta~, :gal'=ewe, ,_ a,.,r«ttrx«•sti..._, .. rats , `t's~ti~-a~:itnaa . ,.si•sng a <br />'~ini#? eir .9a:_.Sta:. `?aer l."oi ,pt 1 caT's ;fa^v~axn, is ,t cs:.t~..: },r. -=x. ,,,wl.a ~ asaxx,es. ;s,ss~trs: sacra <br />fix, €al;t >srla ..,:~ru es 3s ~'~-~tt eta prxs.: i.~:-K : ; c=wt- -s4 u,1:;~, a, - rn ,•..§ a.,, d:.~asrtescxtut .t <br />"s <br />Via. staa}xasy`s tam z~.d csxr. sxptrn the "es.+~i- ,~ n.. ;{>a-. It i.cfleles _ -~f:ai;r a. v~s .... .r, :. <br />:: ~ ati~. t?a '..,xhr tYS-sara4: 's±s, slias ~.i:.,,-p„F.:. Il,:r. .,.~4; .~a:_ t';s z c~csa~ t .. ry.... EJ s:> - -:a x ,,: .,rs9r <br />i; ~ ? d,~..a unw +a h,e "~'#Has~ctara€r tar s.,a_ ;tsutx y;,nrr -rv~x;ax;tt<e .. v'. trc}a.-_s eidz tic, r•r.+=z ~ ..3.,3 <br />