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80,-~'25~2 <br />Lenders written agreement or applicable few. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums +n the <br />manner pmvided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amrnmts d'esbarsed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest [hereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Harrower and }.ender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall rte payable tipan ttaticc' from Lender to Harrower requesting payment thereof, and shall brat interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such cafe wou}d be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall hear interest at the highest rate <br />ptrtnissible under applicable taw. Nothing contained m this paragraph "I shall require }.ender to incur any expense ar take <br />any action hereunder. <br />B, ita~eeNow. i_ender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Pmper[y, provided <br />that Lender shalt give Harrower notice prior m any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />inures; in the Praptrty. <br />4. C.endemnaNew. 't7te prrxeeds a€ any award ar claim for damages, direct ar consequential, in connection -with- any <br />condemnafion or other takin¢ of the Property, or part thereof, ar far conveyance in lieu of rondemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall he paid to Isndtr- <br />in the evert[ of a [Mai taking of the Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with the excess, if any, paid ro Horrow'er- In the event c+f a partial caking of the Property, unless Rarmw'er and Lender <br />otherwise egret in +xriting, there sha31 M applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage Bach proportion ~ he proceeds <br />as is equal to that proporlian which the amount of the sums secured by this \iortgaec immediately prior to the date of <br />taking blurs io the fair market a•shte of the Froptrtv immediately prior to the date pf taking, with the kalanee of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />ff the Property is abandattad by Borrower, ar if, after notice by f-ender to Harrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. &~rmwer fails to respond to Lender within 3Q daya after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Leader is authorized to cal#eci and apply the proceeds, at Ixnder's option, either to rectaration ar repair of the <br />Proptrt} ar to ahe sums secured ia}' this '.ltorteage. <br />Unless Lender and Harrower otherwise agree in writing, anc• such application of pmceeds to principal shall not extend <br />ru pnapane tier due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and _' hereof ar change the amamt of <br />strch mstaltments. <br />18, -larsorrer \Pt 1Rekated, Exttnsrvon of the time far payment or modification of amoriitation of the sums stcuttd <br />by this Mortgage granted ley I~ndeT ut one stretessar in }merest of Rarrrnvtr shat} oat operate to release, in any manner, <br />tfrt diabifiiv of the na? Harraxt<~e, and B_-:.:+.w~=; s ~:zss.,:, i - <br />.-'-~-- n int-- t:.. ;.cnd2r ~h all nisi u- ~garirsr~ ti, cammeri2~ <br />pm:-eeditrgs against such succcssar or rofttse to extend~time for payment or mhercvist modify amotttzation of the sums <br />soured M• this Ma:tgage by reason of am' demand made i,v eke oricrost Borrower and Borrower's succeccars in interest. <br />1 f. ForAeanace by Lester \ot a Raiser. 1nu~ fanc~arancc by 1 ender in cxerisine am• right or remedy hereunder. ar <br />attxtwise aiTnrded ha• applicable law, sha33 na: I,e a waia•tr ,~* gar preclude the c.xerrise of anc such right ar remedy- <br />'f}ae prtx-uremtm caf inst>rarr or the payment ~,f =aces or atker':tem .+r charges i,y i.rnder ;hall oat t>r a w~aivtr of Lender's <br />right to acmieraxe the mazurin~ of the indet,tednev .carted M• this .l cirtgage. <br />72 Ruaedits Cuedatiat• .113 tr`rttedies p n,;ded :n ?his '~fo.^.,agC ::rr .fistinct and .umuiatice to any other right or <br />rertataly under tta:s Mortg er atfarded b-. !aw ,,.* rya:[}'. ,nd m.c t,c, seers td concurreatiy. iadependenth• ar stteccssivety. <br />13. S~stessees aai At~~ Brwed: 7oirri atad Seaetal l.ialn7ity: Capaotu. "R,e cevrnants and agrtemrnts herein <br />catttained siral3 hind, and the rights kereundtr shah ;nvrt it-. t?;e respernve ,ucctss.^.n and assigns of Lender and Barmiver. <br />suititcq to the praa~sions of paragrnpk 3? i*xr:af- .13t covenants and L¢teements of Borrow°er ska0 he faint and several. <br />The :-options and tttadings of the paragrapks t,f this Mortgage err for rma-en:ere „ni~~ ::nd arc oat to `:,e .:sed to <br />imtrprtt or dcSnt the provisions tsert'at. <br />la- '-\elite. E.c~t'pi fnr any nattza as^q*.tiard :rrrkr appiicait#t law t;, he l-tven :n aaatber manner. (n) any notice to <br />Harsowatr pravtdtd far an this Mortgage sitaf# he .ttcn ht maiiinz ,urh nat,,;c :,}~ :crttficd mats :addressed to Borrower at <br />ttte Pmptrtv .gddress or at suck ~htr addtrsa ;cs B,:rmwrr matt dessgnatt by nr,tice i~, ixnder as provided herein, and <br />1t*t app zaau.e tx, Lcatdtt strait tae g;vets hti ;ertifzt.: mail, retvm rrrcapt rcquc*ted. e.u !ender', address seated herein oc to <br />suck ,sthtr adtitcss as Under may desienatc 6v n<tfcc tc~ Rotr.~wrr as pratzdrd ?,teem :1nv notice nraa=idcd f,ar in this <br />Mnt;gart skull tat deemed to hate taterr gr.tr_ to Harta,wcr ;x 3 ender sat,tn gnzn in the manrxr desictsated herein. <br />f5. L?tritaxra NntlRaEe: Go+ner>ai~ f.aat: Starrrrb~lt. I'?xa term „f xaerxgage rnmhines ,antform ct+t~e;.a=sts for national <br />arses and roan-undarm cova:nanas with lamtaeu e-enatsnns #a~ ,ter=,tiv~t:rxn it c-tntstituxe a ttnefotm sCCtrritj" instrumrni cat°ering <br />'cal lir,pt-rfi'. -T?rv, !Nr+'tg8gt ,Fa"tl 'tae .iezfned i ?he 'a'.r ,,. ,ire .~ri.tli:tron rn ahici: t?te Ptolrcrtt• :: S;xaterl. in the <br />et~tnt thzt snI• -,-arcav~rs€an ,>r ~i~x~>e ,.>tt the A!z*rtgsgc ,'s nc~ ~.~tc t.,n:i4cs HStI: ~pplirahle tau•. sxr.h rontitci ,ha13 not afft`t <br />a3laer prinx5ir?ns ,,f thrs !dartgage .;T ;ht V-+3c wh,:1+ _an E+c ;:,sett efie:t a ,hat;[ :'.v' t.,ni7ttsny ;,rorisi;.an. :sy,i ttt this <br />end ttrt pra,..siii+=~ _t'f ;hc Mcir'x_a$e ,tear she 'a,~e are .str,ared *..+ i~ti Ktraiatc. <br />If. 3Mreawer's L:ury, Horraawet ska31 i•c ft.rr,+.#aed a :.pal.*rr.,z.t ~.*nv ,,t the tiers ~.t},i ,. y 'tfert,'.,ge at she tmtt <br />v= exccutx-an w offer ;n;a>3tfatian htre<,f. <br />it. '!'etrae(tt er[ fire lka'etfy; A-tiuwpinw. It alt ,*r nni ,atz o+i the pn,perta rr an tntecest t'X'ietrt t; ,said nr transftrtesi <br />by ~Barraswmr w~iijrarut Letwies's pria~T wrsttT=, c.ata>en?. exe;tr-0iing aa~ the .re..,ndrm ,,i ~_ i;tea tv encuribrao-e sslaardinate to <br />'then !Mrarx~~e> rf,# the creati'oa of a puraha5e mc,.nzi sc.s#tx cruet r>t €.,r ix,;=~hoid apt 9aan: c;. +ct iran,izt by devise, <br />d~erH >. ir5• optratton of~ 3aw upcan iht aieaih ,,f > >.s+nt :i'na:t; .ir :. :. ,. .... . , .. <br />-. - Lend[ net T! lr dr-~ ,pr dr-,see ,,:? •hc : nt- s ,.ttcd ;,a ;tats i4 rtpage t., lee <br />tturredi;.tt3y [Sue grad payable. S.r7der sit.,.it brae ,`><+.ed - ~„ ,ep,.an ., .n.:;rirr..~ir :. ;?vr ,the ~:;lc of tt,tn>fer. i ender <br />..~ ~~ . <br />,:rut the t+es, at whturr the $rzeptrq~ is to be sold ~ ~r tr~ co-ierrrd r acts _~TC +m. - _, -.a.t,, , .._ credit , , ,~:h ~rsan <br />is snuisf~te~} =. I-rmi±er erKl that ?te tG,.~ z. a-+1.^ <r iMd S ~,..r~uted ht . r .SutayaEL ha;l~ l i;h 1 i . i enriCT <br />s;.'taii reyutst If i_ratfer tress acre ed tkc .+Ft n ;o'er. ,,; ided ~ tot. ;+ att.,:.h ,a~ai ~ e~iarr .x c~ -... u><cc:snr :n <br />::rttrtxt ~s tctr+:ttd a s~au7s,n asaiun}t:an aFrrx;tera a . a,ta : ; ..; at.+s,t :sc 3. -tier. i cn ter -t;a„ eciea.c Rora.,><er front all <br />a~n±cr»s .stadtr this Mortgage attd ttx ~i'+LL•, <br />Sf Irs«der tzer:asti star;a i;tarecn to aaxxc3era:c_ l c:a.iei .hat r:,at ts.: rr,?o~x ~-,attcc , . .._- ..., ..,;s ,.. ..~~.~rdana ',<tth <br />pau"."~'isph ?: htrc:,.'. i:eh ru~t~t shai3 pra,a.3t :, ,,cry 'i n.,s -_ ...,.- ~ -a. '- .: ~s;3 ', ,Y~,z ~tht „ ..., .~:cucd uith:n <br />~=strrch Ba=sr<,t,.rtr ma}' pa: the s,;ms dtr.arCJ drx. if 73crco+er is , . ,, . . <br />- -'tn. ~~. - - ac ~ - ~ - s p..viad. <br />L'•=sdtt:izay, »xTitSr,n;i iurri~r n:xr:;. cr ciemanC.,r k:~.r;.>a.,.:,,...-c ,r~; .a.., ,i,+_s ;>..r;t-t 7 -., ,,s ., ..i }- ~vi,t. <br />!titr?:_L'e:t-a',iis# Ctn~s:~.tsrs i3,-rrt: a•4r ct3:t Len:fer iurixu cam!. rtw.r..,xi :,~;rc+ ac ;--?'iota'a <br />1i` ,~e+rtateratia0; Rt'-~jeit+ ~esri eta }wt'csidcd in pu~r.{rh S7~ trtrey,t. srpr.a Bursar cr'.d #iu~s•;ach ut au} coaeuanf ur <br />aBt~arc`+4 d ligrnra*,ex is titir Nea>ta~e 3aiirrdieg tie ruFtrtitb[s m pad- wilco due :rn. 3ants xcuted tai this ~furytaQr. <br />}X+1~tt ~ !~ ~crdet~ipe attiirt to Sr,rruw-rr zn yaus~~1 iu paragraph t9 bereuf speeif?ting: i I # the breath: <br />!~! the at#rra «~afre~ ~ errrte wrt'b Lreaci; tat a date. rant ften }Man ~d tisYs front tbs data tlrc »{atiac is ntaiiral to $a+rrpNer. <br />~Y' ~aM:i irsac! s>rtt Yt ~tarf~ add (~) list f+rN7rwt to curt such hreu h nn qr .helots the data apecihcxi is the rwrire <br />..y rtarrit is actt3erriipa ref Ure scats +aectutd A„ ttp~a '-irart~aYr, fureckwure b; judicial prat tedirsy, and salt of the i"rutarrt}. <br />'ttt ttetice tMafi haflrrt i~(tarw iarrower of tit riKJ9tt to rrtnsYatt after accriernts"oa and iht riy6t to uwrt in the furertusurc <br />M>rrett~rtr Qlt. rapttrtaiYlterct oat a dttlirtrit w' aa} wiArr deftrrst of Bureuwet to aceeteratura arsd for.--alrrseare. It the kreash <br />is eel carted step ut hefure tLt +4pt >~rsrilitti ie rice tsuritt, Trader at i.endti s upturn rtta,} dectart all r f the ;urtrs srrurt;d bs <br />tiit!t3att to 6e ita~rtdiaid) dirt and ttaralait wytbrtut further drmartd and rrra} f+>rccl:e:r by judredai prrrcrrdirtR. I ender <br />siadt 4 entiiird to coHea't is such pruatedHt~ ~1 caprrats rs# fartcknure, inrtadirrw, 1+ut nut tiueittA t ,, ce,vf> r+f du: umrutar} <br />triiertct, aksirasts clad diic rtpurts. <br />]~. >{rrtatiw~t!°s Bid ra RtI'wstatt= y, ~ itt,sts.;k r s t ::s,de'~ .-,. ,.r.c,., .. - . ss ,..,~, ,., 4t ~; it,:~, <br />Rssrr-+s~r s.'razti iz3rre tt~ ti~st .a, h;~ .c env ,+t ::-r~LSii..~.~, 'at~.ut= h~. i . „ t ...: kr<, ~! _. -~,..., , ,,-- <br />